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#Org.geotools.swing Classes and Interfaces - 100 results found.
AbstractMapPaneBase class for Swing map panes.Classorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
AbstractSimpleDialogAn abstract base class for simple dialogs with a single control panel (supplied by the sub-class) together with OK and Cancel buttons.Classorg.geotools.swing.dialogGeoTools
AbstractZoomToolAbstract base class for the zoom-in and zoom-out tools.Classorg.geotools.swing.toolGeoTools
CRSListModelList model class for JCRSChooser.Classorg.geotools.swing.dialogGeoTools
CursorToolThe base class for map pane cursor tools.Classorg.geotools.swing.toolGeoTools
DefaultMapMouseEventDispatcherReceives mouse events from a MapPane instance, converts them to MapPaneMouseEvents, and sends these to the active map pane Classorg.geotools.swing.eventGeoTools
DefaultRenderingExecutorThe default implementation of RenderingExecutor which is used by JMapPane and JLayeredMapPane.Classorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
DialogUtilsStatic utility methods for common dialog and GUI related tasks.Classorg.geotools.swing.dialogGeoTools
DnDListA sub-class of JList that supports drag and drop to reorder items within a single list and to copy or move items between lists.Classorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
DnDListItemsTransferable during drag and drop actions.Classorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
DnDListModelA generic ListModel class to support DnDList.Classorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
FeatureCollectionTableModelA Swing TableModel to retrieve attribute values from each feature in a feature collection and cache them for aClassorg.geotools.swing.tableGeoTools
FeatureLayerHelperHelper class used by InfoTool to query vector features in aSince:2.Classorg.geotools.swing.toolGeoTools
GridCoverageLayerHelperUsed by InfoTool to query GridCoverageLayer objects.Classorg.geotools.swing.toolGeoTools
GridReaderLayerHelperHelper class used by InfoTool to query values in aSince:8.Classorg.geotools.swing.toolGeoTools
InfoActionAn action for connect a control (probably a JButton) to the InfoTool to get information about features under the mouse cursorClassorg.geotools.swing.actionGeoTools
InfoToolA cursor tool to retrieve information about features that the user clicks on with the mouse.Classorg.geotools.swing.toolGeoTools
InfoToolHelperAbstract base class for helper classes used by InfoTool to query features in map layers.Classorg.geotools.swing.toolGeoTools
InfoToolHelperUtilsContains static methods used by some InfoToolHelper classes.Classorg.geotools.swing.toolGeoTools
InfoToolResultUsed by InfoToolHelper classes to pass feature data to the parent InfoTool object.Classorg.geotools.swing.toolGeoTools
JAboutDialogAn 'About' dialog which displays information about the host environment, software licenses pertaining to GeoTools (not implemented yet) and, if provided, Classorg.geotools.swing.dialogGeoTools
JAboutDialog .CategoryClassorg.geotools.swing.dialog.JAboutDialogGeoTools
JColorIconAn Icon to display a color.Classorg.geotools.swing.stylingGeoTools
JCoordsStatusBarItemA status bar item that displays the world coordinates of the mouse cursorSince:8.Classorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
JCRSChooserThis class has a single static method that shows a dialog to prompt the user to choose a coordinate reference system.Classorg.geotools.swing.dialogGeoTools
JCRSPopupMenuA pop-up menu that can be used with a MapPane for coordinate reference system operations.Classorg.geotools.swing.menuGeoTools
JCRSStatusBarItemA status bar item that displays the coordinate reference system name and provides a pop-up menu to inspect or change the CRS.Classorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
JDataChoosePageA wizard page that will allow the user to choose a format (ie DataAccess factory).Classorg.geotools.swing.dataGeoTools
JDataStorePageA wizard page that will prompt the user for a file of the supplied format ask for any additional This page will allow the user to edit and modify the provided connectionParameters mapClassorg.geotools.swing.dataGeoTools
JDataStoreWizardWizard prompting the user to enter or review connection parameters.Classorg.geotools.swing.dataGeoTools
JExceptionReporterDisplays an Exception to the user in a modal dialog.Classorg.geotools.swing.dialogGeoTools
JExtentStatusBarItemA status bar item that displays the map pane's world bounds.Classorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
JFieldField that uses the converter API to hack away at a text representation of the provided value.Classorg.geotools.swing.wizardGeoTools
JFileDataStoreChooserA file chooser dialog to get user choices for data stores.Classorg.geotools.swing.dataGeoTools
JFileFieldWidget for File; provides a "Browse" button to open a file dialog.Classorg.geotools.swing.wizardGeoTools
JFileImageChooserA file chooser dialog for common raster image format files.Classorg.geotools.swing.dialogGeoTools
JGeometryFieldText field for filling in a Geometry parameter using WKT.Classorg.geotools.swing.wizardGeoTools
JIntegerFieldA text field control to work with integer values.Classorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
JLayeredMapPaneThis class is not usable yet !See Also:Serialized FormClassorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
JMapFrameA Swing frame containing a map display pane and (optionally) a toolbar, status bar and map layer table.Classorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
JMapFrame .ToolConstants for available toolbar buttons used with the JMapFrame.Classorg.geotools.swing.JMapFrameGeoTools
JMapPaneA lightweight map pane which uses a single renderer and backing image.Classorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
JMapStatusBarA status bar that works with a map pane to display cursor coordinates and other data.Classorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
JMenuStatusBarItemA status bar item with an icon which displays a pop-up menu when clicked.Classorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
JPageWizard page; will be created as needed.Classorg.geotools.swing.wizardGeoTools
JParameterListPageA wizard page that will prompt the user for a file of the supplied format ask for any additional This page will allow the user to edit and modify the provided connectionParameters mapClassorg.geotools.swing.dataGeoTools
JParameterListWizardWizard prompting the user to enter or review connection parameters.Classorg.geotools.swing.dataGeoTools
JProcessWizardWizard to walk users through running a process.Classorg.geotools.swing.processGeoTools
JProgressWindowReports progress of a lengthly operation in a window.Classorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
JRendererStatusBarItemA status bar item that displays an animated icon to indicate renderer activity.Classorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
JSimpleStyleDialogA dialog to prompt the user for feature style choices.Classorg.geotools.swing.stylingGeoTools
JTextReporterDisplays a text report dialog with options to copy text to the system clipboard or save to file.Classorg.geotools.swing.dialogGeoTools
JTextReporter .ConnectionA connection to an active text reporter dialog providing methods to update the text displayed, add or remove listeners, and close theClassorg.geotools.swing.dialog.JTextReporterGeoTools
JURLFieldWidget for URL; provides a "Browse" button to open a file dialog.Classorg.geotools.swing.wizardGeoTools
JValueFieldAbstract base class for text field controls that work with a simple value such as JIntegerField.Classorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
JWizardSwing does not provide a wizard construct (boo hiss) so this is a quick dialog that can step us through a series of pages.Classorg.geotools.swing.wizardGeoTools
KeyInfoRepresents a keyboard key or key combination.Classorg.geotools.swing.eventGeoTools
LocaleUtilsProvides localized text strings to GUI elements.Classorg.geotools.swing.localeGeoTools
MapActionBase class for map pane actions; just provides a common initializing method and a reference to the map pane being serviced.Classorg.geotools.swing.actionGeoTools
MapLayerTableDisplays a list of the map layers in an associated MapPane and provides controls to set the visibility, selection and style of each layer.Classorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
MapLayerTableCellRendererA custom list cell renderer for items in the JList used by MapLayerTable to show map layer names and states.Classorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
MapLayerTableCellRenderer .LayerControlItemItems used to display layer states and controls.Classorg.geotools.swing.MapLayerTableCellRendererGeoTools
MapMouseAdapterAn adapter class that implements all of the mouse event handling methods defined in the MapMouseListener interface as empty methods, allowing sub-classesClassorg.geotools.swing.eventGeoTools
MapMouseEventA MouseEvent with methods to retrieve position in world coordinates.Classorg.geotools.swing.eventGeoTools
MapMouseEventDispatcherTakes Java AWT mouse events received by a map pane and converts them to MapMouseEvents which add world location data.Interfaceorg.geotools.swing.eventGeoTools
MapMouseListenerInterface for classes that listen to MapMouseEventsSince:2.Interfaceorg.geotools.swing.eventGeoTools
MapPaneDefines the core map pane methods.Interfaceorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
MapPaneAdapterAn adapter class that implements all of the methods defined by MapPaneListener as empty methods, allowing sub-classesClassorg.geotools.swing.eventGeoTools
MapPaneEventAn event class used by MapPane to signal changes of state to listeners.Classorg.geotools.swing.eventGeoTools
MapPaneEvent .TypeType of MapPane eventThe display area has been changed.Classorg.geotools.swing.event.MapPaneEventGeoTools
MapPaneKeyHandlerHandles keyboard events for a map pane.Classorg.geotools.swing.eventGeoTools
MapPaneKeyHandler .ActionConstants for supported actions.Classorg.geotools.swing.event.MapPaneKeyHandlerGeoTools
MapPaneListenerListens to events published by the MapPane.Interfaceorg.geotools.swing.eventGeoTools
MouseDragBoxDraws a box on the parent component (e.Classorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
NoToolActionAn action to de-select any active map cursor tool.Classorg.geotools.swing.actionGeoTools
PanActionAn action for connect a control (probably a JButton) to the PanTool for panning the map with mouse drags.Classorg.geotools.swing.actionGeoTools
PanToolA cursor tool to pan the map pane display.Classorg.geotools.swing.toolGeoTools
ParamWidgetFactoryA factory that takes a parameter type and its map of metadata and determines what sort of form widget to create for itClassorg.geotools.swing.wizardGeoTools
PopupMenuProviderUsed with JMenuStatusBarItem to pass a (possibly dynamic)Since:8.Interfaceorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
ProcessParameterPageThis page is responsible making a user interface based on the provided ProcessFactory.Classorg.geotools.swing.processGeoTools
ProcessRunPageThis page is responsible for actually executing the process with the given parameters and then displaying the result.Classorg.geotools.swing.processGeoTools
ProcessSelectionPageThis page is responsible for making a process selection widget that moves onto to the selectedSince:8.Classorg.geotools.swing.processGeoTools
PropertiesFileFinderSearches for properties files in a resource directory within the gt-swing module and records the Locales supported by each file.Classorg.geotools.swing.localeGeoTools
PropertiesFileInfoRecords the base name of a properties file and the LocalesSince:8.Classorg.geotools.swing.localeGeoTools
RenderingExecutorDefines the core methods for executors used to run drawing tasks on background threads.Interfaceorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
RenderingExecutorEventAn event type used by RenderingExecutor to communicate task status to client objects.Classorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
RenderingExecutorListenerListens for events published by a RenderingExecutorSince:2.Interfaceorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
RenderingTaskA rendering task to be run by a RenderingExecutor.Classorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
ResetActionAn action to reset a map pane display to its full extent.Classorg.geotools.swing.actionGeoTools
SafeActionA safe version of AbstractAction that will log any problems encountered.Classorg.geotools.swing.actionGeoTools
SingleLayerMapContentUsed by DefaultRenderingExecutor to hold a single Layer that is being passed to a renderer.Classorg.geotools.swingGeoTools
StatusBarItemBase class for items in JMapStatusBar.Classorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
ValueChangedEventAn event published when the value of a control derived from JValueFieldSince:2.Classorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
ValueChangedListenerA listener to work with controls derived from JValueTextField.Interfaceorg.geotools.swing.controlGeoTools
WMSLayerChooserDialog providing a chance to chose a WMSLayer.Classorg.geotools.swing.wmsGeoTools