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#Org.openxava.annotations Classes and Interfaces - 81 results found.
ActionAssociates an action to a property or reference in the view.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
ActionsA group of @Action associated to the same member.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
AnnotatedClassParserParse EJB3 Entities (POJOs with JPA annotations) into OpenXava components.Classorg.openxava.annotations.parseOpen Xava
AsEmbeddedMakes that the behavior in the view for a reference (or collection) to entity will be as in the case of a embedded object (or collection to entities withClassorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
CollapsedThe member will be shown collapsed for the indicated views.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
CollectionViewThe view of the referenced object (each collection element) which is used to display the detail.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
CollectionViewsA group of @CollectionView associated to the same collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
ConditionRestricts the elements that appear in the collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
DefaultValueCalculatorFor calculating its initial value.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
DependsDeclares that a property depends on other one(s).Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
DescriptionsListWith @DescriptionsList you can instruct OpenXava to visualize references as a descriptions list (actually a combo).Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
DescriptionsListsA group of @DescriptionsList associated to the same member.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
DetailActionIn collection view to add actions in detail mode, usually actions which scope is the detail that is being edited.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
DetailActionsA group of @DetailAction associated to the same collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
DisplaySizeThe size in characters of the editor in the User Interface used to display Applies to properties.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
DisplaySizesA group of @DisplaySize associated to the same property.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
EditActionAllows you to define your custom action to view a collection element.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
EditActionsA group of @EditAction associated to the same collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
EditOnlyThe final user can modify existing elements in the collection, but not add or remove collection elements.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
EditorName of the editor to use for displaying the member in this view.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
EditorsA group of @Editor associated to the same member.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
EntityValidatorThis validator allows to define a validation at entity level.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
EntityValidatorsA group of @EntityValidator associated to the same entity.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
HiddenA hidden property has a meaning for the developer but not for the user.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
HideDetailActionIn a collection it allows you to define your custom action to hide Applies to @OneToMany/@ManyToMany collections.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
HideDetailActionsA group of @HideDetailAction associated to the same collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
LabelFormatFormat to display the label of this property or reference (displayed as descriptions list).Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
LabelFormatsA group of @LabelFormat associated to the same member.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
LabelFormatTypeenum LabelFormatTypeFor using in @LabelFormat as value.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
LabelStyleStyle to display the label of this property or reference (displayed as descriptions list).Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
LabelStylesA group of @LabelStyle associated to the same member.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
ListActionIn collections to add actions in list mode; usually actions which scope is the entire collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
ListActionsA group of @ListAction associated to the same collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
ListPropertiesProperties to show in the list for visualization of a collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
ListsPropertiesA group of @ListProperties associated to the same collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
NewActionAllows you to define your custom action to start adding a new element to a collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
NewActionsA group of @NewAction associated to the same collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
NoCreateThe final user cannot create new objects of the referenced type from here.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
NoFrameThe reference is not displayed inside a frame.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
NoModifyThe final user cannot modify the current referenced object from here.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
NoSearchThe user will not have a link to make searches with a list, filters, etc.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
OnChangeAction to execute when the value of this property/reference changes.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
OnChangesA group of @OnChange associated to the same member.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
OnChangeSearchAction to execute to do the search of a reference when the user types the key value.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
OnChangeSearchsA group of @OnChangeSearch associated to the same member.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
OnSelectElementActionAllows to define an action to be executed when an element of the collection is selected or unselected.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
OnSelectElementActionsA group of @OnSelectElementAction associated to the same collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
PropertyValidatorThe validator execute validation logic on the value assigned to the property just before storing.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
PropertyValidatorsA group of @PropertyValidator associated to the same property.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
PropertyValueEncapsulate the value for inject it in a property.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
ReadOnlyThe member never will be editable by the final user in the indicated views.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
ReferenceViewView of the referenced object used to display it in a reference.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
ReferenceViewsA group of @ReferenceView associated to the same reference.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
RemoveActionAllows to define a custom action to remove the element from the collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
RemoveActionsA group of @RemoveAction associated to the same collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
RemoveSelectedActionAllows to define your a custom action to remove the selected elements from the collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
RemoveSelectedActionsA group of @RemoveSelectedAction associated to the same Applies to @OneToMany/@ManyToMany collections.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
RemoveValidatorThe @RemoveValidator is a level model validator, it is executed just before removing an object, and it has the possibility to deny the deletion.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
RemoveValidatorsA group of @RemoveValidator associated to the same entity.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
RequiredIndicates if this property or reference is required.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
RowActionIn collections to add an action in each row, but not in the collection button bar.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
RowActionsA group of @RowAction associated to the same collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
RowStyleFor indicating the row style for Tabs and collections .Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
RowStylesA group of @RowStyle associated to the same collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
SaveActionAllows to define a custom action to save the collection element.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
SaveActionsA group of @SaveAction associated to the same collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
SearchActionAllows you to specify your own action for searching.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
SearchActionsA group of @SearchAction associated to the same reference.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
SearchKeyA search key property or reference is used by the user to search.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
SearchListConditionDefines a condition to be used when showing list of selectable items for adding elements to a collection or assigning value to a reference.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
SearchListConditionsA group of @SearchListCondition associated to the same reference or collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
StereotypeA stereotype is the way to determine a specific behavior of a type.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
TabDefine the behavior for tabular data presentation (List mode).Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
TabsA group of @Tab associated to the same entity.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
TreeWith @Tree you can instruct OpenXava to visualize collections as a tree instead of a list.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
TreesA group of @Tree associated to the same collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
ViewDefines with precision the format of the user interface or view.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
ViewActionAllows you to define your custom action to view a collection element.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
ViewActionsA group of @ViewAction associated to the same collection.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
ViewsA group of @View associated to the same entity.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava
XOrderByThe eXtended version of @OrderBy.Classorg.openxava.annotationsOpen Xava