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#Org.hypergraphdb.util Classes and Interfaces - 48 results found.
AccessibleObjectCache Utility class to maintain runtime caches of Field, Method and Constructor for use by HGAtomType implementations.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
ActionQueueThread This a simple queue that runs as a thread and executes passed in action object (i.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
AggregateFuture An AggregateFuture encapsulates several Future into a single one.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
ArrayBasedIterator Implements an Iterator over the elements of a built-in Java array.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
ArrayBasedSet An implementation SortedSet based on primitive arrays that grow as needed without ever shrinking.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
CallbackFuture An CallbackFuture offers the possibility to call back a registered listener when it is completed.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
CloneMe Expose the clone method publicly so that it can be invoked at an interface/abstract class level.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
CompletedFuture Represents a Future that's already completed.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
DelegateMapResolver A map-based resolver that will delegate to another resolved if the element is not in the map.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
DummyReadWriteLock A read-write lock that doesn't lock at all.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
FilterIterator A filtering iterator wraps a source iterator an filter out some of its elements based on a predicate.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
HashCodeUtilCollected methods which allow easy implementation of hashCode.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
HGDatabaseVersionFile Represents version information at a particular database instance.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
HGExecutorService A wrapper of an underlying executor service implementation that ensures a transaction context is inherited from the calling thread when a taskClassorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
HGLock An implementation of ReadWriteLock that will use the currently active database transaction if there is one (through BDBTxLock) Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
HGSortedSet A variation of the standard SortedSet interface that offers a HGRandomAccessResult of its elements in addition to an Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
HGUtils The mandatory bag of static utility method class.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
LLRBTree Implements a set of elements as a left-leaning red-black tree.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
MappingAn interface specifying a single argument function.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
MemoryWarningSystem This memory warning system will call all registered listeners when we exceed the percentage of available heap memory specified.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
MemoryWarningSystem .ListenerInterfaceorg.hypergraphdb.util.MemoryWarningSystemHypergraphDb
Pair The inexplicably missing class from the java.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
PredefinedTypesConfig Utility to read and hold configuration of predefined HyperGraphDB types.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
RefCountedMap A variation on a map where values are managed like resources: a put increments a reference count on an existing key-value entry and a removeClassorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
RefResolver Defines a generic capability to resolve a reference of type Key to an object of type Value.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
SimpleStack A simple, non thread-safe stack, missing from java.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
SoftHashMap This is similar to the standard WeakHashMap, but it uses SoftReferences for the map's values instead Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
TargetSetIterator An iterator over the target set of a given link.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
TempLink This class represents a simple, temporary link used during various query and graph traversal activities.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
TwoWayMap A bi-directional map X Y.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
ValueSetter A simple interface to be implemented by objects that set values in specific dynamic contexts.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
VarContext This is a glorified name/value map implementing the handling of query variables.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb
WeakIdentityHashMapThis is a modified version of @see{WeakHashMap} from JDK 1.Classorg.hypergraphdb.utilHypergraphDb