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#Org.opengis.filter Classes and Interfaces - 93 results found.
AddEncodes the operation of addition.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.expressionGeoTools
AfterFilter operator that determines if a temporal object is after another temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
AndEvaluates to true if all the combined expressions evaluate to true.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
AnyInteractsFilter operator that determines if two temporal periods interact in any way as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
ArithmeticOperatorsSupported arithmetic operators in a filter capabilities document.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
BBOXSpatial operator that evaluates to true when the bounding box of the feature's geometry overlaps the bounding box provided in this object's properties.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
BBOX3DAn extension to the general BBOX filter for supporting 3D Bounding Boxes that have a minimum and maximum Z-value.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
BeforeFilter operator that determines if a temporal object is before another temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
BeginsFilter operator that determines if a temporal object is located at the beginning of another temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
BegunByFilter operator that determines if another temporal object is located at the beginning of a temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
BeyondConcrete distance buffer operator that evaluates as true when all of a feature's geometry lies beyond (i.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
BinaryComparisonOperatorAbstract base class for filters that compare exactly two values against each other.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
BinaryExpressionAbstract base class for the various filter expressions that compute some value from two input values.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.expressionGeoTools
BinaryLogicOperatorAbstract super-interface for logical operators that accept two or more other logical values as inputs.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
BinarySpatialOperatorAbstract superclass for filter operators that perform some sort of spatial comparison on two geometric objects.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
BinaryTemporalOperatorBase interface for all temporal filter operators.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
BoundedSpatialOperatorMarker interface for spatial operators that are a subset of the BBOX relationship.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
ComparisonOperatorsSupported comparison operators in a filter capabilities document.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
ContainsConcrete binary spatial operator that evaluates to true if the the first geometric operand contains the second.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
CrossesConcrete binary spatial operator that evaluates to true if the first geometric operand crosses the second (in the sense definedInterfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
DisjointConcrete binary spatial operator that evaluates to true if the first operand is disjoint from the second (in the sense definedInterfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
DistanceBufferOperatorAbstract superclass for spatial operators that check that one shape satisfies some relation to a buffer around another shape.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
DivideEncodes the operation of division where the first argument is divided by the second argument.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.expressionGeoTools
DuringFilter operator that determines if a temporal object is located during another temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
DWithinConcrete distance buffer operator that evaluates as true when any part of the first geometry lies within the given distanceInterfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
EndedByFilter operator that determines if another temporal object is located at the end of a temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
EndsFilter operator that determines if a temporal object is located at the end of another temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
EqualsConcrete binary spatial operator that evaluates to true if the geometry of the two operands are equal.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
ExcludeFilterIndicating "filter all", evaluates to false.Classorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
ExpressionInterface for all the OGC Filter elements that compute values.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.expressionGeoTools
ExpressionVisitorVisitor with visit methods to be called by Expression.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.expressionGeoTools
FeatureId Features are identified as strings.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.identityGeoTools
FilterDefines a constraint that can be checked against an instance of an object (Usually a Feature).Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
FilterCapabilitiesFilterCapabilitiesBean used to represent Filter expressions according to theInterfaceorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
FilterFactoryInterface whose methods allow the caller to create instances of the various Filter and Expression subclasses.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
FilterFactory2Allows creation of additional Filter constructs.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
FilterVisitorVisitor with visit methods to be called by Filter.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
FunctionInstances of this class represent a function call into some implementation-specific Each execution environment should provide a list of supported functionsInterfaceorg.opengis.filter.expressionGeoTools
FunctionNameFunction description provided in a filter capabilities.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
FunctionsSupported functions in a capabilities document.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
GeometryOperandEnumeration of the different GeometryOperand types.Classorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
GmlObjectIdFeature and Geometry identifier for GML3 specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.identityGeoTools
IdA filter that passes only the Identifiers listed.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
IdCapabilitiesCapabilities used to convey supported id operators.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
IdentifierAn object identifier.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.identityGeoTools
IncludeFilterIndicating "no filtering", evaluates to true.Classorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
InternalFunctionSpecial Function type indicating that that the function is to be executed exclusively at run-time, and does not participate in the SPI (Service Provider Interface) lookup mechanism (i.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.expressionGeoTools
IntersectsConcrete binary spatial operator that evaluates to true if the two geometric operands intersect.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
LiteralInstances of this interface provide a constant, literal value that can be used in expressions.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.expressionGeoTools
MeetsFilter operator that determines if a temporal period is met by another temporal period as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
MetByFilter operator that determines if a temporal period meets by another temporal period as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
MultiplyEncodes the operation of multiplication.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.expressionGeoTools
MultiValuedFilterDefines a filter that supports filtering on multi-valued attributes.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
MultiValuedFilter .MatchAction When one or more of the operands evaluates to multiple values rather than a single value, which action should be taken?Classorg.opengis.filter.MultiValuedFilterGeoTools
NilExpressionPlaceholder class used to represent a NIL expression, evaluates to null.Classorg.opengis.filter.expressionGeoTools
NotReverses the logical value of an expression.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
ObjectIdObjectId refered to by Filter 1.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.identityGeoTools
OperatorIndicates a supported Operator.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
OrEvaluates to true if any of the combined expressions evaluate to true.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
OverlappedByFilter operator that determines if a temporal period is overlapped by another temporal period as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
OverlapsConcrete binary spatial operator that evaluates to true if the interior of the first geometry somewhere overlaps theInterfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
PropertyIsBetweenA compact way of encoding a range check.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
PropertyIsEqualToFilter operator that compares that its two sub-expressions are equal to each other.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
PropertyIsGreaterThanFilter operator that checks that its first sub-expression is greater than its second subexpression.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualToFilter operator that checks that its first sub-expression is greater or equal to its second subexpression.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
PropertyIsLessThanFilter operator that checks that its first sub-expression is less than its second subexpression.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualToFilter operator that checks that its first sub-expression is less than or equal to its second subexpression.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
PropertyIsLikeFilter operator that performs the equivalent of the SQL "like" operator on properties of a feature.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
PropertyIsNilFilter operator that checks if an expression's value is nil.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
PropertyIsNotEqualToFilter operator that compares that its two sub-expressions are not equal to each other.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
PropertyIsNullFilter operator that checks if an expression's value is null.Interfaceorg.opengis.filterGeoTools
PropertyNameExpression class whose value is computed by retrieving the value indicated by the provided name.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.expressionGeoTools
RecordIdRecordId refered to by CSW-2 specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.identityGeoTools
ResourceIdResource identifier as per FES 2.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.identityGeoTools
ScalarCapabilitiesCapabilities used to convey supported scalar operators.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
SortByDefines the sort order, based on a property and ascending/descending.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.sortGeoTools
SortOrderCaptures the SortBy order, ASC or DESC.Classorg.opengis.filter.sortGeoTools
SpatialCapabilitiesCapabilities used to convey supported spatial operators.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
SpatialOperatorIndicates support for the named spatial operator.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
SpatialOperatorAbstract base class for operators that perform a spatial comparison on geometric attributes of a feature.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
SpatialOperatorsSupported spatial operators in a filter capabilities document.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
SubtractEncodes the operation of subtraction where the second argument is subtracted from the first.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.expressionGeoTools
TContainsFilter operator that determines if a temporal object contains another temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
TemporalCapabilitiesCapabilities used to convey supported temporal operators.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
TemporalOperatorA named temporal operator.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
TemporalOperatorsSupported temporal operators in a filter capabilities document.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.capabilityGeoTools
TEqualsFilter operator that determines if two temporal objects are equal as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
TouchesConcrete binary spatial operator that evaluates to true if the feature's geometry touches, but does not overlap with theInterfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools
TOverlapsFilter operator that determines if a temporal period overlaps another temporal period as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.Interfaceorg.opengis.filter.temporalGeoTools
VersionUnion type class for the Version Union type in FES 2.Classorg.opengis.filter.identityGeoTools
Version .ActionThe VersionAction attribute may also be the strings FIRST, LATEST, PREVIOUS, NEXT and ALL.Classorg.opengis.filter.identity.VersionGeoTools
VolatileFunction Marker interface indicating that that the function return value can change during a single data access operation even if the argument values provided toInterfaceorg.opengis.filter.expressionGeoTools
WithinConcrete binary spatial operator that evaluates to true if the feature's geometry is completely contained by the constantInterfaceorg.opengis.filter.spatialGeoTools