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AbstractMultiResolutionImageThis class provides default implementations of several Image methods for classes that want to implement the interface.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
AffineTransformOpThis class uses an affine transform to perform a linear mapping from 2D coordinates in the source image or Raster to 2D coordinatesClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
AreaAveragingScaleFilterAn ImageFilter class for scaling images using a simple area averaging algorithm that produces smoother results than the nearest neighborClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
BandCombineOpThis class performs an arbitrary linear combination of the bands in a Raster, using a specified matrix.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
BandedSampleModelThis class represents image data which is stored in a band interleaved which each sample of a pixel occupies one data element of the DataBuffer.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
BaseMultiResolutionImageThis class is an array-based implementation of the AbstractMultiResolutionImage class.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
BufferedImageThe BufferedImage subclass describes an Image with an accessible buffer of image data.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
BufferedImageFilterThe BufferedImageFilter class subclasses an ImageFilter to provide a simple means ofClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
BufferStrategyThe BufferStrategy class represents the mechanism with which to organize complex memory on a particular Canvas orClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
ByteLookupTableThis class defines a lookup table object.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
BufferedImageOpThis interface describes single-input/single-output operations performed on BufferedImage objects.Interfacejava.awt.imageJava SE
ColorConvertOpThis class performs a pixel-by-pixel color conversion of the data in the source image.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
ColorModelThe ColorModel abstract class encapsulates the methods for translating a pixel value to color componentsClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
ComponentColorModelA ColorModel class that works with pixel values that represent color and alpha information as separate samples and thatClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
ComponentSampleModelThis class represents image data which is stored such that each sample of a pixel occupies one data element of the DataBuffer.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
ConvolveOpThis class implements a convolution from the source to the destination.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
CropImageFilterAn ImageFilter class for cropping images.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
ContextualRenderedImageFactoryContextualRenderedImageFactory provides an interface for the functionality that may differ between instances ofInterfacejava.awt.image.renderableJava SE
DataBufferThis class exists to wrap one or more data arrays.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
DataBufferByteThis class extends DataBuffer and stores data internally as bytes.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
DataBufferDoubleThis class extends DataBuffer and stores data internally Note that some implementations may function more efficientlyClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
DataBufferFloatThis class extends DataBuffer and stores data internally Note that some implementations may function more efficientlyClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
DataBufferIntThis class extends DataBuffer and stores data internally Note that some implementations may function more efficientlyClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
DataBufferShortThis class extends DataBuffer and stores data internally as shorts.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
DataBufferUShortThis class extends DataBuffer and stores data internally as shorts.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
DirectColorModelThe DirectColorModel class is a ColorModel class that works with pixel values that represent RGBClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
FilteredImageSourceThis class is an implementation of the ImageProducer interface which takes an existing image and a filter object and uses them to produceClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
ImageThe abstract class Image is the superclass of all classes that represent graphical images.Classjava.awtJava SE
ImageCapabilitiesCapabilities and properties of images.Classjava.awtJava SE
ImageFilterThis class implements a filter for the set of interface methods that are used to deliver data from an ImageProducer to an ImageConsumer.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
ImagingOpExceptionThe ImagingOpException is thrown if one of the BufferedImageOp or RasterOp filter methods cannotClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
IndexColorModelThe IndexColorModel class is a ColorModel class that works with pixel values consisting of aClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
InputContextProvides methods to control text input facilities such as input methods and keyboard layouts.Classjava.awt.imJava SE
InputMethodHighlightAn InputMethodHighlight is used to describe the highlight attributes of text being composed.Classjava.awt.imJava SE
InputSubsetDefines additional Unicode subsets for use by input methods.Classjava.awt.imJava SE
ImageConsumerThe interface for objects expressing interest in image data through the ImageProducer interfaces.Interfacejava.awt.imageJava SE
ImageObserverAn asynchronous update interface for receiving notifications about Image information as the Image is constructed.Interfacejava.awt.imageJava SE
ImageProducerThe interface for objects which can produce the image data for Images.Interfacejava.awt.imageJava SE
InputMethodDefines the interface for an input method that supports complex text SE
InputMethodContextProvides methods that input methods can use to communicate with their client components or to SE
InputMethodDescriptorDefines methods that provide sufficient information about an input method to enable selection and loading of that input SE
InputMethodRequestsInputMethodRequests defines the requests that a text editing component has to handle in order to work with input methods.Interfacejava.awt.imJava SE
KernelThe Kernel class defines a matrix that describes how a specified pixel and its surrounding pixels affect the valueClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
LookupOpThis class implements a lookup operation from the source to the destination.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
LookupTableThis abstract class defines a lookup table object.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
MemoryImageSourceThis class is an implementation of the ImageProducer interface which uses an array to produce pixel values for an Image.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
MultiPixelPackedSampleModelThe MultiPixelPackedSampleModel class represents one-banded images and can pack multiple one-sampleClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
MultiResolutionImageThis interface is designed to be an optional additional API supported by some implementations of Image to allow them to provideInterfacejava.awt.imageJava SE
PackedColorModelThe PackedColorModel class is an abstract ColorModel class that works with pixel values which representClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
ParameterBlockA ParameterBlock encapsulates all the information about sources and parameters (Objects) required by a RenderableImageOp, or otherClassjava.awt.image.renderableJava SE
PixelGrabberThe PixelGrabber class implements an ImageConsumer which can be attached to an Image or ImageProducer object to retrieve a subset of the pixelsClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
PixelInterleavedSampleModelThis class represents image data which is stored in a pixel interleaved which each sample of a pixel occupies one data element of the DataBuffer.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
RasterA class representing a rectangular array of pixels.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
RasterFormatExceptionThe RasterFormatException is thrown if there is invalid layout information in the Raster.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
RenderableImageOpThis class handles the renderable aspects of an operation with help from its associated instance of a ContextualRenderedImageFactory.Classjava.awt.image.renderableJava SE
RenderableImageProducerAn adapter class that implements ImageProducer to allow the asynchronous production of a RenderableImage.Classjava.awt.image.renderableJava SE
RenderContextA RenderContext encapsulates the information needed to produce a specific rendering from a RenderableImage.Classjava.awt.image.renderableJava SE
ReplicateScaleFilterAn ImageFilter class for scaling images using the simplest algorithm.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
RescaleOpThis class performs a pixel-by-pixel rescaling of the data in the source image by multiplying the sample values for each pixel by a scaleClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
RGBImageFilterThis class provides an easy way to create an ImageFilter which modifies the pixels of an image in the default RGB ColorModel.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
RasterOpThis interface describes single-input/single-output operations performed on Raster objects.Interfacejava.awt.imageJava SE
RenderableImageA RenderableImage is a common interface for rendering-independent images (a notion which subsumes resolution independence).Interfacejava.awt.image.renderableJava SE
RenderedImageRenderedImage is a common interface for objects which contain or can produce image data in the form of Rasters.Interfacejava.awt.imageJava SE
RenderedImageFactoryThe RenderedImageFactory interface (often abbreviated RIF) is intended to be implemented by classes that wish to act as factoriesInterfacejava.awt.image.renderableJava SE
SampleModelThis abstract class defines an interface for extracting samples of pixels in an image.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
ShortLookupTableThis class defines a lookup table object.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
SinglePixelPackedSampleModelThis class represents pixel data packed such that the N samples which make up a single pixel are stored in a single data array element, and each dataClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
TileObserverAn interface for objects that wish to be informed when tiles of a WritableRenderedImage become modifiable by some writer viaInterfacejava.awt.imageJava SE
VolatileImageVolatileImage is an image which can lose its contents at any time due to circumstances beyond the control of theClassjava.awt.imageJava SE
WritableRasterThis class extends Raster to provide pixel writing capabilities.Classjava.awt.imageJava SE
WritableRenderedImageWritableRenderedImage is a common interface for objects which contain or can produce image data in the form of Rasters andInterfacejava.awt.imageJava SE