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#Com.vividsolutions.jts.algorithm Classes and Interfaces - 17 results found.
AngleUtility functions for working with angles.Classcom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
BoundaryNodeRuleAn interface for rules which determine whether node points which are in boundaries of lineal geometry componentsInterfacecom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
BoundaryNodeRule .EndPointBoundaryNodeRuleA BoundaryNodeRule which specifies that any points which are endpoints of lineal components are in the boundary of theClasscom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
BoundaryNodeRule .Mod2BoundaryNodeRuleA BoundaryNodeRule specifies that points are in the boundary of a lineal geometry iffClasscom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
BoundaryNodeRule .MonoValentEndPointBoundaryNodeRuleA BoundaryNodeRule which determines that only endpoints with valency of exactly 1 are on the boundary.Classcom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
BoundaryNodeRule .MultiValentEndPointBoundaryNodeRuleA BoundaryNodeRule which determines that only endpoints with valency greater than 1 are on the boundary.Classcom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
CGAlgorithmsSpecifies and implements various fundamental Computational Geometric algorithms.Classcom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
CentralEndpointIntersectorComputes an approximate intersection of two line segments by taking the most central of the endpoints of the segments.Classcom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
CentroidAreaComputes the centroid of an area geometry.Classcom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
CentroidLineComputes the centroid of a linear geometry.Classcom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
CentroidPointComputes the centroid of a point geometry.Classcom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
ConvexHullComputes the convex hull of a Geometry.Classcom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
HCoordinateRepresents a homogeneous coordinate in a 2-D coordinate space.Classcom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
InteriorPointAreaComputes a point in the interior of an area geometry.Classcom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
InteriorPointLineComputes a point in the interior of an linear geometry.Classcom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
InteriorPointPointComputes a point in the interior of an point geometry.Classcom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology
LineIntersectorA LineIntersector is an algorithm that can both test whether two line segments intersect and compute the intersection pointClasscom.vividsolutions.jts.algorithmJTS Topology