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#Com.codename1.system Classes and Interfaces - 5 results found.
CrashReportInvoked to indicate that an exception occurred, it is up to the developer to decide whether to send the device log to the server by invoking Log.Interfacecom.codename1.systemCodeName One
DefaultCrashReporterA default implementation of the crash reporter that instantly sends the crash data to the server.Classcom.codename1.systemCodeName One
NativeInterfaceThis is a marker interface that should be extended by a user interface in order to indicate that said interface is implemented in native code.Interfacecom.codename1.systemCodeName One
NativeLookupCreates an instance of the native interface which will call the underlying platform using the convention documented in the package docs.Classcom.codename1.systemCodeName One
URLCallbackIn platforms that support opening an application via URL this interface can be implemented by the main class to support such functionality.Interfacecom.codename1.systemCodeName One