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#Org.opengis.coverage Classes and Interfaces - 20 results found.
CannotEvaluateExceptionThe base class for exceptions thrown when a quantity can't be evaluated.Classorg.opengis.coverageGeoTools
ColorInterpretationSpecifies the mapping of a band to a color model component.Classorg.opengis.coverageGeoTools
CoverageA function from a spatial, temporal or spatiotemporal domain to an attribute range.Interfaceorg.opengis.coverageGeoTools
FormatA discovery mechanism to determine the formats supported by a GridCoverageExchange implementation.Interfaceorg.opengis.coverage.gridGeoTools
GridCoordinatesHolds the set of grid coordinates that specifies the location of the grid point within the grid.Interfaceorg.opengis.coverage.gridGeoTools
GridCoverageRepresent the basic implementation which provides access to grid coverage data.Interfaceorg.opengis.coverage.gridGeoTools
GridCoverageProcessorProvides operations for different ways of accessing the grid coverage values as well as image processing functionality.Interfaceorg.opengis.coverage.processingGeoTools
GridCoverageReaderSupport for reading grid coverages out of a persistent store.Interfaceorg.opengis.coverage.gridGeoTools
GridCoverageWriterSupport for writing grid coverages into a persistent store.Interfaceorg.opengis.coverage.gridGeoTools
GridEnvelopeProvides the grid coordinate values for the diametrically opposed corners of the grid.Interfaceorg.opengis.coverage.gridGeoTools
GridGeometryDescribes the geometry and georeferencing information of the grid coverage.Interfaceorg.opengis.coverage.gridGeoTools
GridNotEditableExceptionThrown when an attempt is made to write in a non-editable grid.Classorg.opengis.coverage.gridGeoTools
InterpolationMethodA list of codes that identify interpolation methods that may be used for evaluating continuous coverages.Classorg.opengis.coverageGeoTools
InvalidRangeExceptionThrown when a grid range is out of grid coverage bounds.Classorg.opengis.coverage.gridGeoTools
OperationThis interface provides descriptive information for a grid coverage processing operation.Interfaceorg.opengis.coverage.processingGeoTools
OperationNotFoundExceptionThrows if an operation name given to GridCoverageProcessor is not a know operation.Classorg.opengis.coverage.processingGeoTools
PaletteInterpretationDescribes the color entry in a color table.Classorg.opengis.coverageGeoTools
PointOutsideCoverageExceptionThrown when a evaluate method is invoked for a location outside the domain of the coverage.Classorg.opengis.coverageGeoTools
SampleDimensionContains information for an individual sample dimension of coverage.Interfaceorg.opengis.coverageGeoTools
SampleDimensionTypeSpecifies the various dimension types for coverage values.Classorg.opengis.coverageGeoTools