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#Org.geotools.coverage Classes and Interfaces - 234 results found.
AbsoluteComputes the mathematical absolute value of each sample value.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
AbstractCoverageBase class of all coverage type.Classorg.geotools.coverageGeoTools
AbstractGridCoverageBase class for GeoTools implementation of grid coverage.Classorg.geotools.coverage.gridGeoTools
AbstractGridCoverage2DReaderThis class is a first attempt for providing a way to get more informations out of a single 2D raster datasets (x,y).Classorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
AbstractGridCoverageWriterAn AbstractGridCoverageWriter is the base class for all GridCoverageWriter implementations in GeoTools toolkit.Classorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
AbstractGridFormatAbstractGridFormat is a convenience class so subclasses only need to populate a Map class and set the read and write parameter fields.Classorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
AbstractOperationProvides descriptive information for a coverage processing operation.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
AbstractProcessorBase class for coverage processor implementations.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
AddCreate a new coverage as the sum of two source coverages by doing pixel by pixel addition: result[0][0] = source0[0][0] + source1[0][0]Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
AddConstAdds constants (one for each band) to every sample values of the source coverage.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
AffineThis operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI Affine operationSince:12.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
AIGFormatAn implementation of Format for the Arc/Info Binary Grid (AIG) format.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.aigGeoTools
AIGReaderThis class can read a AIG data source and create a GridCoverage2DSince:2.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.aigGeoTools
AliasJava class for anonymous complex
AxisDefinition of one axis in a field for which we have some measurements/observations/
BandIndexMeasureMeasurable subclass suitable for modeling a band index in a multiband The band index is a measurement of a Dimensionless quantity since
BandMergeOperationJAI subclass used for executing the "Merge" of multiple coverages into a single coverage with multiple bands.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
BandMerge .TransformList "getTransformationList" returns a List of the AffineTransformations to use for backward mapping the destination pixels into each sourceAuthor:Nicola Lagomarsini, GeoSolutions S.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.BandMergeGeoTools
BaseGDALGridCoverage2DReaderBase class for GridCoverage data access, leveraging on GDAL Java bindings provided by the ImageIO-Ext project.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdalGeoTools
BaseGDALGridFormatA Base abstract class implementing Format, to be extended by Formats leveraging on GDAL.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdalGeoTools
BaseGridCoverage2DReaderBase class for GridCoverage data accessAuthor:Daniele Romagnoli, GeoSolutions, Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutionsClassorg.geotools.coverageioGeoTools
BaseGridFormatFactorySPIBase implementation for GridFormatFactorySpi.Classorg.geotools.coverageioGeoTools
BaseMathOperationJAIThis class is the root class for the Maths operations.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
BaseScaleOperationJAIBase class for providing capabilities to scale GridCoverage2D objects using JAI scale operations.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
BaseStatisticsOperationJAIThis class is the root class for the Statistics operations based on JAI's StatisticsOpImage like Extrema and Histogram.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
BilevelOperationWraps any JAI operation producing a bilevel image.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
CannotCropExceptionThrows when a "crop" operation has been requested but the specified grid coverage can't be scaled.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
CannotReprojectExceptionThrows when a "resample" operation has been requested but the specified grid coverage can't be reprojected.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
CannotScaleExceptionThrows when a "scale" operation has been requested but the specified grid coverage can't be scaled.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
CategoryA category delimited by a range of values.Classorg.geotools.coverageGeoTools
CodeMeasureUsed to create Axis keys based on an open set of machine readable
ConvolveComputes each output sample by multiplying elements of a kernel with the samples surrounding a particular source sample.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
CoverageAccessRepresents a Physical storage of coverage data (that we have a connection to).Interfaceorg.geotools.coverage.ioGeoTools
CoverageAccess .AccessTypeLevel of access
CoverageCapabilitiesenum CoverageCapabilitiesDescribes the capabilities of this CoverageSourceClassorg.geotools.coverage.ioGeoTools
CoverageFactoryFinderDefines static methods used to access the application's default factory implementation.Classorg.geotools.coverageGeoTools
CoverageIOA class containing static convenience methods for locating CoverageAccesss and specific CoverageSources, and performing simple encoding and
CoverageProcessingExceptionThrows when a coverage operation failed.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
CoverageProcessorBase class for coverage processor implementations.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
CoverageReadRequestRequest information from a CoverageSource.Classorg.geotools.coverage.ioGeoTools
CoverageSliceA slice coverageDescriptor represents a feature in the
CoverageSlicesCatalogThis class simply builds an index for fast indexed
CoverageSlicesCatalog .WrappedCoverageSlicesCatalogCoverageSlicesCatalog always used an hidden H2 DB to store granules index related to a specific
CoverageSlicesCatalogSourceA GranuleSource implementation wrapping a
CoverageSourceAllows read-only access to a Coverage.Interfaceorg.geotools.coverage.ioGeoTools
CoverageSource .DomainTypeReturns the enum constant of this type with the specified
CoverageSourceDescriptorDescribes a CoverageSource in terms of Name, CoverageSource.Classorg.geotools.coverage.ioGeoTools
CoverageStoreProvided read-write access to a coverage data product.Interfaceorg.geotools.coverage.ioGeoTools
CropThe crop operation is responsible for selecting geographic subarea of the source coverage.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
CRS2GeoTiffMetadataAdapterThis class implements a simple reusable adapter to adapt a CoordinateReferenceSystem into useful Geotiff metadata by mean
DataStoreConfigurationA simple class storing DataStore connection properties such as the FactorySPI used to create that datastore, as well as the connections
DateRangeTreeSetA treeset implementation with a built-in comparator for DateRange objectsAuthor:Andrea Aime - GeoSolutionsSee Also:Serialized
DecimationPolicyenum DecimationPolicyDecimation policies.Classorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
DefaultAxis when defining your own field
DefaultCoverageAccessDefault implementation of
DefaultCoverageSourceDefault implementation of
DefaultDimensionDescriptorDefault implementation of the DimensionDescriptor interfaceAuthor:Daniele Romagnoli - GeoSolutions SASClassorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
DefaultDriverBase Implementation for the Driver
DefaultFileDriverBase class extending DefaultDriver leveraging on
DefaultGridCoverageResponseDefault GridCoverageResponse
DefaultHarvestedSourceDefault implementation of the HarvestedSource interfaceAuthor:Andrea Aime - GeoSolutionsClassorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
DefaultRangeTypeDefault implementation of RangeTypeAuthor:Simone Giannecchini,
DimensionDescriptorDescribes a "dimension" exposed by a structured grid coverage reader.Interfaceorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
DimensionlessAxis This implementation of Axis can be seen as a stub implementation since in this case we do not really have an Axis for this kind of data,
DivideByConstDivides every sample values of the source coverage by constants (one for each band).Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
DoubleRangeTreeSetA treeset implementation with a built-in comparator for NumberRange objectsAuthor:Andrea Aime - GeoSolutionsSee Also:Serialized
DriverA driver adding the ability to work with a new coverage format or service.Interfaceorg.geotools.coverage.ioGeoTools
Driver .DriverCapabilitiesReturns the enum constant of this type with the specified
DTEDFormatAn implementation of Format for the DTED format.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.dtedGeoTools
DTEDReaderThis class can read a DTED data source and create a GridCoverage2DSince:2.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.dtedGeoTools
ECWFormatAn implementation of Format for the ECW format.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.ecwGeoTools
ECWReaderThis class can read a ECW data source and create a GridCoverage2DSince:2.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.ecwGeoTools
EmptyIntersectionExceptionSpecial subclass of CannotCropException reporting that the raster space intersection between the crop area and the coverage oneClassorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
EntryJava class for anonymous complex
EnumMeasureUsed to create Axis keys based on a fixed set of machine readable
ErdasImgFormatAn implementation a Format for the Erdas Imagine format.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.erdasimgGeoTools
ErdasImgReaderThis class can read a ERDAS Imagine data source and create a GridCoverage2DSince:2.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.erdasimgGeoTools
EsriHdrFormatAn implementation of Format for the Esri Hdr format.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.ehdrGeoTools
EsriHdrReaderThis class can read a EHdr data source and create a GridCoverage2DSince:2.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.ehdrGeoTools
ExpTakes the exponential of the sample values of a coverage.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
ExtendedImagingParameterDescriptorsExtension of the ImagingParameterDescriptors class used for setting the right operation namefor the operation associated to the input RegistryElementDescriptor.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
ExtremaThis operation simply wraps JAI Extrema operations described by ExtremaDescriptor inside a GeoTools operation in order to make itClassorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
FieldTypeA FieldType describes a measure/observation/forecast of a certain
FilteredSubsampleThis operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI FilteredSubsample operation which allows me to arbitrarly scale a rendered image while smoothing it out.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
FilterOperationCommon super-class for filter operation.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
GeneralGridCoordinatesHolds the set of grid coordinates that specifies the location of the grid point within the grid.Classorg.geotools.coverage.gridGeoTools
GeneralGridCoordinates .ImmutableAn immutable GridCoordinates.Classorg.geotools.coverage.grid.GeneralGridCoordinatesGeoTools
GeneralGridEnvelopeDefines a range of grid coverage coordinates.Classorg.geotools.coverage.gridGeoTools
GeneralGridGeometryDescribes the valid range of grid coordinates and the math transform to transform grid coordinates to real world coordinates.Classorg.geotools.coverage.gridGeoTools
GeoKeyEntryThis class is a holder for a GeoKey record containing four short values as specified in the GeoTiff
GeoTiffCoordinateTransformationsCodesProjCoordTransGeoKey Type = SHORT (code)
GeoTiffExceptionThis exception is thrown when the problem with reading the GeoTiff file has to do with constructing either the raster to model transform, or
GeoTiffIIOMetadataDecoderThis class provides an abstraction from the details of TIFF data access for the purpose of retrieving GeoTIFFWritingUtilities metadata from an All of the GeoKey values are included here as constants, and the portions of the GeoTIFFWritingUtilities specification pertaining to each have
GeoTiffIIOMetadataEncoderThis class is responsible for encoding the geotiff tags into suitable metadata for the ImageIO
GeoTiffIIOMetadataEncoder .TagSetReturns the enum constant of this type with the specified
GeoTiffMetadata2CRSAdapterThe GeoTiffMetadata2CRSAdapter is responsible for interpreting the metadata provided by the GeoTiffIIOMetadataDecoder for
GeoToolsReadParamsThis class is the base class for building adapters/extensions to the ImageIO ImageReadParam class for controlling the processing of reading
GranuleSourceAPI to operate on Granules data.Interfaceorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
GranuleStoreAPI extending GranuleSource providing capabilities to add, delete and modify granules.Interfaceorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
GribUtilitiesHelper class used for setting a GRIB cache if defined with the JAVA argument -DGRIB_CACHE_DIRAuthor:Nicola Lagomarsini GeoSolutions
GridCoordinates2DHolds the set of two-dimensional grid coordinates that specifies the location of the grid point within the grid.Classorg.geotools.coverage.gridGeoTools
GridCoverage2DBasic access to grid data values backed by a two-dimensional rendered image.Classorg.geotools.coverage.gridGeoTools
GridCoverage2DReaderProvides access to named GridCoverage2D (along with any context information) from a persistent store.Interfaceorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
GridCoverage2DRIAA RenderedImage that provides values coming from a source GridCoverage2D, with a backing grid addressable as the target GridCoverage2D.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
GridCoverageBuilderHelper class for the creation of GridCoverage2D instances.Classorg.geotools.coverage.gridGeoTools
GridCoverageFactoryA factory for grid coverage objects.Classorg.geotools.coverage.gridGeoTools
GridCoverageResponseAn interface implementing GridCoverage with add of temporal extent and vertical extentInterfaceorg.geotools.coverage.ioGeoTools
GridEnvelope2DDefines a range of two-dimensional grid coverage coordinates.Classorg.geotools.coverage.gridGeoTools
GridFormatFactorySpiConstructs a live GridCoverageFormat.Interfaceorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
GridFormatFinderEnable programs to find all available grid format implementations.Classorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
GridGeometry2DDescribes the valid range of grid coordinates and the math transform, in the special case where only 2 dimensions are in use.Classorg.geotools.coverage.gridGeoTools
GridSampleDimensionDescribes the data values for a coverage as a list of categories.Classorg.geotools.coverageGeoTools
GroundControlPointsImage ground control points, as a list of TiePoint and their CRSAuthor:Andrea Aime - GeoSolutionsClassorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
HarvestedSourceInformation about one of the sources that have been processed by StructuredGridCoverage2DReader.Interfaceorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
Histogram* This operation simply wraps JAI Histogram operations described by HistogramDescriptor inside a GeoTools operation in order to make itClassorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
IDRISIFormatAn implementation of Format for the IDRIS (RST) format.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.idrisiGeoTools
IDRISIReaderThis class can read a RST data source and create a GridCoverage2DSince:2.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.idrisiGeoTools
IIOMetadataDumperUtility class that can be used to dump a DOM tree in a formatted
ImageGeometryA simple grid geometry holding the grid range as a rectangle and the grid to CRS relationship as an affine transform.Classorg.geotools.coverage.gridGeoTools
InterpolateSpecifies the interpolation type to be used to interpolate values for points which fall between grid cells.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
Interpolator2DA grid coverage using an interpolation for evaluating points.Classorg.geotools.coverage.gridGeoTools
InvalidGridGeometryExceptionThrown by GeneralGridGeometry when a grid geometry is in an invalid state.Classorg.geotools.coverage.gridGeoTools
InvertInverts the sample values of a coverage.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
JP2ECWFormatAn implementation of Format for the JP2K format based on the ECWSince:2.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.jp2ecwGeoTools
JP2ECWReaderThis class can read a JP2K data source and create a GridCoverage2DSince:2.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.jp2ecwGeoTools
JP2KFormatAn implementation of Format for the JP2K format.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.jp2kakGeoTools
JP2KFormatAn implementation of Format for the JP2K format.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.jp2kGeoTools
JP2KReaderThis class can read a JP2K data source and create a GridCoverage2DSince:2.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.jp2kakGeoTools
JP2KReaderThis class can read a JP2K data source and create a GridCoverage2DAuthor:Daniele Romagnoli, GeoSolutions.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.jp2kGeoTools
JP2MrSIDFormatAn implementation of Format for the JP2K format based on the MrSIDSince:2.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.jp2mrsidGeoTools
JP2MrSIDReaderThis class can read a JP2K data source and create a GridCoverage2DSince:2.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.jp2mrsidGeoTools
LogTakes the natural logarithm of the sample values of a coverage.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
LookupTableFactoryA factory for LookupTableJAI objects built from an array of MathTransform1D.Classorg.geotools.coverage.gridGeoTools
MaskOverviewProviderHelper class used for handling Internal/External overviews and masks for a FileAuthor:Nicola Lagomarsini
MaskOverviewProvider .MaskInfoHelper class used for storing information to use for read the mask
MaskOverviewProvider .SpiHelperHelper class containing previous code used to get streamSPI and readerSPI for an input
MaxFilterFor each position of the mask, replaces the center pixel by the maximum of the pixel values covered by the mask.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
MedianFilterFor each position of the mask, replaces the center pixel by the median of the pixel values covered by the mask.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
MinFilterFor each position of the mask, replaces the center pixel by the minimum of the pixel values covered by the mask.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
MosaicThis operation does a mosaic of multiple GridCoverage2Ds.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
Mosaic .GridGeometryPolicyClassorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.MosaicGeoTools
Mosaic .ParamsA block of parameters for a GridCoverage2D processed by the Mosaic operation.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.MosaicGeoTools
MrSIDFormatAn implementation of Format for the MrSID format.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.mrsidGeoTools
MrSIDReaderThis class can read a MrSID data source and create a GridCoverage2DSince:2.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.mrsidGeoTools
MultiplyCreate a new coverage as the multiplication of two source coverages by doing pixel by pixel result[0][0] = source0[0][0] * source1[0][0]Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
MultiplyConstMultiplies every sample values of the source coverage by constants (one for each band).Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
NetCDFAccessCoverageAccess implementation for NetCDF Data
NetCDFCFParserA NetCDF CF (ClimateForecast)
NetCDFCoordinateReferenceSystemTypeenum NetCDFCoordinateReferenceSystemTypeEnum used to represent different coordinate reference systems stored within a NetCDF
NetCDFCoordinateReferenceSystemType .NetCDFCoordinateContains basic information related to a NetCDF Coordinate such as: - short name (as an instance: x)
NetCDFCRSAuthorityFactoryA factory providing NetCDF/GRIB custom CoordinateReferenceSystem instances with the related custom
NetCDFProjectionClass used to properly setup NetCDF CF Projection
NetCDFReaderA NetCDF Reader implementationAuthor:Daniele Romagnoli, GeoSolutions
NITFFormatAn implementation of Format for the NITF format.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.nitfGeoTools
NITFReaderThis class can read a NITF data source and create a GridCoverage2DSince:2.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.nitfGeoTools
ObjectFactoryThis object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface
Operation2DAn operation working on GridCoverage2D sources.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
OperationJAIWraps a JAI's OperationDescriptor for interoperability with Java Advanced Imaging.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
OperationJAI .ParametersA block of parameters for a GridCoverage2D processed by a OperationJAI.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.OperationJAIGeoTools
OperationsConvenience, type-safe, methods for applying some common operations on coverage objects.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
PixelScaleThis class is a placeholder for defining exact affine transformations between raster and model
ProjectionBuilderClass used to create an OGC ProjectedCRS instance on top of Projection name, parameters and
RangeSpecifierArgument type for DefaultProcessor operations for specifying the range, colors and units of a computation result.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processingGeoTools
RangeTypeDefines the fields (categories, measures, or values) in the range records available for each location in the coverage
RasterLayoutA class describing the desired layout of an OpImage.Classorg.geotools.coverage.ioGeoTools
ReadTypeThis enum can be used to distinguish between differet read methods, namely, JAI ImageRead based and Java2D direct read via ImageReader.Classorg.geotools.coverage.ioGeoTools
RecyclingTileFactoryA simple implementation of TileFactory wherein the tiles returned from createTile() attempt to re-use primitive
ResampleResample a grid coverage using a different grid geometry.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
RescaleMaps the sample values of a coverage from one range to another range.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
RPFTOCFormatAn implementation of Format for the RPFTOC format.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.rpftocGeoTools
RPFTOCReaderThis class can read a RPFTOC data source and create a GridCoverage2DSince:2.Classorg.geotools.coverageio.gdal.rpftocGeoTools
ScaleThis operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI scale operation which allows me to arbitrarily scale and translate a rendered image.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
SelectSampleDimensionChooses N sample dimensions from a grid coverage and copies their sample data to the destination grid coverage in the orderClassorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
SpatialRequestHelperHelper class which takes coverage's spatial information input (CRS, bbox, resolution,.Classorg.geotools.coverage.ioGeoTools
StandardNameTableJava class for anonymous complex
StructuredGridCoverage2DReaderA GridCoverage2DReader which exposes the underlying granule structure and allows to create and remove coverages.Interfaceorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
SubsampleAverageThis operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI SubsampleAverage operation which allows me to arbitrarily scale a rendered image while smoothing it out.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
SubtractConstSubtracts constants (one for each band) from every sample values of the source coverage.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
SubtractFromConstSubtracts every sample values of the source coverage from constants (one for each band).Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools
TiePointQuoting the geotiff spec:
TypeMapUtility methods for choosing a sample model or a color model on the basis of a range of values.Classorg.geotools.coverageGeoTools
UnknownFormatThis class can be used when a proper Format cannot be found for some It implements the abstract method of AbstractGridFormat but it alwaysClassorg.geotools.coverage.grid.ioGeoTools
WarpThis operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI Warp operationSince:9.Classorg.geotools.coverage.processing.operationGeoTools