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Unix Commands/Scripts for '#AWS' - 18 Commands/Scripts found

 Sample 1. Get a list of files within AWS S3 bucket

aws s3 ls s3://<bucketName>

Example -

aws s3 ls s3://myBucket/bucket

   Like      Feedback     aws s3  aws storage  amazon cloud storage  amazon s3  list files within aws s3  aws storage  amazon cloud storage  amazon s3

 Sample 2. Start an EC2 instance using AWS CLI

aws ec2 start-instances --instance-id=<EC2_INSTANCE_ID>

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 Sample 3. Install AWS CLI on Linux / ubuntu

sudo apt-get install awscli

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 Sample 4. Run df command ( check disk space usage ) using AWS CLI on AWS EC2 instance

Usage -

aws ssm send-command --document-name "AWS-RunPowerShellScript" --parameters commands=["df -a"] --targets "Key=instanceids,Values=<instanceId>"

Example -

aws ssm send-command --document-name "AWS-RunPowerShellScript" --parameters commands=["df -a"] --targets "Key=instanceids,Values= i-0981d8456ffd18wcb"

   Like      Feedback     aws cli  aws ssm  aws ssm send-command  check disk space usage on AWS instanc

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 Sample 5. Get Summary / List of files recursively from an S3 bucket

aws s3 ls s3://mybucket --recursive --human-readable --summarize

   Like      Feedback     amazon aws s3  aws storage  amazon cloud storage  amazon s3

 Sample 6. Get Elastic Beanstalk / EC2 instance information using instance name

aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=<ELASTIC_BEANSTALK_INSTANCE_NAME>"

   Like      Feedback     AWS  Amazon AWS  AWS CLI  describe-instances  Amazon EC2

 Sample 7. Get List of AWS Configuration

aws configure list

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 Sample 8. Writes a single data record into an Amazon Kinesis stream

aws kinesis put-record --stream-name <STREAM_NAME> --partition-key <PARTITION_KEY> --data <DATA>

   Like      Feedback     Amazon AWS  AWS  Amazon Kinesis Stream  aws kinesis put-record  aws kinesis   put single record in amazon Kinesis

 Sample 9. Get all Tag information for EC2 instance using instance name

aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=<ELASTIC_BEANSTALK_INSTANCE_NAME>" | grep "TAGS"

   Like      Feedback     AWS  Amazon AWS  AWS CLI  describe-instances  Amazon EC2

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 Sample 10. Install AWS CLI ( Amazon Web Service Command Line Interface ) using brew

brew install awscli

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 Sample 11. Get information about a particular replication group

aws describe-replication-groups --replication-group-id <REPLICATION_GROUP_ID> --output text

   Like      Feedback     AWS  Amazon AWS  AWS CLI  describe-replication-groups

 Sample 12. Get Private IP address of a EC2 / Beanstalk instance using AWS CLI

aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=<ELASTIC_BEANSTALK_INSTANCE_NAME>" | grep "PRIVATEIPADDRESSES"

   Like      Feedback     AWS  Amazon AWS  AWS CLI  describe-instances  Amazon EC2

 Sample 13. Check if AWS is installed

which aws

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 Sample 14. Check if AWS has been configured properly

aws configure list | egrep "access_key|secret_key|region" | wc -l

Count of 3 means configured correctly

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 Sample 15. Stop an EC2 instance through AWS CLI

aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-id=<EC2_INSTANCE_ID>

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 Sample 16. Set a Redis field value using key and field name

or Add a new Field to a Redis Key

HSET <Key> <field> <value>

   Like      Feedback     Redis  AWS

 Sample 17. Connect to Redis using Redis CLI

redis-cli -c -h <Redis End Point> -p <Port>

   Like      Feedback     Redis  aws

 Sample 18. Checking EC2 metainformation

curl http://<EC2_IP>/latest/meta-data

   Like      Feedback     Amazon Web Services (AWS)  Aws ec2

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