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#Javax.crypto Classes and Interfaces - 44 results found.
AEADBadTagExceptionThis exception is thrown when a Cipher operating in an AEAD mode (such as GCM/CCM) is unable to verify the suppliedClassjavax.cryptoJava SE
BadPaddingExceptionThis exception is thrown when a particular padding mechanism is expected for the input data but the data is not padded properly.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
CipherThis class provides the functionality of a cryptographic cipher for encryption and decryption.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
CipherInputStreamA CipherInputStream is composed of an InputStream and a Cipher so that read() methods return data that are read in from theClassjavax.cryptoJava SE
CipherOutputStreamA CipherOutputStream is composed of an OutputStream and a Cipher so that write() methods first process the data before writing them outClassjavax.cryptoJava SE
CipherSpiThis class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the Cipher class.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
DESedeKeySpecThis class specifies a DES-EDE (triple-DES) key.Classjavax.crypto.specJava SE
DESKeySpecThis class specifies a DES key.Classjavax.crypto.specJava SE
DHGenParameterSpecThis class specifies the set of parameters used for generating Diffie-Hellman (system) parameters for use in Diffie-Hellman keyClassjavax.crypto.specJava SE
DHParameterSpecThis class specifies the set of parameters used with the Diffie-Hellman algorithm, as specified in PKCS #3: Diffie-Hellman Key-AgreementClassjavax.crypto.specJava SE
DHPrivateKeySpecThis class specifies a Diffie-Hellman private key with its associated Note that this class does not perform any validation on specifiedClassjavax.crypto.specJava SE
DHPublicKeySpecThis class specifies a Diffie-Hellman public key with its associated Note that this class does not perform any validation on specifiedClassjavax.crypto.specJava SE
DHKeyThe interface to a Diffie-Hellman key.Interfacejavax.crypto.interfacesJava SE
DHPrivateKeyThe interface to a Diffie-Hellman private key.Interfacejavax.crypto.interfacesJava SE
DHPublicKeyThe interface to a Diffie-Hellman public key.Interfacejavax.crypto.interfacesJava SE
EncryptedPrivateKeyInfoThis class implements the EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo type as defined in PKCS #8.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
ExemptionMechanismThis class provides the functionality of an exemption mechanism, examples of which are key recovery, key weakening, andClassjavax.cryptoJava SE
ExemptionMechanismExceptionThis is the generic ExemptionMechanism exception.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
ExemptionMechanismSpiThis class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the ExemptionMechanism class.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
GCMParameterSpecSpecifies the set of parameters required by a Cipher using the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) mode.Classjavax.crypto.specJava SE
IllegalBlockSizeExceptionThis exception is thrown when the length of data provided to a block cipher is incorrect, i.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
IvParameterSpecThis class specifies an initialization vector (IV).Classjavax.crypto.specJava SE
KeyAgreementThis class provides the functionality of a key agreement (or key exchange) protocol.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
KeyAgreementSpiThis class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the KeyAgreement class.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
KeyGeneratorThis class provides the functionality of a secret (symmetric) key generator.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
KeyGeneratorSpiThis class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the KeyGenerator class.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
MacThis class provides the functionality of a Message Authentication Code A MAC provides a way to checkClassjavax.cryptoJava SE
MacSpiThis class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) All the abstract methods in this class must be implemented by eachClassjavax.cryptoJava SE
NoSuchPaddingExceptionThis exception is thrown when a particular padding mechanism is requested but is not available in the environment.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
NullCipherThe NullCipher class is a class that provides an identity cipher -- one that does not transform the plain text.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
OAEPParameterSpecThis class specifies the set of parameters used with OAEP Padding, Its ASN.Classjavax.crypto.specJava SE
PBEKeySpecA user-chosen password that can be used with password-based encryption The password can be viewed as some kind of raw key material, from whichClassjavax.crypto.specJava SE
PBEParameterSpecThis class specifies the set of parameters used with password-based encryption (PBE), as defined in theClassjavax.crypto.specJava SE
PSourceThis class specifies the source for encoding input P in OAEP Padding, PKCS1PSourceAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= {Classjavax.crypto.specJava SE
PSource .PSpecifiedThis class is used to explicitly specify the value for encoding input P in OAEP Padding.Classjavax.crypto.spec.PSourceJava SE
PBEKeyThe interface to a PBE key.Interfacejavax.crypto.interfacesJava SE
RC2ParameterSpecThis class specifies the parameters used with the The parameters consist of an effective key size and optionallyClassjavax.crypto.specJava SE
RC5ParameterSpecThis class specifies the parameters used with the The parameters consist of a version number, a rounds count, a wordClassjavax.crypto.specJava SE
SealedObjectThis class enables a programmer to create an object and protect its confidentiality with a cryptographic algorithm.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
SecretKeyFactoryThis class represents a factory for secret keys.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
SecretKeyFactorySpiThis class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the SecretKeyFactory class.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
SecretKeySpecThis class specifies a secret key in a provider-independent fashion.Classjavax.crypto.specJava SE
ShortBufferExceptionThis exception is thrown when an output buffer provided by the user is too short to hold the operation result.Classjavax.cryptoJava SE
SecretKeyA secret (symmetric) key.Interfacejavax.cryptoJava SE