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AjaxResponseRendererManages the rendering of a partial page render as part of an Ajax Tapestry
ApplicationGlobalsStores global information about the application and its environment.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ApplicationInitializerService interface for initializing Tapestry for the application.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ApplicationInitializerFilterFilter interface for ApplicationInitializer.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ApplicationStateContributionA contribution to the configuration of the ApplicationStateManager, identifying the strategy and creator for a particular Session State Object (SSO), identified by the SSO's class.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ApplicationStateCreatorUsed by ApplicationStateManager and ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategy to create an application state object on demand.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ApplicationStateManagerResponsible for managing session state objects, objects which persist between requests, but are not tied to any individual page or component.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategyUsed by ApplicationStateManager to manage a specific kind of Session State Object (SSO) persistence.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategySourceUsed to provide access to ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategySource instances via a logical name for the stategy, such as session.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
AssetFactoryUsed by AssetSource to create new Assets as needed.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
AssetPathConstructorEncapsulates the logic or creating the path portion of an asset URL, including the application Tapestry
AssetPathConverterConverts the path (or URI) of an asset into a new format.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
AssetRequestHandlerHandler for asset requests, which expose some kind of Asset to the user agent ( Tapestry Tapestry
AssetSourceUsed to find or create an Asset with a given path.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
BaseURLSourceUsed when switching between normal/insecure (HTTP) and secure (HTTPS) mode.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
BeanBlockContributionA contribution to the BeanBlockSource service, defining a page name and block id (within the page) that can edit or display a particular type of property.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
BeanBlockOverrideSourceUsed to override the default BeanBlockSource for a particular data type.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
BeanBlockSourceA source of Blocks used to display the properties of a bean (used by the Grid component), or to edit the properties of a bean (used by the BeanEditForm component).Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
BeanEditContextDefines a context for editing a bean via BeanEditor.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
BeanModelSourceUsed by a component to create a default BeanModel for a particular bean class.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
BindingFactoryCreates a binding of a particular type.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
BindingSourceUsed to acquire bindings for component parameters.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ClasspathAssetAliasManagerUsed as part of the support for classpath Assets, to convert the Asset's Resource to a URL that can be accessed by the client.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ClassTransformationContains class-specific information used when transforming a raw component class into an executable component class.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ClientBehaviorSupportCollects details about zone usage for efficient initialization of the client side objects.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ClientDataEncoderA service used when a component or service needs to encode some amount of data on the client as a string.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ClientDataSinkAllows binary object data to be encoded into a string.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ClientWhitelistAnalyzes the current request to see if it is on the whitelist (of clients with access to certain key pages) Tapestry
ComponentClassResolverResolves page names and component types to fully qualified class names.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentClassTransformWorkerInterface for a set of objects that can perform component class transformations.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentClassTransformWorker2Interface for a set of objects that can perform transformation of component Tapestry
ComponentDefaultProviderA service that can be injected into a component to provide common defaults for various types of parameters.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentEventHandlerInterface used with TransformationSupport.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentEventLinkEncoderResponsible for creating Links for page render requests and for component event requests, and for parsing incoming paths to identify requests that are component event or page render requests.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentEventLinkTransformerAllows for selective replacement of the default Link used to represent a component event Tapestry
ComponentEventRequestFilterFilter interface for ComponentEventRequestHandler.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentEventRequestHandlerHandler interface for component event requests.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentEventRequestParametersEncapsulates all the information that may be provided in a component event request URL.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentEventResultProcessorResponsible for handling the return value provided by a component event handler method.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentInstanceOperationAn operation that requires an instance of a component.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentLayerMarker annotation used to identify a service from the component layer that conflicts, in terms of service interface, with a service from elsewhere.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentMessagesSourceUsed to connect a Tapestry component to its message catalog, or to obtain the application catalog (that all component message catalogs extend from) Tapestry
ComponentMethodAdviceAn object that receives control around an advised method of a component.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentMethodInvocationEncapsulates the parameters, thrown exceptions, and result of a method invocation, allowing a ComponentMethodAdvice to encapsulate the invocation.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentRequestFilterFilter interface for ComponentRequestHandler.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentRequestHandlerInterfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentRequestSelectorAnalyzerDetermines the ComponentResourceSelector for the current Tapestry
ComponentResourceLocatorA central service that encapsulates the rules for locating resources for Tapestry
ComponentResourceSelectorEncapsulates the information that is used when locating a template or message catalog associated with a Tapestry
ComponentSourceUsed by classes that need to retrieve a component by its complete id, or a page by its logical page name or root component class.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ComponentTemplateLocatorChain-of-command interface used to locate page and component Tapestry
ComponentValueProviderAn object used to provide a value of a specific type to a component (represented by an instance of ComponentResources).Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
CompressionAnalyzerIdentifies which content types are Tapestry
CompressionStatusenum CompressionStatusextends EnumIndicates how the content inside a StreamableResource is (potentially) Tapestry
ContentTypeAnalyzerUsed to determine the MIME content type for a Tapestry
ContextInterfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ContextPathEncoderA service to provide utilities needed for event context encoding and decoding to and from (partial) URL paths.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ContextValueEncoderUsed to convert values used in event contexts to client string representations and back.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ControlledPackageTypeenum ControlledPackageTypeextends EnumDefines how a particular controlled package is Tapestry
CookiesUsed by other services to obtain cookie values for the current request, or to write cookie values as part of the request.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
DataTypeAnalyzerUsed by BeanModelSource to identify the type of data associated with a particular property (represented as a PropertyAdapter).Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
DefaultObjectRendererDefault object renderer as a catch all for class Object.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
DelegatingRequestClass that wraps an Request, delegating all its methods.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
DispatcherA dispatcher is responsible for recognizing an incoming request.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
DisplayBlockContributionContribution to BeanBlockSource identifying a block that is used to display a property.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
DynamicDelegateUsed by implementations of DynamicTemplate to obtain Blocks as replacements for elements within the Tapestry
DynamicTemplateA dynamic template is used by the Dynamic component to allow a component to significantly alter its presentation at Tapestry
DynamicTemplateParserParses a dynamic template based on a resource or an input Tapestry
EditBlockContributionContribution to BeanBlockSource identifying a block that is used to edit a property.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
EnvironmentProvides access to environment objects, which are almost always provided to enclosed components by enclosing components.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
EnvironmentalShadowBuilderMuch like PropertyShadowBuilder, except that instead of accessing a property of some other service, it accesses a value from within the Environment service.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ExceptionReporterInterface implemented by a page used for reporting exceptions.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ExtensibleJavaScriptStackAn extensible implementation of JavaScriptStack that can be used as the implementation of a Tapestry
FieldAccessUsed when accessing the private instance variables of a component instance.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
FieldTranslatorSourceFor a particular field, generates the default FieldTranslator for the field.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
FieldValidatorDefaultSourceInterfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
FieldValidatorSourceInterfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
FixedExtractor value for a fixed meta-data key, when a given annotation is Tapestry
FormSupportServices provided by an enclosing Form control component to the various form element components it encloses.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
HeartbeatAllows for deferred execution of logic, useful when trying to get multiple components to coordinate behavior.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
HiddenFieldLocationRulesProvides some assistance in determining where to place a hidden field based on standard (X)HTML elements.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
HttpErrorAn event handler method may return an instance of this class to send an error response to the client.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
HttpServletRequestFilterFilter interface for HttpServletRequestHandler.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
HttpServletRequestHandlerThe first step in handing an incoming request to the servlet filter, this constructed as a pipeline.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
InitializationPriorityenum InitializationPriorityextends EnumSets the priority for JavaScript initialization Tapestry
InitializeActivePageNameFilter contributed into the ComponentRequestHandler pipeline to set the activePageName property.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
InjectionProviderProvides some form of injection when the value for an Inject annotation is present.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
InjectionProvider2Provides some form of injection when the value for an Inject annotation is Tapestry
InvalidationEventHubAn object which manages a list of InvalidationListeners.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
InvalidationListenerInterface for objects that may cache information that can be invalidated.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
JavaScriptCallbackA callback used with Tapestry
JavaScriptStackA high level description of a group of related JavaScript libraries and Tapestry
JavaScriptStackSourceManages the available JavaScriptStacks, each of which has a unique Tapestry
JavaScriptSupportAn environmental that acts as a replacement for the RenderSupport environmental, renaming and streamlining the key Tapestry
JSONCallbackA callback used with Tapestry
LibraryMappingUsed to configure the ComponentClassResolver, to allow it to map prefixes to library root packages (the application namespace is a special case of this).Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
LinkCreationHubA service that allows listeners to be registered to learn about Link creation.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
LinkCreationListenerListener interface for objects that need to be notified about newly created links.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
LinkCreationListener2Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
LinkTransformerA facade around ComponentEventLinkTransformer and Tapestry
LocalizationSetterSets the thread's locale given a desired locale.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
MarkupRendererAn object which will perform rendering of a page (or portion of a page).Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
MarkupRendererFilterFilter interface for MarkupRenderer, which allows for code to execute before and/or after the main rendering process.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
MarkupWriterFactorySource for MarkupWriter instances.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
MetaDataExtractorUsed to extract a meta data value from a component Tapestry
MetaDataLocatorUsed to lookup meta data concerning a particular component.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
MetaWorkerService that makes it easy to identify a class annotation and use its presence, or the value of an attribute, to set a meta-data Tapestry
MethodAccessRepresents a bridge to an object method, when that method may not be public.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
MethodInvocationResultCaptures the result of invoking a method.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
NullFieldStrategySourceA source for NullFieldStrategy instances based on a logical name.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ObjectRendererA strategy interface used for converting an object into markup that describes that object.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
PageDocumentGeneratorInterface used to programatically render a page, forming a Document which can then be manipulated or streamed to aInterfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry Tapestry
PageRenderLinkSourceA service that allows other services to create page render links (which are otherwise created by components, via ComponentResourcesCommon.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
PageRenderLinkTransformerAllows the default Link for a page render request to be Tapestry
PageRenderRequestFilterFilter interface for PageRenderRequestHandler, which allows extra behaviors to be injected into the processing of a page render request.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
PageRenderRequestHandlerHandles a invocation related to rendering out a pages complete content.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
PageRenderRequestParametersUsed with PageRenderRequestHandler and PageRenderRequestFilter to define the logical page name andClassorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
PartialMarkupRendererDefines an Ajax-oriented partial page render, wherein a render of a portion of a page occurs, and the content is stored into a key (content) of a JSONObject, which is sent to the client side asInterfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
PartialMarkupRendererFilterA filter (the main interface being PartialMarkupRenderer) applied when performing a partial page render as part of an Ajax-oriented request.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
PersistentFieldBundleEncapsulates persisted property information for an entire page.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
PersistentFieldChangeInterfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
PersistentFieldStrategyDefines how changes to fields (within components, within pages) may have their values persisted between requests.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
PersistentLocaleManages the persistent locale stored in the browser (inside the URL).Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
PropertiesFileParserUsed when constructing a component's Messages Tapestry
PropertyConduitSourceA source for PropertyConduits, which can be thought of as a compiled property path expression.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
PropertyEditContextDefines a context for editing a property of a bean via BeanEditor.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
PropertyOutputContextProvides context information needed when displaying a value.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
RelativeElementPositionenum RelativeElementPositionextends EnumUsed by HiddenFieldLocationRules to identify where a hidden field may be placedClassorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
RequestGeneric version of HttpServletRequest, used to encapsulate the Servlet API version, and to help bridge the differences between Servlet API and Porlet API.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
RequestExceptionHandlerService invoked when an uncaught exception occurs.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
RequestFilterFilter interface for RequestHandler.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
RequestGlobalsService used to store the current request objects, both the Servlet API versions, and the Tapestry generic versions.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
RequestHandlerService interface for the RequestHandler pipeline service.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ResourceDependenciesUsed by some ResourceTransformer implementations to track additional dependencies that can arise when the underlying resource being transformed can be dependent on other resources (for instance, if it has Tapestry
ResourceDigestGeneratorResponsible for determining which classpath resources require checksums, and for generating checksums for such The service's configuration identifies which file extensions will be secured using an checksum.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ResourceMinimizerCertain kinds of resources can be minimized: this primarily refers to JavaScript and CSS, both of which contain whitespace, comments and other features that can be Tapestry
ResourceTransformerA transformer is used to read a Resource and pass it through a transformation stage, to get a stream that can be used on the client Tapestry
ResponseAPI agnostic wrapper for generating a response.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ResponseCompressionAnalyzerUsed to determine if the client supports GZIP compression of the response.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ResponseRendererPublic facade around internal services related to rendering a markup response.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
SelectModelFactoryUsed to create an SelectModel.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ServletApplicationInitializerService interface for initializing a servlet application, as a pipeline.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ServletApplicationInitializerFilterFilter interface for ServletApplicationInitializer.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
SessionGeneric version of HttpSession, used to bridge the gaps between the Servlet API and the Portlet API.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
SessionPersistedObjectAnalyzerAnalyzes a session-persisted object, specifically to see if it is dirty or not.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
StackExtensionA contribution to an extensible Tapestry
StackExtensionTypeenum StackExtensionTypeextends EnumDefines the types of extensions to a JavaScript stack that can be contributed to an extensible JavaScript Tapestry
StackTraceElementAnalyzerUsed by ExceptionDisplay to characterize each stack frame that is presented.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
StackTraceElementClassConstantsCSS classes, from the default CSS stylesheet, used with StackTraceElementAnalyzer.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
StreamableResourceAn object, derived from a Resource, that can be streamed (ultimately, to a client web browser) Tapestry
StreamableResourceProcessingenum StreamableResourceProcessingextends EnumDefines additional features desired when accessing the content of a Resource Tapestry
StreamableResourceSourceConverts Resources into StreamableResources, and may be responsible for transforming resources based on file Tapestry
StreamPageContentAn event handler method may return an instance of this class to trigger the rendering of a particular page without causing a redirect to that page.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
StylesheetLinkCaptures the information needed to create a stylesheet link in the final Document, or as part of a JSON partial page render Tapestry
StylesheetOptionsProvides options to describe options associated with importing a stylesheet onto a Tapestry
TapestryModuleThe root module for Tapestry.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
TraditionalMarker annotation for a service that should be used for traditional page oriented requests, as opposed to Ajax requests (that send ad-hoc or partial page markup responses.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
TransformationSupportAdditional utilities, beyond PlasticClass, needed when Tapestry
TransformConstantsConstants used by implementations of ComponentClassTransformWorker and ComponentClassTransformWorker2.Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
TransformFieldA field defined by (or created within) a ClassTransformation, allowing the details of the field to beInterfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
TransformMethodA method defined by (or created within) a ClassTransformation, allowing for access and manipulation of the method.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
TransformMethodSignatureA representation of a method signature, which consists of its name, modifiers (primarily, visibility), return type,Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
TransformUtilsSupport code for generating code (used when transforming component classes).Classorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
TranslatorAlternatesSourceThis service is used by TranslatorSource to specify Translator alternates: translators that are used when specified explicitly by name.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
TranslatorSourceA source for Translators, either by name or by property type.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
UpdateListenerInterface for objects which can periodically check for updates.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
UpdateListenerHubManages a set of UpdateListeners.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
URLEncoderService used to encode or decode strings that are placed into URLs.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ValidationConstraintGeneratorInvoked to generate a list of validation constraint strings for a property.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ValidationDecoratorFactoryCreates an instance of ValidationDecorator for a MarkupWriter.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ValueEncoderFactoryA source for ValueEncoder instances of a given type.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
ValueEncoderSourceA source for value encoders based on a property type.Interfaceorg.apache.tapestry5.servicesApache Tapestry
WhitelistAnalyzerGiven a request, determine if the request is from a client on the Tapestry