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#Org.freehep.swing Classes and Interfaces - 86 results found.
AbstractDoableEditExtension of AbstractUndoableEdit which allows the Edit to be used to execute the action the first time using the redo() method.Classorg.freehep.swing.undoFreeHep
AbstractRegionSelectionPanelThis abstract class defines the majority of the functionality needed to make selections of arbitrary parallelogram regionsClassorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
AbstractTreeTableModelAn abstract implementation of the TreeTableModel interface, handling the list of listeners.Classorg.freehep.swing.treetableFreeHep
AllSupportedFileFilterA FileFilter which accepts any file which is accepted by any of its vector of FileFilters.Classorg.freehep.swingFreeHep
AnimatedEditExtension of DoableEdit which allows the Edit to animate a shape before doing the redoEdit or undoEdit.Classorg.freehep.swing.undoFreeHep
BackedPanelThis class extends JPanel by adding a backing store.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
CellOrientatedTableThis class extends JTable by modifying the lookup of the CellEditors and CellRenderers.Classorg.freehep.swingFreeHep
CellPrinterAn interface to be implemented by cell printersSource Code:CellPrinter.Interfaceorg.freehep.swing.print.tableFreeHep
ColorConverterA utility class for converting strings to color's.Classorg.freehep.swingFreeHep
ColorConverter .ColorConversionExceptionAn exception thrown if a given string cannot be converted to a ColorSee Also:Serialized FormSource Code:ColorConverter.Classorg.freehep.swing.ColorConverterFreeHep
ConstrainedGridLayoutThe ConstrainedGridLayout layout manager is based on the GraphPaperLayout layout manager written by MichaelClassorg.freehep.swing.layoutFreeHep
DefaultCellPrinterA default implementation of CellPrinterSource Code:DefaultCellPrinter.Classorg.freehep.swing.print.tableFreeHep
DefaultSortableTableModelConverts any TableModel to a SortableTableModel.Classorg.freehep.swing.tableFreeHep
DoableEditAllows the Edit to be used to execute the action the first time using the redo() method.Interfaceorg.freehep.swing.undoFreeHep
ErrorDialogA utility for displaying errors in dialogs.Classorg.freehep.swingFreeHep
ErrorDialog .ErrorDetailsDialogSee Also:Serialized FormSource Code:ErrorDialog.Classorg.freehep.swing.ErrorDialogFreeHep
ExtensionFileFilterA FileFilter which filters out all files except those which end with the given tag.Classorg.freehep.swingFreeHep
FinishableA WizardPage that implements this interface can be the final page on a WizardDialog.Interfaceorg.freehep.swing.wizardFreeHep
FlowScrollLayoutThis class is a replacement for a FlowLayout inside a JScrollPane.Classorg.freehep.swing.layoutFreeHep
FreeHepImageSource Code:FreeHepImage.Classorg.freehep.swing.imagesFreeHep
GlobalMouseListenerThis class is designed to work around a deficiency in Swing's mouse handling.Classorg.freehep.swing.popupFreeHep
GraphicalSelectionEventGraphicalSelectionEvent is an event which is generated when an user makes a graphical selection.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
GraphicalSelectionListenerThis listener interface is intended for objects which wish to be notified of specific graphical selections made by the user.Interfaceorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
GraphicalSelectionPanelThe primary superclass of all graphical selection panels.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
HasHelpPageA WizardPage that implements this interface can link the user to a help topic.Interfaceorg.freehep.swing.wizardFreeHep
HasNextPagesA WizardPage that implements this interface will have one or more subsequent pages.Interfaceorg.freehep.swing.wizardFreeHep
HasPopupItems When an Application processes a popup trigger event it searches for the deepest component beneath event, then works up throught all the parentsInterfaceorg.freehep.swing.popupFreeHep
HeadlessA class which aids in creating swing components in a "headless" environment.Classorg.freehep.swingFreeHep
JDirectoryChooserA class which allows a user to select directories or files, similar to JFileChooser, except that it display files as a tree, and is better suited to selecting directoriesClassorg.freehep.swingFreeHep
JSpinBoxThis is an implementation of a simple spin box suitable for use with positive integers.Classorg.freehep.swingFreeHep
JSubToolBarThis defines a swing-like element which provides a popup toolbar.Classorg.freehep.swingFreeHep
JTreeTableThis example shows how to create a simple JTreeTable component, by using a JTree as a renderer (and editor) for the cells in aClassorg.freehep.swing.treetableFreeHep
LinkableEditAllows edits to be linked together to form undoable compound edits in a linked list.Interfaceorg.freehep.swing.undoFreeHep
MouseInputRouterThis class allows MouseEvents from the three buttons to be routed to three MouseInputListeners.Classorg.freehep.swing.eventFreeHep
NumberCellPrinterA cell printer used for printing cells containing numeric values.Classorg.freehep.swing.print.tableFreeHep
PanelArtistThis interface allows the implementing component to interact with a StackedPanel.Interfaceorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
PanelArtistUtilitiesThis class is a collection of static methods which are useful for implementations of the PanelArtist interface.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
ParallelogramSelectionPanelSelects a screen region shaped like a parallelogram.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
PercentLayoutLays out components within a Container such that each component takes a fixed percentage of the size.Classorg.freehep.swing.layoutFreeHep
PercentLayout .ConstraintSource Code:PercentLayout.Classorg.freehep.swing.layout.PercentLayoutFreeHep
PointSelectionEventInstances of this class are created when the user graphically selects a point on the screen.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
PointSelectionPanelThis panel allows the user to select a point on the screen.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
PopupListenerA simple helper class for popping up popup menus.Classorg.freehep.swing.popupFreeHep
PrintModelAdapterConverts a TableModel to a PrintableTableModelVersion:$Id: PrintModelAdapter.Classorg.freehep.swing.print.tableFreeHep
PrintableTableModelUsed to provide table data for printingSource Code:PrintableTableModel.Interfaceorg.freehep.swing.print.tableFreeHep
RecentFileListA class for maintaining a "Recent File List".Classorg.freehep.swingFreeHep
RectangularSelectionPanelSelects a rectangular screen region.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
RegionSelectionEventInstances of this class are created when the user graphically selects a region on the screen.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
RotatedRectangleSelectionPanelA panel which selects a rectangular region on the screen which can be arbitrarily rotated.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
ScaleThis class contains static methods which are useful for the ScaleBorder class and any potential subclasses.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
ScaleBorderThis class implements a Border in which the left and bottom sides contain numerical scales.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
SortableTableModelAn interface to be implemented by table models which are sortable.Interfaceorg.freehep.swing.tableFreeHep
SplashFrameDisplays a particular image in a separate frame for a given period of time, then destroys the frame.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
SquareSelectionPanelA panel which selects a "square" region on the screen.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
StackedLayoutThis layout manager places all of the components the same size and places them at the same position.Classorg.freehep.swing.layoutFreeHep
StackedPanelStackedPanel defines an extension to JLayeredPane which allows a set of equally-sized, overlayed panels to form a single 2D surfaceClassorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
TableColumnHeaderListenerAbstract class listens for clicks on a table column header.Classorg.freehep.swing.tableFreeHep
TableColumnSelectorAllows the user to select which columns are visible in a table.Classorg.freehep.swing.tableFreeHep
TableHeaderCellRendererRenders a header cell.Classorg.freehep.swing.tableFreeHep
TableLayoutThis layoutmanager uses all of the GridBagLayout's managers functionality and power but allows you to set the options easily.Classorg.freehep.swing.layoutFreeHep
TableLayout .TableConstraintsSee Also:Serialized FormSource Code:TableLayout.Classorg.freehep.swing.layout.TableLayoutFreeHep
TablePrinterUtility for printing tables.Classorg.freehep.swing.print.tableFreeHep
TableSorterUtility to add a sorter for columns to a JTable which has a SortableTableModel.Classorg.freehep.swing.tableFreeHep
ToolBarLayoutA ToolbarLayout arranges components in a left-to-right flow, much like the FlowLayout which is supplied with the JDK.Classorg.freehep.swing.layoutFreeHep
TreeTableModelTreeTableModel is the model used by a JTreeTable.Interfaceorg.freehep.swing.treetableFreeHep
TreeTableModelAdapterThis is a wrapper class takes a TreeTableModel and implements the table model interface.Classorg.freehep.swing.treetableFreeHep
UndoableEditProcessorAllows for the (compound) processing of UndoableEdits.Interfaceorg.freehep.swing.undoFreeHep
WizardDialogThe wizard is useful for getting user input on multiple pages.Classorg.freehep.swing.wizardFreeHep
WizardPage interface HasNextPages if you want there to be pages following this page, and implement the Finishable interface if you want this to beClassorg.freehep.swing.wizardFreeHep
XSkewSelectionPanelA panel which selects a parallogram-shaped region in which two sides are parallel to the y-axis and the other two are skewed withClassorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
XSliceSelectionPanelA panel which selects a slice of the window in the x-direction.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
YSkewSelectionPanelA panel which selects a parallogram-shaped region in which two sides are parallel to the x-axis and the other two are skewed withClassorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep
YSliceSelectionPanelA panel which selects a slice of the window in the x-direction.Classorg.freehep.swing.graphicsFreeHep