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CrawlerHealthHealth of a PCS Crawler in terms of the number of crawls performed, and average crawl time provided by a CrawlDaemonClassorg.apache.oodt.pcs.healthApache OODT
CrawlerPropertiesMetKeysMet keys read from the CrawlPropertiesFile.Interfaceorg.apache.oodt.pcs.healthApache OODT
CrawlerStatusProvides status about a Crawler to the PCSHealthMonitor.Classorg.apache.oodt.pcs.healthApache OODT
CrawlInfoInformation about a crawler: its crawlerName andVersion:$Revision$Author:mattmannClassorg.apache.oodt.pcs.healthApache OODT
CrawlPropertiesFileProperties used by the PCSHealthMonitor tool to determine ProductCrawler status.Classorg.apache.oodt.pcs.healthApache OODT
JobHealthStatusA container representing Job health status in the PCSVersion:$Revision$Author:mattmannClassorg.apache.oodt.pcs.healthApache OODT
PCSDaemonStatus A simple data structure to capture the status of a PCS daemon (either the File Manager, the Workflow Manager, or the Resource Manager)Classorg.apache.oodt.pcs.healthApache OODT
PCSHealthMonitorMetKeysMet keys for the PCSHealthMonitor toolVersion:$Revision$Author:mattmannInterfaceorg.apache.oodt.pcs.healthApache OODT
PCSHealthMonitorReportThe output generated from running the PCSHealthMonitor.Classorg.apache.oodt.pcs.healthApache OODT
WorkflowStatesFileA file that manages the Workflow states that the PCSHealthMonitor tool will look up when obtaining status in the PCS.Classorg.apache.oodt.pcs.healthApache OODT
WorkflowStatesMetKeysMet keys for the WorkflowStatesFileVersion:$Revision$Author:mattmannInterfaceorg.apache.oodt.pcs.healthApache OODT