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Interview Questions and Answers for 'Quickr' - 3 question(s) found - Order By Newest

Basic and Very Frequently asked.
  Q1. What is Polymorphism in Java ?Core Java
Ans. Polymorphism means the condition of occurring in several different forms.

Polymorphism in Java is achieved in two manners

1. Static polymorphism is the polymorphic resolution identified at compile time and is achieved through function overloading whereas

2. Dynamic polymorphism is the polymorphic resolution identified at runtime and is achieved through method overriding.

  Sample Code for overloading

  Sample Code for overriding

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     polymorphism  object oriented programming (oops)  oops concepts  oops concepts     Asked in 108 Companies      Basic        frequent

Try 2 Question(s) Test

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  What are points to consider in terms of access modifier when we are overriding any method?
 If everything is an object , Cant we declare every object as

Object obj = new String();
 Why do we need polymorphism in Java ?
 How does java identifies which method to be called in method overriding or runtime polymorphism, when both methods share the same name and signature ?
  Shouldn't we make a class with all static members is its just expected to be executed as a standalone program with just one thread. Moreover Lets assume that there is no runtime Polymorphism required and there is no need for serialization ?
  Is this Polymorphism ?

Map<String, List<String>> inventoryManagerCountMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
  When are static and instance methods resolved ? During compile time or Runtime ?
  Which of the following is not the difference between Singleton and Static class ( Class with static members only ) ?
 Which of the following do you think is the primary reason you would never use a static class even the application doesn't need multiple requests or threads ?

a. Serialization
b. Runtime Polymorphism
c. Lazy Loading
d. Memory

  Q2. Write a method to check if input String is Palindrome?Core Java
Ans. private static boolean isPalindrome(String str) {

if (str == null)
return false;

StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(str);


return strBuilder.toString().equals(str);


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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   string   stringbuilder   stringbuilder   string class   code   palindrome     Asked in 38 Companies      Basic        frequent

Related Questions

  Which keyword is used to provide explicit access of a code block to single thread ?

a. Transient
b. Final
c. Explicit
d. Synchronized
  How does volatile affect code optimization by compiler?
  Will this code give error if i try to add two heterogeneous elements in the arraylist. ? and Why ?
 What is the difference between the following two code lines ?

1. new OuterClass().new InnerClass();

2. new OuterClass.InnerClass();
  Which String class does not override the equals() and hashCode() methods, inheriting them directly from class Object?
 If arrays cannot be resized , Why is this code valid

String[] strArray = new String[2];
strArray = new String[5];
  Will the static block be executed in the following code ? Why ?
  If you are given a choice to implement the code to either Insert a Record or Update if already exist, Which approach will you follow ?
  Which of the following is not the advantage of Mocking frameworks ?
  How can we make sure that a code segment gets executed even in case of uncatched exceptions ?

Frequently asked in face to face interviews.
  Q3. Write a program to print fibonacci series.Core Java
Ans. int count = 15;
int[] fibonacci = new int[count];
fibonacci[0] = 0;
fibonacci[1] = 1;
for(int x=2; x < count; x++){
fibonacci[x] = fibonacci[x-1] + fibonacci[x-2];

for(int x=0; x< count; x++){
System.out.print(fibonacci[x] + " ");

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     ebay   fibonacci series     Asked in 66 Companies      basic        frequent

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  What is a Sequence File?
 What different level of logging you use while coding ?
 Have you ever encoded the response before sending it back from the service? If Yes , Which encoding was used ?
 What are the different type of encoding you have used ?
 How does encoding affect using Reader / writer classes or Stream classes in Java ?
 What is the difference between html encoding and url encoding ?
 Does spaces get's encoded in html encoding ?

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