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AbstractHashedMapAn abstract implementation of a hash-based map which provides numerous points for subclasses to override.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
AbstractHashedMap .EntrySetEntrySet Commons
AbstractHashedMap Commons
AbstractHashedMap .HashEntryHashEntry used to store the Commons
AbstractHashedMap Commons
AbstractHashedMap .HashMapIteratorMapIterator Commons
AbstractHashedMap .KeySetKeySet Commons
AbstractHashedMap Commons
AbstractHashedMap .ValuesValues Commons
AbstractHashedMap Commons
AbstractIterableMapProvide a basic IterableMap implementation.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
AbstractLinkedMapAn abstract implementation of a hash-based map that links entries to create an ordered map and which provides numerous points for subclasses to override.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
AbstractLinkedMap Commons
AbstractLinkedMap Commons
AbstractLinkedMap .LinkEntryLinkEntry that stores the Commons
AbstractLinkedMap .LinkIteratorBase Iterator that iterates in link Commons
AbstractLinkedMap .LinkMapIteratorMapIterator Commons
AbstractLinkedMap Commons
AbstractMapDecoratorProvides a base decorator that enables additional functionality to be added to a Map via decoration.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
AbstractOrderedMapDecoratorProvides a base decorator that enables additional functionality to be added to an OrderedMap via decoration.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
AbstractReferenceMapAn abstract implementation of a hash-based map that allows the entries to be removed by the garbage collector.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
AbstractReferenceMap .ReferenceEntryA MapEntry implementation for the Commons
AbstractReferenceMap .ReferenceStrengthReference type Commons
AbstractSortedMapDecoratorProvides a base decorator that enables additional functionality to be added to a Map via decoration.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
AbstractSortedMapDecorator .SortedMapIteratorOrderedMapIterator Commons
CaseInsensitiveMapA case-insensitive Map.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
CompositeMapDecorates a map of other maps to provide a single unified view.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
CompositeMap .MapMutatorThis interface allows definition for all of the indeterminate mutators in a CompositeMap, as well as providing a hook Commons
DefaultedMapDecorates another Map returning a default value if the map does not contain the requested key.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
EntrySetToMapIteratorAdapterAdapts a Map entrySet to the MapIterator interface.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
FixedSizeMapDecorates another Map to fix the size, preventing add/remove.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
FixedSizeSortedMapDecorates another SortedMap to fix the size blocking add/remove.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
Flat3MapA Map implementation that stores data in simple fields until the size is greater than 3.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
HashedMapA Map implementation that is a general purpose alternative This implementation improves on the JDK1.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
LazyMapDecorates another Map to create objects in the map on demand.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
LazySortedMapDecorates another SortedMap to create objects in the map on demand.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
LinkedMapA Map implementation that maintains the order of the entries.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
ListOrderedMapDecorates a Map to ensure that the order of addition is retained using a List to maintain order.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
LRUMapA Map implementation with a fixed maximum size which removes the least recently used entry if an entry is added when full.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
MapIteratorDefines an iterator that operates over a Map.Interfaceorg.apache.commons.collections4Apache Commons
MapUtilsProvides utility methods and decorators for Map and SortedMap instances.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4Apache Commons
MultiKeyMapA Map implementation that uses multiple keys to map the value.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
MultiValueMapA MultiValueMap decorates another map, allowing it to have more than one value for a key.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
PassiveExpiringMapDecorates a Map to evict expired entries once their expiration time has been reached.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
PassiveExpiringMap .ConstantTimeToLiveExpirationPolicy that returns a expiration time that is a constant about of time in the future from the current Commons
PassiveExpiringMap .ExpirationPolicyA policy to determine the expiration time for key-value Commons
PredicatedMapDecorates another Map to validate that additions match a specified predicate.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
PredicatedSortedMapDecorates another SortedMap to validate that additions match a specified predicate.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
ReferenceIdentityMapA Map implementation that allows mappings to be removed by the garbage collector and matches keys and values basedClassorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
ReferenceMapA Map implementation that allows mappings to be removed by the garbage collector.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
SingletonMapA Map implementation that holds a single item and is fixed size.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
StaticBucketMapA StaticBucketMap is an efficient, thread-safe implementation of java.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
TransformedMapDecorates another Map to transform objects that are added.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
TransformedSortedMapDecorates another SortedMap to transform objects that are added.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
UnmodifiableEntrySetDecorates a map entry Set to ensure it can't be altered.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
UnmodifiableMapDecorates another Map to ensure it can't be altered.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
UnmodifiableOrderedMapDecorates another OrderedMap to ensure it can't be altered.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons
UnmodifiableSortedMapDecorates another SortedMap to ensure it can't be altered.Classorg.apache.commons.collections4.mapApache Commons