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# Classes and Interfaces in #JFreeChart - 617 results found.
AbstractAnnotationAn abstract implementation of the Annotation interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners.Classorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
AbstractBlockA convenience class for creating new classes that implement the Block interface.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
AbstractCategoryItemLabelGeneratorA base class that can be used to create a label or tooltip generator that can be assigned to aClassorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
AbstractCategoryItemRendererAn abstract base class that you can use to implement a new CategoryItemRenderer.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
AbstractDatasetAn abstract implementation of the Dataset interface, containing a mechanism for registering change
AbstractDialLayerA base class that can be used to implement a DialLayer.Classorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
AbstractIntervalXYDatasetAn base class that you can use to create new implementations of the IntervalXYDataset
AbstractMouseHandlerFXA base class that can be used to implement the MouseHandlerFX THE API FOR THIS CLASS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN FUTURE RELEASES.Classorg.jfree.chart.fx.interactionJFreeChart
AbstractOverlayA base class for implementing overlays for a ChartPanel.Classorg.jfree.chart.panelJFreeChart
AbstractPieItemLabelGeneratorA base class used for generating pie chart item labels.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
AbstractPieLabelDistributorA base class for handling the distribution of pie section labels.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
AbstractRendererBase class providing common services for renderers.Classorg.jfree.chart.rendererJFreeChart
AbstractSeriesDatasetAn abstract implementation of the SeriesDataset interface, containing a mechanism for registering change
AbstractXYAnnotationThe interface that must be supported by annotations that are to be added toSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
AbstractXYDatasetAn base class that you can use to create new implementations of the XYDataset
AbstractXYItemLabelGeneratorA base class for creating item label generators.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
AbstractXYItemRendererA base class that can be used to create new XYItemRendererSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
AbstractXYZDatasetAn base class that you can use to create new implementations of the XYZDataset
AnchorHandlerFXHandles mouse clicks on the ChartCanvas by updating the anchor and redrawing the chart.Classorg.jfree.chart.fx.interactionJFreeChart
AnnotationThe base interface for annotations.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
AnnotationChangeEventAn event that can be forwarded to any AnnotationChangeListener to signal a change to an Annotation.Classorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
AnnotationChangeListenerThe interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to an Annotation.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
ArcDialFrameA standard frame for the DialPlot class.Classorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
AreaRendererA category item renderer that draws area charts.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
AreaRendererEndTypeAn enumeration of the 'end types' for an area renderer.Classorg.jfree.chart.rendererJFreeChart
ArrangementAn object that is responsible for arranging a collection of Blocks within a BlockContainer.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
ArrowNeedleA needle in the shape of an arrow.Classorg.jfree.chart.needleJFreeChart
AttrStringUtilsSome AttributedString utilities.Classorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
AxisThe base class for all axes in JFreeChart.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
AxisChangeEventA change event that encapsulates information about a change to an axis.Classorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
AxisChangeListenerThe interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to an axis.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
AxisCollectionA collection of axes that have been assigned to the TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT or RIGHT of a chart.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
AxisEntityA class that captures information about an Axis belonging to a Since:1.Classorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
AxisLabelLocationUsed to indicate the location of an axis label.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
AxisLocationUsed to indicate the location of an axis on a 2D plot, prior to knowing the orientation of the plot.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
AxisSpaceA record that contains the space required at each edge of a plot.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
AxisStateInstances of this class are used to carry state information for an axis during the drawing process.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
BarChartDemo1A simple demonstration application showing how to create a bar chart.Classorg.jfree.chart.demoJFreeChart
BarChartFXDemo1A demo showing the display of JFreeChart within a JavaFX application.Classorg.jfree.chart.fx.demoJFreeChart
BarPainterThe interface for plugin painter for the BarRenderer class.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
BarRendererA CategoryItemRenderer that draws individual data items as bars.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
BarRenderer3DA renderer for bars with a 3D effect, for use with the CategoryPlot class.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
BlockA block is an arbitrary item that can be drawn (in Java2D space) within a rectangular area, has a preferred size, and can be arranged by anInterfaceorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
BlockBorderA border for a block.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
BlockContainerA container for a collection of Block objects.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
BlockFrameA block frame is a type of border that can be drawn around the outside of any AbstractBlock.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
BlockParamsA standard parameter object that can be passed to the draw() method defined by the Block class.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
BorderArrangementAn arrangement manager that lays out blocks in a similar way to Swing's BorderLayout class.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
BoxAndWhiskerCalculatorA utility class that calculates the mean, median, quartiles Q1 and Q3, plus a list of outlier
BoxAndWhiskerCategoryDatasetA category dataset that defines various medians, outliers and an average value for each
BoxAndWhiskerItemRepresents one data item within a box-and-whisker
BoxAndWhiskerRendererA box-and-whisker renderer.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
BoxAndWhiskerToolTipGeneratorAn item label generator for plots that use data from a BoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
BoxAndWhiskerXYDatasetAn interface that defines data in the form of (x, max, min, average, median) Example: JFreeChart uses this interface to obtain data for
BoxAndWhiskerXYToolTipGeneratorAn item label generator for plots that use data from a BoxAndWhiskerXYDataset.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
BubbleXYItemLabelGeneratorAn item label generator defined for use with the XYBubbleRenderer class, or any other class that uses an XYZDataset.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
CandlestickRendererA renderer that draws candlesticks on an XYPlot (requires a OHLCDataset).Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
CategoryAnchorUsed to indicate one of three positions within a category: START, MIDDLE and END.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
CategoryAnnotationThe interface that must be supported by annotations that are to be added to a CategoryPlot.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
CategoryAxisAn axis that displays categories.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
CategoryAxis3DAn axis that displays categories and has a 3D effect.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
CategoryCrosshairStateRepresents state information for the crosshairs in a CategoryPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
CategoryDatasetThe interface for a dataset with one or more series, and values associated The categories are represented by Comparable instance, with
CategoryDatasetHandlerA SAX handler for reading a CategoryDataset from an XML
CategoryItemEntityA chart entity that represents one item within a category plot.Classorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
CategoryItemLabelGeneratorA category item label generator is an object that can be assigned to a CategoryItemRenderer and thatInterfaceorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
CategoryItemRendererA plug-in object that is used by the CategoryPlot class to display individual data items from a CategoryDataset.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
CategoryItemRendererStateAn object that retains temporary state information for a CategoryItemRenderer.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
CategoryLabelEntityAn entity to represent the labels on a CategoryAxis.Classorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
CategoryLabelPositionThe attributes that control the position of the labels for the categories on a CategoryAxis.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
CategoryLabelPositionsRecords the label positions for a category axis.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
CategoryLabelWidthTypeRepresents the width types for a category label.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
CategoryLineAnnotationA line annotation that can be placed on a CategoryPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
CategoryMarkerA marker for a category.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
CategoryPlotA general plotting class that uses data from a CategoryDataset and renders each data item using a CategoryItemRenderer.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
CategoryPointerAnnotationAn arrow and label that can be placed on a CategoryPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
CategoryRangeInfoAn interface that can (optionally) be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum
CategorySeriesHandlerA handler for reading a series for a category
CategorySeriesLabelGeneratorA generator that creates labels for the series in a CategoryDataset.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
CategoryStepRendererA step renderer similar to XYStepRenderer but that can be used with the CategoryPlot class.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
CategoryTableXYDatasetAn implementation variant of the TableXYDataset where every series shares the same x-values (required for generating stacked area charts)
CategoryTextAnnotationA text annotation that can be placed on a CategoryPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
CategoryTickA tick for a CategoryAxis.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
CategoryToolTipGeneratorA category tool tip generator is an object that can be assigned to a CategoryItemRenderer and thatInterfaceorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
CategoryToPieDatasetA PieDataset implementation that obtains its data from one row or column of a
CategoryURLGeneratorA URL generator for items in a CategoryDataset.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.urlsJFreeChart
CenterArrangementArranges a block in the center of its container.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
CenterTextModeThe mode for the center text on a RingPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
ChartCanvasA canvas for displaying a JFreeChart in JavaFX.Classorg.jfree.chart.fxJFreeChart
ChartChangeEventA change event that encapsulates information about a change to a chart.Classorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
ChartChangeEventTypeDefines tokens used to indicate an event type.Classorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
ChartChangeListenerThe interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of chart events.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
ChartColorClass to extend the number of Colors available to the charts.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
ChartDeleterUsed for deleting charts from the temporary directory when the users sessionSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.servletJFreeChart
ChartEditorA chart editor is typically a JComponent containing a user interface for modifying the properties of a chart.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.editorJFreeChart
ChartEditorFactoryA factory for creating new ChartEditor instances.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.editorJFreeChart
ChartEditorManagerThe central point for obtaining ChartEditor instances for editing charts.Classorg.jfree.chart.editorJFreeChart
ChartEntityA class that captures information about some component of a chart (a bar,See Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
ChartFrameA frame for displaying a chart.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
ChartHintsSpecial rendering hints that can be used internally by JFreeChart or by specialised implementations of the Graphics2D API.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
ChartMouseEventA mouse event for a chart that is displayed in a ChartPanel.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
ChartMouseEventFXA mouse event for a chart that is displayed in a (JavaFX) Since:1.Classorg.jfree.chart.fx.interactionJFreeChart
ChartMouseListenerThe interface that must be implemented by classes that wish to receive ChartMouseEvent notifications from a ChartPanel.Interfaceorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
ChartMouseListenerFXA mouse listener that can receive event notifications from a (JavaFX) ChartViewer instance.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.fx.interactionJFreeChart
ChartPanelA Swing GUI component for displaying a JFreeChart object.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
ChartProgressEventAn event that contains information about the drawing progress of a chart.Classorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
ChartProgressListenerThe interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of chart progress events.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
ChartRenderingInfoA structure for storing rendering information from one call to the JFreeChart.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
ChartThemeA ChartTheme a class that can apply a style or 'theme' to a chart.Interfaceorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
ChartTransferableA class used to represent a chart on the clipboard.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
ChartUtilitiesA collection of utility methods for JFreeChart.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
ChartViewerA control for displaying a JFreeChart in JavaFX (embeds a ChartCanvas, adds drag zooming and provides a popup menu for exportClassorg.jfree.chart.fxJFreeChart
ChartViewerSkinA default skin for the ChartViewer control.Classorg.jfree.chart.fxJFreeChart
ClipPathThis class would typically be used with a ContourPlot.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
CloneUtilsUtilities for cloning.Classorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
ClusteredXYBarRendererAn extension of XYBarRenderer that displays bars for different series values at the same x next to each other.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
ColorBlockA block that is filled with a single color.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
ColorPaletteDefines palette used by ContourPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
ColumnArrangementArranges blocks in a column layout.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
CombinationDatasetInterface that describes the new methods that any combined dataset needs to
CombinedDatasetThis class can combine instances of XYDataset, OHLCDataset and IntervalXYDataset together exposing the union of all the
CombinedDomainCategoryPlotA combined category plot where the domain axis is shared.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
CombinedDomainXYPlotAn extension of XYPlot that contains multiple subplots that share a common domain axis.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
CombinedRangeCategoryPlotA combined category plot where the range axis is shared.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
CombinedRangeXYPlotAn extension of XYPlot that contains multiple subplots that share aSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
ComparableObjectItemRepresents one (Comparable, Object) data item for use in a ComparableObjectSeries.Classorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
ComparableObjectSeriesA (possibly ordered) list of (Comparable, Object) data items.Classorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
CompassFormatA formatter that displays numbers as directions.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
CompassPlotA specialised plot that draws a compass to indicate a direction based on the value from a ValueDataset.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
CompositeTitleA title that contains multiple titles within a BlockContainer.Classorg.jfree.chart.titleJFreeChart
ContourDatasetThe interface through which JFreeChart obtains data in the form of (x, y, z) items - used for XY and XYZ
ContourEntityRepresents an item on a contour chart.Classorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
ContourPlotA class for creating shaded contours.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
ContourPlotUtilitiesSome utility methods for the ContourPlot class.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
ContourValuePlotAn interface defining methods related to contour plots.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
CrosshairA crosshair for display on a plot.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
CrosshairLabelGeneratorA label generator for crosshairs.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
CrosshairOverlayAn overlay for a ChartPanel that draws crosshairs on a plot.Classorg.jfree.chart.panelJFreeChart
CrosshairStateMaintains state information about crosshairs on a plot between successive calls to the renderer's draw method.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
CSVA utility class for reading CategoryDataset data from a CSV
CustomCategoryURLGeneratorA custom URL generator.Classorg.jfree.chart.urlsJFreeChart
CustomPieURLGeneratorA custom URL generator for pie charts.Classorg.jfree.chart.urlsJFreeChart
CustomXYToolTipGeneratorA tool tip generator that stores custom tooltips.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
CustomXYURLGeneratorA custom URL generator.Classorg.jfree.chart.urlsJFreeChart
CyclicNumberAxisThis class extends NumberAxis and handles cycling.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
CyclicXYItemRendererThe Cyclic XY item renderer is specially designed to handle cyclic axis.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
DataPackageResourcesA resource bundle that stores all the items that might need
DataPackageResources_deA resource bundle that stores all the items that might need
DataPackageResources_esA resource bundle that stores all the items that might need
DataPackageResources_frA resource bundle that stores all the items that might need
DataPackageResources_plA resource bundle that stores all the items that might need
DataPackageResources_ruA resource bundle that stores all the items that might need
DatasetThe base interface for data
DatasetChangeEventA change event that encapsulates information about a change to a
DatasetChangeListenerThe interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to a
DatasetGroupA class that is used to group datasets (currently not used for any specificSee Also:Serialized
DatasetReaderA utility class for reading datasets from
DatasetRenderingOrderDefines the tokens that indicate the rendering order for datasets in aSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
DatasetTagsConstants for the tags that identify the elements in the XML
DatasetUtilitiesA collection of useful static methods relating to
DataUtilitiesUtility methods for use with some of the data classes (but not the datasets, see DatasetUtilities).Classorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
DateAxisThe base class for axes that display dates.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
DateRangeA range specified in terms of two
DateTickA tick used by the DateAxis class.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
DateTickMarkPositionUsed to indicate the required position of tick marks on a date axis relative to the underlying time period.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
DateTickUnitA tick unit for use by subclasses of DateAxis.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
DateTickUnitTypeAn enumeration of the unit types for a DateTickUnit instance.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
DateTitleA chart title that displays the date.Classorg.jfree.chart.titleJFreeChart
DayRepresents a single day in the range 1-Jan-1900 to
DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDatasetA convenience class that provides a default implementation of the BoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset
DefaultBoxAndWhiskerXYDatasetA simple implementation of the BoxAndWhiskerXYDataset
DefaultCategoryDatasetA default implementation of the CategoryDataset
DefaultCategoryItemRendererA default renderer for the CategoryPlot class.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
DefaultChartEditorFactoryA default implementation of the ChartEditorFactory interface.Classorg.jfree.chart.editorJFreeChart
DefaultContourDatasetA convenience class that provides a default implementation of the ContourDataset
DefaultDrawingSupplierA default implementation of the DrawingSupplier interface.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
DefaultHeatMapDatasetA default implementation of the HeatMapDataset
DefaultHighLowDatasetA simple implementation of the OHLCDataset
DefaultIntervalCategoryDatasetA convenience class that provides a default implementation of the IntervalCategoryDataset
DefaultIntervalXYDatasetA dataset that defines a range (interval) for both the x-values and the
DefaultKeyedValueA (key, value) pair.Classorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
DefaultKeyedValueDatasetA default implementation of the KeyedValueDataset
DefaultKeyedValuesAn ordered list of (key, value) items.Classorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
DefaultKeyedValues2DA data structure that stores zero, one or many values, where each value is associated with two keys (a 'row' key and a 'column' key).Classorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
DefaultKeyedValues2DDatasetA default implementation of the KeyedValues2DDataset
DefaultKeyedValuesDatasetA default implementation of the KeyedValuesDataset
DefaultLogAxisEditorA panel for editing properties of a LogAxis.Classorg.jfree.chart.editorJFreeChart
DefaultMultiValueCategoryDatasetA category dataset that defines multiple values for each
DefaultOHLCDatasetA simple implementation of the OHLCDataset
DefaultPieDatasetA default implementation of the PieDataset
DefaultPolarItemRendererA renderer that can be used with the PolarPlot class.Classorg.jfree.chart.rendererJFreeChart
DefaultPolarPlotEditorA panel for editing the properties of a PolarPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.editorJFreeChart
DefaultShadowGeneratorA default implementation of the ShadowGenerator interface, based on post by Romain Guy.Classorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
DefaultStatisticalCategoryDatasetA convenience class that provides a default implementation of the StatisticalCategoryDataset
DefaultTableXYDatasetAn XYDataset where every series shares the same x-values (required for generating stacked area charts)
DefaultValueDatasetA dataset that stores a single value (that is possibly null)
DefaultWindDatasetA default implementation of the WindDataset
DefaultXYDatasetA default implementation of the XYDataset interface that stores data values in arrays of double
DefaultXYItemRendererA default renderer for the XYPlot class.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
DefaultXYZDatasetA default implementation of the XYZDataset interface that stores data values in arrays of double
DeviationRendererA specialised subclass of the XYLineAndShapeRenderer that requires an IntervalXYDataset and represents the y-interval by shading anClassorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
DialBackgroundA regular dial layer that can be used to draw the background for a dial.Classorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
DialCapA regular dial layer that can be used to draw a cap over the center of the dial (the base of the dial pointer(s)).Classorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
DialFrameA dial frame is the face plate for a dial plot - it is always drawn last.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
DialLayerA dial layer draws itself within a reference frame.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
DialLayerChangeEventAn event that can be forwarded to any DialLayerChangeListener to signal a change to a DialLayer.Classorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
DialLayerChangeListenerThe interface via which an object is notified of changes to a DialLayer.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
DialPlotA dial plot composed of user-definable layers.Classorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
DialPointerA base class for the pointer in a DialPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
DialScaleA dial scale is a specialised layer that has the ability to convert data values into angles.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
DialShapeUsed to indicate the background shape for aSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
DialTextAnnotationA text annotation for a DialPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
DialValueIndicatorA value indicator for a DialPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
DirectionalGradientPaintTransformerTransforms a GradientPaint to range over the width of a target shape.Classorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
DispatchHandlerFXHandles mouse move and click events on the ChartCanvas by dispatching ChartMouseEventFX events to listeners that are Classorg.jfree.chart.fx.interactionJFreeChart
DisplayChartServlet used for streaming charts to the client browser from the temporary directory.Classorg.jfree.chart.servletJFreeChart
DomainInfoAn interface (optional) that can be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum values.Interfaceorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
DomainOrderUsed to indicate sorting order if any (ascending, descending or none).Classorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
DrawableLegendItemThis class contains a single legend item along with position details for drawing the item on a particular chart.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
DrawingSupplierA supplier of Paint, Stroke and Shape objects for use by plots and renderers.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
DynamicDriveToolTipTagFragmentGeneratorGenerates tooltips using the Dynamic Drive DHTML Tip Message library (http://www.Classorg.jfree.chart.imagemapJFreeChart
DynamicTimeSeriesCollection Like FastTimeSeriesCollection, this class is a functional replacement for JFreeChart's TimeSeriesCollection _and_ TimeSeries
Effect3DAn interface that should be implemented by renderers that use a 3D effect.Interfaceorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
EmptyBlockAn empty block with a fixed size.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
EncoderUtilA collection of utility methods for encoding images and returning them as a byte[] or writing them directly to an OutputStream.Classorg.jfree.chart.encodersJFreeChart
EntityBlockParamsAn interface that is used by the draw() method of some Block implementations to determine whether or not to generate entities for theInterfaceorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
EntityBlockResultProvides access to the EntityCollection generated when a block isReturns the entity collection.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
EntityCollectionThis interface defines the methods used to access an ordered list of ChartEntity objects.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
ExportUtilsUtility functions for exporting charts to SVG and PDF format.Classorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
ExtendedCategoryAxisAn extended version of the CategoryAxis class that supports sublabels on the axis.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
FastScatterPlotA fast scatter plot.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
FixedMillisecondWrapper for a
FlowArrangementArranges blocks in a flow layout.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
Function2DA function of the form y = f(x)
FXGraphics2DA Graphics2D implementation that writes to a JavaFX Canvas.Classorg.jfree.chart.fxJFreeChart
GanttCategoryDatasetAn extension of the IntervalCategoryDataset interface that adds support for multiple
GanttRendererA renderer for simple Gantt charts.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
GradientBarPainterAn implementation of the BarPainter interface that uses several gradient fills to enrich the appearance of the bars.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
GradientXYBarPainterAn implementation of the XYBarPainter interface that uses several gradient fills to enrich the appearance of the bars.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
GrayPaintScaleA paint scale that returns shades of gray.Classorg.jfree.chart.rendererJFreeChart
GreyPaletteA grey color palette.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
GridArrangementArranges blocks in a grid within their container.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
GroupedStackedBarRendererA renderer that draws stacked bars within groups.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
HashUtilitiesSome utility methods for calculating hash codes.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
HeatMapDatasetA dataset that represents a rectangular grid of (x, y, z)
HeatMapUtilitiesA utility class for the
HexNumberFormatA custom number formatter that formats numbers as hexadecimal strings.Classorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
HighLowItemLabelGeneratorA standard item label generator for plots that use data from a See Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
HighLowRendererA renderer that draws high/low/open/close markers on an XYPlot (requires a OHLCDataset).Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
HistogramBinA bin for the HistogramDataset
HistogramDatasetA dataset that can be used for creating
HistogramTypeA class for creating constants to represent the histogram
HMSNumberFormatA custom number formatter that formats numbers (in seconds) as HH:MM:SS.Classorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
HourRepresents an hour in a specific
ImageEncoderInterface for abstracting different types of image encoders.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.encodersJFreeChart
ImageFormatInterface used for referencing different image formats.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.encodersJFreeChart
ImageMapUtilitiesCollection of utility methods related to producing image maps.Classorg.jfree.chart.imagemapJFreeChart
ImageTitleA chart title that displays an image.Classorg.jfree.chart.titleJFreeChart
IntervalBarRendererA renderer that handles the drawing of bars for a bar plot where each bar has a high and low value.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
IntervalCategoryDatasetA category dataset that defines a value range for each series/category
IntervalCategoryItemLabelGeneratorA label generator for plots that use data from an IntervalCategoryDataset.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
IntervalCategoryToolTipGeneratorA tooltip generator for plots that use data from an IntervalCategoryDataset.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
IntervalMarkerRepresents an interval to be highlighted in some way.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
IntervalXYDatasetAn extension of the XYDataset interface that allows an x-interval and a y-interval to be
IntervalXYDelegateA delegate that handles the specification or automatic calculation of the interval surrounding the x-values in a
IntervalXYItemLabelGeneratorAn item label generator for datasets that implement the IntervalXYDataset interface.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
IntervalXYZDatasetAn extension of the XYZDataset interface that allows a range of data to be defined for any of the X values, the Y values, and the Z
ItemHandlerA handler for reading key-value
ItemLabelAnchorAn enumeration of the positions that a value label can take, relative to an item in a CategoryPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
ItemLabelPositionThe attributes that control the position of the label for each data item on a chart.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
JDBCCategoryDatasetA CategoryDataset implementation over a database JDBC result
JDBCPieDatasetA PieDataset that reads data from a database via
JDBCXYDatasetThis class provides an XYDataset implementation over a database JDBC result
JFreeChartA chart class implemented using the Java 2D APIs.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
JFreeChartEntityA class that captures information about an entire chart.Classorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
JFreeChartResourcesLocalised resources for JFreeChart.Classorg.jfree.chart.resourcesJFreeChart
JThermometerAn initial quick and dirty.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
KeyedObjectA (key, object) pair.Classorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
KeyedObjectsA collection of (key, object) pairs.Classorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
KeyedObjects2DA data structure that stores zero, one or many objects, where each object is associated with two keys (a 'row' key and a 'column' key).Classorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
KeyedValueA (key, value) pair.Interfaceorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
KeyedValueComparatorA utility class that can compare and order two KeyedValue instances and sort them into ascending or descending order by key or by value.Classorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
KeyedValueComparatorTypeUsed to indicate the type of a KeyedValueComparator : 'by key' orSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
KeyedValueDatasetA dataset containing a single
KeyedValuesAn ordered list of (key, value) items where the keys are unique andReturns the index for a given key.Interfaceorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
KeyedValues2DAn extension of the Values2D interface where a unique key is associated with the row and column indices.Interfaceorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
KeyedValues2DDatasetA dataset containing (key, value) data
KeyedValuesDatasetA dataset containing (key, value) data
KeyHandlerA SAX handler for reading a
KeypointPNGEncoderAdapterAdapter class for the Keypoint PNG Encoder.Classorg.jfree.chart.encodersJFreeChart
KeyToGroupMapA class that maps keys (instances of Comparable) to groups.Classorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
LabelBlockA block containing a label.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
LayeredBarRendererA CategoryItemRenderer that represents data using bars which are superimposed.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
LegendGraphicThe graphical item within a legend item.Classorg.jfree.chart.titleJFreeChart
LegendItemA temporary storage object for recording the properties of a legend item, without any consideration for layout issues.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
LegendItemBlockContainerA container that holds all the pieces of a single legend item.Classorg.jfree.chart.titleJFreeChart
LegendItemCollectionA collection of legend items.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
LegendItemEntityAn entity that represents an item within a legend.Classorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
LegendItemSourceA source of legend items.Interfaceorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
LegendRenderingOrderRepresents the order for rendering legend items.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
LegendTitleA chart title that displays a legend for the data in the chart.Classorg.jfree.chart.titleJFreeChart
LengthConstraintTypeDefines tokens used to indicate a length constraint type.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
LevelRendererA CategoryItemRenderer that draws individual data items as horizontal lines, spaced in the same way as bars in a bar chart.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
LineAndShapeRendererA renderer that draws shapes for each data item, and lines between data items (for use with the CategoryPlot class).Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
LineBorderA line border for any AbstractBlock.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
LineFunction2DA function in the form y = a +
LineNeedleA needle that is represented by a line.Classorg.jfree.chart.needleJFreeChart
LineRenderer3DA line renderer with a 3D effect.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
LineUtilitiesSome utility methods for Line2D objects.Classorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
LogarithmicAxisA numerical axis that uses a logarithmic scale.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
LogAxisA numerical axis that uses a logarithmic scale.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
LogFormatA number formatter for logarithmic values.Classorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
LogTickA tick from a LogAxis.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
LongNeedleA needle that is represented by a long line.Classorg.jfree.chart.needleJFreeChart
LookupPaintScaleA paint scale that uses a lookup table to associate paint instances with data value ranges.Classorg.jfree.chart.rendererJFreeChart
MarkerThe base class for markers that can be added to plots to highlight a value or range of values.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
MarkerAxisBandA band that can be added to a number axis to display regions.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
MarkerChangeEventAn event that can be forwarded to any MarkerChangeListener to signal a change to a Marker.Classorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
MarkerChangeListenerThe interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to a Marker.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
MatrixSeriesRepresents a dense matrix M[i,j] where each Mij item of the matrix has a value (default is 0)
MatrixSeriesCollectionRepresents a collection of MatrixSeries that can be used as aSee Also:MatrixSeries,
MeanAndStandardDeviationA simple data structure that holds a mean value and a standard deviation
MeterIntervalAn interval to be highlighted on a MeterPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
MeterNeedleThe base class used to represent the needle on aSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.needleJFreeChart
MeterPlotA plot that displays a single value in the form of a needle on a dial.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
MiddlePinNeedleA needle that is drawn as a pin shape.Classorg.jfree.chart.needleJFreeChart
MillisecondRepresents a
MinMaxCategoryRendererRenderer for drawing min max plot.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
MinuteRepresents a
ModuloAxisAn axis that displays numerical values within a fixed range using a moduloSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
MonthRepresents a single
MonthDateFormatA formatter that formats dates to show the initial letter(s) of the month name and, as an option, the year for the first or last month of each year.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
MouseHandlerFXThe interface for a mouse handler, which is an object that listens for mouse events on a ChartCanvas and performs a function in responseInterfaceorg.jfree.chart.fx.interactionJFreeChart
MovingAverageA utility class for calculating moving averages of time series
MultiplePiePlotA plot that displays multiple pie plots using data from aSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
MultipleXYSeriesLabelGeneratorA series label generator for plots that use data fromSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
MultiValueCategoryDatasetA category dataset that defines multiple values for each
NonGridContourDatasetA convenience class that extends the DefaultContourDataset to accommodate non-grid
NormalDistributionFunction2DA normal distribution
NormalizedMatrixSeriesRepresents a dense normalized matrix M[i,j] where each Mij item of the matrix has a value (default is 0)
NotOutlierExceptionAn exception that is generated by the Outlier, OutlierList and OutlierListCollection classes.Classorg.jfree.chart.rendererJFreeChart
NumberAxisAn axis for displaying numerical data.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
NumberAxis3DA standard linear value axis with a 3D effect corresponding to the offset specified by some renderers.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
NumberTickUnitA numerical tick unit.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
NumberTickUnitSourceA tick unit source implementation that returns NumberTickUnit instances that are multiples of 1, 2 or 5 times some power of 10.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
OHLCA data record containing open-high-low-close data (immutable)
OHLCDataItemRepresents a single (open-high-low-close) data item in an
OHLCDatasetAn interface that defines data in the form of (x, high, low, open, close)Returns the y-value for the specified series and
OHLCItemAn item representing data in the form (time-period, open, high, low,
OHLCSeriesA list of (RegularTimePeriod, open, high, low, close) data
OHLCSeriesCollectionA collection of OHLCSeries
OutlierRepresents one outlier in the box and whisker plot.Classorg.jfree.chart.rendererJFreeChart
OutlierListA collection of outliers for a single entity in a box and whisker plot.Classorg.jfree.chart.rendererJFreeChart
OutlierListCollectionA collection of outlier lists for a box and whisker plot.Classorg.jfree.chart.rendererJFreeChart
OverlayDefines the interface for an overlay that can be added to aRegisters a change listener with the overlay.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.panelJFreeChart
OverlayChangeEventA change event for an Overlay.Classorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
OverlayChangeListenerA listener for changes to an Overlay.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
OverLIBToolTipTagFragmentGeneratorGenerates tooltips using the OverLIB library (http://www.Classorg.jfree.chart.imagemapJFreeChart
PaintAlphaThis class contains static methods for the manipulation of objects of type PaintClassorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
PaintMapA storage structure that maps Comparable instances with To support cloning and serialization, you should only use keys that areClassorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
PaintScaleA source for Paint instances, used by the NOTE: Classes that implement this interface should also implementInterfaceorg.jfree.chart.rendererJFreeChart
PaintScaleLegendA legend that shows a range of values and their associated colors, driven by an underlying PaintScale implementation.Classorg.jfree.chart.titleJFreeChart
PaletteSampleA panel that displays a palette sample.Classorg.jfree.chart.editorJFreeChart
PanHandlerFXHandles panning of charts on a ChartCanvas.Classorg.jfree.chart.fx.interactionJFreeChart
PannableAn interface that the ChartPanel class uses to communicate with plots that support panning.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
ParamChecksA utility class for checking parameters.Classorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
PeriodAxisAn axis that displays a date scale based on a RegularTimePeriod.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
PeriodAxisLabelInfoA record that contains information for one band of date labels inSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
PieChartDemo1A simple demonstration application showing how to create a pie chart using data from a DefaultPieDataset.Classorg.jfree.chart.demoJFreeChart
PieChartFXDemo1A pie chart demo in JavaFX.Classorg.jfree.chart.fx.demoJFreeChart
PieDatasetA general purpose dataset where values are associated with
PieDatasetHandlerA SAX handler for reading a PieDataset from an XML
PieLabelDistributorThis class distributes the section labels for one side of a pie chart so that they do not overlap.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
PieLabelLinkStyleUsed to indicate the style for the lines linking pie sections to their corresponding labels.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
PieLabelRecordA structure that retains information about the label for a section in a pieSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
PiePlotA plot that displays data in the form of a pie chart, using data from any class that implements the PieDataset interface.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
PiePlot3DA plot that displays data in the form of a 3D pie chart, using data from any class that implements the PieDataset interface.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
PieSectionEntityA chart entity that represents one section within a pie plot.Classorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
PieSectionLabelGeneratorInterface for a label generator for plots that use data from java.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
PieToolTipGeneratorA tool tip generator that is used by the java.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
PieURLGeneratorInterface for a URL generator for plots that use data from a PieDataset.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.urlsJFreeChart
PinNeedleA needle that is drawn as a pin shape.Classorg.jfree.chart.needleJFreeChart
PlotThe base class for all plots in JFreeChart.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
PlotChangeEventAn event that can be forwarded to any PlotChangeListener to signal a change to aClassorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
PlotChangeListenerThe interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to a plot.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
PlotEntityA class that captures information about a plot.Classorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
PlotOrientationUsed to indicate the orientation (horizontal or vertical) of a 2D plot.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
PlotRenderingInfoStores information about the dimensions of a plot and its subplots.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
PlotStateRecords information about the state of a plot during the drawing process.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
PlotUtilitiesSome utility methods related to the plot classes.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
PlumNeedleA needle for use with the CompassPlot class.Classorg.jfree.chart.needleJFreeChart
PointerNeedleA needle in the shape of a pointer, for use with theSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.needleJFreeChart
PolarAxisLocationUsed to indicate the location of an axis on a PolarPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
PolarChartPanelPolarChartPanel is the top level object for using the PolarPlot.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
PolarItemRendererThe interface for a renderer that can be used by the PolarPlot Adds a change listener.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.rendererJFreeChart
PolarPlotPlots data that is in (theta, radius) pairs where theta equal to zero is due north and increases clockwise.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
PolynomialFunction2DA function in the form y = a0 + a1 * x + a2 * x^2 +
PowerFunction2DA function of the form y = a * x ^
QuarterDefines a quarter (in a given year)
QuarterDateFormatA formatter that formats dates to show the year and quarter (for example, '2004 IV' for the last quarter of 2004.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
RainbowPaletteContains the data to construct an 8-bit rainbow palette This come from an old application which ran on 8-bit graphics device.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
RangeRepresents an immutable range of values.Classorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
RangeInfoAn interface (optional) that can be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum values.Interfaceorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
RangeTypeUsed to indicate the type of range to display on an axis (full, positive orSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
RectangleConstraintA description of a constraint for resizing a rectangle.Classorg.jfree.chart.blockJFreeChart
RegressionA utility class for fitting regression curves to
RegularTimePeriodAn abstract class representing a unit of
RelativeDateFormatA formatter that formats dates to show the elapsed time relative to someSince:1.Classorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
RendererChangeEventAn event that can be forwarded to any RendererChangeListener to signal a change to a renderer.Classorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
RendererChangeListenerThe interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to a renderer.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
RendererStateRepresents the current state of a renderer.Classorg.jfree.chart.rendererJFreeChart
RendererUtilitiesUtility methods related to the rendering process.Classorg.jfree.chart.rendererJFreeChart
ResourceBundleWrapperWrapper of ResourceBundle.Classorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
RingPlotA customised pie plot that leaves a hole in the middle.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
RootHandlerA SAX handler that delegates work to
SamplingXYLineRendererA renderer that draws line charts.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
ScatterRendererA renderer that handles the multiple values from a MultiValueCategoryDataset by plotting a shape for each value forClassorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
ScrollHandlerFXHandles scroll events (mouse wheel etc) on a ChartCanvas.Classorg.jfree.chart.fx.interactionJFreeChart
SecondRepresents a second in a particular
SegmentedTimelineA Timeline that implements a segmented timeline with included, excluded and exception segments.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
SeriesBase class representing a data
SeriesChangeEventAn event with details of a change to a
SeriesChangeListenerMethods for receiving notification of changes to a data
SeriesDatasetThe interface for a dataset consisting of one or many series of
SeriesExceptionA general purpose exception class for data
SeriesRenderingOrderDefines the tokens that indicate the rendering order for series in aSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
ServletUtilitiesUtility class used for servlet related JFreeChart operations.Classorg.jfree.chart.servletJFreeChart
ShadowGeneratorAn interface that defines the API for a shadow generator.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
ShipNeedleA needle in the shape of a ship, for use with theSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.needleJFreeChart
ShortTextTitleA text title that is only displayed if the entire text will be visible without line wrapping.Classorg.jfree.chart.titleJFreeChart
SimpleHistogramBinA bin for the
SimpleHistogramDatasetA dataset used for creating simple histograms with custom defined
SimpleTimePeriodAn arbitrary period of time, measured to millisecond precision using This class is intentionally immutable (that is, once constructed, you
SlidingCategoryDatasetA CategoryDataset implementation that presents a subset of the categories in an underlying
SlidingGanttCategoryDatasetA GanttCategoryDataset implementation that presents a subset of the categories in an underlying
SpiderWebPlotA plot that displays data from a CategoryDataset in the form of a spider web.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
StackedAreaRendererA renderer that draws stacked area charts for a CategoryPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
StackedBarRendererA stacked bar renderer for use with the CategoryPlot class.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
StackedBarRenderer3DRenders stacked bars with 3D-effect, for use with the CategoryPlot class.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
StackedXYAreaRendererA stacked area renderer for the XYPlot class.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
StackedXYAreaRenderer2A stacked area renderer for the XYPlot class.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
StackedXYBarRendererA bar renderer that displays the series items stacked.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
StandardBarPainterAn implementation of the BarPainter interface that preserves the behaviour of bar painting that existed prior to the introduction of theClassorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
StandardCategoryItemLabelGeneratorA standard label generator that can be used with a CategoryItemRenderer.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
StandardCategorySeriesLabelGeneratorA standard series label generator for plots that use data fromSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
StandardCategoryToolTipGeneratorA standard tool tip generator that can be used with a CategoryItemRenderer.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
StandardCategoryURLGeneratorA URL generator that can be assigned to a CategoryItemRenderer.Classorg.jfree.chart.urlsJFreeChart
StandardChartThemeA default implementation of the ChartTheme interface.Classorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
StandardContourToolTipGeneratorA standard tooltip generator for plots that use data from anSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
StandardCrosshairLabelGeneratorA default label generator.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
StandardDialFrameA simple circular frame for the DialPlot class.Classorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
StandardDialRangeA layer that draws a range highlight on a dial plot.Classorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
StandardDialScaleA scale for a DialPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.plot.dialJFreeChart
StandardEntityCollectionA standard implementation of the EntityCollection interface.Classorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
StandardPieSectionLabelGeneratorA standard item label generator for plots that use data from a For the label format, use {0} where the pie section key should be inserted,Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
StandardPieToolTipGeneratorA standard item label generator for plots that use data from a For the label format, use {0} where the pie section key should be inserted,Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
StandardPieURLGeneratorA URL generator for pie charts.Classorg.jfree.chart.urlsJFreeChart
StandardTickUnitSourceA source that can used by the NumberAxis class to obtain a suitable TickUnit.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
StandardToolTipTagFragmentGeneratorGenerates tooltips using the HTML title attribute for image map area tags.Classorg.jfree.chart.imagemapJFreeChart
StandardURLTagFragmentGeneratorGenerates URLs using the HTML href attribute for image map area tags.Classorg.jfree.chart.imagemapJFreeChart
StandardXYBarPainterAn implementation of the XYBarPainter interface that preserves the behaviour of bar painting that existed prior to the introduction of theClassorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
StandardXYItemLabelGeneratorA standard item label generator for plots that use data from anSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
StandardXYItemRendererStandard item renderer for an XYPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
StandardXYSeriesLabelGeneratorA standard series label generator for plots that use data from This class implements PublicCloneable by mistake but we retainClassorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
StandardXYToolTipGeneratorA standard tool tip generator for use with anSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
StandardXYZToolTipGeneratorA standard item label generator for use with XYZDataset data.Classorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
StatisticalBarRendererA renderer that handles the drawing a bar plot where each bar has a mean value and a standard deviation line.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
StatisticalCategoryDatasetA category dataset that defines a mean and standard deviation value for
StatisticalLineAndShapeRendererA renderer that draws shapes for each data item, and lines between data items.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
StatisticsA utility class that provides some common statistical
StrokeMapA storage structure that maps Comparable instances with To support cloning and serialization, you should only use keys that areClassorg.jfree.chartJFreeChart
SubCategoryAxisA specialised category axis that can display sub-categories.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
SubSeriesDatasetThis class will create a dataset with one or more series from anotherSee Also:Serialized
SunJPEGEncoderAdapterAdapter class for the Sun JPEG Encoder.Classorg.jfree.chart.encodersJFreeChart
SunPNGEncoderAdapterAdapter class for the Sun PNG Encoder.Classorg.jfree.chart.encodersJFreeChart
SymbolAxisA standard linear value axis that replaces integer values with symbols.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
SymbolicXYItemLabelGeneratorA standard item label generator for plots that use data from anSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
TableXYDatasetA dataset containing one or more data series containing (x, y) data items, where all series in the dataset share the same set of
TaskA simple representation of a
TaskSeriesA series that contains zero, one or many Task
TaskSeriesCollectionA collection of TaskSeries
TextAnnotationA base class for text annotations.Classorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
TextTitleA chart title that displays a text string with automatic wrapping asSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.titleJFreeChart
TextUtilsText utility functions.Classorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
ThermometerPlotA plot that displays a single value (from a ValueDataset) in a thermometer type display.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
TickThe base class used to represent labeled ticks along an axis.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
TickLabelEntityA chart entity representing a tick label.Classorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
TickTypeUsed to indicate the tick type (MAJOR or MINOR).Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
TickUnitBase class representing a tick unit.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
TickUnitsA collection of tick units, used by the DateAxis and NumberAxis classes.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
TickUnitSourceAn interface used by the DateAxis and NumberAxis classes to obtain a suitable TickUnit.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
TimelineAn interface that defines the contract for a Timeline.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
TimePeriodA period of time measured to millisecond precision using two instances ofReturns the end date/
TimePeriodAnchorUsed to indicate one of three positions in a time period: START, MIDDLE and
TimePeriodFormatExceptionAn exception that indicates an invalid format in a string representing aSee Also:Serialized
TimePeriodValueRepresents a time period and an associated
TimePeriodValuesA structure containing zero, one or many TimePeriodValue
TimePeriodValuesCollectionA collection of TimePeriodValues
TimeSeriesRepresents a sequence of zero or more data items in the form (period, value) where 'period' is some instance of a subclass of
TimeSeriesChartDemo1An example of a time series chart.Classorg.jfree.chart.demoJFreeChart
TimeSeriesChartFXDemo1A demo showing the display of JFreeChart within a JavaFX application.Classorg.jfree.chart.fx.demoJFreeChart
TimeSeriesCollectionA collection of time series
TimeSeriesDataItemRepresents one data item in a time
TimeSeriesTableModelWrapper around a time series to convert it to a table model for use inSee Also:Serialized
TimeSeriesURLGeneratorA URL generator for time series charts.Classorg.jfree.chart.urlsJFreeChart
TimeTableXYDatasetA dataset for regular time periods that implements the TableXYDataset
TitleThe base class for all chart titles.Classorg.jfree.chart.titleJFreeChart
TitleChangeEventA change event that encapsulates information about a change to a chart title.Classorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
TitleChangeListenerThe interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to a chart title.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.eventJFreeChart
TitleEntityA class that captures information about a Title of a chart.Classorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
TooltipHandlerFXHandles the updating of tooltips on a ChartCanvas.Classorg.jfree.chart.fx.interactionJFreeChart
ToolTipTagFragmentGeneratorInterface for generating the tooltip fragment of an HTML image map area tag.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.imagemapJFreeChart
UnknownKeyExceptionAn exception that indicates an unknown key value.Classorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
URLTagFragmentGeneratorInterface for generating the URL fragment of an HTML image map area tag.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.imagemapJFreeChart
URLUtilitiesGeneral utility methods for URLs.Classorg.jfree.chart.urlsJFreeChart
ValueA general purpose interface for accessing a value.Interfaceorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
ValueAxisThe base class for axes that display value data, where values are measured using the double primitive.Classorg.jfree.chart.axisJFreeChart
ValueAxisPlotAn interface that is implemented by plots that use a ValueAxis, providing a standard method to find the current data range.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
ValueDatasetAn interface for a dataset that returns a single
ValueHandlerA handler for reading a 'Value'
ValueMarkerA marker that represents a single value.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
ValuesAn interface through which (single-dimension) data values can be accessed.Interfaceorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
Values2DA general purpose interface that can be used to access a table of values.Interfaceorg.jfree.dataJFreeChart
VectorDataItemA data item representing data in the form (x, y, deltaX, deltaY), intended for use by the VectorSeries
VectorRendererA renderer that represents data from an VectorXYDataset by drawing a line with an arrow at each (x, y) point.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
VectorSeriesA list of (x,y, deltaX, deltaY) data
VectorSeriesCollectionA collection of VectorSeries
VectorXYDatasetAn extension of the XYDataset interface that allows a vector to be defined at a specific (x, y)
WaferMapDatasetA dataset that can be used with the WaferMapPlotSee Also:Serialized
WaferMapRendererA renderer for wafer map plots.Classorg.jfree.chart.rendererJFreeChart
WaterfallBarRendererA renderer that handles the drawing of waterfall bar charts, for use with the CategoryPlot class.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.categoryJFreeChart
WeekA calendar
WindDatasetInterface for a dataset that supplies wind intensity and direction values observed at various points in
WindItemRendererA specialised renderer for displaying wind intensity/direction data.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
WindNeedleA needle that indicates wind direction, for use with theSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.needleJFreeChart
XIntervalDataItemAn item representing data in the form (x, x-low, x-high, y)
XIntervalSeriesA list of (x, x-low, x-high, y) data
XIntervalSeriesCollectionA collection of XIntervalSeries
XisSymbolicRepresent a data set where X is a symbolic
XYAnnotationThe interface that must be supported by annotations that are to be added to an XYPlot.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
XYAnnotationBoundsInfoAn interface that supplies information about the bounds of the annotation.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
XYAnnotationEntityA chart entity that represents an annotation on anSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
XYAreaRendererArea item renderer for an XYPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYAreaRenderer2Area item renderer for an XYPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYBarDatasetA dataset wrapper class that converts a standard XYDataset into an IntervalXYDataset suitable for use in creating XY bar
XYBarPainterThe interface for plugin painter for the XYBarRenderer class.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYBarRendererA renderer that draws bars on an XYPlot (requires an IntervalXYDataset).Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYBlockRendererA renderer that represents data from an XYZDataset by drawing a color block at each (x, y) point, where the color is a function of theClassorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYBoxAndWhiskerRendererA renderer that draws box-and-whisker items on an XYPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYBoxAnnotationA box annotation that can be placed on an XYPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
XYBubbleRendererA renderer that draws a circle at each data point with a diameter that is determined by the z-value in the dataset (the renderer requires the datasetClassorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYCoordinateRepresents an (x, y)
XYCoordinateTypeRepresents several possible interpretations for an (x, y) coordinate.Classorg.jfree.chart.utilJFreeChart
XYDataImageAnnotationAn annotation that allows an image to be placed within a rectangle specified in data coordinates on an XYPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
XYDataItemRepresents one (x, y) data item for an
XYDatasetAn interface through which data in the form of (x, y) items can be
XYDatasetTableModelA READ-ONLY wrapper around a TableXYDataset to convert it to a table model for use in a
XYDifferenceRendererA renderer for an XYPlot that highlights the differences between two series.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYDomainInfoAn interface that can (optionally) be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum x-values in the
XYDotRendererA renderer that draws a small dot at each data point for an XYPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYDrawableAnnotationA general annotation that can be placed on an XYPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
XYErrorRendererA line and shape renderer that can also display x and/or y-error values.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYImageAnnotationAn annotation that allows an image to be placed at some location on TODO: implement serialization properly (image is not serializable).Classorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
XYIntervalDataItemAn item representing data in the form (x, x-low, x-high, y, y-low, y-high)
XYIntervalSeriesA list of (x, x-low, x-high, y, y-low, y-high) data
XYIntervalSeriesCollectionA collection of XYIntervalSeries
XYItemEntityA chart entity that represents one item within anSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.entityJFreeChart
XYItemRendererInterface for rendering the visual representation of a single (x, y) item on To support cloning charts, it is recommended that renderers implement bothInterfaceorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYItemRendererStateThe state for an XYItemRenderer.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYLine3DRendererA XYLineAndShapeRenderer that adds a shadow line to the graph to emulate a 3D-effect.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYLineAndShapeRendererA renderer that connects data points with lines and/or draws shapes at each data point.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYLineAnnotationA simple line annotation that can be placed on an XYPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
XYPlotA general class for plotting data in the form of (x, y) pairs.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
XYPointerAnnotationAn arrow and label that can be placed on an XYPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
XYPolygonAnnotationA polygon annotation that can be placed on an XYPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
XYRangeInfoAn interface that can (optionally) be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum
XYSeriesRepresents a sequence of zero or more data items in the form (x, y)
XYSeriesCollectionRepresents a collection of XYSeries objects that can be used as aSee Also:Serialized
XYSeriesLabelGeneratorA generator that creates labels for the series in an XYDataset.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.labelsJFreeChart
XYShapeAnnotationA simple Shape annotation that can be placed on an XYPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
XYShapeRendererA renderer that draws shapes at (x, y) coordinates and, if the dataset is an instance of XYZDataset, fills the shapes with a paint thatClassorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYSplineRendererA renderer that connects data points with natural cubic splines and/or draws shapes at each data point.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYStepAreaRendererA step chart renderer that fills the area between the step and the x-axis.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYStepRendererLine/Step item renderer for an XYPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
XYTaskDatasetA dataset implementation that wraps a TaskSeriesCollection and presents it as an IntervalXYDataset, allowing a set of tasks
XYTextAnnotationA text annotation that can be placed at a particular (x, y) location on anSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
XYTitleAnnotationAn annotation that allows any Title to be placed at a location onSince:1.Classorg.jfree.chart.annotationsJFreeChart
XYURLGeneratorInterface for a URL generator for plots that uses data from an XYDataset.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.urlsJFreeChart
XYZDatasetThe interface through which JFreeChart obtains data in the form of (x, y, z) items - used for XY and XYZ
XYZURLGeneratorInterface for a URL generator for plots that uses data from an XYZDataset.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.urlsJFreeChart
YearRepresents a year in the range -9999 to
YIntervalDataItemAn item representing data in the form (x, y, y-low, y-high)
YIntervalRendererA renderer that draws a line connecting the start and end Y values for an XYPlot.Classorg.jfree.chart.renderer.xyJFreeChart
YIntervalSeriesA list of (x, y, y-low, y-high) data
YIntervalSeriesCollectionA collection of YIntervalSeries
YisSymbolicRepresent a data set where Y is a symbolic
YWithXIntervalA y-value plus the bounds for the related
ZoomableA plot that is zoomable must implement this interface to provide a mechanism for the ChartPanel to control the zooming.Interfaceorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
ZoomHandlerFXHandles drag zooming of charts on a ChartCanvas.Classorg.jfree.chart.fx.interactionJFreeChart