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#Org.powermock.core Classes and Interfaces - 35 results found.
AbstractPowerMockTestListenerBaseAn empty implementation of the PowerMockTestListener interface.Classorg.powermock.core.spi.supportPowerMock
ClassReplicaCreatorThis class takes care of creating a replica of a class.Classorg.powermock.corePowerMock
ConcreteClassGeneratorThis class takes care of creating a concrete sub-class implementing all abstract methods in the parent.Classorg.powermock.corePowerMock
DefaultBehaviorInterface that provides the replay, verify and reset behavior for mock objects and classes.Interfaceorg.powermock.core.spiPowerMock
DefaultFieldValueGeneratorFills the fields with default not-null values.Classorg.powermock.corePowerMock
DeferSupportingClassLoaderDefers classloading of system classes to a delegate.Classorg.powermock.core.classloaderPowerMock
FieldDefaulterA test listener that automatically set all instance fields to their default values after each test method.Classorg.powermock.core.testlistenersPowerMock
IndicateReloadClassConstructor SummaryIndicateReloadClass()Methods inherited from class java.Classorg.powermock.corePowerMock
InvocationSubstituteA class that can be used as a substitution instead of mocking a particular class.Interfaceorg.powermock.core.spi.supportPowerMock
ListMapNested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.Classorg.powermock.corePowerMock
MethodInvocationControlThe purpose of a method invocation control is to invoke a proxy to simulate a method call.Interfaceorg.powermock.core.spiPowerMock
MockThis annotation can be placed on those fields in your test class that should be mocked.Classorg.powermock.core.classloader.annotationsPowerMock
MockClassLoaderMock all classes except system classes.Classorg.powermock.core.classloaderPowerMock
MockGatewayAll mock invocations are routed through this gateway.Classorg.powermock.corePowerMock
MockPolicyA Mock Policy can be used to make it easier to unit test some code with PowerMock in isolation from a certain framework.Classorg.powermock.core.classloader.annotationsPowerMock
MockRepositoryHold mock objects that should be used instead of the concrete implementation.Classorg.powermock.corePowerMock
MockTransformerInterface that all mock transformers must implement.Interfaceorg.powermock.core.transformersPowerMock
NewInvocationControlA new invocation control pairs up a InvocationSubstitute with the mock object created when invokingInterfaceorg.powermock.core.spiPowerMock
PowerMockIgnoreThis annotation tells PowerMock to defer the loading of classes with the names supplied to value() to the system classloader.Classorg.powermock.core.classloader.annotationsPowerMock
PowerMockListenerThe PowerMock listener annotation can be used to tell PowerMock which listeners should be instantiated and invoked during a test.Classorg.powermock.core.classloader.annotationsPowerMock
PowerMockPolicyThis interface can be implemented to create policies for certain frameworks to make it easier for users to test their code in isolation from theseInterfaceorg.powermock.core.spiPowerMock
PowerMockTestListenerThis interface should be implemented by all PowerMock test listeners.Interfaceorg.powermock.core.spiPowerMock
PrepareEverythingForTestThis annotation tells PowerMock to prepare all classes (except certain system and test related classes) for test.Classorg.powermock.core.classloader.annotationsPowerMock
PrepareForTestThis annotation tells PowerMock to prepare certain classes for testing.Classorg.powermock.core.classloader.annotationsPowerMock
PrepareOnlyThisForTestThis annotation tells PowerMock to prepare certain classes for testing.Classorg.powermock.core.classloader.annotationsPowerMock
Resultenum Resultextends EnumEnum Constant SummaryFAILEDClassorg.powermock.core.spi.testresultPowerMock
SuppressStaticInitializationForUse this annotation to suppress static initializers (constructors) for one or The reason why an annotation is needed for this is because we need to know atClassorg.powermock.core.classloader.annotationsPowerMock