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# Classes and Interfaces in #RoboCode - 105 results found.
AdvancedRobotA more advanced type of robot than Robot that allows non-blocking calls, custom events, and writes to the filesystem.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
BattleAdaptorAn abstract adapter class for receiving battle events by implementing the IBattleListener.Classrobocode.control.eventsRoboCode
BattleCompletedEventA BattleCompletedEvent is sent to onBattleCompleted() when the battle is completed successfully and results are available.Classrobocode.control.eventsRoboCode
BattleEndedEventA BattleEndedEvent is sent to onBattleEnded() when the battle is ended.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
BattleErrorEventA BattleErrorEvent is sent to onBattleError() when an error message is sent from the game in the during the battle.Classrobocode.control.eventsRoboCode
BattleEventThis is the base class of all battle events.Classrobocode.control.eventsRoboCode
BattlefieldSpecificationDefines the size of a battlefield, which is a part of the BattleSpecification.Classrobocode.controlRoboCode
BattleFinishedEventA BattleFinishedEvent is sent to onBattleFinished() when the battle is finished.Classrobocode.control.eventsRoboCode
BattleMessageEventA BattleMessageEvent is sent to onBattleMessage() when an informal message is sent from the game in the during the battle.Classrobocode.control.eventsRoboCode
BattlePausedEventA BattlePausedEvent is sent to onBattlePaused() when a battle has been paused.Classrobocode.control.eventsRoboCode
BattleResultsContains the battle results returned by BattleEndedEvent.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
BattleResumedEventA BattleResumedEvent is sent to onBattleResumed() when a battle has been resumed (after having been paused).Classrobocode.control.eventsRoboCode
BattleRulesContains the battle rules returned by BattleStartedEvent.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
BattleSpecificationA BattleSpecification defines a battle configuration used by the RobocodeEngine.Classrobocode.controlRoboCode
BattleStartedEventA BattleStartedEvent is sent to onBattleStarted() when a new battle is started.Classrobocode.control.eventsRoboCode
BorderSentryA robot that implements BorderSentry is a robot type used for keeping other robots away from the borders, i.InterfacerobocodeRoboCode
BulletRepresents a bullet.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
BulletHitBulletEventThis event is sent to onBulletHitBullet when one of your bullets has hit another bullet.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
BulletHitEventThis event is sent to onBulletHit when one of your bullets has hit another robot.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
BulletMissedEventThis event is sent to onBulletMissed when one of your bullets has missed, i.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
BulletStateenum BulletStateextends EnumDefines a bullet state, which can be: just fired, moving somewhere, hitting a victim,Classrobocode.control.snapshotRoboCode
ConditionCondition is used to define custom waitFor(Condition) and custom events for an AdvancedRobot.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
CustomEventThis event is sent to onCustomEvent() when a custom condition is met.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
DeathEventThis event is sent to onDeath() when yourAuthor:Mathew A.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
DroidRobots that implement Droid have no scanner, but an extra 20 life/energy.InterfacerobocodeRoboCode
EventThe superclass of all Robocode events.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
GunTurnCompleteConditionA prebuilt condition you can use that indicates your gun has finishedAuthor:Mathew A.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
HitByBulletEventA HitByBulletEvent is sent to onHitByBullet() when your robot has been hit by a bullet.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
HitRobotEventA HitRobotEvent is sent to onHitRobot() when your robot collides with another robot.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
HitWallEventA HitWallEvent is sent to onHitWall() when you collide a wall.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
IAdvancedEventsAn event interface for receiving advanced robot events with anSince:1.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfacesRoboCode
IAdvancedRobotA robot interface for creating a more advanced type of robot like AdvancedRobot that is able to handle advanced robot events.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfacesRoboCode
IAdvancedRobotPeerThe advanced robot peer for advanced robot types like AdvancedRobot and TeamRobot.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfaces.peerRoboCode
IBasicEventsAn event interface for receiving basic robot events with anSince:1.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfacesRoboCode
IBasicEvents2First extended version of the IBasicEvents interface.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfacesRoboCode
IBasicEvents3Second extended version of the IBasicEvents interface.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfacesRoboCode
IBasicRobotA robot interface for creating a basic type of robot like Robot that is able to receive common robot events, but not interactive events asInterfacerobocode.robotinterfacesRoboCode
IBasicRobotPeerThe basic robot peer for all robot types.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfaces.peerRoboCode
IBattleListenerThe listener interface for receiving "interesting" battle events from the game, e.Interfacerobocode.control.eventsRoboCode
IBulletSnapshotInterface of a bullet snapshot at a specific time in a battle.Interfacerobocode.control.snapshotRoboCode
IDebugPropertyInterface of a debug property, which is a key-value pair.Interfacerobocode.control.snapshotRoboCode
IInteractiveEventsAn event interface for receiving interactive events with anSince:1.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfacesRoboCode
IInteractiveRobotA robot interface for creating an interactive type of robot like Robot and AdvancedRobot that is able toInterfacerobocode.robotinterfacesRoboCode
IJuniorRobotA robot interface for creating the most primitive robot type, which is a JuniorRobot.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfacesRoboCode
IJuniorRobotPeerThe junior robot peer for junior robot types like JuniorRobot.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfaces.peerRoboCode
IPaintEventsAn event interface for receiving paint events with anSince:1.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfacesRoboCode
IPaintRobotA robot interface that makes it possible for a robot to receive paint events.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfacesRoboCode
IRobocodeEngineInterface for the RobocodeEngine.Interfacerobocode.controlRoboCode
IRobotSnapshotInterface of a robot snapshot at a specific time in a battle.Interfacerobocode.control.snapshotRoboCode
IScoreSnapshotInterface of a score snapshot at a specific time in a battle.Interfacerobocode.control.snapshotRoboCode
IStandardRobotPeerThe standard robot peer for standard robot types like Robot, AdvancedRobot, and TeamRobot.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfaces.peerRoboCode
ITeamEventsAn event interface for receiving robot team events with anSince:1.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfacesRoboCode
ITeamRobotA robot interface for creating a team robot like TeamRobot that is able to receive team events.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfacesRoboCode
ITeamRobotPeerThe team robot peer for team robots like TeamRobot.Interfacerobocode.robotinterfaces.peerRoboCode
ITurnSnapshotInterface of a battle turn snapshot at a specific time in a battle.Interfacerobocode.control.snapshotRoboCode
JuniorRobotThis is the simplest robot type, which is simpler than the Robot and AdvancedRobot classes.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
KeyEventSuper class of all events that originates from the keyboard.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
KeyPressedEventA KeyPressedEvent is sent to onKeyPressed() when a key has been pressed on the keyboard.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
KeyReleasedEventA KeyReleasedEvent is sent to onKeyReleased() when a key has been released on the keyboard.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
KeyTypedEventA KeyTypedEvent is sent to onKeyTyped() when a key has been typed (pressed and released) on the keyboard.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
MessageEventA MessageEvent is sent to onMessageReceived() when a teammate sends a message to your robot.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
MouseClickedEventA MouseClickedEvent is sent to onMouseClicked() when the mouse is clicked inside the battle view.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
MouseDraggedEventA MouseDraggedEvent is sent to onMouseDragged() when the mouse is dragged inside the battle view.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
MouseEnteredEventA MouseEnteredEvent is sent to onMouseEntered() when the mouse has entered the battle view.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
MouseEventSuper class of all events that originates from the mouse.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
MouseExitedEventA MouseExitedEvent is sent to onMouseExited() when the mouse has exited the battle view.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
MouseMovedEventA MouseMovedEvent is sent to onMouseMoved() when the mouse has moved inside the battle view.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
MousePressedEventA MousePressedEvent is sent to onMousePressed() when the mouse is pressed inside the battle view.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
MouseReleasedEventA MouseReleasedEvent is sent to onMouseReleased() when the mouse is released inside the battle view.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
MouseWheelMovedEventA MouseWheelMovedEvent is sent to onMouseWheelMoved() when the mouse wheel is rotated inside the battle view.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
MoveCompleteConditionA prebuilt condition you can use that indicates your robot has finishedAuthor:Mathew A.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
PaintEventThis event occurs when your robot should paint, where the onPaint() is called on your robot.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
RadarTurnCompleteConditionA prebuilt condition you can use that indicates your radar has finishedAuthor:Mathew A.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
RandomFactoryThe RandomFactory is used for controlling the generation of random numbers, and supports generating random numbers that are deterministic, which isClassrobocode.controlRoboCode
RateControlRobotThis advanced robot type allows you to set a rate for each of the robot's movements.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
RobocodeRobocode - A programming game involving battling AI tanks.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
RobocodeEngineThe RobocodeEngine is the interface provided for external applications in order to let these applications run battles within the Robocode application,Classrobocode.controlRoboCode
RobocodeFileOutputStreamRobocodeFileOutputStream is similar to a FileOutputStream and is used for streaming/writing data out to a file, which you gotClassrobocodeRoboCode
RobocodeFileWriterRobocodeFileWriter is similar to a FileWriter and is used for writing data out to a file, which you got by calling getDataFile().ClassrobocodeRoboCode
RobotThe basic robot class that you will extend to create your own robots.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
RobotDeathEventThis event is sent to onRobotDeath() when another robot (not your robot) dies.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
RobotResultsContains the battle results for an individual robotAuthor:Mathew A.Classrobocode.controlRoboCode
RobotSetupContains the initial position and heading for a robot.Classrobocode.controlRoboCode
RobotSpecificationDefines the properties of a robot, which is returned from RobocodeEngine.Classrobocode.controlRoboCode
RobotStateenum RobotStateextends EnumDefines a robot state, which can be: active on the battlefield, hitting a wall or robot this turn, or dead.Classrobocode.control.snapshotRoboCode
RobotStatusContains the status of a robot for a specific time/turn returned by StatusEvent.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
RoundEndedEventA RoundEndedEvent is sent to onRoundEnded() when the current round of a battle has ended.Classrobocode.control.eventsRoboCode
RoundEndedEventA RoundEndedEvent is sent to onRoundEnded() when a round has ended.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
RoundStartedEventA RoundStartedEvent is sent to onRoundStarted() when a new round in a battle is started.Classrobocode.control.eventsRoboCode
RulesConstants and methods that defines the rules of Robocode.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
SafeStaticAnnotation used for marking a static field as being safe so that Robocode should not print out warnings at runtime when this annotation is being used.Classrobocode.annotationRoboCode
ScannedRobotEventA ScannedRobotEvent is sent to onScannedRobot() when you scan a robot.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
SkippedTurnEventA SkippedTurnEvent is sent to onSkippedTurn() when your robot is forced to skipping a turn.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
StatusEventThis event is sent to onStatus() every turn in a battle to provide the status of the robot.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
TeamRobotAn advanced type of robot that supports sending messages between team mates in a robot team.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
TurnCompleteConditionA prebuilt condition you can use that indicates your robot has finishedAuthor:Mathew A.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
TurnEndedEventA TurnEndedEvent is sent to onTurnEnded() when the current turn in a battle round is ended.Classrobocode.control.eventsRoboCode
TurnStartedEventA TurnStartedEvent is sent to onTurnStarted() when a new turn in a battle round is started.Classrobocode.control.eventsRoboCode
UtilsUtility class that provide methods for normalizing angles.Classrobocode.utilRoboCode
WinEventThis event is sent to onWin() when your robot wins the round in a battle.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
_AdvancedRadiansRobotThis class is used by the system as a placeholder for all *Radians calls in AdvancedRobot.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
_AdvancedRobotThis class is used by the system, as well as being a placeholder for all deprecated (meaning, you should not use them) calls for AdvancedRobot.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
_RobotThis class is used by the system, as well as being a placeholder for all deprecated (meaning, you should not use them) calls for Robot.ClassrobocodeRoboCode
_RobotBaseThis is the base class of all robots used by the system.ClassrobocodeRoboCode