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#Org.jppf.utils.stats Classes and Interfaces - 11 results found.
AbstractJPPFSnapshotConvenience class for collecting time or size statistics.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
CumulativeSnapshotIn this implementation, getLatest() is computed as the cumulated sum of all values added to the snapshot.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
JPPFSnapshotConvenience class for collecting time or size statistics.Interfaceorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
JPPFSnapshot .LabelBasedFilterBase class for filters including or excluding snpashots based on a provided set of labels.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
JPPFSnapshot .LabelExcludingFilterFilter excluding snpashots based on a provided set of labels.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
JPPFSnapshot .LabelIncludingFilterFilter including snpashots based on a provided set of labels.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
JPPFStatisticsInstances of this class hold statistics snapshots.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
JPPFStatistics .FilterA filter interface for snapshots.Interfaceorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
JPPFStatisticsHelperThis helper class holds the constants definitions for the labels of the statistics snapshots used in JPPF, along with utility methods.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
NonCumulativeSnapshotIn this implementation, getLatest() is computed as the average of the latest set of values that were added, or the latest value if only one was added.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
SingleValueSnapshotInstances of this class simply accumulate the values provided via calls to SingleValueSnapshot.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf