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#Org.jboss.invocation Classes and Interfaces - 43 results found.
AnyhostVerifierInterfaceorg.jboss.invocation.http.interfacesJBoss Server
ByValueInvokerInterceptorAn InvokerInterceptor that does not optimize remote invocations.Classorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
ClientMethodInterceptorHandle toString, equals, hashCode locally on the client.Interfaceorg.jboss.invocation.http.interfacesJBoss Server
HttpInvokerThe HttpInvoker .Classorg.jboss.invocation.http.serverJBoss Server
HttpInvokerMBeanThe MBean interface for the HTTP invoker.Interfaceorg.jboss.invocation.http.serverJBoss Server
HttpInvokerProxyThe client side Http invoker proxy that posts an invocation to the InvokerServlet using the HttpURLConnection created from the proxyInterfaceorg.jboss.invocation.http.interfacesJBoss Server
HttpProxyFactoryCreate an interface proxy that uses HTTP to communicate with the server side object that exposes the corresponding JMX invoke operation.Classorg.jboss.invocation.http.serverJBoss Server
HttpProxyFactoryMBeanAn mbean interface for a proxy factory that can expose any interface with RMI compatible semantics for access to remote clients using HTTPInterfaceorg.jboss.invocation.http.serverJBoss Server
InvocationThe Invocation object is the generic object flowing through our interceptors.Classorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
InvocationContextThe Invocation Context Describes the context in which this Invocation is being executed in Classorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
InvocationExceptionA nested exception that is used to differentiate application exceptions from communication exceptions.Classorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
InvocationKeyType safe enumeration used for keys in the Invocation object.Classorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
InvocationStatisticsA method invocation statistics collection class.Classorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
InvocationTypeType safe enumeration used for to identify the invocation types.Classorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
InvokerThis invoker carries Invocation in the JMX target node.Interfaceorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
InvokerInterceptorA very simple implementation of it that branches to the local stuff.Classorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
JRMPInvokerThe JRMPInvoker is an RMI implementation that can generate Invocations from RMI/JRMP into the JMX base.Classorg.jboss.invocation.jrmp.serverJBoss Server
JRMPInvokerMBeanFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.jboss.invocation.jrmp.serverJBoss Server
JRMPInvokerProxyJRMPInvokerProxy, local to the proxy and is capable of delegating to the JRMP implementationsInterfaceorg.jboss.invocation.jrmp.interfacesJBoss Server
JRMPProxyFactoryCreate an interface proxy that uses RMI/JRMP to communicate with the server side object that exposes the corresponding JMX invoke operation.Classorg.jboss.invocation.jrmp.serverJBoss Server
JRMPProxyFactoryMBeanAn mbean interface for a proxy factory that can expose any interface with RMI compatible semantics for access to remote clients using JRMPInterfaceorg.jboss.invocation.jrmp.serverJBoss Server
LRUPoolThis class is an extention of LRUCachePolicy.Classorg.jboss.invocation.pooled.serverJBoss Server
LocalEJBInvocationOptimized invocation object for Local interface invocationsVersion:$Revision: 1.Classorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
LocalInvokerThe Invoker is a local gate in the JMX system.Classorg.jboss.invocation.localJBoss Server
LocalInvokerMBeanFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.jboss.invocation.localJBoss Server
MarshalledInvocationThe MarshalledInvocation is an invocation that travels.Classorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
MarshalledValueA simple replacement for the RMI MarshalledObject that uses the thread context class loader for resolving classes and proxies.Classorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
MarshalledValueInputStreamAn ObjectInputStream subclass used by the MarshalledValue class to ensure the classes and proxies are loaded using the thread contextClassorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
MarshalledValueOutputStreamAn ObjectOutputStream subclass used by the MarshalledValue class to ensure the classes and proxies are loaded using the thread contextClassorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
MarshallingInvokerInterceptorAn InvokerInterceptor that does not optimize in VM invocationsVersion:$Revision: 1.Classorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
OptimizedObjectInputStreamAn ObjectInputStream subclass used by the MarshalledValue class to ensure the classes and proxies are loaded using the thread contextInterfaceorg.jboss.invocation.pooled.interfacesJBoss Server
OptimizedObjectOutputStreamAn ObjectOutputStream subclass used by the MarshalledValue class to ensure the classes and proxies are loaded using the thread contextInterfaceorg.jboss.invocation.pooled.interfacesJBoss Server
PayloadKeyType safe enumeration used for to identify the payloads.Classorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
PooledInvokerThis invoker pools Threads and client connections to one server socket.Classorg.jboss.invocation.pooled.serverJBoss Server
PooledInvokerMBeanFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.jboss.invocation.pooled.serverJBoss Server
PooledInvokerProxyClient socket connections are pooled to avoid the overhead of making a connection.Interfaceorg.jboss.invocation.pooled.interfacesJBoss Server
PooledInvokerProxy .ClientSocketInterfaceorg.jboss.invocation.pooled.interfaces.PooledInvokerProxyJBoss Server
PooledMarshalledInvocationThe MarshalledInvocation is an invocation that travels.Interfaceorg.jboss.invocation.pooled.interfacesJBoss Server
PooledMarshalledValueA simple replacement for the RMI MarshalledObject that uses the thread context class loader for resolving classes and proxies.Interfaceorg.jboss.invocation.pooled.interfacesJBoss Server
ServerAddressThis class encapsulates all the required information for a client to establish a connection with the server.Interfaceorg.jboss.invocation.pooled.interfacesJBoss Server
ServerThreadThis Thread object hold a single Socket connection to a client and is kept alive until a timeout happens, or it is aged out of theClassorg.jboss.invocation.pooled.serverJBoss Server
ServiceUnavailableExceptionAn extension of the RMI RemoteException that is used to indicate that there are no target services available for an invocation.Classorg.jboss.invocationJBoss Server
UtilCommon client utility methodsVersion:$Revision: 1.Interfaceorg.jboss.invocation.http.interfacesJBoss Server