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#Com.eclipsesource.tabris.geolocation Classes and Interfaces - 8 results found.
Coordinates Coordinates is a wrapper for GPS positions.Classcom.eclipsesource.tabris.geolocationTabris
Geolocation the Geolocation can be used to determine a client's geographical location.Interfacecom.eclipsesource.tabris.geolocationTabris
GeolocationAdapter This adapter provides an empty default implementation of GeolocationListener.Classcom.eclipsesource.tabris.geolocationTabris
GeolocationListener The GeolocationListener is used to notify the server side about location updates from the mobile device.Interfacecom.eclipsesource.tabris.geolocationTabris
GeolocationOptions The GeolocationOptions will be used as configuration for client devices to determine the location.Classcom.eclipsesource.tabris.geolocationTabris
Position A Position will be passed as parameter when a client sends it's location to the server.Classcom.eclipsesource.tabris.geolocationTabris
PositionError A PositionError will be used as a parameter when the client fails to determine the location.Classcom.eclipsesource.tabris.geolocationTabris
PositionError .PositionErrorCode PositionErrorCode is a helper enumeration to unify the most common client errors.Classcom.eclipsesource.tabris.geolocationTabris