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#Org.moeaframework.util Classes and Interfaces - 90 results found.
AbsThe node for calculating the absolute value of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
AcosThe node for calculating the arc cosine of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
AcoshThe node for calculating the hyperbolic arc cosine of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
AddThe node for adding two numbers.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
AndThe node for calculating the logical AND of two boolean values.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
AsinThe node for calculating the arc sine of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
AsinhThe node for calculating the hyperbolic arc sine of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
AtanThe node for calculating the arc tangent of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
AtanhThe node for calculating the hyperbolic arc tangent of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
CallThe node for calling a named function.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
CeilThe node for calculating the smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
CommentedLineReaderRead text from a character-input stream, ignoring lines starting with the # character.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
ConstantThe node for defining a constant value.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
ContextFreeGrammarA context-free grammar.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
CosThe node for calculating the trigonometric cosine of an angle specified in radians.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
CoshThe node for calculating the hyperbolic cosine of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
DefineThe node for defining a callable, named function.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
DistributedProblemDistributes the evaluate(Solution) method across multiple threads, cores or compute nodes using the provided ExecutorService.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
DivideThe node for dividing two numbers.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
EnvironmentThe execution context, or environment, storing the named variables used by a program.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
EqualsThe node for comparing two numbers for equality.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
ExpThe node for calculating the result of Euler's number e raised to the power of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
FileProtectionDetects corrupted files using the MD5 message digest in a format compatible with the Unix command line utility md5sum.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
FloorThe node for calculating the largest integer value that is less than or equal to a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
ForThe node for executing an expression for a given number of iterations.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
FutureSolutionRepresents a Solution evaluated asynchronously.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
GetThe node for reading the value stored in a named variable within the current scope.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
GrammarExceptionException indicating an error while parsing or processing grammars.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
GreaterThanThe node for comparing if one number is greater than another.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
GreaterThanOrEqualThe node for comparing if a number is greater than or equal to another.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
IfElseThe node for executing one of two expressions depending on the result of a boolean expression.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
IntervalRatioStatisticalTestAbstract class for interval ratio statistical tests.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
KruskalWallisTestThe Kruskal-Wallis One-Way Analysis of Variance by Ranks is a non-parametric statistical test determining if (at least) two out of K >= 2 populations haveClassorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
LambdaThe node for defining an immutable, anonymous function.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
LatinHypercubeGenerates sequences using Latin hypercube sampling (LHS).Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
LessThanThe node for comparing if a number is less than another.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
LessThanOrEqualThe node for comparing if a number is less than or equal to another.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
LogThe node for calculating the natural logarithm of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
Log10The node for calculating the base-10 logarithm of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
MannWhitneyUTestThe Mann-Whitney U test determines if two populations have different medians.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
MaxThe node for calculating the maximum value of the two arguments.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
MinThe node for calculating the minimum value of the two arguments.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
ModulusThe node for calculating the modulus, or remainder, of two numbers.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
MultiplyThe node for multiplying two numbers.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
NodeA node in an expression tree.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
NOPThe node for defining an empty expression.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
NormalBoundaryIntersectionGeneratorGenerates weights using the Normal Boundary Intersection (NBI) method.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
NotThe node for calculating the logical NOT of a boolean value.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
NumberArithmeticProvides many arithmetic and trigonometric functions that operate on Numbers, performing any necessary implicit casting.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
ObservationStores an observed value and the group from which the observation belongs.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
OneWayANOVAThe Single-Factor Between-Subjects Analysis of Variance determines if (at least) two out of K >= 2 populations have differing means.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
OrThe node for calculating the logical OR of two boolean values.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
OrdinalStatisticalTestAbstract class for implementing ordinal (rank-based) statistical tests.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
ParserParses simple context-free grammars in Backus-Naur form (BNF).Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
PowerThe node for calculating the power of a base number and exponent.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
ProductionA context-free grammar production.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
ProgressEventA progress report, including the percent complete, elapsed time, and remaining time.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
ProgressHelperHelper for notifying ProgressListeners when the evaluation progress of an Executor changes.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
RandomGeneratorGenerates weights randomly.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
RankedObservationAn observation with a rank.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
RedirectStreamRedirects all content received by an InputStream to an OutputStream.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
RoundThe node for rounding a number to the nearest integer.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
RuleA context-free grammar rule.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
RulesThe rules defining the program syntax.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
SaltelliExtension of Sobol's sequence for generating the samples for Saltelli's version of Sobol' global variance decomposition.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
SequenceInterface for generating a sequence of real numbers.Interfaceorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
SequenceThe node for executing two or more expressions in sequence.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
SetThe node for assigning the value of a named variable within the current scope.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
SignThe node for calculating the sign of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
SinThe node for calculating the trigonometric sine of an angle specified in radians.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
SingleSampleTTestThe Single-Sample t test determines if the population's mean equals some Null Hypothesis: The population's mean equals X.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
SinhThe node for calculating the hyperbolic sine of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
SobolGenerates sequences using the Sobol' low-discrepancy sequence generator.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
SquareThe node for calculating the square of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
SquareRootThe node for calculating the square root of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
StatisticalTestInterface for statistical hypothesis testing methods.Interfaceorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
SubtractThe node for subtracting two numbers.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
SymbolA context-free grammar symbol.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
TanThe node for calculating the trigonometric tangent of an angle specified in radians.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
TanhThe node for calculating the hyperbolic tangent of a number.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
TruncateThe node for truncating, or bounding, a number within a range.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
TwoSampleTTestThe Two-Sample t test determines if the mean of two populations are different.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
UniformGenerates sequences using a uniform random distribution.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
UniformDesignGeneratorGenerates weights according to a uniform design of mixtures using the Hammersley low-discrepancy sequence generator.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
ValidationExceptionException indicating a file could not be validated.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
WeightGeneratorInterface for generating a sequence of weights.Interfaceorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
WhileThe node for repeatedly executing an expression while a condition, a boolean expression, remains true.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA
WilcoxonSignedRanksTestThe Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks test determines if the population median is equal to a specified value.Classorg.moeaframework.utilMOEA