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#Org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.metadata Classes and Interfaces - 6 results found.
AnalysisEngineMetaDataEncapsulates all of the metadata for an Analysis Engine.Interfaceorg.apache.uima.analysis_engine.metadataApache Uima
CapabilityLanguageFlowA CapabilityLanguageFlow is a simple type of FlowConstraints that specifies the complete flow as a capabilityLanguage sequence.Interfaceorg.apache.uima.analysis_engine.metadataApache Uima
FixedFlowA FixedFlow is a simple type of FlowConstraints that specifies the complete flow as a fixed sequence.Interfaceorg.apache.uima.analysis_engine.metadataApache Uima
FlowConstraintsA FlowConstraints object represents constraints on the order of execution of delegate Analysis Engines within an aggregate Analysis Engine.Interfaceorg.apache.uima.analysis_engine.metadataApache Uima
FlowControllerDeclarationDeclares which FlowController is used by the Aggregate Analysis Engine.Interfaceorg.apache.uima.analysis_engine.metadataApache Uima
SofaMappingSofa Name mapping is required to connect the output Sofas from one component to the input Sofa of A SofaMapping object represents mapping of a Sofa name assigned by a component toInterfaceorg.apache.uima.analysis_engine.metadataApache Uima