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#Mongodb.operation Classes and Interfaces - 43 results found.
AggregateOperationAn operation that executes an aggregation query.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
AggregateToCollectionOperationAn operation that executes an aggregation that writes its results to a collection (which is what makes this a write operation rather thanSince:3.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
AsyncOperationExecutorAn interface describing the execution of a read or a write operation.Interfacemongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
AsyncReadOperationAn operation which asynchronously reads from a MongoDB server.Interfacemongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
AsyncWriteOperationAn operation which asynchronously writes to a MongoDB server.Interfacemongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
BaseWriteOperationAbstract base class for write operations.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
BatchCursorMongoDB returns query results as batches, and this interface provideds an iterator over those batches.Interfacemongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
CommandReadOperationAn operation that executes an arbitrary command that reads from the server.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
CommandWriteOperationAn operation that executes an arbitrary command that writes to the server.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
CountOperationAn operation that executes a count.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
CreateCollectionOperationClassmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
CreateIndexesOperationAn operation that creates one or more indexes.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
CreateUserOperationAn operation to create a user.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
DeleteOperationAn operation that deletes one or more documents from a collection.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
DistinctOperationFinds the distinct values for a specified field across a single collection.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
DropCollectionOperationOperation to drop a Collection in MongoDB.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
DropDatabaseOperationOperation to drop a database in MongoDB.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
DropIndexOperationAn operation that drops an index.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
DropUserOperationAn operation to remove a user.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
FindAndDeleteOperationAn operation that atomically finds and deletes a single document.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
FindAndReplaceOperationAn operation that atomically finds and replaces a single document.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
FindAndUpdateOperationAn operation that atomically finds and updates a single document.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
FindOperationAn operation that queries a collection using the provided criteria.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
GroupOperationGroups documents in a collection by the specified key and performs simple aggregation functions, such as computing counts and sums.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
InsertOperationAn operation that inserts one or more documents into a collection.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
ListCollectionsOperationAn operation that provides a cursor allowing iteration through the metadata of all the collections in a database.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
ListDatabasesOperationAn operation that provides a cursor allowing iteration through the metadata of all the databases for a MongoClient.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
ListIndexesOperationAn operation that lists the indexes that have been created on a collection.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
MapReduceAsyncBatchCursorRepresents the future results of a map-reduce operation as a cursor.Interfacemongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
MapReduceBatchCursorRepresents the results of a map-reduce operation as a cursor.Interfacemongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
MapReduceStatisticsCommon statistics returned by running all types of map-reduce operations.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
MapReduceToCollectionOperationOperation that runs a Map Reduce against a MongoDB instance.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperationOperation that runs a Map Reduce against a MongoDB instance.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
MixedBulkWriteOperationAn operation to execute a series of write operations in bulk.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
OperationExecutorAn interface describing the execution of a read or a write operation.Interfacemongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
OrderByEnumeration of possible index ordersEnum Constant SummaryClassmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
ParallelCollectionScanOperationReturn a list of cursors over the collection that can be used to scan it in parallel.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
ReadOperationAn operation that reads from a MongoDB server.Interfacemongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
RenameCollectionOperationAn operation that renames the given collection to the new name.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
UpdateOperationAn operation that updates a document in a collection.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
UpdateUserOperationAn operation that updates a user.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
UserExistsOperationAn operation that determines if a user exists.Classmongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL
WriteOperationAn operation which writes to a MongoDB server.Interfacemongodb.operationMongoDB NoSQL