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# Classes and Interfaces in #PixelMed - 560 results found.
AddHierarchicalEvidenceSequencetoStructuredReportsA class to process multiple SR files and their referenced instances (like Images, Presentation States and Segmentations) and build Hierarchical SOP Instance Reference Macros with which to (re-)populate CurrentRequestedProcedureEvidenceSequence.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
AgeStringAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Age String (AS) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AnalyzeHeaderA class for extracting Analyze image input format headers.Classcom.pixelmed.convertPixelMed
AnalyzeToDicomA class for converting Analyze image input format files into images of a specified or appropriate SOP Class.Classcom.pixelmed.convertPixelMed
AnyExplicitStoreFindMoveGetPresentationContextSelectionPolicyAccept only SOP Classes for storage, query or retrieval of composite instances and verification SOP Classes with any explicit transfer syntax (whether compressed or not), also rejecting implicit VRClasscom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
AnyExplicitStorePresentationContextSelectionPolicyAccept only SOP Classes for storage of composite instances and verification SOP Classes with any explicit transfer syntax (whether compressed or not), also rejecting implicit VRClasscom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
AnyExplicitTransferSyntaxSelectionPolicyAccept any explicit transfer syntax (whether compressed or not), also rejecting implicit VR transfer syntaxes if an explicit VR transfer syntax is offered for the same abstract syntax.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
ApplicationEntityThis class provides a description of the parameters of a known Application Entity.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
ApplicationEntityAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Application Entity (AE) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ApplicationEntityConfigurationDialogThis class implements a dialog for users to enter DICOM AE network configuration parameters.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
ApplicationEntityMapThis class provides a list of known Application Entities, indexed by AET.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
ApplicationFrameThis class provides the infrastructure for creating applications (which extend this class) and provides them with utilities for creating a main window with aClasscom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
ArrayCopyUtilitiesA class of static methods for copying data between arrays of different types, expanding arrays, and comparing them, and removing padding from strings.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AssociationFactoryA factory object of static methods that can accept and initiate associations.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
AssociationOutputStreamA specialized java.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
AssociationStatusHandlerThis abstract class provides a mechanism for detecting when an Association closes.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
AsynchronousOutputStreamA class that extends FilterOutputStream by creating a separate thread to actually perform the output operations, and returningClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AttributeThe Attribute class is an abstract class that contains the core functionality for storing, accessing and maintaining values of a DICOM Attribute.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AttributeFactoryThe AttributeFactory class is a factory class of static methods for creating concrete instances of the abstract class Attribute based on theirClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AttributeListThe AttributeList class maintains a list of individual DICOM attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModelThe abstract AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModel class extends a AttributeListTableModel to abstract the contents of a list of attributesClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModelAllFramesThe abstract AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModelAllFrames class extends a AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModel to abstract the contents of a list of attributesClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModelOneFrameThe abstract AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModelOneFrame class extends a AttributeListFunctionalGroupsTableModel to abstract the contents of a list of attributesClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AttributeListTableBrowserThe AttributeListTableBrowser class implements a Swing graphical user interface to browse the contents of an AttributeListTableModel.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AttributeListTableModelThe AttributeListTableModel class extends a AbstractTableModel to abstract the contents of a list of attributes asClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AttributeTagAn individual DICOM data element (attribute) tag that includes a group and element (each a 16 bit unsigned binary).Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AttributeTagAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Attribute Tag (AT) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AttributeTreeThe AttributeTree class implements a TreeModel to abstract the contents of a list of attributes asClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AttributeTreeBrowserThe AttributeTreeBrowser class implements a Swing graphical user interface to browse the contents of an AttributeTree.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
AttributeTreeRecordInstances of the AttributeTreeRecord class represent nodes in a tree of the AttributeTree class, which inClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
Base64Various static methods helpful for converting to and from Base64 representations (e.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
BinaryInputStreamA class that extends FilterInputStream by adding the concept of little and big endian binary value encoding, and supplies functionsClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
BinaryOutputStreamA class that extends FilterOutputStream by adding the concept of little and big endian binary value encoding, and supplies functionsClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ByteArrayVarious static methods helpful for manipulating arrays of bytes and extracting values from them.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
CapabilitiesAvailableVarious capability detection methods.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
CheckAllUIDReferencesResolveA class to process a set of multiple files and check that all referenced SOP Instances are present within the set.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
ChestImageViewerThis class is an entire application for displaying and viewing chest x-ray images.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
ClinicalTrialsAttributesAn abstract class of static methods to support removing identifying attributes and adding Clinical Trials Patient, Study and Series Modules attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
CodedConceptThis class represents a concept that has a coded representation.Classcom.pixelmed.anatprocPixelMed
CodedSequenceItemA class to encapsulate the attributes contained within a Sequence Item that represents a Coded Sequence item.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
CodeStringAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Code String (CS) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
CodingSchemeIdentificationA class to encapsulate the information related to Coding Scheme Identification encoded in composite instances within CodingSchemeIdentificationSequence.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
CodingSchemeIdentificationItemA class to encapsulate the attributes of an Item of CodingSchemeIdentificationSequence.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
CoercionModelA class to encapsulate patient and study information to be used for coercion of identifiers in DICOM instances.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ColorPaletteA class to encapsulate color palettes, including serialization and deserialization to and from standard DICOM color palette IODs.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ColorPaletteHotIronStandard DICOM Hot Iron color palette.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ColorPaletteHotMetalBlueStandard DICOM Hot Metal Blue color palette.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ColorPalettePETStandard DICOM PET color palette.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ColorPalettePET20StepStandard DICOM PET 20 Step color palette.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ColorUtilitiesVarious static methods helpful for color conversions.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
CombinedAnatomicConceptsThis class supports anatomic concepts that may be combinations of one another.Classcom.pixelmed.anatprocPixelMed
CommonConvertedAttributeGenerationA class to support converting proprietary image input format files into images of a specified or appropriate SOP Class.Classcom.pixelmed.convertPixelMed
CompileXSLTIntoTransletmake a translet from any XSL-T source file.Classcom.pixelmed.validatePixelMed
CompositeInstanceContextA class for representing the attributes of general modules that describe the patient, study, series, instance and related "context" of the payload of a composite DICOM instance.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
CompositeInstanceStoreAbstractSyntaxSelectionPolicyAccept only SOP Classes for storage of composite instances and verification SOP Classes.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
CompositeInstanceStoreFindMoveGetAbstractSyntaxSelectionPolicyAccept only SOP Classes for storage, query or retrieval of composite instances and verification SOP Classes.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
CompositeResponseHandlerThis abstract class provides a mechanism to process each PDU of a composite response as it is received, such as for evaluating the status of the response for success.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
CompressedFrameDecoderThe CompressedFrameDecoder class implements decompression of selected frames in various supported Transfer Syntaxes once already extracted from DICOM encapsulated images.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ConceptThis class represents a concept that is uniquely identifiable.Classcom.pixelmed.anatprocPixelMed
ConsumerFormatImageMakerA class of static methods to make consumer format images from DICOM images.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
ContentItemAn abstract class for representing a node in an internal representation of a structured reporting tree (an instance of StructuredReport).Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ContentItemFactoryA class with methods for constructing a ContentItem of the appropriate class from a list of attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ContentItemWithReferenceAn abstract class for representing a node in an internal representation of a structured reporting tree (an instance of StructuredReport).Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ContentItemWithValueAn abstract class for representing a node in an internal representation of a structured reporting tree (an instance of StructuredReport).Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
Convert8To16BitsA class of methods to convert 8 to 16 bit gray scale images.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
ConvertAmicasJPEG2000FilesetToDicomThis class provides conversion of a set of Amicas JPEG 2000 files to DICOM.Classcom.pixelmed.convertPixelMed
ConvertNonRGBToRGBA class of static methods to convert non-RGB (e.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
ConvertPaletteColorToGrayscaleA class of static methods to convert PALETTE COLOR to MONOCHROME2 images.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
ConvertPlanarConfigurationA class of static methods to convert the planar configuration of a multiple samples per pixel image, i.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
CopyOnlyHeadOfMultipleStructuredReportsAndReferencesA class to process multiple SR files and their referenced instances (like Presentation States and Segmentations) and copy only the head (most recent) of the Predecessor Documents sequence chain and its references, ignoringClasscom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
CopyStreamA class for copying an entire input stream to an output stream.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
CTAnatomyThis class encapsulates information pertaining to anatomy of CT images.Classcom.pixelmed.anatprocPixelMed
DatabaseApplicationPropertiesThis class provides common support to applications requiring properties related to database services.Classcom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
DatabaseInformationModelThe DatabaseInformationModel class is an abstract class that contains the core functionality for storing, accessing and maintaining a persistent representation of selected attributes of compositeClasscom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
DatabaseTreeBrowserThe DatabaseTreeBrowser class implements a Swing graphical user interface to browse the contents of DatabaseInformationModel.Classcom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
DatabaseTreeModelThe DatabaseTreeModel class implements a TreeModel to abstract the contents of a database asClasscom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
DatabaseTreeRecordInstances of the DatabaseTreeRecord class represent nodes in a tree of the DatabaseTreeModel class, which inClasscom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
DateAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Date (DT) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
DateTimeAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Date Time (DT) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
DateUtilitiesVarious static methods helpful for handling dates.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
DecimalStringAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Decimal String (DS) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
DecompressDicomFilesThis class copies a set of DICOM files, decompressing them if compressed.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
DefaultHuffmanTableA class for constructing the default Huffman Table specified in the SCP-ECG standard.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
DeidentifyAndRedactA class to implement bulk de-identification and redaction of DICOM files.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
DeleteFromDatabaseThis class provides methods for removing entries from a database, all its children and any associated files that were copied into the database (rather than referenced).Classcom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
DemographicAndTechniqueAnnotationsA class to extract selected DICOM annotative attributes into defined displayed area relative positions.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
DescribeGraphicsEnvironmentThis class describes the graphics environment (number and type and size of displays).Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
DescriptionFactoryA class of static methods to provide descriptions of images, including image orientation relative to the patient from the mathematical position and orientation attributes,Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
DialogMessageLoggerA class to write log and status messages to a scrolling text area in a dialog box.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
DicomAndWebStorageServerThe DicomAndWebStorageServer implements a DICOM storage server with query and retrieval as well as an HTTP server that respondsClasscom.pixelmed.serverPixelMed
DicomBrowserA primitive DICOMDIR browsing application that will display images and structured reports, including marking up image coordinates and measurements onClasscom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
DicomCleanerThis class is an application for importing or retrieving DICOM studies, cleaning them (i.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
DicomDatabaseInformationModelThe DicomDatabaseInformationModel class is an abstract class that specializes DatabaseInformationModelClasscom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
DicomDictionaryThe DicomDictionary class is a complete standard dictionary of DICOM attributes and associated information.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
DicomDictionaryBaseThe DicomDictionaryBase class is an abstract class for creating and accessing a dictionary of DICOMClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
DicomDictionaryForMinimalPatientStudySeriesInstanceModelThe DicomDictionaryForMinimalPatientStudySeriesInstanceModel class supports a simple DICOM Patient/Study/Series/Concatenation/Instance model.Classcom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
DicomDictionaryForPatientStudySeriesConcatenationInstanceModelThe DicomDictionaryForPatientStudySeriesConcatenationInstanceModel class supports a simple DICOM Patient/Study/Series/Concatenation/Instance model.Classcom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
DicomDictionaryForStudySeriesInstanceModelThe DicomDictionaryForStudySeriesInstanceModel class supports a minimal DICOM Study/Series/Instance model.Classcom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
DicomFileUtilitiesVarious static methods helpful for handling DICOM files.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
DicomImageBlackoutThis class displays images and allows the user to black out burned-in annotation, and save the result.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
DicomImageViewerThis class is an entire application for displaying and viewing images and spectroscopy objects.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
DicomInputStreamA class that extends BinaryInputStream by adding the concept of transfer syntaxes, for a (possible) meta information header and a data set.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
DicomInstanceValidatorThe DicomInstanceValidator class is for validating composite storage SOP instances against the standard IOD for the corresponding storage SOP Class.Classcom.pixelmed.validatePixelMed
DicomOutputStreamA class that extends BinaryOutputStream by adding the concept of transfer syntaxes, for a (possible) meta information header and a data set.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
DicomSourceECGA class that encapsulates the features and values from a DICOM ECG source, usually for the purpose of displaying it.Classcom.pixelmed.displaywavePixelMed
DicomSRValidatorThe DicomSRValidator class is for validating SR instances against the standard IOD for the corresponding SOP Class.Classcom.pixelmed.validatePixelMed
DicomStreamCopierA class to copy DICOM attributes from anm input stream to an output stream, converting the encoding of the attributes between transfer syntaxes if necessary.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
DictionaryOfConceptsThis class contains utility methods provide for the detection of concepts in various header attributes regardless of whether these are formal codes, code strings or free text comments.Classcom.pixelmed.anatprocPixelMed
DisplayableAnatomicConceptThis class represents anatomic concepts that may be encoded and displayed.Classcom.pixelmed.anatprocPixelMed
DisplayableConceptThis class represents a coded concept that may be displayed, for example as a menu item in a pick list.Classcom.pixelmed.anatprocPixelMed
DisplayableLateralityConceptThis class represents laterality concepts that may be encoded and displayed.Classcom.pixelmed.anatprocPixelMed
DisplayableViewConceptThis class represents view position concepts that may be encoded and displayed.Classcom.pixelmed.anatprocPixelMed
DisplayedAreaSelectionA class to keep track of a selected sub-region of an image for the purposes of display.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
DisplayShutterA set of display shutter parameters constructed from the attributes of the DICOM Display Shutter Module.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
DoseReporterWithLegacyOCRAndAutoSendToRegistryA class to wait for incoming dose screen images and SRs and send them to pre-configured registry.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
DoseUtilityThis class is an application for retrieving dose information about DICOM studies of patients.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
DownloadOrTransmitThis class is an application for retrieving DICOM studies of patients and downloading or transmitting them.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
DrawingUtilitiesA class to provide various static methods for drawing.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
ECGPanel is a 2D graph of ECG values.Classcom.pixelmed.displaywavePixelMed
ECGViewerThis class is an entire application for displaying and viewing DICOM and SCP ECG waveforms.Classcom.pixelmed.displaywavePixelMed
EncapsulateCompressedPixelDataA class to create a DICOM image format file encoded in a compressed transfer syntax with the compressed bitstreams supplied from files.Classcom.pixelmed.convertPixelMed
EncapsulatedInputStreamA class that extends InputStream by adding a mechanism for unecapsulating an undefined length DICOM attribute, such as is used forClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ExecuteTransletUse a translet from an XSL-T source file to transform one XML file to another.Classcom.pixelmed.validatePixelMed
ExposureDoseSequenceA class to extract Exposure Dose Sequence and related attributes from Philips modality dose report screen saves.Classcom.pixelmed.doseocrPixelMed
FileMetaInformationA class to abstract the contents of a file meta information header as used for a DICOM PS 3.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
FileUtilitiesVarious static methods helpful for handling files.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
FilterPanelThe FilterPanel class provides a graphical user interface for editing the string values of DICOM attributes in list.Classcom.pixelmed.queryPixelMed
FindAndCopySelectedDicomFilesThis class copies a set of DICOM files, if they match specified criteria.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
FindAndCopySelectedDicomFilesUsingDatabaseThis class copies a set of DICOM files, if they match specified criteria.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
FindSOPClassSCUThis class implements the SCU role of C-FIND SOP Classes.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
FloatDoubleAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Float Double (FD) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
FloatFormatterVarious static methods helpful for formatting floating point values.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
FloatSingleAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Float Single (FL) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
FrameSetA class to describe a set of frames sharing common characteristics suitable for display or analysis as an entity.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
FTPApplicationPropertiesThis class provides common support to applications requiring properties related to FTP network services.Classcom.pixelmed.ftpPixelMed
FTPClientApplicationConfigurationDialogThis class provides a user interface for applications to configure and test properties related to remote FTP hosts.Classcom.pixelmed.ftpPixelMed
FTPFileSenderA class to send files via FTP or secure FTP over TLS.Classcom.pixelmed.ftpPixelMed
FTPRemoteHostThis class provides a description of the parameters of a remote FTP host.Classcom.pixelmed.ftpPixelMed
FTPRemoteHostConfigurationDialogThis class implements a dialog for users to enter ftp remote host configuration parameters.Classcom.pixelmed.ftpPixelMed
FTPRemoteHostInformationThis class encapsulates information about remote FTP servers.Classcom.pixelmed.ftpPixelMed
FTPSecurityTypeThis class provides a description of the parameters of a remote FTP host.Classcom.pixelmed.ftpPixelMed
FunctionalGroupUtilitiesA class contain useful methods for manipulating Functional Group Sequences.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
GeometryOfSliceA class to describe the spatial geometry of a single cross-sectional image slice.Classcom.pixelmed.geometryPixelMed
GeometryOfSliceFromAttributeListA class to extract and describe the spatial geometry of a single cross-sectional image slice, given a list of DICOM attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
GeometryOfVolumeA class to describe the spatial geometry of an entire volume of contiguous cross-sectional image slices.Classcom.pixelmed.geometryPixelMed
GeometryOfVolumeFromAttributeListA class to extract and describe the spatial geometry of an entire volume of contiguous cross-sectional image slices, given a list of DICOM attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
GetSOPClassSCUThis class implements the SCU role of C-GET SOP Classes.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
HexDumpVarious static methods helpful for dumping decimal and hexadecimal values.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
HierarchicalImageReferenceA class to represent the study, series and instance identifiers necessary to retrieve a specific single image or frame in a multi-frame image using the hierarchical model.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
HierarchicalSOPInstanceReferenceA class to represent the study, series and instance identifiers necessary to retrieve a specific instance using the hierarchical model.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
HttpServerThe HttpServer class is an abstract class that implements a minimal GET method for a web server, primarily as a basis to implement WadoServer.Classcom.pixelmed.webPixelMed
HuffmanDecoderA class to implement Huffman decoding as used by the SCP-ECG standard.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
HuffmanTableA class to store Huffman Tables, either as read from an SCP-ECG file or the default as specified in the SCP-ECG standard.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
IconDemographicAndTechniqueAnnotationsA class to extract selected DICOM annotative attributes into defined displayed area relative positions for icons.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
IconListBrowserThis class implements a panel of icons of DICOM images inside a parent JScrollPane.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
IdentifierHandlerThis class provides a mechanism to process each identifier response of a C-FIND as it is received.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
ImageEditUtilitiesA class of utility methods for editing image pixel data.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
ImageReferenceA class to represent a non-hierarchical image reference.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ImageToDicomA class for converting RGB consumer image format input files (anything JIIO can recognize) into DICOM images of a specified SOP Class, or single or multi frame DICOM Secondary Capture images.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
InformationEntityA class to provide enumerated constants for the entities of the DICOM Information Model.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
InsertCodeSequenceA class containing an application for inserting code sequences from the command line.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
InsertRealWorldValueMapA class containing an application for inserting Real World Value Maps from the command line.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
IntegerStringAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Integer String (IS) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
JTreeWithAdditionalKeyStrokeActionsJTree with additional key stroke actions.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
KeepOnlyImagePixelModuleA class of static methods to copy a DICOM image and retain only enough to describe pixels.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
LegacyRadiationDoseOCRDicomForwardingServiceA class to wait for incoming dose screen images, perform OCR to create Radiation Dose SRs and send RDSRs to a pre-configured DICOM destination.Classcom.pixelmed.doseocrPixelMed
LocalizerPosterAn abstract class that provides the basis for posting the position of specified slices and volumes on (usually orthogonal) localizer images.Classcom.pixelmed.geometryPixelMed
LocalizerPosterFactoryAn factory class that provides instances of LocalizerPoster that are used for posting the position of specifiedClasscom.pixelmed.geometryPixelMed
LoggerThis class implements a thin wrapper around a subset of methods of the Logger class from the SLF4J facade, in order to allowClasscom.pixelmed.slf4jPixelMed
LoggerFactoryThis class implements a thin wrapper around a subset of methods of the LoggerFactory class from the SLF4J facade, in order to allowClasscom.pixelmed.slf4jPixelMed
LongStringAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Long String (LO) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
LongTextAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Long Text (LT) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
LossyImageCompressionA class to categorize DICOM images as having been lossy compressed or not.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
MACAddressA class for fetching the MAC address of one of the local host network interfaces.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
MammoDemographicAndTechniqueAnnotationsA class to extract selected DICOM annotative attributes into defined displayed area relative positions for mammograms.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
MammographyLateralityThis class encapsulates information pertaining to breast-specific laterality as used in Mammo CAD Image Library entries.Classcom.pixelmed.anatprocPixelMed
MammoImageViewerThis class is an entire application for displaying and viewing mammography images and It detects the screen size and scales the images to fit the available screen real estate,Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
MapTableBrowserThe MapTableBrowser class extends a JTable to browse a list of attributes and their valuesClasscom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
MapTableModelThe MapTableModel class extends a AbstractTableModel to abstract the contents of a database asClasscom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
MediaImporterThis class is designed to support the importation of DICOM files from interchange media (such as CDs and DVDs).Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
MergeCompositeContextA class containing an application for merging the patient composite context of multiple instances for consistency.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
MergeCompositeContextForOneEntitySelectivelyA class containing an application for merging the composite context of multiple instances for consistency.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
MergeFunctionalGroupsA class containing an application for merging the functional groups of multiple instances for consistency.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
MessageLoggerAn interface to communicate log and status messages.Interfacecom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
MinimalPatientStudySeriesInstanceModelThe MinimalPatientStudySeriesInstanceModel class supports a minimal DICOM Patient/Study/Series/Instance model.Classcom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
ModalityTransformA transformation constructed from a DICOM attribute list that extracts those attributes that define the Modality LUT transformation, specifically theClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
MonitoredInputStreamA class that extends InputStream to track statistics on the transfers.Classcom.pixelmed.transfermonitorPixelMed
MonitoredOutputStreamA class that extends OutputStream to track statistics on the transfers.Classcom.pixelmed.transfermonitorPixelMed
MoveDicomFilesIntoHierarchyThis class provides a main method that recursively searches the supplied paths for DICOM files and moves them into a folder hierarchy based on their attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
MoveSOPClassSCUThis class implements the SCU role of C-MOVE SOP Classes.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
MultiFrameImageFactoryA class to create a set of instances, which when given unenhanced ("classic") images creates one or more enhanced multiframe image instances from them where possible, otherwise leaves themClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
MultiModalitySimulatorThis class implements a multi-modality simulator that takes a database of existing studies to provide a source of sample images and DICOM attributes, andClasscom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
NetworkApplicationConfigurationDialogThis class provides user interface for network applications to configure and test properties related to DICOM network services.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
NetworkApplicationInformationThis class encapsulates information about DICOM network devices.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
NetworkApplicationInformationFederatedThis class encapsulates information about DICOM network devices federated from multiple sources.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
NetworkApplicationPropertiesThis class provides common support to applications requiring properties related to DICOM network services.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
NetworkConfigurationFromLDAPThis class provides utilities to automatically configure DICOM network parameters.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
NetworkConfigurationFromMulticastDNSThis class provides a dynamic registry of DICOM network parameters possibly federated from various sources.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
NetworkConfigurationSourceThis abstract class provides a source of DICOM network parameters.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
NetworkDefaultValuesThis class defines a number of useful defaults and constants and utilities to generate defaults.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
NetworkMediaImporterThis class is designed to support the importation of DICOM files from interchange media (such as CDs and DVDs) and their transfer over theClasscom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
NIfTI1HeaderA class for extracting NIfTI-1 image input format headers.Classcom.pixelmed.convertPixelMed
NIfTI1ToDicomA class for converting NIfTI-1 image input format files into images of a specified or appropriate SOP Class.Classcom.pixelmed.convertPixelMed
NRRDHeaderA class for extracting NRRD image input format headers.Classcom.pixelmed.convertPixelMed
NRRDToDicomA class for converting NRRD image input format files into images of a specified or appropriate SOP Class.Classcom.pixelmed.convertPixelMed
NullOutputStreamA class that extends OutputStream to discard output.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
OCRA class for OCR of GE and Siemens modality dose report screen saves.Classcom.pixelmed.doseocrPixelMed
OtherAttributeOnDiskAn abstract class specializing Attribute for Other (OB or OW) attributes whose values are not memory resident.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
OtherByteAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Other Byte (OB) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
OtherByteAttributeMultipleCompressedFilesOnDiskA concrete class specializing Attribute for Other Byte (OB) attributes whose values are not memory resident but rather are stored in multiple compressed files on disk.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
OtherByteAttributeMultipleCompressedFramesA concrete class specializing Attribute for Other Byte (OB) attributes whose values are memory or file resident compressed pixel data frames.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
OtherByteAttributeMultipleFilesOnDiskA concrete class specializing Attribute for Other Byte (OB) attributes whose values are not memory resident but rather are stored in multiple files on disk.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
OtherByteAttributeMultipleFrameArraysA concrete class specializing Attribute for Other Byte (OB) attributes whose values are an array of bytes per frame rather than a singleClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
OtherByteAttributeOnDiskA concrete class specializing Attribute for Other Byte (OB) attributes whose values are not memory resident.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
OtherDoubleAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Other Double (OD) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
OtherFloatAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Other Float (OF) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
OtherLongAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Other Long (OL) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
OtherWordAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Other Word (OW) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
OtherWordAttributeOnDiskA concrete class specializing Attribute for Other Word (OW) attributes whose values are not memory resident.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
OverlayA set of bitmap overlays constructed from a DICOM attribute list.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
PatientStudySeriesConcatenationInstanceModelThe PatientStudySeriesConcatenationInstanceModel class supports a simple DICOM Patient/Study/Series/Concatenation/Instance model.Classcom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
PdfDecoderA class for to encapsulate JPedal PDF decoding capability if available at runtime without requiring it for compilation.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
PDFToDicomImageA class for converting PDF files into a single or multi frame DICOM Secondary Capture image with one frame per page.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
PersonIdentificationA class to provide support for the Person Identification Macro.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
PersonNameAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Person Name (PN) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
PixelSpacingAn class to extract and describe pixel spacing related information.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
PlotGraph is a 2D graph of sample values.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
PresentationContextListFactoryA factory object of static methods that can create lists of presentation contexts for initiating associations, from lists of DICOM files based on SOP Class (abstractClasscom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
PresentationContextSelectionPolicySee Also:UnencapsulatedExplicitStoreFindMoveGetPresentationContextSelectionPolicy Interfacecom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
PrintStreamMessageLoggerA class to write log and status messages to a PrintStream such as System.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
PrivatePixelDataThis class includes standard and private mechanisms for handling float or double Pixel Data.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ProbeCapabilityThis class provides utilities to probe the capabilities of potential DICOM Application Entities, used for example to maintain a cache of potential C-MOVE targets.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
ProjectionXRayAnatomyThis class encapsulates information pertaining to anatomy of projection x-ray images.Classcom.pixelmed.anatprocPixelMed
QueryInformationModelThe QueryInformationModel class is an abstract class that contains the core functionality for performing DICOM query and retrieval over the network.Classcom.pixelmed.queryPixelMed
QueryResponseGeneratorThis interface abstracts the communication between a query (C-FIND) server that implements the network service, and the source of information with whichInterfacecom.pixelmed.queryPixelMed
QueryTreeBrowserThe QueryTreeBrowser class implements a Swing graphical user interface to browse the contents of QueryTreeModel.Classcom.pixelmed.queryPixelMed
QueryTreeModelThe QueryTreeModel class implements a TreeModel to abstract the contents of a query response asClasscom.pixelmed.queryPixelMed
QueryTreeRecordInstances of the QueryTreeRecord class represent nodes in a tree of the QueryTreeModel class, which inClasscom.pixelmed.queryPixelMed
RawRGBInformationA class to read a Visible Human README file and extract the information describing the raw RGB image.Classcom.pixelmed.convertPixelMed
RawRGBToDicomMultiFrameA class for converting raw RGB color single frame image input format files (such as from Visible Human) into one or more DICOM multi-frame secondary capture images.Classcom.pixelmed.convertPixelMed
RawSourceECGA class that encapsulates the features and values from a raw ECG source, usually for the purpose of displaying it.Classcom.pixelmed.displaywavePixelMed
RealWorldValueTransformA transformation constructed from a DICOM attribute list that extracts those attributes which describe how stored pixel values are translatedClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
RebuildDatabaseFromInstanceFilesThis class allows the reconstruction of a database from the stored instance files, such as when the database schema model has been changed.Classcom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
ReceivedDataHandlerThis abstract class provides a mechanism to process each PDU as it is received Typically a private sub-class would be declared and instantiatedClasscom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
ReceivedObjectHandlerThis abstract class provides a mechanism for performing processing on a DICOM data set that has been completely received and stored in a file.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
RecordHeaderA class to encapsulate an SCP-ECG record header.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
RemapFrameOfReferenceUIDsA class to read a set of DICOM files and replace the Frame of Reference UIDs with a common value for the specified scope.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
RemapUIDsA class to read a map of Study, Series, SOP Instance and Frame of Reference UIDs pairs, and then remap occurences in a set of DICOM files to the other member of the pair.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
RequestTypeServerThe RequestTypeServer implements an HTTP server that responds to requests of a specified type and dispatches the furtherClasscom.pixelmed.webPixelMed
RetrieveResponseGeneratorThis interface abstracts the communication between a retrieve (C-MOVE) server that implements the network service, and the source of information with whichInterfacecom.pixelmed.queryPixelMed
RotateFlipSetOfImagesA class containing an application for rotating and/or flipping a set of images and updating the other attributes accordingly.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
SafeProgressBarUpdaterThreadA class that implements Runnable so that it can be invoked by EventQueue.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
SchemeAndValuePairThis class represents a concept by a combination of CodingSchemeDesignator and CodeValue.Classcom.pixelmed.anatprocPixelMed
SCPECGA class to encapsulate an entire SCP-ECG object.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
SCPSourceECGA class that encapsulates the features and values from an SCP ECG source, usually for the purpose of displaying it.Classcom.pixelmed.displaywavePixelMed
SCPTreeThe SCPTree class implements a TreeModel to abstract the contents of a list of attributes asClasscom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
SCPTreeBrowserThe SCPTreeBrowser class implements a Swing graphical user interface to browse the contents of an SCPTree.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
SCPTreeRecordInstances of the SCPTreeRecord class represent nodes in a tree of the SCPTree class, which inClasscom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
ScrollingTextAreaWriterA class to write log and status messages to a PrintStream such as System.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
SectionA class to encapsulate an SCP-ECG section.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
Section0A class to encapsulate the SCP-ECG Pointers to Data Areas section.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
Section1A class to encapsulate the SCP-ECG Patient and ECG Acquisition Data section.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
Section10A class to encapsulate the SCP-ECG Lead Measurement Results section.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
Section2A class to encapsulate the SCP-ECG Huffman Tables section.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
Section3A class to encapsulate the SCP-ECG Lead Definition section.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
Section4A class to encapsulate the SCP-ECG QRS Locations section.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
Section5Or6A class to encapsulate the SCP-ECG Encoded Reference Beat Data and Residual or Rhythm Data sections.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
Section7A class to encapsulate the SCP-ECG Global Measurements section.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
Section8Or11A class to encapsulate the SCP-ECG Textual Diagnosis and Universal Interpretative Statement Codes sections.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
SectionHeaderA class to encapsulate the header portion of an SCP-ECG section.Classcom.pixelmed.scpecgPixelMed
SequenceAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Sequence (SQ) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
SequenceItemA class to provide support for the contents of an individual item of a DICOM Sequence (SQ) attribute, each of which consists of an entire dataset (list of attributes).Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
SetCharacteristicsFromSummaryA class containing an application for adding or replacing top level and shared multi-frame functional group attributes from a JSON summary description.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
SetOfDicomFilesA class to describe a set of DICOM files and their features such as SOP Class, Instance and Transfer Syntax UIDs.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
SetOfFrameSetsA class to describe a set of frame sets, each of which shares common characteristics suitable for display or analysis as an entity.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ShortStringAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Short String (SH) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
ShortTextAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Short Text (ST) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
SignedLongAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Signed Long (SL) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
SignedShortAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Signed Short (SS) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
SingleImagePanel single panel with window center/width adjustment, scrolling through frames of a multi-frame image, resizing to the size of the panel, annotationClasscom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
SOPClassThe abstract base class of classes that implement individual DICOM SOP Classes or groups of SOP Classes that behave similarly (for example the composite instanceClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
SOPClassDescriptionsA class of static methods to provide a means of describing SOP Classes with abbreviations and hman-readable descriptions.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
SOPInstanceReferenceA class to represent a non-hierarchical instance reference.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
SourceECGAn abstract class that encapsulates the features and values from an ECG source, usually for the purpose of displaying it.Classcom.pixelmed.displaywavePixelMed
SourceImageA class that encapsulates the pixel data and features and values from an image source (such as a DICOM image), usually for the purpose of displaying it.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
SourceImageSubsetA class that encapsulates a subset of frame sin a multi-frame SourceImage.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
SourceSpectraA class that encapsulates the features and values from an MR spectroscopy source, usually for the purpose of displaying it.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
SpatialCoordinateAndImageReferenceA class to encapsulate information describing references in a structured report to images, with or without spatial coordinates.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
SpecificCharacterSetA class to encapsulate the functionality defined by the DICOM Specific Character Set attribute, including the ability to parse the string values of the attribute and thenClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
SpectraPanel single panel, over an optional background image, with scrolling through frames of a multi-frame spectra, resizing to the size of the panel, feedback of cursorClasscom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
SpectroscopyVolumeLocalizationA class to extract and describe the spatial geometry of an MR spectroscopy localization volume, given a list of DICOM attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
StandaloneAttributeTreeBrowserThe StandaloneAttributeTreeBrowser class implements a Swing graphical user interface to browse the contents of an AttributeTree using an AttributeTreeBrowser.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
StorageSOPClassSCPThis class implements the SCP role of SOP Classes of the Storage Service Class, the Study Root Query Retrieve Information Model Find, Get and Move SOP Classes,Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
StorageSOPClassSCPDispatcherThis class waits for incoming connections and association requests for the SCP role of SOP Classes of the Storage Service Class,Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
StorageSOPClassSCUThis class implements the SCU role of SOP Classes of the Storage Service Class.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
StorageSOPClassSCUPerformanceTestThis class implements the SCU role of SOP Classes of the Storage Service Class.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
StoredFilePathStrategyThis is an abstract class to support creating path names for how to organize the folders and files for stored composite instances based on their SOP Instance UID.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
StoredFilePathStrategyComponentFoldersStore files in a hierarchy of folders using successive numeric components of the SOP Instance UID as the folder name and the SOP Instance UID as the filename within the most deeply nested folder.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
StoredFilePathStrategyHashSubFoldersStore files in a hierarchy of folders using successive decimal digits of the hashcode of the SOP Instance UID as the folder name and the SOP Instance UID as the filename within the most deeply nested folder.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
StoredFilePathStrategySingleFolderStore files in a single folder, using the SOP Instance UID as the filename.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
StringAttributeAn abstract class specializing Attribute for the family of string attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
StringAttributeAffectedBySpecificCharacterSetAn abstract class specializing Attribute for the family of string attributes that support different specific character sets.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
StringUtilitiesVarious static methods helpful for comparing and manipulating strings.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
StructuredReportThe StructuredReport class implements a TreeModel to abstract the contents of a list of attributesClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
StructuredReportTreeBrowserThe StructuredReportTreeBrowser class implements a Swing graphical user interface to browse the contents of a StructuredReport.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
StudyReceiverA class to wait for incoming composite instance storage operations and process when study is complete based on time since last instance received.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
StudyRootQueryInformationModelThe StudyRootQueryInformationModel supports query and retrieval using the DICOM Study Root information model.Classcom.pixelmed.queryPixelMed
StudySeriesInstanceModelThe StudySeriesInstanceModel class supports a minimal DICOM Study/Series/Instance model.Classcom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
StudySeriesInstanceSelectiveMatchModelThe StudySeriesInstanceSelectiveMatchModel class supports a minimal DICOM Study/Series/Instance model.Classcom.pixelmed.databasePixelMed
SuperimposedDicomImageA class that supports matching the geometry of a superimposed DICOM image and an underlying images, and creating BufferedImages suitable forClasscom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
SuperimposedDicomSegmentsA class that supports extracting DICOM segmentation objects with one or more segments as superimposed images.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
SuperimposedImageA class that supports matching the geometry of a superimposed image and an underlying images, and creating BufferedImages suitable forClasscom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
SUVTransformA transformation constructed from a DICOM attribute list that extracts those attributes which describe how stored pixel values are translatedClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
SynchronizeFromRemoteSCPA class for synchronizing the contents of a local database of DICOM objects with a remote SCP.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
SyslogA class to private remote logging via the BSD syslog service (UDP on port 514).Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
TestOCRAgainstTabulatedDataA class fto test OCR against tabulated data.Classcom.pixelmed.doseocrPixelMed
TestSendingCommandAndDataInOnePDUThis class implements the SCU role of SOP Classes of the Storage Service Class.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
TextAnnotationPositionedA class to encapsulate a text annotation positioned left or right and top or bottom with row offset relative to an abstract rectanglular frame.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
TextAttributeAn abstract class specializing Attribute for the family of text attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
TimeAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Time (TM) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
TransferMonitorA class that extends FilterOutputStream to track statistics on the transfers.Classcom.pixelmed.transfermonitorPixelMed
TransferSyntaxA class to represent the characteristics of a DICOM Transfer Syntax, which may be instantiated from a UID or from basic characteristics, as well as staticClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
TransferSyntaxFromNameA class to lookup the DICOM Transfer Syntax UID from a string name.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
TransferSyntaxSelectionPolicyConcrete sub-classes of this abstract class accept or reject Presentation Contexts from a list based on their Transfer Syntax.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
TranslateImagePositionPatientA class to read a set of DICOM files and translate the Image Position (Patient) by a fixed offset.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
UIDGeneratorA class for generating new UIDs, deterministically or not, including potentially reproducible Study, Series and SOP Instance UIDs.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
UIDMapByMatchingPixelDataA class to identify duplicate images based on having the same pixel data hash and constructing collections of their duplicate Study, Series, SOP Instance and Frame of Reference UIDs.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
UnencapsulateCompressedPixelDataA class to read a DICOM image input format file encoded in a compressed transfer syntax and extract the compressed bitstreams into a file for each frame.Classcom.pixelmed.convertPixelMed
UnencapsulatedExplicitStoreFindMoveGetPresentationContextSelectionPolicyAccept only SOP Classes for storage, query or retrieval of composite instances and verification SOP Classes with uncompressed or deflated or bzip but not encapsulated compressed transfer syntaxes, also rejecting implicit VRClasscom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
UnencapsulatedExplicitStorePresentationContextSelectionPolicyAccept only SOP Classes for storage of composite instances and verification SOP Classes with uncompressed or deflated or bzip but not encapsulated compressed transfer syntaxes, also rejecting implicit VRClasscom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
UnencapsulatedExplicitTransferSyntaxSelectionPolicyAccept only uncompressed or deflated or bzip but not encapsulated compressed transfer syntaxes, also rejecting implicit VR transfer syntaxes if an explicit VR transfer syntax is offered for the same abstract syntax.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
UniqueIdentifierAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Unique Identifier (UI) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
UniversalResourceAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Unviversal Resource (UR) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
UnknownAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Unknown (UN) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
UnlimitedCharactersAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Unlimited Characters (UC) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
UnlimitedTextAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Unlimited Text (UT) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
UnsignedLongAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Unsigned Long (UL) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
UnsignedShortAttributeA concrete class specializing Attribute for Unsigned Short (US) attributes.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
UUIDBasedOIDA class for creating and convertin UUID based OIDs.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed
ValueRepresentationUtilities to support the concept of the DICOM Value Representation (VR), including two byte arrays for each VR, and tester methods that determine whether or not aClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
VerificationSOPClassSCUThis class implements the SCU role of the Verification SOP Class.Classcom.pixelmed.networkPixelMed
VersionAndConstantsVarious pre-defined constants for identifying this software.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
VeterinaryA class of static methods for handling veterinary (animal) data.Classcom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
VOITransformA transformation constructed from a DICOM attribute list that extracts those attributes that define the VOI LUT transformation, specifically theClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
WadoRequestThe WadoRequest class parses a DICOM PS 3.Classcom.pixelmed.webPixelMed
WadoServerThe WadoServer implements an HTTP server that responds to WADO GET requests as defined by DICOM PS 3.Classcom.pixelmed.webPixelMed
WatchFolderAndSendA class for watching a folder and sending any DICOM files that appear to a pre-configured network remote Storage SCP AE.Classcom.pixelmed.appsPixelMed
WebRequestThe WebRequest class parses a URL that contains a requestType parameter and additional query parameters.Classcom.pixelmed.webPixelMed
WebServerApplicationPropertiesThis class provides common support to applications requiring properties related to web services.Classcom.pixelmed.webPixelMed
WindowCenterAndWidthA class of static methods to perform window operations on images.Classcom.pixelmed.displayPixelMed
XMLRepresentationOfDicomObjectFactoryA class to encode a representation of a DICOM object in an XML form, suitable for analysis as human-readable text, or for feeding into anClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
XMLRepresentationOfStructuredReportObjectFactoryA class to encode a representation of a DICOM Structured Report object in an XML form, suitable for analysis as human-readable text, or for feeding into anClasscom.pixelmed.dicomPixelMed
XPathQueryThe XPathQuery class provides a command line utility for performing XPath queries against an XML file.Classcom.pixelmed.utilsPixelMed