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#Org.springframework.dao Classes and Interfaces - 33 results found.
CannotAcquireLockExceptionException thrown on failure to aquire a lock during an update,for example during a select for update statement.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
CannotSerializeTransactionExceptionException thrown on failure to complete a transaction in serialized modedue to update conflicts.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
ChainedPersistenceExceptionTranslatorallowing the addition of PersistenceExceptionTranslator instances in order.Classorg.springframework.dao.supportSpring MVC
CleanupFailureDataAccessExceptionException thrown when we couldn't cleanup after a data access operation,but the actual operation went OK.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
ConcurrencyFailureExceptionException thrown on concurrency failure.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
DaoSupportGeneric base class for DAOs, defining template methods for DAO initialization.Classorg.springframework.dao.supportSpring MVC
DataAccessExceptionRoot of the hierarchy of data access exceptions discussed inExpert One-On-One J2EE Design and Development.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
DataAccessResourceFailureExceptionData access exception thrown when a resource fails completely:for example, if we can't connect to a database using JDBC.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
DataAccessUtilsMiscellaneous utility methods for DAO implementations.Classorg.springframework.dao.supportSpring MVC
DataIntegrityViolationExceptionException thrown when an attempt to insert or update dataresults in violation of an integrity constraint.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
DataRetrievalFailureExceptionException thrown if certain expected data could not be retrieved, e.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
DeadlockLoserDataAccessExceptionGeneric exception thrown when the current process wasa deadlock loser, and its transaction rolled back.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
DuplicateKeyExceptionException thrown when an attempt to insert or update dataresults in violation of an primary key or unique constraint.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
EmptyResultDataAccessExceptionData access exception thrown when a result was expected to have at leastone row (or element) but zero rows (or elements) were actually returned.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessExceptionData access exception thrown when a result was not of the expected size,for example when expecting a single row but getting 0 or more than 1 rows.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
IncorrectUpdateSemanticsDataAccessExceptionData access exception thrown when something unintended appears to havehappened with an update, but the transaction hasn't already been rolled back.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
InvalidDataAccessApiUsageExceptionException thrown on incorrect usage of the API, such as failing tocompile a query object that needed compilation before execution.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageExceptionRoot for exceptions thrown when we use a data access resource incorrectly.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
NonTransientDataAccessExceptionRoot of the hierarchy of data access exceptions that are considered non-transient -where a retry of the same operation would fail unless the cause of the ExceptionClassorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
NonTransientDataAccessResourceExceptionData access exception thrown when a resource fails completely and the failure is permanent.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
OptimisticLockingFailureExceptionException thrown on an optimistic locking violation.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
PermissionDeniedDataAccessExceptionException thrown when the underlying resource denied a permissionto access a specific element, such as a specific database table.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
PersistenceExceptionTranslationAdvisorSpring AOP exception translation aspect for use at Repository or DAO layer level.Classorg.springframework.dao.annotationSpring MVC
PersistenceExceptionTranslationInterceptorAOP Alliance MethodInterceptor that provides persistence exception translationbased on a given PersistenceExceptionTranslator.Classorg.springframework.dao.supportSpring MVC
PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessorBean post-processor that automatically applies persistence exception translation to anybean marked with Spring's @RepositoryClassorg.springframework.dao.annotationSpring MVC
PersistenceExceptionTranslatorInterface implemented by Spring integrations with data access technologiesthat throw runtime exceptions, such as JPA, TopLink, JDO and Hibernate.Interfaceorg.springframework.dao.supportSpring MVC
PessimisticLockingFailureExceptionException thrown on a pessimistic locking violation.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
QueryTimeoutExceptionException to be thrown on a query timeout.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
RecoverableDataAccessExceptionData access exception thrown when a previously failed operation might be ableto succeed if the application performs some recovery steps and retries the entireClassorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
TransientDataAccessExceptionRoot of the hierarchy of data access exceptions that are considered transient -where a previously failed operation might be able to succeed when the operationClassorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
TransientDataAccessResourceExceptionData access exception thrown when a resource fails temporarilyand the operation can be retried.Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
TypeMismatchDataAccessExceptionException thrown on mismatch between Java type and database type:for example on an attempt to set an object of the wrong typeClassorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC
UncategorizedDataAccessExceptionNormal superclass when we can't distinguish anything more specificthan something went wrong with the underlying resource: for example,Classorg.springframework.daoSpring MVC