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Interview Questions and Answers for 'Ciena' - 4 question(s) found - Order By Newest

Frequently asked question for intermediate developers. Frequently asked in HCL Technologies and EPAM.
  Q1. What is Volatile keyword used for ?Core Java
Ans. Volatile is a declaration that a variable can be accessed by multiple threads and hence shouldnt be cached.

  Sample Code for volatile

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   synchronization   volatile   java keywords     Asked in 42 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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Frequently asked to fresh graduates.
 Q2. What are the difference between Threads and Processes ?Operating System
Ans. 1. when an OS wants to start running program it creates new process means a process is a program that is currently executing and every process has at least one thread running within it.
2). A thread is a path of code execution in the program, which has its own local variables, program counter(pointer to current execution being executed) and lifetime.
3. When the JavaVirtual Machine (JavaVM, or just VM) is started by the operating system, a new process is created. Within that process, many threads can be created.
4. Consider an example : when you open Microsoft word in your OS and you check your task manger then you can see this running program as a process. now when you write something in opened word document, then it performs more than one work at same time like it checks for the correct spelling, it formats the word you enter , so within that process ( word) , due to different path execution(thread) all different works are done at same time.
5. Within a process , every thread has independent path of execution but there may be situation where two threads can interfere with each other then concurrency and deadlock come is picture.
6. like two process can communicate ( ex:u open an word document and file explorer and on word document you drag and drop another another file from file explorer), same way two threads can also communicate with each other and communication with two threads is relatively low.
7. Every thread in java is created and controlled by unique object of java.lang.Thread class.
8. prior to jdk 1.5, there were lack in support of asynchronous programming in java, so in that case it was considered that thread makes the runtime environment asynchronous and allow different task to perform concurrently.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   operating system   threads   processes     Asked in 2 Companies        frequent

 Q3. Have you ever had any conflict with the team member (like disagreement on some design decision ) and How you reacted to it ? General
Ans. [Open Ended Answer]

This is a very sensitive question and should be dealt with caution. Just simply saying that you never had any disagreement will present you as dumb team member. Showing your self as too aggressive in such decisions will present you as a trouble maker. You should present a situation where you had an argument / disagreement but eventually you and your team mates mutually found a way out of it.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve          Asked in 20 Companies      basic

Frequently asked in face to face interviews.
  Q4. Write a program to print fibonacci series.Core Java
Ans. int count = 15;
int[] fibonacci = new int[count];
fibonacci[0] = 0;
fibonacci[1] = 1;
for(int x=2; x < count; x++){
fibonacci[x] = fibonacci[x-1] + fibonacci[x-2];

for(int x=0; x< count; x++){
System.out.print(fibonacci[x] + " ");

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     ebay   fibonacci series     Asked in 66 Companies      basic        frequent

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