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ClosedInputStreamClosed input stream.Classorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
CloseShieldInputStreamProxy stream that prevents the underlying input stream from being closed.Classorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
CountingInputStreamA decorating input stream that counts the number of bytes that have passed through the stream so far.Classorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
EndianUtilsGeneral Endian Related Utilties.Classorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
EndianUtils .BufferUnderrunExceptionClassorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
FilenameUtilsClassorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
IOExceptionWithCauseSubclasses IOException with the Throwable constructors missing before Java 6.Classorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
IOUtilsGeneral IO stream manipulation utilities.Classorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
LookaheadInputStreamStream wrapper that make it easy to read up to n bytes ahead from a stream that supports the mark feature.Classorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
NullInputStreamA functional, light weight InputStream that emulates a stream of a specified size.Classorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
NullOutputStreamThis OutputStream writes all data to the famous /dev/null.Classorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
ProxyInputStreamA Proxy stream which acts as expected, that is it passes the method calls on to the proxied stream and doesn't change which methods areClassorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
TaggedInputStreamAn input stream decorator that tags potential exceptions so that the stream that caused the exception can easily be identified.Classorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
TaggedIOExceptionAn IOException wrapper that tags the wrapped exception with a given object reference.Classorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
TailStream A specialized input stream implementation which records the last portion read from an underlying stream.Classorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
TemporaryResourcesUtility class for tracking and ultimately closing or otherwise disposing a collection of temporary resources.Classorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika
TikaInputStreamInput stream with extended capabilities.Classorg.apache.tika.ioApache Tika