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#Akka.typed.patterns.Receptionist Classes and Interfaces - 11 results found.
Receptionist$A Receptionist is an entry point into an Actor hierarchy where select Actors publish their identity together with the protocols that they implement.Classakka.typed.patternsAkka
Receptionist .FindQuery the Receptionist for a list of all Actors implementing the givenSee Also:Serialized FormClassakka.typed.patterns.ReceptionistAkka
Receptionist .Find$Classakka.typed.patterns.ReceptionistAkka
Receptionist .ListingCurrent listing of all Actors that implement the protocol given by the Receptionist.Classakka.typed.patterns.ReceptionistAkka
Receptionist .Listing$Classakka.typed.patterns.ReceptionistAkka
Receptionist .RegisterAssociate the given ActorRef with the given Receptionist.Classakka.typed.patterns.ReceptionistAkka
Receptionist .Register$Classakka.typed.patterns.ReceptionistAkka
Receptionist .RegisteredConfirmation that the given ActorRef has been associated with the Receptionist.Classakka.typed.patterns.ReceptionistAkka
Receptionist .Registered$Classakka.typed.patterns.ReceptionistAkka
Receptionist .ServiceKeyA service key is an object that implements this trait for a given protocol T, meaning that it signifies that the type T is the entry point into theInterfaceakka.typed.patterns.ReceptionistAkka