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#Htsjdk.tribble.util Classes and Interfaces - 14 results found.
HardyWeinbergCalculationThis class calculates a HardyWeinberg p-value given three values representing the observed frequences of homozygous and heterozygous genotypes in theClasshtsjdk.tribble.util.popgenHtsJDK
HTTPHelperSimple implementation of URLHelper based on the JDK URL and HttpURLConnection classes.Classhtsjdk.tribble.utilHtsJDK
LittleEndianInputStreamInput stream with methods to convert byte arrays to numeric values using "little endian" order.Classhtsjdk.tribble.utilHtsJDK
MathUtils .RunningStata class for calculating moving statistics - this class returns the mean, variance, and std dev after accumulating any number of records.Classhtsjdk.tribble.utilHtsJDK
RemoteURLHelper Determines appropriate helper based on protocol (ftp/http), and then delegates.Classhtsjdk.tribble.utilHtsJDK
TabixUtils .TIndexClasshtsjdk.tribble.utilHtsJDK
TabixUtils .TIntvClasshtsjdk.tribble.utilHtsJDK
TabixUtils .TPair64Classhtsjdk.tribble.utilHtsJDK
URLHelperInterface defining a helper class for dealing with URL resources.Interfacehtsjdk.tribble.utilHtsJDK