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#Org.springframework.mail Classes and Interfaces - 15 results found.
ConfigurableMimeFileTypeMapSpring-configurable FileTypeMap implementation that will readMIME type to file extension mappings from a standard JavaMail MIME typeClassorg.springframework.mail.javamailSpring MVC
InternetAddressEditorEditor for java.Classorg.springframework.mail.javamailSpring MVC
JavaMailSendersupporting MIME messages both as direct arguments and through preparationcallbacks.Interfaceorg.springframework.mail.javamailSpring MVC
JavaMailSenderImplProduction implementation of the JavaMailSender interface,supporting both JavaMail MimeMessages and SpringClassorg.springframework.mail.javamailSpring MVC
MailAuthenticationExceptionException thrown on failed authentication.Classorg.springframework.mailSpring MVC
MailExceptionBase class for all mail exceptions.Classorg.springframework.mailSpring MVC
MailMessageThis is a common interface for mail messages, allowing a user to set keyvalues required in assembling a mail message, without needing to know ifInterfaceorg.springframework.mailSpring MVC
MailParseExceptionException thrown if illegal message properties are encountered.Classorg.springframework.mailSpring MVC
MailPreparationExceptionException to be thrown by user code if a mail cannot be prepared properly,for example when a Velocity template cannot be rendered for the mail text.Classorg.springframework.mailSpring MVC
MailSenderThis interface defines a strategy for sending simple mails.Interfaceorg.springframework.mailSpring MVC
MailSendExceptionException thrown when a mail sending error is encountered.Classorg.springframework.mailSpring MVC
MimeMailMessageto let message population code interact with a simple message or a MIMEmessage through a common interface.Classorg.springframework.mail.javamailSpring MVC
MimeMessageHelperHelper class for populating a MimeMessage.Classorg.springframework.mail.javamailSpring MVC
MimeMessagePreparatorCallback interface for the preparation of JavaMail MIME messages.Interfaceorg.springframework.mail.javamailSpring MVC
SimpleMailMessageModels a simple mail message, including data such as the from, to, cc, subject, and text fields.Classorg.springframework.mailSpring MVC