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HiveAccumuloRecordReaderTranslate the Key Value pairs from AccumuloInputFormat to a Writable for consumption by the AccumuloSerDe.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hive.accumulo.mrApache Hive
HiveAccumuloSplitWraps RangeInputSplit into a FileSplit so Hadoop won't complain when it tries to make its own If the RangeInputSplit is used directly, it will hit a branch of code inClassorg.apache.hadoop.hive.accumulo.mrApache Hive
HiveAccumuloTableInputFormatWraps older InputFormat for use with Hive.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hive.accumulo.mrApache Hive
HiveAccumuloTableOutputFormatClassorg.apache.hadoop.hive.accumulo.mrApache Hive