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#Reactor.bus Classes and Interfaces - 43 results found.
BusBasic unit of event handling in Reactor.Interfacereactor.busReactor
BusPublisherEmit signals whenever an Event arrives from the Selector topic from the Bus.Classreactor.bus.publisherReactor
CallbackEventSimple Event implementation that attaches a callback to an Event and passes it to a delegate Consumer.Classreactor.bus.supportReactor
ConsumerFilteringRouterAn Router that filters consumers before routing events toAuthor:Andy Wilkinson, Stephane MaldiniClassreactor.bus.routingReactor
DispatcherComponentSpecA generic environment-aware class for specifying components that need to be configured with an Environment and Dispatcher.Classreactor.bus.specReactor
EventWrapper for an object that needs to be processed by Consumers.Classreactor.busReactor
Event .HeadersHeaders are a Map-like structure of name-value pairs.Classreactor.busReactor
EventBusA reactor is an event gateway that allows other components to register Event Consumers that can subsequently be notified of events.Classreactor.busReactor
EventBus .ReplyToEventClassreactor.busReactor
EventBusSpecA helper class for configuring a new EventBus.Classreactor.bus.specReactor
EventConsumerSimple Consumer implementation that pulls the data from an Event and passes it to a delegate Consumer.Classreactor.bus.supportReactor
EventRoutingComponentSpecA generic environment-aware class for specifying components that need to be configured with an Environment, Dispatcher, and Router.Classreactor.bus.specReactor
EventRoutingComponentSpec .EventRoutingStrategyReturns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.Classreactor.bus.specReactor
EventTimerA hashed wheel timer implementation that uses a Registry and custom Selectors to determine when tasks should be executed.Classreactor.bus.timerReactor
FilterA Filter is used to filter a list of items.Interfacereactor.bus.filterReactor
FirstFilterA Filter implementation that returns the first item.Classreactor.bus.filterReactor
HeaderResolverResponsible for extracting any applicable headers from a key.Interfacereactor.bus.selectorReactor
NotifyConsumerA Consumer that notifies an observable of each value that it has accepted.Classreactor.bus.supportReactor
ObjectSelectorSelector implementation that uses the Object.Classreactor.bus.selectorReactor
PassThroughFilterA Filter implementation that performs no filtering, returning the items as-is.Classreactor.bus.filterReactor
RandomFilterA Filter implementation that returns a single, randomly selected item.Classreactor.bus.filterReactor
RegexSelectorA Selector implementation based on the given regular expression.Classreactor.bus.selectorReactor
RegistrationA Registration represents an object that has been registered with a Registry.Interfacereactor.bus.registryReactor
Registry use simple keys, they use Selectors to map their objects.Interfacereactor.bus.registryReactor
RoundRobinFilterA Filter implementation that returns a single item.Classreactor.bus.filterReactor
RouterAn Router is used to route an Object to Consumers.Interfacereactor.bus.routingReactor
SelectorA Selector is a wrapper around an arbitrary object.Interfacereactor.bus.selectorReactor
SelectorsHelper methods for creating Selectors.Classreactor.bus.selectorReactor
Selectors .AnonymousKeyClassreactor.bus.selectorReactor
SetMembershipSelector objects on set membership.Classreactor.bus.selectorReactor
SimpleCachingRegistryA naive caching Registry implementation for use in situations that the default CachingRegistry can't be used due to its reliance on the gs-collections library.Classreactor.bus.registryReactor
UriPathSelectorA Selector implementation based on a UriPathTemplate.Classreactor.bus.selectorReactor
UriPathTemplateRepresents a URI template.Classreactor.bus.selectorReactor
UriSelectorA Selector implementation that matches on various components of a full URI.Classreactor.bus.selectorReactor