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#Org.jscience.util Classes and Interfaces - 133 results found.
AbstractChangeableUseful base-class for objects implementing ChangeableConstructor SummaryAbstractChangeable()Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
AbstractIteratormakes it very easy to implement either an Enumeration or an Iterator.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
AbstractLogWriterprovides filtering capabilities for a LogWriter.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
ActivityListenerInterface for object which monitor long-running activities.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
ArrayCasterA simple convenience class for casting arrays.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ArrayIteratorThis Iterator is used to iterate over Arrays.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ArrayMapperThis class dispatch data between an array and several domain objects.Classorg.jscience.util.mapperJScience
ArraySliceMappableThis interface is used to map objects to and from simple arrays.Interfaceorg.jscience.util.mapperJScience
AssertionFailureAn unchecked exception representing an Assertion failure.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
Backupallows to easily backup directories.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
BagA class representing a bag data structure (a list that does not permitFields inherited from class java.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
BinaryFileLogA LogWriter that logs the entries synchronously serialized to a file.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
BinaryLogFormatterformats the LogEntry as a serialized byte array.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
BinaryRelationA class representing a binary relation.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
BinaryTreeA class representing a tree data structure with exactly 2 child elementsSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jscience.utilJScience
BoundedNumberStepperA class representing a way to iterate numbers.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
BreadthFirstTreeIteratorProvides an iterator through all the children of tree including tree itself.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
CacheInterface for managing caches of objects.Interfaceorg.jscience.util.cacheJScience
CacheMap Interface for managing caches of objects fetchable by key.Interfaceorg.jscience.util.cacheJScience
CacheReferenceInterface for a reference to an object, analogous to java.Interfaceorg.jscience.util.cacheJScience
ChangeableThis is a flag interface that defines the common add/remove listener methods for classes and interfaces that wish to indicate that they are sources ofInterfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
ChangeAdapterThis is a ChangeListener that ignores everything.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ChangeEventEvent which encapsulates a change in any mutable BioJava object.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ChangeForwarderThis is a ChangeListener that is designed to adapt events of one type from one source to events of another type emitted by another source.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ChangeForwarder .RetyperClassorg.jscience.utilJScience
ChangeHubInterface implemented by ChangeHubs, i.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
ChangeListenerInterface for objects which listen to ChangeEvents.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
ChangeListener .AlwaysVetoListenerAn implementation that always vetoes everything.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ChangeListener .LoggingListenerA listener that writes information about the event stream to a PrintStream.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ChangeSupport A utility class to provide management for informing ChangeListeners of This is loosely modelled after the standard PropertyChangeEvent objects.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ChangeTypeClass for all constants which are used to indicate change types.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ChangeVetoExceptionException which is thrown when a ChangeListener does not wish a changeSince:1.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
CircularNumberStepperA class representing a way to iterate numbers.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
CircularReferenceExceptionA class representing a CircularReferenceException, to be used withSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jscience.utilJScience
CloneableInterface for cloneable classes.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
CollectionUtilsutility class for calculations on sets java.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ColorUtilsAn set of utility functions that convert from one color space to another.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
CommentedAn interface to mark up something that has some comments.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
Commitable from one known state to another via commit/rollback semantics.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
CommitFailureSee Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryCommitFailure(java.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ConsoleLogConsoleLog prints abbreviated log messages to the console using System.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
CypherKeyCypherKey provides a very easy-to-use, yet effective encryption mechanism.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
Debug .FileExceptionHandlercan be used to conveniently write all exceptions to a file.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
DepthFirstTreeIteratorProvides an iterator through all the children of tree including tree itself.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
EncodedEncoded encapsulates a serializable object in an encrypted format that requires the same synchronous key for both, encoding and decoding.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
EndianConverterUtility to convert little endian data to big endian data.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
FixedSizeCacheCache which stores up to limit Objects.Classorg.jscience.util.cacheJScience
FixedSizeMapA cache that only remembers a given number of keys.Classorg.jscience.util.cacheJScience
FormatExceptionindicates that some content was not in the expected formatSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jscience.utilJScience
HTMLExpressibleThe interface HTMLExpressible indicates that the implementing class is able to express itself in HTML format.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
IllegalDimensionExceptionThe IllegalDimensionException class is thrown when a conflicting number of dimensions is found in a system with dimensions, it is therefore a kindClassorg.jscience.utilJScience
IntervalTimerUtility class used to calculate the time passed between two eventsConstructor SummaryIntervalTimer()Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
JavaExpressibleThe interface JavaExpressible indicates that the implementing class is able to express itself in Java format.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
JDBCThe class JDBC provides some simplified access to existing ODBC and MySQL drivers through static methods.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
JDBCLogWriterJDBCLogWriter provides a LogWriter that writes to a java.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
JDBCTableModelJDBCTableModel provides a simple way to display a table from a JDBC connection.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
JTextComponentLogJTextComponentLog writes abbreviated log messages into a given JTextComponent synchronously.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
KeyedWeakReferenceSubclass of WeakReference which includes and extra field (the key) which can be used to help cleanup once this reference has been enqueued.Classorg.jscience.util.cacheJScience
LevelLevel classifies the logging of LogEntry objects.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
Licensea License provides and limits access to certain functionality based on individual classes or packages.Classorg.jscience.util.licenseJScience
LicenseHandlercan be used to obtain a license from some source if a call to Settings.Interfaceorg.jscience.util.licenseJScience
LicenseLoadercan be used to aquire licenses from a known location on demand.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
LicenseManagerLicenseManager provides the ability to use limited licenses based on classes Note that the LicenseManager only accepts Licenses that are properly signed,Classorg.jscience.util.licenseJScience
LicensingExceptionthrown to indicate that no valid license for a requested Object could beSee Also:LicenseManager, Classorg.jscience.util.licenseJScience
LogEntryLogEntry represents a single record of a log logged by a Logger object and handled by a LogWriter object.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
LogExceptionLogException is thrown when a problem is encountered while writing to aSee Also:LogWriter, Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
LogExceptionHandlerA LogExceptionHandler is used to control the behavior of a Logger in regards to occuring LogException events.Interfaceorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
LogFileLogFile provides great convenience for logging information from a program into a file.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
LoggerLogger somewhat leans on the functionality of the java.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
LogWriterThe LogWriter interface defines objects that can be used as a handler for the Logger class.Interfaceorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
MappableArrayWrapper class around an array in order to have it implement the ArraySliceMappable interface.Classorg.jscience.util.mapperJScience
MappableScalarWrapper class around a scalar in order to have it implement the ArraySliceMappable interface.Classorg.jscience.util.mapperJScience
MaximumIterationsExceededExceptionThis exception occurs when a numerical algorithm exceeds it maximum number of allowable iterations.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
MethodComparatorcompares objects by the return value of a specified method name.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
MonitorMonitor is a convenient class that is useful to communicate between threads by exchanging information through this Monitor.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
MonitorDelegatorThe relevant calls to the monitor are delegated to a ProgressMonitor orFields inherited from class org.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
NamedColorsA class representing javascript and netscape colors.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
NAryA class representing an element of a relation.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
NAryRelationA class representing a generalized relation.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
NAryTreeA class representing a tree data structure with many child elements.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
NativeCodeAn empty tagging interface to be implemented by all classes that use native function calls (yikes).Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
NestedExceptionA general perpose Exception that can wrap another exception.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
NumberingA class representing a number like the one found in law articles, or in software version numbersClassorg.jscience.utilJScience
NumberStepperA class representing a way to iterate numbers.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ParameterizedAn interface to mark up something that contains an extra field parameter to support additional information storage without (sometimes inconveninet subclassing).Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
PatternExtractorPatternExtractor provides a way to group objects by a pattern defined by an implementation.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
PositionedAn interface to mark up something that is located in space.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
RelationA class representing a relation in n dimensions, or R(n).Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
RelationsA class representing relations constants.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ResourceNotFoundExceptionThrown to indicate that a specific resource (an image, a sound, etc.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ResultSetMetaDataTableModelResultSetMetaDataTableModel provides a simple way to display the meta data of a ResultSet.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
SecurityNamesa collection of security related names of supported algorithms.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
SettingsSettings provides access to several properties and resources that are used throughout the classes of this Antelmann.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
SimpleKeyA very simple encryption algorithm for demonstration purposes only.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
SmartPropertiesSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from class java.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
SocketLogListenerused to listen to LogEntry objects send through a NetConnection.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
SocketWritersimply used to write serialized LogEntry objects via networkSee Also:SocketConnectionClassorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
SoftReferenceCacheCache which is cleared according to memory pressure.Classorg.jscience.util.cacheJScience
StackTraceFileWriterwrites full stack trace of entries that log an exception to a givenFields inherited from class org.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
StaticMemberPlaceHolderSee Also:Serialized Formprotected StaticMemberPlaceHolder()Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
SteppableThis interface is used to provide a simple way of providing classes with a standardized structure for time-steppable classes.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
StopwatchStopwatch is a convenient implementation to bench just about anything.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
StringBufferLogStringBufferLog writes log messages into a StringBuffer.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
StringLineFormatterformats a LogEntry into a simple one-line String terminated by a line break.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
StringUtilsA utility class with some useful functions to manipulate String objects.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
SynchronousKeyAn interface to support very simple synchronous key encryption.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
ThirdPartyAn empty tagging interface to be implemented by all classes that have a dependency on any non-standard J2SE 1.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
ThreadPooluses a pool of threads to execute tasks asynchronously and concurrently.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ThreadWorkerThreadWorker runs tasks in a separate thread, where the tasks are queued up and performed one by one.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
ThreadWorker .ListenerInterfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
TreeA class representing a tree data structure.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
TrivaluateA class representing a an Object which can take three values: true, false and unknown.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
UnaryRelationA class representing a relation in 1 dimension, this is a SetConstructor SummaryUnaryRelation()Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
UnavailableDataExceptionThe UnavailableDataException is thrown when there are problems fetching some data from un unreliable source (this can be the network availabilityClassorg.jscience.utilJScience
UnchangeableThis is a utility implementation of Changeable that doesn't fire any events or keep references to any listeners.Classorg.jscience.utilJScience
VisualizableThis abstract class provides the necessary methods for visualizable data.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
WeakCacheMapA cache which retains weak references to objectsConstructor SummaryWeakCacheMap()Classorg.jscience.util.cacheJScience
WeakValueHashMapMap implementation which keeps weak references to values.Classorg.jscience.util.cacheJScience
XMLExpressibleThe interface XMLExpressible indicates that the implementing class is able to express itself in valid XML format.Interfaceorg.jscience.utilJScience
XMLLogFormatterformats LogEntry objects as XML.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience
XMLWriterwrites LogEntry objects formatted as XML to either a PrintStream or PrintWriter.Classorg.jscience.util.loggingJScience