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#Web Classes and Interfaces - 1630 results found.
WebServiceExceptionThe WebServiceException class is the base exception class for all JAX-WS API runtime exceptions.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebServiceFeatureA WebServiceFeature is used to represent a feature that can be enabled or disabled for a web service.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebServicePermissionThis class defines web service permissions.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebParam .ModeReturns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.Classjavax.jws.WebParamJava SE
WebRowSetThe standard interface that all implementations of a WebRowSet The WebRowSetImpl provides the standardInterfacejavax.sql.rowsetJava SE
WebServiceContextA WebServiceContext makes it possible for a web service endpoint implementation class to accessInterfacejavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebEndpointUsed to annotate the getPortName() methods of a generated service interface.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebFaultUsed to annotate service specific exception classes to customize to the local and namespace name of the fault element and the nameClassjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebMethodClassjavax.jwsJava SE
WebParamClassjavax.jwsJava SE
WebResultClassjavax.jwsJava SE
WebServiceClassjavax.jwsJava SE
WebServiceClientUsed to annotate a generated service interface.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebServiceFeatureAnnotationAnnotation used to identify other annotations as a SE
WebServiceProviderUsed to annotate a Provider implementation class.Classjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebServiceRefThe WebServiceRef annotation is used to define a reference to a web service andClassjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebServiceRefsThe WebServiceRefs annotation allows multiple web service references to be declared at theClassjavax.xml.wsJava SE
WebApplicationExceptionRuntime exception for EE
WebConnectionThis interface encapsulates the connection for an upgrade request.Interfacejavax.servlet.httpJava EE
WebEndpointUsed to annotate the getPortName() methods of a generated service interface.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebFaultUsed to annotate service specific exception classes to customize to the local and namespace name of the fault element and the nameClassjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebFilterAnnotation used to declare a servlet filter.Classjavax.servlet.annotationJava EE
WebInitParamThis annotation is used on a Servlet or Filter implementation class to specify an initialization parameter.Classjavax.servlet.annotationJava EE
WebListenerThis annotation is used to declare a WebListener.Classjavax.servlet.annotationJava EE
WebMethodClassjavax.jwsJava EE
WebParamClassjavax.jwsJava EE
WebParam .ModeReturns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.Classjavax.jws.WebParamJava EE
WebResourcePermissionClass for Servlet web resource EE
WebResultClassjavax.jwsJava EE
WebRoleRefPermissionClass for Servlet isUserInRole (String reference) EE
WebServiceClassjavax.jwsJava EE
WebServiceClientUsed to annotate a generated service interface.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceContextA WebServiceContext makes it possible for a web service endpoint implementation class to accessInterfacejavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceExceptionThe WebServiceException class is the base exception class for all JAX-WS API runtime exceptions.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceFeatureA WebServiceFeature is used to represent a feature that can be enabled or disabled for a web service.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceFeatureAnnotationAnnotation used to identify other annotations as a EE
WebServicePermissionThis class defines web service permissions.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceProviderUsed to annotate a Provider implementation class.Classjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceRefThe WebServiceRef annotation is used to define a reference to a web service andClassjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServiceRefsThe WebServiceRefs annotation allows multiple web service references to be declared at theClassjavax.xml.wsJava EE
WebServletAnnotation used to declare a servlet.Classjavax.servlet.annotationJava EE
WebSocketContainerA WebSocketContainer is an implementation provided object that provides applications a view on the container running it.Interfacejavax.websocketJava EE
WebTargetA resource target identified by the resource EE
WebUserDataPermissionClass for Servlet Web user data EE
WebEngineWebEngine is a non-visual object capable of managing one Web page at a time.Classjavafx.scene.webJava FX
WebErrorEventAn event indicating a WebEngine error.Classjavafx.scene.webJava FX
WebEventWebEvent instances are passed into EventHandlers registered with a WebEngine by JavaScript running on a Web page.Classjavafx.scene.webJava FX
WebHistoryThe WebHistory class represents a session history associated with a WebEngine instance.Classjavafx.scene.webJava FX
WebViewWebView is a Node that manages a WebEngine and displays its content.Classjavafx.scene.webJava FX
AnnotationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContextEmbeddedWebApplicationContext that accepts annotated classes as input - inparticular @ConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.context.embeddedSpring Boot
EmbeddedWebApplicationContextA WebApplicationContext that can be used to bootstrap itself from a containedEmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean.Classorg.springframework.boot.context.embeddedSpring Boot
EmbeddedWebApplicationContext .ExistingWebApplicationScopesUtility class to store and restore any user defined scopes.Classorg.springframework.boot.context.embedded.EmbeddedWebApplicationContextSpring Boot
EndpointWebMvcAutoConfigurationAuto-configuration to enable Spring MVC to handleEndpoint requests.Classorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigureSpring Boot
EndpointWebMvcAutoConfiguration .ApplicationContextFilterConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.EndpointWebMvcAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
EndpointWebMvcAutoConfiguration .EndpointWebMvcConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.EndpointWebMvcAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
EndpointWebMvcAutoConfiguration .ManagementServerPortClassorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.EndpointWebMvcAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
EndpointWebMvcChildContextConfigurationConfiguration triggered from EndpointWebMvcAutoConfiguration when a newEmbeddedServletContainer running on a different port is required.Classorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigureSpring Boot
EndpointWebMvcChildContextConfiguration .EndpointHandlerMappingConfigurationConfiguration to add HandlerMapping for MvcEndpoints.Classorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.EndpointWebMvcChildContextConfigurationSpring Boot
EndpointWebMvcChildContextConfiguration .EndpointWebMvcChildContextSecurityConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.EndpointWebMvcChildContextConfigurationSpring Boot
EndpointWebMvcHypermediaManagementContextConfigurationConfiguration for hypermedia in HTTP endpoints.Classorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigureSpring Boot
EndpointWebMvcHypermediaManagementContextConfiguration .ActuatorEndpointLinksAdviceController advice that adds links to the actuator endpoint's path.Classorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.EndpointWebMvcHypermediaManagementContextConfigurationSpring Boot
EndpointWebMvcHypermediaManagementContextConfiguration .MvcEndpointAdviceController advice that adds links to the existing Actuator endpoints.Classorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.EndpointWebMvcHypermediaManagementContextConfigurationSpring Boot
EndpointWebMvcManagementContextConfigurationConfiguration to expose Endpoint instances over Spring MVC.Classorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigureSpring Boot
FallbackWebSecurityAutoConfigurationIf the user explicitly disables the basic security features and forgets to@EnableWebSecurity, and yet still wants a bean of typeClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.securitySpring Boot
FreeMarkerAutoConfiguration .FreeMarkerNonWebConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.freemarker.FreeMarkerAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
FreeMarkerAutoConfiguration .FreeMarkerWebConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.freemarker.FreeMarkerAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
GroovyTemplateAutoConfiguration .GroovyWebConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.groovy.template.GroovyTemplateAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
JerseyAutoConfiguration .JerseyWebApplicationInitializerClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jersey.JerseyAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
JettyWebSocketContainerCustomizerWebSocketContainerCustomizer for JettyEmbeddedServletContainerFactory.Classorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.websocketSpring Boot
JpaBaseConfiguration .JpaWebConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.JpaBaseConfigurationSpring Boot
JpaBaseConfiguration .JpaWebConfiguration .JpaWebMvcConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.JpaBaseConfiguration.JpaWebConfigurationSpring Boot
ManagementWebSecurityAutoConfigurationAuto-configuration for security of framework endpoints.Classorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigureSpring Boot
ManagementWebSecurityAutoConfiguration .ManagementSecurityPropertiesConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.ManagementWebSecurityAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
ManagementWebSecurityAutoConfiguration .ManagementWebSecurityConfigurerAdapterClassorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.ManagementWebSecurityAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
ManagementWebSecurityAutoConfiguration .WebSecurityEnablerClassorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.ManagementWebSecurityAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
MustacheAutoConfiguration .MustacheWebConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.mustache.MustacheAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
OAuth2SsoCustomConfiguration Boot
OAuth2SsoDefaultConfiguration Boot
SocialWebAutoConfigurationAuto-configuration for Spring Social's web connectionSince:1.Classorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.socialSpring Boot
SocialWebAutoConfiguration Boot
SocialWebAutoConfiguration Boot
SocialWebAutoConfiguration Boot
SocialWebAutoConfiguration Boot
SpringBootWebSecurityConfigurationAuto-configuration for security of a web application orservice.Classorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.securitySpring Boot
SpringBootWebSecurityConfiguration Boot
SpringBootWebSecurityConfiguration Boot
SpringDataWebAutoConfigurationAuto-configuration for Spring Data's web Boot
ThymeleafAutoConfiguration .ThymeleafWebLayoutConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.thymeleaf.ThymeleafAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
TomcatEmbeddedWebappClassLoaderExtension of Tomcat's WebappClassLoader that does not consider thesystem classloader.Classorg.springframework.boot.context.embedded.tomcatSpring Boot
TomcatWebSocketContainerCustomizerWebSocketContainerCustomizer for TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory.Classorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.websocketSpring Boot
TraceWebFilterAutoConfigurationAuto-configuration for tracing.Classorg.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigureSpring Boot
UndertowWebSocketContainerCustomizerWebSocketContainerCustomizer forUndertowEmbeddedServletContainerFactory.Classorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.websocketSpring Boot
VelocityAutoConfiguration .VelocityNonWebConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.velocity.VelocityAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
VelocityAutoConfiguration .VelocityWebConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.velocity.VelocityAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
WebApplicationContextServletContextAwareProcessorVariant of ServletContextAwareProcessor for use with aConfigurableWebApplicationContext.Classorg.springframework.boot.context.embeddedSpring Boot
WebIntegrationTestTest class annotation signifying that the tests are web integration tests andtherefore require full startup in the same way as a production application (listeningClassorg.springframework.boot.testSpring Boot
WebMvcAutoConfigurationAuto-configuration for Web MVC.Classorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.webSpring Boot
WebMvcAutoConfiguration .EnableWebMvcConfigurationConfiguration equivalent to @EnableWebMvc.Classorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.WebMvcAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
WebMvcAutoConfiguration .WebMvcAutoConfigurationAdapterClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.WebMvcAutoConfigurationSpring Boot
WebMvcAutoConfiguration .WebMvcAutoConfigurationAdapter .FaviconConfigurationClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.WebMvcAutoConfiguration.WebMvcAutoConfigurationAdapterSpring Boot
WebMvcPropertiesproperties for Spring MVC.Classorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.webSpring Boot
WebMvcProperties .AsyncClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.WebMvcPropertiesSpring Boot
WebMvcProperties .ViewClassorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.WebMvcPropertiesSpring Boot
WebRequestTraceFilterServlet Filter that logs all requests to a TraceRepository.Classorg.springframework.boot.actuate.traceSpring Boot
WebSocketAutoConfigurationAuto configuration for websocket server in embedded Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow.Classorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.websocketSpring Boot
WebSocketContainerCustomizerEmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer to configure websockets for a givenEmbeddedServletContainerFactory.Classorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.websocketSpring Boot
WebSocketMessagingAutoConfigurationAuto-configuration for WebSocket-based messaging.Classorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.websocketSpring Boot
XmlEmbeddedWebApplicationContextEmbeddedWebApplicationContext which takes its configuration from XML documents,understood by an XmlBeanDefinitionReader.Classorg.springframework.boot.context.embeddedSpring Boot
SimpleWebServiceOutboundGatewayAn outbound Messaging Gateway for invoking a Web Service.Classorg.springframework.integration.wsSpring Integration
SimpleWebServiceInboundGatewayClassorg.springframework.integration.wsSpring Integration
ServerWebSocketContainer .SockJsServiceOptionsClassorg.springframework.integration.websocket.ServerWebSocketContainerSpring Integration
ServerWebSocketContainerParserThe AbstractSingleBeanDefinitionParser implementation forthe element.Classorg.springframework.integration.websocket.configSpring Integration
ServerWebSocketContainerThe IntegrationWebSocketContainer implementation for the serverWebSocketHandler registration.Classorg.springframework.integration.websocketSpring Integration
MarshallingWebServiceOutboundGatewayAn outbound Messaging Gateway for invoking Web Services that also supportsmarshalling and unmarshalling of the request and response messages.Classorg.springframework.integration.wsSpring Integration
MarshallingWebServiceInboundGatewayClassorg.springframework.integration.wsSpring Integration
IntegrationWebSocketContainerThe high-level 'connection factory pattern' contract over low-level Web-SocketProvides the composition for the internal WebSocketHandlerClassorg.springframework.integration.websocketSpring Integration
ClientWebSocketContainerThe IntegrationWebSocketContainer implementation for the clientWeb-Socket connection.Classorg.springframework.integration.websocketSpring Integration
ClientWebSocketContainerParserThe AbstractSingleBeanDefinitionParser implementation forthe element.Classorg.springframework.integration.websocket.configSpring Integration
AbstractWebServiceOutboundGatewayBase class for outbound Web Service-invoking Messaging Gateways.Classorg.springframework.integration.wsSpring Integration
AbstractWebServiceInboundGatewayClassorg.springframework.integration.wsSpring Integration Integration
WebServiceHeadersPre-defined header names to be used when storing or retrievingWeb Service properties to/from integration Message Headers.Classorg.springframework.integration.wsSpring Integration Integration
WebServiceOutboundGatewayParserParser for the element in the 'ws' Integration
WebSocketInboundChannelAdapterClassorg.springframework.integration.websocket.inboundSpring Integration
WebSocketInboundChannelAdapterParserThe AbstractChannelAdapterParser implementation forthe element.Classorg.springframework.integration.websocket.configSpring Integration
WebSocketIntegrationConfigurationInitializerThe WebSocket Integration infrastructure beanFactory initializer.Classorg.springframework.integration.websocket.configSpring Integration
WebSocketListenerA contract for handling incoming WebSocketMessages messages as part of a higherlevel protocol, referred to as sub-protocol in the WebSocket RFC specification.Interfaceorg.springframework.integration.websocketSpring Integration
WebSocketNamespaceHandlerClassorg.springframework.integration.websocket.configSpring Integration
WebSocketOutboundMessageHandlerClassorg.springframework.integration.websocket.outboundSpring Integration
WebSocketOutboundMessageHandlerParserThe AbstractOutboundChannelAdapterParser implementation forthe element.Classorg.springframework.integration.websocket.configSpring Integration
WebSocketStompSessionManagerThe WebSocketStompClient based AbstractStompSessionManager implementation.Classorg.springframework.integration.stompSpring Integration
AbstractGenericWebContextLoaderAbstract, generic extension of AbstractContextLoader that loads aGenericWebApplicationContext.Classorg.springframework.test.context.webSpring MVC
AbstractRefreshableWebApplicationContextAbstractRefreshableApplicationContextsubclass which implements theClassorg.springframework.web.context.supportSpring MVC
AbstractWebArgumentResolverAdapterAn abstract base class adapting a WebArgumentResolver to theHandlerMethodArgumentResolver contract.Classorg.springframework.web.method.annotationSpring MVC
AbstractWebSocketClientAbstract base class for WebSocketClient implementations.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.clientSpring MVC
AbstractWebSocketHandlerA convenient base class for WebSocketHandler implementation with empty methods.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.handlerSpring MVC
AbstractWebSocketHandlerRegistrationBase class for WebSocketHandlerRegistrations that gathers all the configurationoptions but allows sub-classes to put together the actual HTTP request mappings.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
AbstractWebSocketMessageA message that can be handled or sent on a WebSocket connection.Classorg.springframework.web.socketSpring MVC
AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurerA convenient abstract base class for WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurerSince:4.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
AbstractWebSocketSessionAn abstract base class for implementations of WebSocketSession.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.adapterSpring MVC
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContextWebApplicationContext@Configuration-annotatedClassorg.springframework.web.context.supportSpring MVC
AnnotationConfigWebContextLoaderConcrete implementation of AbstractGenericWebContextLoader that loadsbean definitions from annotated classes.Classorg.springframework.test.context.webSpring MVC
AsyncWebRequestInterfaceorg.springframework.web.context.request.asyncSpring MVC
AsyncWebRequestInterceptorasynchronous request handling.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.context.requestSpring MVC
BinaryWebSocketHandlerA convenient base class for WebSocketHandler implementation that process binarymessages only.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.handlerSpring MVC
ConcurrentWebSocketSessionDecoratorWraps a WebSocketSession and guaranteesonly one thread can send messages at a time.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.handlerSpring MVC
ConfigurableWebApplicationContextInterface to be implemented by configurable web application contexts.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.contextSpring MVC
ConfigurableWebBindingInitializerConvenient WebBindingInitializer for declarative configurationin a Spring application context.Classorg.springframework.web.bind.supportSpring MVC
ConfigurableWebEnvironmentSpecialization of ConfigurableEnvironment allowing initialization ofservlet-related PropertySource objects at theInterfaceorg.springframework.web.contextSpring MVC
DelegatingWebConnectionWebConnection implementations.Classorg.springframework.test.web.servlet.htmlunitSpring MVC
DelegatingWebConnection .DelegateWebConnectionClassorg.springframework.test.web.servlet.htmlunit.DelegatingWebConnectionSpring MVC
DelegatingWebMvcConfigurationA sub-class of WebMvcConfigurationSupport that detects and delegatesto all beans of type WebMvcConfigurer allowing them to customize theClassorg.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotationSpring MVC
DelegatingWebSocketConfigurationA variation of WebSocketConfigurationSupport that detects implementations ofWebSocketConfigurer in Spring configuration and invokes them in order toClassorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
DelegatingWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationA WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport extension that detectsbeans of type WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer and delegates to allClassorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
DispatcherServletWebRequestServletWebRequest subclass that is aware ofrequest context, such as the Locale determined by the configuredClassorg.springframework.web.servlet.handlerSpring MVC
EnableWebMvcAdding this annotation to an @Configuration class imports the Spring MVCconfiguration from WebMvcConfigurationSupport, e.Classorg.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotationSpring MVC
EnableWebSocketAdd this annotation to an @Configuration class to configureprocessing WebSocket requests:Classorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
EnableWebSocketMessageBrokerAdd this annotation to an @Configuration class to enable broker-backedmessaging over WebSocket using a higher-level messaging sub-protocol.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
ExceptionWebSocketHandlerDecoratorAn exception handling WebSocketHandlerDecorator.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.handlerSpring MVC
FacesWebRequestWebRequest adapter for a JSF FacesContext.Classorg.springframework.web.context.requestSpring MVC
GenericGroovyXmlWebContextLoaderConcrete implementation of AbstractGenericWebContextLoader that loadsbean definitions from Groovy scripts and XML configuration files.Classorg.springframework.test.context.webSpring MVC
GenericWebApplicationContextSubclass of GenericApplicationContext, suitable for web environments.Classorg.springframework.web.context.supportSpring MVC
GenericXmlWebContextLoaderConcrete implementation of AbstractGenericWebContextLoader that loadsbean definitions from XML resources.Classorg.springframework.test.context.webSpring MVC
GroovyWebApplicationContextWebApplicationContext implementation which takesits configuration from Groovy bean definition scripts and/or XML files, as understood byClassorg.springframework.web.context.supportSpring MVC
JettyWebSocketClientInitiates WebSocket requests to a WebSocket server programmaticallythrough the Jetty WebSocket API.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.client.jettySpring MVC
JettyWebSocketHandlerAdapterAdapts WebSocketHandler to the Jetty 9 WebSocket API.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.adapter.jettySpring MVC
JettyWebSocketSessionA WebSocketSession for use with the Jetty 9 WebSocket API.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.adapter.jettySpring MVC
Log4jWebConfigurerConvenience class that performs custom log4j initialization for web environments,allowing for log file paths within the web application, with the option toClassorg.springframework.web.utilSpring MVC
LoggingWebSocketHandlerDecoratorA WebSocketHandlerDecorator that adds logging to WebSocket lifecycle events.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.handlerSpring MVC
MockMvcWebClientBuilderMockMvcWebClientBuilder simplifies the creation of an HtmlUnitWebClient that delegates to a MockMvc instance.Classorg.springframework.test.web.servlet.htmlunitSpring MVC
MockMvcWebConnectionMockMvcWebConnection enables MockMvc to transform aWebRequest into a WebResponse.Classorg.springframework.test.web.servlet.htmlunitSpring MVC
MockMvcWebConnectionBuilderSupportSupport class that simplifies the creation of a WebConnection thatuses MockMvc and optionally delegates to a real WebConnectionClassorg.springframework.test.web.servlet.htmlunitSpring MVC
NativeWebRequestExtension of the WebRequest interface, exposing thenative request and response objects in a generic fashion.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.context.requestSpring MVC
NativeWebSocketSessionA WebSocketSession that exposes the underlying, native WebSocketSessionSince:4.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.socket.adapterSpring MVC
NoSupportAsyncWebRequestAn AsyncWebRequest to use when there is no underlying async support.Classorg.springframework.web.context.request.asyncSpring MVC
PerConnectionWebSocketHandlerA WebSocketHandler that initializes and destroys a WebSocketHandlerinstance for each WebSocket connection and delegates all other methods to it.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.handlerSpring MVC
PortletWebRequestfor a PortletRequest.Classorg.springframework.web.portlet.contextSpring MVC
ServletWebArgumentResolverAdapterA Servlet-specific AbstractWebArgumentResolverAdapter that creates aNativeWebRequest from ServletRequestAttributes.Classorg.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotationSpring MVC
ServletWebRequestWebRequest adapter for an HttpServletRequest.Classorg.springframework.web.context.requestSpring MVC
ServletWebSocketHandlerRegistrationA helper class for configuring WebSocketHandler request handlingincluding SockJS fallback options.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
ServletWebSocketHandlerRegistryA WebSocketHandlerRegistry that maps WebSocketHandlers to URLs for usein a Servlet container.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
SockJsWebSocketHandlerAn implementation of WebSocketHandler that adds SockJS messages frames, sendsSockJS heartbeat messages, and delegates lifecycle events and messages to a targetClassorg.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.transport.handlerSpring MVC
SpringWebConstraintValidatorFactoryJSR-303 ConstraintValidatorFactory implementation that delegates tothe current Spring WebApplicationContext for creating autowiredClassorg.springframework.web.bind.supportSpring MVC
StandardServletAsyncWebRequestA Servlet 3.Classorg.springframework.web.context.request.asyncSpring MVC
StandardToWebSocketExtensionAdapterA sub-class of WebSocketExtension thatcan be constructed from an Extension.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.adapter.standardSpring MVC
StandardWebSocketClientA WebSocketClient based on standard Java WebSocket API.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.client.standardSpring MVC
StandardWebSocketHandlerAdapterAdapts a WebSocketHandler to the standard WebSocket for Java API.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.adapter.standardSpring MVC
StandardWebSocketSessionA WebSocketSession for use with the standard WebSocket for Java API.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.adapter.standardSpring MVC
StaticWebApplicationContextStatic WebApplicationContextinterface to allow for direct replacement of an XmlWebApplicationContext,Classorg.springframework.web.context.supportSpring MVC
StompWebSocketEndpointRegistrationA contract for configuring a STOMP over WebSocket endpoint.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
SubProtocolWebSocketHandlerAn implementation of WebSocketHandler that delegates incoming WebSocketmessages to a SubProtocolHandler along with a MessageChannel to whichClassorg.springframework.web.socket.messagingSpring MVC
TextWebSocketHandlerA convenient base class for WebSocketHandler implementation that process textmessages only.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.handlerSpring MVC
WebappClassLoaderA mock of Tomcat's WebappClassLoader just for Spring's compilation purposes.Classorg.apache.catalina.loaderSpring MVC
WebAppConfiguration@WebAppConfiguration is a class-level annotation that is used todeclare that the ApplicationContext loaded for an integration testClassorg.springframework.test.context.webSpring MVC
WebApplicationContextInterface to provide configuration for a web application.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.contextSpring MVC
WebApplicationContextFacesELResolverSpecial JSF ELResolver that exposes the Spring WebApplicationContextinstance under a variable named webApplicationContext.Classorg.springframework.web.jsf.elSpring MVC
WebApplicationContextUtilsConvenience methods for retrieving the root WebApplicationContext fora given ServletContext.Classorg.springframework.web.context.supportSpring MVC
WebApplicationInitializerInterface to be implemented in Servlet 3.Interfaceorg.springframework.webSpring MVC
WebApplicationObjectSupportConvenient superclass for application objects running in a WebApplicationContext.Classorg.springframework.web.context.supportSpring MVC
WebAppRootListenerListener that sets a system property to the web application root directory.Classorg.springframework.web.utilSpring MVC
WebArgumentResolverSPI for resolving custom arguments for a specific handler method parameter.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.bind.supportSpring MVC
WebAsyncManagerThe central class for managing asynchronous request processing, mainly intendedas an SPI and not typically used directly by application classes.Classorg.springframework.web.context.request.asyncSpring MVC
WebAsyncTaskHolder for a Callable, a timeout value, and a task executor.Classorg.springframework.web.context.request.asyncSpring MVC
WebAsyncUtilsUtility methods related to processing asynchronous web requests.Classorg.springframework.web.context.request.asyncSpring MVC
WebBindingInitializerCallback interface for initializing a WebDataBinderfor performing data binding in the context of a specific web request.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.bind.supportSpring MVC
WebConnectionHtmlUnitDriverWebConnectionHtmlUnitDriver enables configuration of theWebConnection for an HtmlUnitDriver instance.Classorg.springframework.test.web.servlet.htmlunit.webdriverSpring MVC
WebContentGeneratorConvenient superclass for any kind of web content generator,like AbstractControllerClassorg.springframework.web.servlet.supportSpring MVC
WebContentInterceptorHandler interceptor that checks the request and prepares the response.Classorg.springframework.web.servlet.mvcSpring MVC
WebDataBinderSpecial DataBinder for data binding from web request parametersto JavaBean objects.Classorg.springframework.web.bindSpring MVC
WebDataBinderFactoryA factory for creating a WebDataBinder instance for a named target object.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.bind.supportSpring MVC
WebDelegatingSmartContextLoaderWebDelegatingSmartContextLoader is a concrete implementation ofAbstractDelegatingSmartContextLoader that delegates to aClassorg.springframework.test.context.webSpring MVC
WebJarsResourceResolverA ResourceResolver that delegates to the chain to locate a resource and thenattempts to find a matching versioned resource contained in a WebJar JAR file.Classorg.springframework.web.servlet.resourceSpring MVC
WebLogicJtaTransactionManagerSpecial JtaTransactionManager variant for BEA WebLogic (9.Classorg.springframework.transaction.jtaSpring MVC
WebLogicLoadTimeWeaverLoadTimeWeaver implementation for WebLogic's instrumentableNOTE: Requires BEA WebLogic version 10 or higher.Classorg.springframework.instrument.classloading.weblogicSpring MVC
WebLogicNativeJdbcExtractorsupporting WebLogic Server MVC
WebLogicRequestUpgradeStrategyA WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for Oracle's WebLogic.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.server.standardSpring MVC
WebMergedContextConfigurationWebMergedContextConfiguration encapsulates the mergedcontext configuration declared on a test class and all of its superclassesClassorg.springframework.test.context.webSpring MVC
WebMvcConfigurationSupportThis is the main class providing the configuration behind the MVC Java config.Classorg.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotationSpring MVC
WebMvcConfigurerDefines callback methods to customize the Java-based configuration forSpring MVC enabled via @EnableWebMvc.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotationSpring MVC
WebMvcConfigurerAdapterAn implementation of WebMvcConfigurer with empty methods allowingsub-classes to override only the methods they're interested in.Classorg.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotationSpring MVC
WebMvcStompEndpointRegistryA registry for STOMP over WebSocket endpoints that maps the endpoints with aHandlerMapping for use in Spring MVC.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
WebMvcStompWebSocketEndpointRegistrationAn abstract base class class for configuring STOMP over WebSocket/SockJS endpoints.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
WebRequestGeneric interface for a web request.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.context.requestSpring MVC
WebRequestDataBinderSpecial DataBinder to perform data bindingfrom web request parameters to JavaBeans, including support for multipart files.Classorg.springframework.web.bind.supportSpring MVC
WebRequestHandlerInterceptorAdapterAdapter that implements the Portlet HandlerInterceptor interfaceand wraps an underlying WebRequestInterceptor.Classorg.springframework.web.portlet.handlerSpring MVC
WebRequestHandlerInterceptorAdapterAdapter that implements the Servlet HandlerInterceptor interfaceand wraps an underlying WebRequestInterceptor.Classorg.springframework.web.servlet.handlerSpring MVC
WebRequestInterceptorInterface for general web request interception.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.context.requestSpring MVC
WebRequestMatcherStrategy for matching on a WebRequest.Interfaceorg.springframework.test.web.servlet.htmlunitSpring MVC
WebSocketAnnotationMethodMessageHandlerA sub-class of SimpAnnotationMethodMessageHandler to provide supportfor ControllerAdvice with global @MessageExceptionHandler methods.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.messagingSpring MVC
WebSocketClientContract for initiating a WebSocket request.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.socket.clientSpring MVC
WebSocketClientSockJsSessionAn extension of AbstractClientSockJsSession wrapping and delegatingto an actual WebSocket session.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.clientSpring MVC
WebSocketConfigurationSupportConfiguration support for WebSocket request handling.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
WebSocketConfigurerDefines callback methods to configure the WebSocket request handlingvia @EnableWebSocket.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
WebSocketConnectionManagerA WebSocket connection manager that is given a URI, a WebSocketClient, and aWebSocketHandler, connects to a WebSocket server through ConnectionManagerSupport.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.clientSpring MVC
WebSocketContainerFactoryBeanA FactoryBean for creating and configuring a WebSocketContainerthrough Spring XML configuration.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.client.standardSpring MVC
WebSocketExtensionRepresents a WebSocket extension as defined in the RFC 6455.Classorg.springframework.web.socketSpring MVC
WebSocketHandlerA handler for WebSocket messages and lifecycle events.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.socketSpring MVC
WebSocketHandlerDecoratorWraps another WebSocketHandlerinstance and delegates to it.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.handlerSpring MVC
WebSocketHandlerDecoratorFactoryA factory for applying decorators to a WebSocketHandler.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.socket.handlerSpring MVC
WebSocketHandlerMappingAn extension of SimpleUrlHandlerMapping that is also aSmartLifecycle container and propagates start and stop calls to anyClassorg.springframework.web.socket.server.supportSpring MVC
WebSocketHandlerRegistrationProvides methods for configuring a WebSocket handler.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
WebSocketHandlerRegistryProvides methods for configuring WebSocketHandler request mappings.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
WebSocketHttpHeadersAn HttpHeaders variant that adds support forthe HTTP headers defined by the WebSocket specification RFC 6455.Classorg.springframework.web.socketSpring MVC
WebSocketHttpRequestHandlerA HttpRequestHandler for processing WebSocket handshake requests.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.server.supportSpring MVC
WebSocketMessageA message that can be handled or sent on a WebSocket connection.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.socketSpring MVC
WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupportreceiving and responding to STOMP messages from WebSocket clients.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurerDefines methods for configuring message handling with simple messagingprotocols (e.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
WebSocketMessageBrokerStatsA central class for aggregating information about internal state and countersfrom key infrastructure components of the setup that comes withClassorg.springframework.web.socket.configSpring MVC
WebSocketNamespaceHandlerNamespaceHandler for Spring WebSocketconfiguration namespace.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.configSpring MVC
WebSocketServerSockJsSessionA SockJS session for use with the WebSocket transport.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.transport.sessionSpring MVC
WebSocketSessionA WebSocket session abstraction.Interfaceorg.springframework.web.socketSpring MVC
WebSocketSessionDecoratorWraps another WebSocketSession instanceand delegates to it.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.handlerSpring MVC
WebSocketStompClientA STOMP over WebSocket client that connects using an implementation ofincluding SockJsClient.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.messagingSpring MVC
WebSocketToJettyExtensionConfigAdapterClassorg.springframework.web.socket.adapter.jettySpring MVC
WebSocketToStandardExtensionAdapterAdapt an instance of WebSocketExtension tothe Extension interface.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.adapter.standardSpring MVC
WebSocketTransportA SockJS Transport that uses aSince:4.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.clientSpring MVC
WebSocketTransportHandlerWebSocket-based TransportHandler.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.transport.handlerSpring MVC
WebSocketTransportRegistrationConfigure the processing of messages received from and sent to WebSocket clients.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.config.annotationSpring MVC
WebSphereDataSourceAdapterDataSource implementation that delegates all calls to a WebSpheretarget DataSource, typically obtained from JNDI, applying a currentClassorg.springframework.jdbc.datasourceSpring MVC
WebSphereLoadTimeWeaverLoadTimeWeaver implementation for WebSphere's instrumentable ClassLoader.Classorg.springframework.instrument.classloading.websphereSpring MVC
WebSphereMBeanServerFactoryBeanFactoryBean that obtains a WebSphere MBeanServerreference through WebSphere's proprietary AdminServiceFactory API,Classorg.springframework.jmx.supportSpring MVC
WebSphereNativeJdbcExtractorsupporting WebSphere Application Server MVC
WebSphereRequestUpgradeStrategyWebSphere support for upgrading an HttpServletRequest during aWebSocket handshake.Classorg.springframework.web.socket.server.standardSpring MVC
WebSphereUowTransactionManagerWebSphere-specific PlatformTransactionManager implementation that delegatesto a UOWManager instance, obtained from WebSphere'sClassorg.springframework.transaction.jtaSpring MVC
WebTestContextBootstrapperWeb-specific implementation of the TestContextBootstrapper SPI.Classorg.springframework.test.context.webSpring MVC
WebUtilsMiscellaneous utilities for web applications.Classorg.springframework.web.utilSpring MVC
XmlWebApplicationContextWebApplicationContext implementationwhich takes its configuration from XML documents, understood by anClassorg.springframework.web.context.supportSpring MVC
AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializerClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurerClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
DefaultWebInvocationPrivilegeEvaluatorClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
DefaultWebSecurityExpressionHandlerClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
EnableWebMvcSecurityClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
EnableWebSecurityClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
J2eeBasedPreAuthenticatedWebAuthenticationDetailsSourceClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
PreAuthenticatedGrantedAuthoritiesWebAuthenticationDetailsClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilterClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebAttributesClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebAuthenticationDetailsClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebAuthenticationDetailsSourceClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebExpressionVoterClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebInvocationPrivilegeEvaluatorInterfaceapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebMvcSecurityConfigurationClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebSecurityClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebSecurityConfigurationClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebSecurityConfigurerInterfaceapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebSecurityConfigurerAdapterClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebSecurityExpressionRootClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebSocketMessageBrokerSecurityBeanDefinitionParserClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebSpherePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilterClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebSpherePreAuthenticatedWebAuthenticationDetailsSourceClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebTestUtilsClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
WebXmlMappableAttributesRetrieverClassapidocs.orgSpring Security
AbstractSessionWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurerEases configuration of Web Socket and Spring Session integration.Classorg.springframework.session.web.socket.config.annotationSpring Session
WebSocketConnectHandlerDecoratorFactoryEnsures that a SessionConnectEvent is published inWebSocketHandler.Classorg.springframework.session.web.socket.handlerSpring Session
WebSocketRegistryListenerKeeps track of mapping the Spring Session ID to the WebSocketSessionand ensuring when a SessionDestroyedEvent is fired that theClassorg.springframework.session.web.socket.handlerSpring Session
AbstractWebFlowScopeBase class for Scope implementations that access a Web Flow scope from the current request.Classorg.springframework.webflow.scopeSpring Webflow
SpringBeanWebFlowELResolverEL resolver for resolving Spring Beans accessible by a flow's bean factory.Classorg.springframework.webflow.expression.elSpring Webflow
WebFlow1FlowUrlHandlerFlow URL handler that implements the default Web Flow 1.Classorg.springframework.webflow.context.servletSpring Webflow
WebFlowConfigNamespaceHandlerNamespaceHandler for the webflow-config namespace.Classorg.springframework.webflow.configSpring Webflow
WebFlowELExpressionParserAllows for Unified EL expressions in a FlowDefinition.Classorg.springframework.webflow.expression.elSpring Webflow
WebFlowMessageCodesResolverMessage Codes Resolver that implements the default Web Flow 2.Classorg.springframework.webflow.validationSpring Webflow
WebFlowOgnlExpressionParserAn extension of OgnlExpressionParser that registers Web Flow-specific PropertyAccessors.Classorg.springframework.webflow.expressionSpring Webflow
WebFlowSpringELExpressionParserA sub-class for SpringELExpressionParser that registers Web Flowspecific Spring EL PropertyAccessors.Classorg.springframework.webflow.expression.spelSpring Webflow
WebFlowUpgraderConverts Web Flow 1 flow definitions to the version 2 syntax.Classorg.springframework.webflow.upgradeSpring Webflow
AbstractHttpWebServiceMessageSenderAbstract base class for WebServiceMessageSender implementations that WebService
AbstractWebServiceConnectionAbstract base class for WebServiceConnection WebService
EndpointAwareWebServiceConnectionSub-interface of WebServiceConnection that is aware of any server-side situations where an endpoint is WebService
FaultAwareWebServiceConnectionSub-interface of WebServiceConnection that is aware of any Fault messages WebService
FaultAwareWebServiceMessageSub-interface of WebServiceMessage that can contain special Fault messages.Interfaceorg.springframework.wsSpring WebService
MockWebServiceClientMain entry point for server-side Web service WebService
MockWebServiceServerMain entry point for client-side Web service WebService
SimpleWebServiceMessageReceiverObjectSupportBase class for server-side transport objects which have a predefined WebService
StreamingWebServiceMessageSub-interface of WebServiceMessage that allows for setting a streaming WebService
WebServiceAccessorBase class for WebServiceTemplate and other WS-accessing WebService
WebServiceClientExceptionException thrown whenever an error occurs on the WebService
WebServiceConnectionRepresents a point-to-point connection that a client can use for sending WebServiceMessage objects directlyA WebServiceConnection can be obtained using a WebService
WebServiceExceptionRoot of the hierarchy of Web Service exceptions.Classorg.springframework.wsSpring WebService
WebServiceFaultExceptionThrown by SimpleFaultMessageResolver when the response message has a WebService
WebServiceGatewaySupportConvenient super class for application classes that need Web service WebService
WebServiceIOExceptionException thrown whenever an I/O error occurs on the WebService
WebServiceMessageRepresents a protocol-agnostic XML message.Interfaceorg.springframework.wsSpring WebService
WebServiceMessageCallbackGeneric callback interface for code that operates on a WebService
WebServiceMessageCreatorDefines the general contract for creating messages used in test WebService
WebServiceMessageDrivenBeanEJB MessageDrivenBean that can be used to handleMessage incoming JMS WebService
WebServiceMessageExceptionBase class for all web service message exceptions.Classorg.springframework.wsSpring WebService
WebServiceMessageExtractorCallback interface for extracting a result object from a WebServiceMessage WebService
WebServiceMessageFactoryThe WebServiceMessageFactory serves as a factory for WebServiceMessages.Interfaceorg.springframework.wsSpring WebService
WebServiceMessageListenerSpring SessionAwareMessageListener that can be used to handle incoming Message service WebService
WebServiceMessageMatcherDefines the general contract for matching messages to WebService
WebServiceMessageReceiverDefines the methods for classes capable of receiving WebServiceMessage instancescoming in on a WebService
WebServiceMessageReceiverHandlerAdapterAdapter to use the WebServiceMessageReceiver interface with the generic WebService
WebServiceMessageReceiverHttpHandlerHttpHandler that can be used to handle incoming HttpExchange service WebService
WebServiceMessageReceiverObjectSupportConvenience base class for server-side transport WebService
WebServiceMessageSenderDefines the methods for classes capable of sending and receiving WebServiceMessage instances across aThe WebServiceMessageSender is basically a factory for WebServiceConnection WebService
WebServiceOperationsSpecifies a basic set of Web service WebService
WebServicesNamespaceHandlerNamespaceHandler for the 'web-services' WebService
WebServiceTemplateThe central class for client-side Web WebService
WebServiceTransformerExceptionException thrown whenever a transformation error occurs on the WebService
WebServiceTransportExceptionException thrown whenever a transport error occurs on the WebService
WebServiceValidationExceptionException thrown whenever a validation error occurs on the WebService
WebConfigurationProvides Spring MVC configuration.Classorg.springframework.xd.dirt.webSpring XD
AmazonWebServiceClientClassAmazon AWS
AmazonWebServiceRequestClassAmazon AWS
AmazonWebServiceResponseClassAmazon AWS
AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequestClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResultClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
BucketWebsiteConfigurationClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
CreateWebACLRequestClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
CreateWebACLResultClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
DeleteBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequestClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
DeleteWebACLRequestClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
DeleteWebACLResultClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
GetBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequestClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
GetWebACLRequestClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
GetWebACLResultClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
InvalidWebACLIdExceptionClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
ListDistributionsByWebACLIdRequestClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
ListDistributionsByWebACLIdResultClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
ListWebACLsRequestClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
ListWebACLsResultClassamazonaws.servicesAmazon AWS
Principal .WebIdentityProvidersClassamazonaws.authAmazon AWS
AbstractWebAppA skeletal implementation of WebApp.Classorg.zkoss.zk.ui.implZKoss (ZK)
ClassWebResourceUsed to access resources located in class path and under /web.Classorg.zkoss.web.util.resourceZKoss (ZK)
MWebInterfaceorg.zkoss.web.mesgZKoss (ZK)
SimpleWebAppA servlet-based Web application.Classorg.zkoss.zk.ui.httpZKoss (ZK)
WebAppRepresents a Web application.Interfaceorg.zkoss.zk.uiZKoss (ZK)
WebAppCleanupUsed to initialize a ZK application when it about to be destroyed.Interfaceorg.zkoss.zk.ui.utilZKoss (ZK)
WebAppCtrlAdditional interface of WebApp for implementation.Interfaceorg.zkoss.zk.ui.sysZKoss (ZK)
WebAppFactoryThe factory used to instantiate the instance of WebApp.Interfaceorg.zkoss.zk.ui.sysZKoss (ZK)
WebAppFactoryImplA web app factory implementation.Classorg.zkoss.zk.ui.sysZKoss (ZK)
WebAppInitUsed to initialize a ZK application when it is created.Interfaceorg.zkoss.zk.ui.utilZKoss (ZK)
WebAppInitThe initialization of zkmax.Classorg.zkoss.zkmax.initZKoss (ZK)
WebAppsUtilities related to the Web application.Classorg.zkoss.zk.uiZKoss (ZK)
WebAppsCtrlAn additional utilities for implementation related to WebApp.Classorg.zkoss.zk.ui.sysZKoss (ZK)
WebManagerA bridge between Web server and ZK.Classorg.zkoss.zk.ui.httpZKoss (ZK)
WebManagerActivationListenerA listener that will be invoked when the Web manager is created (a.Interfaceorg.zkoss.zk.ui.httpZKoss (ZK)
ZKWebSocketA web socket util classSince:8.Classorg.zkoss.zk.ui.httpZKoss (ZK)
WebBrowserA WebBrowser inserts a web browser object in your application.Classthinwire.uiSourceForge ThinWire
WebServletSee Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryWebServlet()Classorg.pandora.client.servletOpen Pandora
Config .Templating .TemplatePath .WebappPathModular configuration containerConstructor SummaryConfig.Classcom.acciente.induction.init.config.Config.Templating.TemplatePathInduction
WebDAVLiteServlet to the HTTP protocol.Classorg.jivesoftware.openfire.webdavEcho
WebManagerA utility bean for Openfire admin console pages.Classorg.jivesoftware.utilEcho
DefaultWebContextA default implementation of WebContext.Classorg.directwebremoting.implDirectWebRemoting (DWR)
DefaultWebContextBuilderA WebContextBuilder that creates DefaultWebContexts.Classorg.directwebremoting.implDirectWebRemoting (DWR)
DwrWebContextFilterA Servlet Filter that can be used with other web frameworks to allow use of WebContextFactory.Classorg.directwebremoting.servletDirectWebRemoting (DWR)
RealWebContextAn interface that extends WebContext with some functions that should not be used by end users, but could be useful to system extenders.Interfaceorg.directwebremoting.extendDirectWebRemoting (DWR)
WebApplicationContextLoaderA BeanFactory loader that loads a WebApplicationContext given a servlet context.Classorg.directwebremoting.guice.springDirectWebRemoting (DWR)
WebContextClass to enable us to access servlet parameters.Interfaceorg.directwebremotingDirectWebRemoting (DWR)
WebContextFactoryAccessor for the current WebContext.Classorg.directwebremotingDirectWebRemoting (DWR)
WebContextFactory .WebContextBuilder This class is for internal use only.Interfaceorg.directwebremoting.WebContextFactoryDirectWebRemoting (DWR)
WebworkUtilHandlerA Handler that supports requests for DWRActionUtil.Classorg.directwebremoting.webworkDirectWebRemoting (DWR)
AWAribaWebThis class allows for usage of the AribaWeb framework without an app server running.Classariba.ui.servletadaptorAriba Web
WebLibClassorg.apache.jena.fuseki.connegApache Jena
WebLibClassorg.apache.jena.fuseki.connegApache Jena
ContinuationsManagerImpl .HolderAwareWebContinuationWebContinuation extension that holds also the information about the holder.Classorg.apache.cocoon.components.flow.ContinuationsManagerImplApache Cocoon
DefaultWeb3StreamerImplClassorg.apache.cocoon.components.web3.implApache Cocoon
DefaultWebDAVEventFactoryClassorg.apache.cocoon.components.webdav.implApache Cocoon
FOM_WebContinuationClassorg.apache.cocoon.components.flow.javascript.fomApache Cocoon
Web3Interfaceorg.apache.cocoon.components.web3Apache Cocoon
Web3ClientThe standard interface for R3Clients in Web3.Interfaceorg.apache.cocoon.components.web3Apache Cocoon
Web3ClientImplClassorg.apache.cocoon.components.web3.implApache Cocoon
Web3DataSourceThe standard interface for R3DataSources in Web3.Interfaceorg.apache.cocoon.components.web3Apache Cocoon
Web3DataSourceImplThe Default implementation for R3DataSources in Web3.Classorg.apache.cocoon.components.web3.implApache Cocoon
Web3DataSourceSelectorImplClassorg.apache.cocoon.components.web3.implApache Cocoon
Web3PropertiesProperties helper class.Classorg.apache.cocoon.components.web3.implApache Cocoon
Web3RfcTransformerClassorg.apache.cocoon.transformationApache Cocoon
Web3StreamerThe standard interface for Web3Producer.Interfaceorg.apache.cocoon.components.web3Apache Cocoon
WebApplicationDefinitionImplClassorg.apache.cocoon.portal.pluto.omApache Cocoon
WebContinuationRepresentation of continuations in a Web environment.Classorg.apache.cocoon.components.flowApache Cocoon
WebContinuationDataBeanClassorg.apache.cocoon.components.flowApache Cocoon
WebDAVEventFactoryInterfaceorg.apache.cocoon.components.webdavApache Cocoon
WebDAVRepositoryA repository implementation for WebDAV.Classorg.apache.cocoon.components.repository.implApache Cocoon
WebDAVRepositoryPropertyHelperA property helper class for the WebDAV repository intended to be used by flowscripts or corresponding wrapper components.Classorg.apache.cocoon.components.repository.implApache Cocoon
WebDAVRepositoryTransactionHelperA transaction an locking helper class intended to be used by flowscripts or corresponding wrapper components.Classorg.apache.cocoon.components.repository.implApache Cocoon
WebDAVRepositoryVersioningHelperA versioning helper class intended to be used by flowscripts or corresponding wrapper components.Classorg.apache.cocoon.components.repository.implApache Cocoon
WebDAVSourceA source implementation to get access to WebDAV repositories.Classorg.apache.cocoon.components.source.implApache Cocoon
WebDAVSourceFactoryA factory for WebDAV sourcesVersion:$Id: WebDAVSourceFactory.Classorg.apache.cocoon.components.source.implApache Cocoon
WebDAVTransformerA general purpose, low level webdav transformer.Classorg.apache.cocoon.transformationApache Cocoon
WebDAVUtilA utility for WebDAV.Classorg.apache.cocoon.components.webdavApache Cocoon
WebServiceProxyGeneratorThe WebServiceProxyGenerator is intended to: 1) Allow easy syndication of dynamic interactive content as a natural extension of the currently popular static content syndication with RSS.Classorg.apache.cocoon.generationApache Cocoon
AjaxWebClientClassorg.apache.activemq.webApache ActiveMQ
WebClientRepresents a messaging client used from inside a web container typically stored inside a HttpSession TODO controls to prevent DOS attacks with usersClassorg.apache.activemq.webApache ActiveMQ
WebConsoleConfigurationThe configuration used for the web console.Interfaceorg.apache.activemq.web.configApache ActiveMQ
WebConsolePortBean to initialize the port number we use for embedded Jetty server for the web consoles.Classorg.apache.activemq.webApache ActiveMQ
WebConsoleStarterStarts the WebConsole.Classorg.apache.activemq.webApache ActiveMQ
WebTransportServerSupportClassorg.apache.activemq.transportApache ActiveMQ
WebSpherePackageScanClassResolverWebSphere specific resolver to handle loading annotated resources in JAR files.Classorg.apache.camel.implApache Camel
AbstractWebDriverEventListenerUse this class as base class, if you want to implement a WebDriverEventListener and are only interested in some
EventFiringWebDriverA wrapper around an arbitrary WebDriver instance which supports registering of a WebDriverEventListener,
HamcrestWebDriverTestCaseBase class for tests using the LiFT style API to driver WebDriver.Classorg.openqa.selenium.liftSelenium
RemoteWebDriver .WhenReturns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.Classorg.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriverSelenium
RemoteWebStorageProvides remote access to the WebStorage API.Classorg.openqa.selenium.remote.html5Selenium
WebDriverThe main interface to use for testing, which represents an idealised web browser.Interfaceorg.openqa.seleniumSelenium
WebDriver .ImeHandlerAn interface for managing input methods.Interfaceorg.openqa.selenium.WebDriverSelenium
WebDriver .NavigationMove back a single item in the browser's history.Interfaceorg.openqa.selenium.WebDriverSelenium
WebDriver .OptionsAn interface for managing stuff you would do in a browser menuAdd a specific cookie.Interfaceorg.openqa.selenium.WebDriverSelenium
WebDriver .TargetLocatorUsed to locate a given frame or window.Interfaceorg.openqa.selenium.WebDriverSelenium
WebDriver .TimeoutsAn interface for managing timeout behavior for WebDriver instances.Interfaceorg.openqa.selenium.WebDriverSelenium
WebDriver .WindowGet the position of the current window, relative to the upper left corner of the screen.Interfaceorg.openqa.selenium.WebDriverSelenium
WebDriverCommandProcessorA CommandProcessor which delegates commands down to an underlying webdriver instance.Classcom.thoughtworks.selenium.webdrivenSelenium
WebDriverTestContextGives the context for a test, holds page state, and interacts with the WebDriver.Classorg.openqa.selenium.liftSelenium
WebDriverWaitA specialization of FluentWait that uses WebDriver
WebElementRepresents an HTML element.Interfaceorg.openqa.seleniumSelenium
EngineClassLoaderRifeWebappPathHelper class to avoid Double Check Locking and still have a thread-safe singleton patternClasscom.uwyn.rife.engineRife
WebappLoaderThis is basically an empty subclass of WebappResourceLoader that exists merely for backwards compatibility with VelocityTools Velocity
WebappResourceLoaderResource loader that uses the ServletContext of a webapp to load Velocity Velocity
WebappUberspectorThis custom uberspector allows getAttribute() and setAttribute() as standard getters and setters for the request,session and application Velocity
TaglibFactory .WebInfPerLibJarMetaInfTldSourceTo search TLD-s under sevletContext:/WEB-INF/lib/*.Classfreemarker.ext.jsp.TaglibFactoryFreeMarker Template
WebappTemplateLoaderA TemplateLoader that uses streams reachable through ServletContext.Classfreemarker.cacheFreeMarker Template WebToolkit (GWT)
WebAppCreatorCreates a GWT application WebToolkit (GWT)
WebAppCreatorExceptionIndicates a problem was found while creating a web WebToolkit (GWT)
WeblogicJtaPlatformJtaPlatform implementation for WeblogicSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.hibernate.service.jta.platform.internalHibernate ORM
WebSphereExtendedJtaPlatformJTA platform implementation intended for use with WebSphere Application Server (WAS).Classorg.hibernate.service.jta.platform.internalHibernate ORM
WebSphereJtaPlatformJTA platform implementation for WebSphere (versions 4, 5.Classorg.hibernate.service.jta.platform.internalHibernate ORM
SpringJUnitWebConfig@SpringJUnitWebConfig is a composed annotation that combines@ExtendWith(SpringExtension.Classorg.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.webSpring MVC
AbstractWebServiceContextPartial WSWebServiceContext Trails
AsyncProviderInvokerTube .AsyncWebServiceContextThe single WebServiceContext instance injected into Trails
WebExceptionAbstract super-type for web specific exceptions.Classweb.exceptionsContent Control
ParallelWebappClassLoaderParallel class loading implementation of WebappClassLoaderBase.ClassTOMCAT
Tomcat .DefaultWebXmlListenerFix reload - required if reloading and using programmatic configuration.ClassTOMCAT
VirtualWebappLoaderA WebappLoader that allows a customized classpath to be added through configuration in context xml.ClassTOMCAT
WebAnnotationSetAnnotationSet for processing the annotations of the web application classes (/WEB-INF/classes and /WEB-INF/lib).ClassTOMCAT
WebappClassLoaderBaseSpecialized web application class loader.ClassTOMCAT
WebappClassLoaderBase .PrivilegedGetClassLoaderClassTOMCAT
WebappLoaderClassloader implementation which is specialized for handling web applications in the most efficient way, while being Catalina aware (allClassTOMCAT
WebappServiceLoaderA variation of Java's JAR ServiceLoader that respects exclusion rules for Primarily intended for use loading ServletContainerInitializers as definedClassTOMCAT
WebdavFixFilterFilter that attempts to force MS WebDAV clients connecting on port 80 to use a WebDAV client that actually works.ClassTOMCAT
WebdavServletServlet which adds support for WebDAV level 2.ClassTOMCAT
WebRuleSetRuleSet for processing the contents of a web application deployment descriptor (/WEB-INF/web.ClassTOMCAT
WebSocketServletProvides the base implementation of a Servlet for processing WebSocket connections as per RFC6455.ClassTOMCAT
WebXmlRepresentation of common elements of web.ClassTOMCAT
WebXmlProvides Jasper with a standard mechanism for gaining access to the web.ClassTOMCAT
WsWebSocketContainerClassTOMCAT WebLogic
WebLogicCommandTypeClassweblogic.deploy.api.sharedOracle WebLogic
WebLogicDConfigBeanThis interface provides WebLogic Server extensions to DConfigBean.Interfaceweblogic.deploy.api.spiOracle WebLogic
WebLogicDConfigBeanRootThis interface provides WebLogic Server extensions to DConfigBeanRoot.Interfaceweblogic.deploy.api.spiOracle WebLogic
WebLogicDDBeanInterfaceweblogic.deploy.api.modelOracle WebLogic
WebLogicDDBeanRootInterfaceweblogic.deploy.api.modelOracle WebLogic
WebLogicDeployableObjectThis class is the WebLogic Server implementation of DeployableObject.Classweblogic.deploy.api.modelOracle WebLogic
WebLogicDeploymentConfigurationThis interface provides WebLogic Server extensions to DeploymentConfiguration.Interfaceweblogic.deploy.api.spiOracle WebLogic
WebLogicDeploymentFactoryThis is a WebLogic extension to javax.Interfaceweblogic.deploy.api.spi.factoriesOracle WebLogic
WebLogicDeploymentManagerThis interface provides WebLogic Server extensions to the DeploymentManager A WebLogicDeploymentManager object is a stateless interface into the Weblogic Server deployment framework.Interfaceweblogic.deploy.api.spiOracle WebLogic
WebLogicJ2eeApplicationObjectThis class is the WebLogic Server implementation of DeployableObject.Classweblogic.deploy.api.modelOracle WebLogic
WebLogicLogNotificationThis class is the type of Notifications which are generated by the LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean in the server for log WebLogic
WebLogicModuleTypeThis class extends javax.Classweblogic.deploy.api.sharedOracle WebLogic
WebLogicTargetWebLogic extension to the javax.Classweblogic.deploy.api.spiOracle WebLogic
WebLogicTargetModuleIDWLS extensions to the javax.Classweblogic.deploy.api.spiOracle WebLogic
WebLogicTargetTypeThis class enumerates the different types of deployment targets supported in WebLogic Server.Classweblogic.deploy.api.sharedOracle WebLogic
WebRowSetImplWebRowSetImpl is an implementation of the JDBC WebRowSet API (javax.Classweblogic.jdbc.rowsetOracle WebLogic
WebServiceContextThe WebServiceContext object keeps track of the context information associated with a particular invocation of a WebLogic Web Service operation.Classweblogic.webservice.contextOracle WebLogic
WebServiceHeaderObject that groups the implicit SOAP headers associated with the current invoke of a Web service operation.Interfaceweblogic.webservice.contextOracle WebLogic
WebServiceResourceThe WebServiceResource class is used by a container to specify the Web Service resource (and method related to the resource) WebLogic
WebServiceRuntimeDeclClassweblogic.wsee.jwsOracle WebLogic
WebServiceSessionThe WebServiceSession object maintains state on the server between multiple HTTP invokes of the same Web Service operation from a single client.Interfaceweblogic.webservice.contextOracle WebLogic
WebSSOIdPPartnerAbstract representation of a SAML WebLogic
WebSSOPartnerAbstract representation of a SAML WebLogic
WebSSOSPPartnerAbstract representation of a SAML WebLogic
MetaWebEditorsClassorg.openxava.web.metaOpen Xava
WebEditorsClassorg.openxava.webOpen Xava
WebSpherePortal61StyleClassorg.openxava.web.styleOpen Xava
WebSpherePortal6StyleClassorg.openxava.web.styleOpen Xava
WebSpherePortal8StyleClassorg.openxava.web.styleOpen Xava
WebSpherePortalStyleClassorg.openxava.web.styleOpen Xava
WebURLFormatterClassorg.openxava.formattersOpen Xava
DeviceWebArgumentResolverSpring MVC WebArgumentResolver that resolves @Controller MethodParameters of type Deviceto the value of the web request's current device Mobile
SitePreferenceWebArgumentResolverSpring MVC WebArgumentResolver that resolves @Controller MethodParameters of type SitePreferenceto the value of the web request's current site preference Mobile
EmbeddedWebServerClassorg.apache.accumulo.monitorApache Accumulo
HadoopShims .WebHCatJTShimInterfaceorg.apache.hadoop.hive.shims.HadoopShimsApache Hive
HWISessionItem .WebSessionItemStatusRepresents the state a session item can be in.Classorg.apache.hadoop.hive.hwi.HWISessionItemApache Hive
SimpleWebExceptionSimple exception that will return a json error payload if thrown from a JAX web server.Classorg.apache.hive.hcatalog.templetonApache Hive
AbstractWebContainerA template pattern class for web container integration into JBoss.Classorg.jboss.webJBoss Server
AbstractWebContainer .WebDescriptorParserInterfaceorg.jboss.web.AbstractWebContainerJBoss Server
AbstractWebContainerMBeanSee Also:AbstractWebDeployerFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.jboss.webJBoss Server
AbstractWebDeployerA template pattern class for web deployer integration into JBoss.Classorg.jboss.webJBoss Server
AbstractWebDeployerMBeanSee Also:#performDeploy(WebApplication webApp, String warUrl, WebDescriptorParser webAppParser), #performUndeploy(String, WebApplication), Interfaceorg.jboss.webJBoss Server
WebApplicationA WebApplication represents the information for a war deployment.Classorg.jboss.webJBoss Server
WebClassLoaderA simple subclass of URLClassLoader that is used in conjunction with thethe WebService mbean to allow dynamic loading of resources and classes fromClassorg.jboss.webJBoss Server
WebMetaDataA representation of the web.Classorg.jboss.metadataJBoss Server
WebModuleA container service used to introduce war dependencies.Classorg.jboss.webJBoss Server
WebModuleMBeanThe standard mbean service interface for the WebModuleVersion:$Revison:$Author:Scott.Interfaceorg.jboss.webJBoss Server
WebServerA mini webserver that should be embedded in another application.Classorg.jboss.webJBoss Server
WebServiceThe WebService implementation.Classorg.jboss.webJBoss Server
WebServiceMBeanInterfaceorg.jboss.webJBoss Server
AbstractWebAppObjectInSessionTestAbstractWebAppObjectInSessionTest Target of this test is to check that when a webapp on nodeA puts in the sessionClassorg.eclipse.jetty.server.sessionJetty
AbstractWebAppProviderAbstractWebAppProvider Base class for Jetty DeploymentManager Providers that are capable of deploying a webapp,Classorg.eclipse.jetty.osgi.bootJetty
AbstractWebSocketConnectionProvides the implementation of LogicalConnection within the framework of the new Connection framework of jetty-io.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.ioJetty
AntWebAppContextExtension of WebAppContext to allow configuration via Ant environment.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.antJetty
AntWebAppContext .AntServletHandlerClassorg.eclipse.jetty.ant.AntWebAppContextJetty
AntWebAppContext .AntServletHolderClassorg.eclipse.jetty.ant.AntWebAppContextJetty
AntWebAppContext .AntURLClassLoader Adapt the AntClassLoader which is not a URLClassLoader - this is needed for jsp to be able to search the classpath.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.ant.AntWebAppContextJetty
AntWebXmlConfigurationThis configuration object provides additional way to inject application properties into the configured web application.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.antJetty
BundleWebAppProviderBundleWebAppProvider A Jetty Provider that knows how to deploy a WebApp contained inside a Bundle.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.osgi.bootJetty
CachingWebAppClassLoaderA WebAppClassLoader that caches getResource(String) results.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.webappJetty
GlobalWebappConfigBindingProvides a way of globally setting various aspects of webapp contexts.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.deploy.bindingsJetty
InvalidWebSocketExceptionIndicating that the provided Class is not a valid WebSocket as defined by the API.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.apiJetty
JettyEffectiveWebXmlJettyEffectiveWebXmlGoal:effective-web-xmlDescription:Runs jetty on the unassembled webapp to generate the effective web.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.maven.pluginJetty
JettyWebAppContext Extends the WebAppContext to specialize for the maven environment.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.maven.pluginJetty
MavenWebInfConfigurationMavenWebInfConfiguration WebInfConfiguration to take account of overlaid wars expressed as project dependencies andClassorg.eclipse.jetty.maven.pluginJetty
OnWebSocketCloseAnnotation for tagging methods to receive connection close events.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.annotationsJetty
OnWebSocketErrorAnnotation for receiving websocket errors (exceptions) that have occurred internally in the websocket implementation.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.annotationsJetty
OnWebSocketFrame(ADVANCED) Annotation for tagging methods to receive frame events.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.annotationsJetty
OnWebSocketMessageAnnotation for tagging methods to receive Binary or Text Message events.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.annotationsJetty
OSGiWebappClassLoaderOSGiWebappClassLoader Extends the webapp classloader to also use the classloader of the Bundle defining the webapp.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot.internal.webappJetty
OSGiWebappConstants Constants (MANIFEST headers, service properties etc) associated with deploying webapps into OSGi via Jetty.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.osgi.bootJetty
OSGiWebInfConfigurationOSGiWebInfConfiguration Handle adding resources found in bundle fragments, and add them into theClassorg.eclipse.jetty.osgi.bootJetty
ServerProxyImpl .WebAppScannerListenerWebAppScannerListener Handle notifications that files we are interested in have changedClassorg.eclipse.jetty.ant.ServerProxyImplJetty
ServiceWebAppProviderServiceWebAppProvider Jetty Provider that knows how to deploy a WebApp that has been registered as an OSGi service.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.osgi.bootJetty
WebAppClassLoaderClassLoader for HttpContext.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.webappJetty
WebAppClassLoader .ContextThe Context in which the classloader operates.Interfaceorg.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoaderJetty
WebAppContextWeb Application Context Handler.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.webappJetty
WebAppMarshaller An implementation of the AbstractJBossMarshaller code that is just enough to provide a ContextClassResolver that will use the Thread Context ClassloaderClassorg.eclipse.jetty.session.infinispanJetty
WebAppMarshaller .WebAppContextClassResolverWebAppContextClassResolver Provides the Thread Context Classloader to use for deserializing.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.session.infinispan.WebAppMarshallerJetty
WebAppObjectInSessionServletWebAppObjectInSessionServletSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.eclipse.jetty.server.sessionJetty
WebAppObjectInSessionServlet .TestSharedStaticClassorg.eclipse.jetty.server.session.WebAppObjectInSessionServletJetty
WebAppProviderThe webapps directory scanning provider.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providersJetty
WebDescriptor A web descriptor (web.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.webappJetty
WebServletAnnotationHandlerWebServletAnnotationHandler Process a WebServlet annotation on a class.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.annotationsJetty
WebSocketTags a POJO as being a WebSocket class.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.annotationsJetty
WebSocketAdapterDefault implementation of the WebSocketListener.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.apiJetty
WebSocketBehaviorenum WebSocketBehaviorBehavior for how the WebSocket should operate.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.apiJetty
WebSocketCdiListener .ContainerListenerClassorg.eclipse.jetty.cdi.websocket.WebSocketCdiListenerJetty
WebSocketClientWebSocketClient provides a means of establishing connections to remote websocket endpoints.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.clientJetty
WebSocketClientConnectionClient side WebSocket physical connection.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.client.ioJetty
WebSocketContainerScopeDefined Scope for a WebSocketContainer.Interfaceorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.scopesJetty
WebSocketCreatorAbstract WebSocket creator interface.Interfaceorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.servletJetty
WebSocketExceptionA recoverable exception within the websocket framework.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.apiJetty
WebSocketFrameA Base Frame as seen in RFC 6455.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.commonJetty
WebSocketFrameListenerWebSocket Frame Listener interface for incoming WebSocket frames.Interfaceorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.apiJetty
WebSocketHandler .SimpleCreate a simple WebSocketHandler that registers a single WebSocket POJO that is created on every upgrade request.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.WebSocketHandlerJetty
WebSocketJsrServerExample of setting up a javax.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.embeddedJetty
WebSocketJsrServer .EchoJsrSocketClassorg.eclipse.jetty.embedded.WebSocketJsrServerJetty
WebSocketListenerBasic WebSocket Listener interface for incoming WebSocket message events.Interfaceorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.apiJetty
WebSocketPartialListenerWebSocket Partial Message Listener interface for incoming WebSocket TEXT/BINARY/CONTINUATION frames.Interfaceorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.apiJetty
WebSocketPingPongListenerWebSocket PING/PONG Listener interface for incoming WebSocket PING/PONG frames.Interfaceorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.apiJetty
WebSocketPolicySettings for WebSocket operations.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.apiJetty
WebSocketRemoteEndpointEndpoint for Writing messages to the Remote websocket.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.commonJetty
WebSocketScopeA CDI Context Scope for a WebSocket Session / Endpoint CAUTION: This is a highly speculative scope defined by Jetty.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.cdi.websocket.annotationJetty
WebSocketScopeContextWebSocket Scope Context.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.cdi.websocketJetty
WebSocketServerExample of setting up a Jetty WebSocket server Note: this uses the Jetty WebSocket API, not the javax.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.embeddedJetty
WebSocketServer .EchoServletClassorg.eclipse.jetty.embedded.WebSocketServerJetty
WebSocketServer .EchoSocketClassorg.eclipse.jetty.embedded.WebSocketServerJetty
WebSocketServerContainerInitializer .ContextDestroyListenerClassorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.jsr356.server.deploy.WebSocketServerContainerInitializerJetty
WebSocketServletAbstract Servlet used to bridge the Servlet API to the WebSocket API.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.servletJetty
WebSocketServletFactory .LoaderClassorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.servlet.WebSocketServletFactoryJetty
WebSocketSessionFactoryDefault Session factory, creating WebSocketSession objects.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.commonJetty
WebSocketSessionScopeDefined Scope for a WebSocketSession (active connection)The parent WebSocketContainerScope for this session scope.Interfaceorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.scopesJetty
WebSocketTimeoutExceptionException thrown to indicate a connection I/O timeout.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.apiJetty
WebSocketUpgradeFilterInline Servlet Filter to capture WebSocket upgrade requests and perform path mappings to WebSocketCreator objects.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.serverJetty
WebXmlConfigurationConfigure by parsing default web.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.webappJetty
XWebkitDeflateFrameExtension in the wild.Classorg.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.extensions.compressJetty
AbstractWebModuleBuilderClassorg.apache.geronimo.web25.deploymentApache Geronimo
AdvancedWARWebServiceFinderClassorg.apache.geronimo.jaxws.builderApache Geronimo
AnnotatedWebAppWrapper class to encapsulate the WebAppType class with an interface that the various AnnotationHelpers can useClassorg.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deployment.annotationApache Geronimo
Axis2WebServiceContainerClassorg.apache.geronimo.axis2Apache Geronimo
Axis2WebServiceContainer .Axis2TransportInfoConstructor SummaryAxis2WebServiceContainer.Classorg.apache.geronimo.axis2.Axis2WebServiceContainerApache Geronimo
AxisWebServiceContainerClassorg.apache.geronimo.axis.serverApache Geronimo
BaseApacheHandler .WebAppDataSee Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryBaseApacheHandler.Classorg.apache.geronimo.console.apache.jk.BaseApacheHandlerApache Geronimo
CXFWebServiceContainerClassorg.apache.geronimo.cxfApache Geronimo
EJBWebServiceContainerClassorg.apache.geronimo.axis2.ejbApache Geronimo
EJBWebServiceContainerClassorg.apache.geronimo.cxf.ejbApache Geronimo
EJBWebServiceFinderClassorg.apache.geronimo.jaxws.builderApache Geronimo
EjbWebServiceGBeanClassorg.apache.geronimo.axis.serverApache Geronimo
EJBWebServiceGBeanClassorg.apache.geronimo.axis2.ejbApache Geronimo
EJBWebServiceGBeanClassorg.apache.geronimo.cxf.ejbApache Geronimo
GerWebAppDocumentA document containing one web-app(@http://geronimo.Interfaceorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.webApache Geronimo
GerWebAppDocument .FactoryClassorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.GerWebAppDocumentApache Geronimo
GerWebAppDocumentImplA document containing one web-app(@http://geronimo.Classorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.implApache Geronimo
GerWebAppTypeAn XML web-appType(@http://geronimo.Interfaceorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.webApache Geronimo
GerWebAppType .FactoryClassorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.GerWebAppTypeApache Geronimo
GerWebAppTypeImplAn XML web-appType(@http://geronimo.Classorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.implApache Geronimo
GerWebContainerDocumentA document containing one web-container(@http://geronimo.Interfaceorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.namingApache Geronimo
GerWebContainerDocument .FactoryClassorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.naming.GerWebContainerDocumentApache Geronimo
GerWebContainerDocumentImplA document containing one web-container(@http://geronimo.Classorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.naming.implApache Geronimo
JettyEJBWebServiceContextDelegates requests to a WebServiceContainer which is presumably for an EJB WebService.Classorg.apache.geronimo.jetty6Apache Geronimo
JettyEJBWebServiceContext .RequestAdapterFields inherited from interface org.Classorg.apache.geronimo.jetty6.JettyEJBWebServiceContextApache Geronimo
JettyEJBWebServiceContext .ResponseAdapterConstructor SummaryJettyEJBWebServiceContext.Classorg.apache.geronimo.jetty6.JettyEJBWebServiceContextApache Geronimo
JettyPOJOWebServiceHolderThis is intended to hold the web service stack for an axis POJO web service.Classorg.apache.geronimo.jetty6Apache Geronimo
JettyWebAppContextWrapper for a WebApplicationContext that sets up its J2EE environment.Classorg.apache.geronimo.jetty6Apache Geronimo
JettyWebAppDocumentA document containing one web-app(@http://geronimo.Interfaceorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.jettyApache Geronimo
JettyWebAppDocument .FactoryClassorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.jetty.JettyWebAppDocumentApache Geronimo
JettyWebAppDocumentImplA document containing one web-app(@http://geronimo.Classorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.jetty.implApache Geronimo
JettyWebAppTypeAn XML web-appType(@http://geronimo.Interfaceorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.jettyApache Geronimo
JettyWebAppType .FactoryClassorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.jetty.JettyWebAppTypeApache Geronimo
JettyWebAppTypeImplAn XML web-appType(@http://geronimo.Classorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.jetty.implApache Geronimo
JettyWebConnectorA Jetty-specific extension to the standard Geronimo web connector interface.Interfaceorg.apache.geronimo.jetty6Apache Geronimo Geronimo
JettyWebConnectorStatsImplJetty Web Connector class for JSR-77 Geronimo
JettyWebContainerStatsToken interface to distinguish Jetty Geronimo
JettyWebContainerStatsImplJetty implementation of the Geronimo stats interface WebContainerStatsSee Also:Serialized Geronimo
OpenejbWebServiceBindingTypeAn XML web-service-bindingType(@http://geronimo.Interfaceorg.apache.geronimo.openejb.xbeans.ejbjarApache Geronimo
OpenejbWebServiceBindingType .FactoryClassorg.apache.geronimo.openejb.xbeans.ejbjar.OpenejbWebServiceBindingTypeApache Geronimo
OpenejbWebServiceBindingTypeImplAn XML web-service-bindingType(@http://geronimo.Classorg.apache.geronimo.openejb.xbeans.ejbjar.implApache Geronimo
OpenejbWebServiceSecurityTypeAn XML web-service-securityType(@http://geronimo.Interfaceorg.apache.geronimo.openejb.xbeans.ejbjarApache Geronimo
OpenejbWebServiceSecurityType .FactoryClassorg.apache.geronimo.openejb.xbeans.ejbjar.OpenejbWebServiceSecurityTypeApache Geronimo
OpenejbWebServiceSecurityTypeImplAn XML web-service-securityType(@http://geronimo.Classorg.apache.geronimo.openejb.xbeans.ejbjar.implApache Geronimo
POJOWebServiceContainerClassorg.apache.geronimo.axis2.pojoApache Geronimo
POJOWebServiceContainerClassorg.apache.geronimo.cxf.pojoApache Geronimo
POJOWebServiceContainerFactoryGBeanClassorg.apache.geronimo.axis2.pojoApache Geronimo
POJOWebServiceContainerFactoryGBeanClassorg.apache.geronimo.cxf.pojoApache Geronimo
POJOWebServiceContext and isUserInRole() are properly handled.Classorg.apache.geronimo.axis2.pojoApache Geronimo
POJOWebServiceServletDelegates requests to a WebServiceContainer which is presumably for a POJO WebService Nothing stopping us from using this for EJBs or other types of webservices other thanClassorg.apache.geronimo.webservicesApache Geronimo
SerializableWebServiceContainerFactoryGBeanClassorg.apache.geronimo.webservicesApache Geronimo
SimpleWARWebServiceFinderClassorg.apache.geronimo.jaxws.builderApache Geronimo
TomcatEJBWebServiceContextClassorg.apache.geronimo.tomcatApache Geronimo
TomcatEJBWebServiceContext .RequestAdapterFields inherited from interface org.Classorg.apache.geronimo.tomcat.TomcatEJBWebServiceContextApache Geronimo
TomcatEJBWebServiceContext .ResponseAdapterConstructor SummaryTomcatEJBWebServiceContext.Classorg.apache.geronimo.tomcat.TomcatEJBWebServiceContextApache Geronimo
TomcatWebAppContextWrapper for a WebApplicationContext that sets up its J2EE environment.Classorg.apache.geronimo.tomcatApache Geronimo
TomcatWebAppDocumentA document containing one web-app(@http://geronimo.Interfaceorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.tomcatApache Geronimo
TomcatWebAppDocument .FactoryClassorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.tomcat.TomcatWebAppDocumentApache Geronimo
TomcatWebAppDocumentImplA document containing one web-app(@http://geronimo.Classorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.tomcat.implApache Geronimo
TomcatWebAppTypeAn XML web-appType(@http://geronimo.Interfaceorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.tomcatApache Geronimo
TomcatWebAppType .FactoryClassorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.tomcat.TomcatWebAppTypeApache Geronimo
TomcatWebAppTypeImplAn XML web-appType(@http://geronimo.Classorg.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.web.tomcat.implApache Geronimo
TomcatWebConnectorInterfaceorg.apache.geronimo.tomcat.connectorApache Geronimo Geronimo
TomcatWebConnectorStatsImplGeronimo implementation of the JSR-77 style WebConnectorStats Geronimo
TomcatWebContainerMethods inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.apache.geronimo.tomcatApache Geronimo
TomcatWebModuleInterfaceorg.apache.geronimo.tomcatApache Geronimo
TwistyWebAppContextNested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.Classorg.apache.geronimo.jetty6.handlerApache Geronimo
UnavailableWebServiceBuilderClassorg.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deploymentApache Geronimo
WARWebServiceFinderClassorg.apache.geronimo.jaxws.builderApache Geronimo
WebAccessLogA web container access log Geronimo
WebAccessLogViewerPortletClassorg.apache.geronimo.console.logmanagerApache Geronimo
WebAppDConfigBeanFields inherited from class org.Classorg.apache.geronimo.web.deploymentApache Geronimo
WebAppDConfigRootFields inherited from class org.Classorg.apache.geronimo.web.deploymentApache Geronimo
WebAppHandlerClassorg.apache.geronimo.console.apache.jkApache Geronimo
WebAppUtilUtility functions for dealing with web applicationsConstructor SummaryWebAppUtil()Classorg.apache.geronimo.system.mainApache Geronimo
WebConnectorThe common configuration settings for a web container network connector -- that is, the protocol and network settings used to connect to the Geronimo Geronimo
WebConnectorStatsImplGeronimo implementation of the JSR-77 style WebConnectorStats Geronimo
WebContainerThe common configuration settings for a web container (currently, Tomcat orMethods inherited from interface Geronimo
WebContainerStatsStatistics exposed by a web container (for the container as a whole, not a particular servlet/JSP/URL) Geronimo Geronimo
WebLogic81DatabaseConverterConverts database pools from WebLogic 8.Classorg.apache.geronimo.converter.beaApache Geronimo
WebLogic81DatabaseConverter .ConnectionPoolConstructor SummaryWebLogic81DatabaseConverter.Classorg.apache.geronimo.converter.bea.WebLogic81DatabaseConverterApache Geronimo
WebLogic81DatabaseConverter .DataSourceConstructor SummaryWebLogic81DatabaseConverter.Classorg.apache.geronimo.converter.bea.WebLogic81DatabaseConverterApache Geronimo
Weblogic81UtilsReads information out of the WebLogic domain directory.Classorg.apache.geronimo.converter.beaApache Geronimo
WebManagerSpecialization of NetworkManager for web Geronimo
WebManager .ConnectorAttributeConstructor Geronimo
WebManager .ConnectorTypeConstructor Geronimo
WebManagerPortletBasic portlet showing statistics for a web containerFields inherited from class org.Classorg.apache.geronimo.console.webmanagerApache Geronimo
WebModuleClassorg.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deploymentApache Geronimo
WebModuleGeronimo extension to the standard JSR-77 WebModule Geronimo
WebModuleInterfaceorg.apache.geronimo.managementApache Geronimo Geronimo
WebModuleStatsImplGeronimo implementation of the JSR-77 style WebModule Geronimo
WebServiceBuilderInterfaceorg.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deploymentApache Geronimo
WebServiceContainerInterfaceorg.apache.geronimo.webservicesApache Geronimo
WebServiceContainer .RequestInterfaceorg.apache.geronimo.webservices.WebServiceContainerApache Geronimo
WebServiceContainer .ResponseInterfaceorg.apache.geronimo.webservices.WebServiceContainerApache Geronimo
WebServiceContainerFactoryInterfaceorg.apache.geronimo.webservicesApache Geronimo
WebServiceContainerInvokerClassorg.apache.geronimo.webservicesApache Geronimo
WebServiceContextAnnotationHelperClassorg.apache.geronimo.jaxws.builderApache Geronimo
WebServiceDescriptionClassorg.apache.geronimo.webservicesApache Geronimo
WebServiceFinderInterfaceorg.apache.geronimo.jaxws.builderApache Geronimo
WebServiceRefAnnotationHandlerClassorg.apache.geronimo.jaxws.annotationsApache Geronimo
WebServiceRefAnnotationHelperStatic helper class used to encapsulate all the functions related to the translation of @WebServieRef and @WebServieRef annotations to deploymentClassorg.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deployment.annotationApache Geronimo
WebServicesA dtd version of the J2EE webservices.Classorg.apache.geronimo.webservicesApache Geronimo
WebServicesFactoryClassorg.apache.geronimo.webservicesApache Geronimo
CoreAnnotations .WebAnnotationClassedu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotationsStanford Parser
FacesWebContextConcrete implementation of WebContext suitable for use in JavaServer Faces apps.Classorg.apache.commons.chain.web.facesApache Commons
PortletWebContextConcrete implementation of WebContext suitable for use in portlets.Classorg.apache.commons.chain.web.portletApache Commons
ServletWebContextConcrete implementation of WebContext suitable for use in Servlets and JSP pages.Classorg.apache.commons.chain.web.servletApache Commons
WebContextAbstract base implementation of Context that provides web based applications that use it a generic view of HTTP relatedClassorg.apache.commons.chain.webApache Commons
WebdavFileContentInfoFactoryDetermines the content information for files accessed via WebDAV.Classorg.apache.commons.vfs2.provider.webdavApache Commons
WebdavFileNameParserClassorg.apache.commons.vfs2.provider.webdavApache Commons
WebdavFileObjectClassorg.apache.commons.vfs2.provider.webdavApache Commons
WebdavFileProviderA provider for WebDAV.Classorg.apache.commons.vfs2.provider.webdavApache Commons
WebdavFileSystemA WebDAV file system.Classorg.apache.commons.vfs2.provider.webdavApache Commons
WebdavFileSystemConfigBuilderConfiguration options for WebDav.Classorg.apache.commons.vfs2.provider.webdavApache Commons
WebdavMethodRetryHandlerA retry handler which will retry a failed webdav method one time.Classorg.apache.commons.vfs2.provider.webdavApache Commons
AbstractWebResourceHandlerClassnet.sf.jasperreports.web.utilSourceforge Jasper Reports
DefaultWebRequestContextClassnet.sf.jasperreports.web.utilSourceforge Jasper Reports
DefaultWebResourceHandlerClassnet.sf.jasperreports.web.utilSourceforge Jasper Reports
FontWebResourceHandlerClassnet.sf.jasperreports.web.utilSourceforge Jasper Reports
ImageWebResourceHandlerClassnet.sf.jasperreports.web.utilSourceforge Jasper Reports
JiveWebResourceHandlerClassnet.sf.jasperreports.web.utilSourceforge Jasper Reports
SimpleWebResourceClassnet.sf.jasperreports.web.utilSourceforge Jasper Reports
WebHtmlResourceHandlerClassnet.sf.jasperreports.web.utilSourceforge Jasper Reports
WebLocaleResolverInterfacenet.sf.jasperreports.webSourceforge Jasper Reports
WebReportContextClassnet.sf.jasperreports.webSourceforge Jasper Reports
WebRequestContextInterfacenet.sf.jasperreports.web.utilSourceforge Jasper Reports
WebResourceInterfacenet.sf.jasperreports.web.utilSourceforge Jasper Reports
WebResourceHandlerInterfacenet.sf.jasperreports.web.utilSourceforge Jasper Reports
WebResourceHandlersExtensionRegistryFactoryClassnet.sf.jasperreports.web.utilSourceforge Jasper Reports
WebUtilClassnet.sf.jasperreports.web.utilSourceforge Jasper Reports
WebColorWebColor which adheres to the web color set consisting of 216 equally spaced colors, which include black and white.Classorg.freehep.graphics2dFreeHep
WebPageSee Also:Serialized FormSource Code:WebPage.Classorg.freehep.toolsFreeHep
WebPageFileResourceLoaderSource Code:WebPageFileResourceLoader.Classorg.freehep.toolsFreeHep
WebPageIncluderSource Code:WebPageIncluder.Classorg.freehep.toolsFreeHep
SpiderWebPlotA plot that displays data from a CategoryDataset in the form of a spider web.Classorg.jfree.chart.plotJFreeChart
ContinuationWebSocketFrameWeb Socket continuation frame containing continuation text or binary data.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocket00FrameDecoderDecodes ByteBufs into WebSocketFrames.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocket00FrameEncoderEncodes a WebSocketFrame into a ByteBuf.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocket07FrameDecoderDecodes a web socket frame from wire protocol version 7 format.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocket07FrameEncoderEncodes a web socket frame into wire protocol version 7 format.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocket08FrameDecoderDecodes a web socket frame from wire protocol version 8 format.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocket08FrameEncoderEncodes a web socket frame into wire protocol version 8 format.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocket13FrameDecoderDecodes a web socket frame from wire protocol version 13 format.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocket13FrameEncoderEncodes a web socket frame into wire protocol version 13 format.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocketClientCompressionHandlerto handle the most common WebSocket Compression Extensions.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.extensions.compressionNetty
WebSocketClientExtensionCreated once the handshake phase is done.Interfaceio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.extensionsNetty
WebSocketClientExtensionHandlerThis handler negotiates and initializes the WebSocket Extensions.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.extensionsNetty
WebSocketClientExtensionHandshakerHandshakes a client extension with the server.Interfaceio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.extensionsNetty
WebSocketClientHandshaker00Performs client side opening and closing handshakes for web socket specification version draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-A very large portion of this code was taken from the Netty 3.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocketClientHandshakerFactoryCreates a new WebSocketClientHandshaker of desired protocol version.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocketClientProtocolHandlerThis handler does all the heavy lifting for you to run a websocket client.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocketClientProtocolHandler .ClientHandshakeStateEventEvents that are fired to notify about handshake statusThe Handshake was complete succesful and so the channel was upgraded to websocketsClassio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketClientProtocolHandlerNetty
WebSocketExtensionCreated once the handshake phase is done.Interfaceio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.extensionsNetty
WebSocketExtensionDataA WebSocket Extension data from the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.extensionsNetty
WebSocketExtensionDecoderConvenient class for io.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.extensionsNetty
WebSocketExtensionEncoderConvenient class for io.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.extensionsNetty
WebSocketFrameAggregatorHandler that aggregate fragmented WebSocketFrame's.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocketFrameDecoderMarker interface which all WebSocketFrame decoders need to implement.Interfaceio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocketFrameEncoderMarker interface which all WebSocketFrame encoders need to implement.Interfaceio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocketHandshakeExceptionException during handshaking processSee Also:Serialized FormClassio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocketServerCompressionHandlerto handle the most common WebSocket Compression Extensions.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.extensions.compressionNetty
WebSocketServerExtensionCreated once the handshake phase is done.Interfaceio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.extensionsNetty
WebSocketServerExtensionHandlerThis handler negotiates and initializes the WebSocket Extensions.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.extensionsNetty
WebSocketServerExtensionHandshakerHandshakes a client extension based on this server capabilities.Interfaceio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.extensionsNetty
WebSocketServerHandshaker00Performs server side opening and closing handshakes for web socket specification version draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-A very large portion of this code was taken from the Netty 3.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocketServerHandshaker13Performs server side opening and closing handshakes for RFC 6455(originally web socket specification draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-17).Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocketServerHandshakerFactoryAuto-detects the version of the Web Socket protocol in use and creates a new properWebSocketServerHandshaker.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocketServerProtocolHandlerThis handler does all the heavy lifting for you to run a websocket server.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebSocketServerProtocolHandler .ServerHandshakeStateEventEvents that are fired to notify about handshake statusThe Handshake was complete succesful and so the channel was upgraded to websocketsClassio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketServerProtocolHandlerNetty
WebSocketVersionenum WebSocketVersionVersions of the web socket specification.Classio.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketxNetty
WebServerThe HSQLDB HTTP protocol network database server.Classorg.hsqldb.serverHSQLDB
WebFilterThe annotation used to declare a Servlet Filter.Classjavax.servlet.annotationServletApi
WebInitParamThe annotation used to declare an initialization parameter on a Servlet or Filter, within aClassjavax.servlet.annotationServletApi
WebListenerThe annotation used to declare a listener for various types of event, in a given web application context.Classjavax.servlet.annotationServletApi
WebServletThis annotation is used to declare the configuration of an If the name attribute is not defined, the fully qualified name of the classClassjavax.servlet.annotationServletApi
GrailsWebApplicationContextA WebApplicationContext that extends StaticApplicationContext to allow for programmatic configuration at runtime.Classorg.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.springGrails
WebRuntimeSpringConfigurationSubclasses DefaultRuntimeSpringConfiguration to provide construction of WebApplicationContext instances.Classorg.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.springGrails
WebCrawler Classedu.uci.ics.crawler4j.crawlerCrawler4j
WebURL Classedu.uci.ics.crawler4j.urlCrawler4j
WebURLTupleBinding Classedu.uci.ics.crawler4j.frontierCrawler4j
AppEngineCommunityWebIntegrationClasscom.intellij.appengine.facet.implGoogle App Engine
AppEngineWebApp Interfacecom.intellij.appengine.descriptor.domGoogle App Engine
AppEngineWebFileDescriptionClasscom.intellij.appengine.descriptor.domGoogle App Engine
AppEngineWebIntegrationClasscom.intellij.appengine.facetGoogle App Engine
AppEngineWebSchemaProviderClasscom.intellij.appengine.descriptorGoogle App Engine
Http .WebSocketCloseClassplay.mvc.HttpPlay
Http .WebSocketEventClassplay.mvc.HttpPlay
Http .WebSocketFrameClassplay.mvc.HttpPlay
PlayHandler .WebSocketInvocationClassplay.server.PlayHandlerPlay
WebCrawler Classedu.uci.ics.crawler4j.crawlerCrawler4j
WebURL Classedu.uci.ics.crawler4j.urlCrawler4j
WebURLTupleBinding Classedu.uci.ics.crawler4j.frontierCrawler4j OfBiz
DefaultWebEnvironment D e f a u l t W e b E n v i r o n m e n t i m p l e m e n t a t i o n b a s e d o n a b a c k i n g M a p i n s t a n c e . Classorg.apache.shiro.web.envApache Shiro
DefaultWebSecurityManager D e f a u l t W e b S e c u r i t y M a n a g e r i m p l e m e n t a t i o n u s e d i n w e b - b a s e d a p p l i c a t i o n s o r a n y a p p l i c a t i o n t h a t r e q u i r e s H T T P c o n n e c t i v i t y ( S O A P , h t t p r e m o t i n g , e t c ) . Classorg.apache.shiro.web.mgtApache Shiro
DefaultWebSessionContext D e f a u l t i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f t h e W e b S e s s i o n C o n t e x t i n t e r f a c e w h i c h p r o v i d e s g e t t e r s a n d s e t t e r s t h a t w r a p i n t e r a c t i o n w i t h t h e u n d e r l y i n g b a c k i n g c o n t e x t m a p . Classorg.apache.shiro.web.session.mgtApache Shiro
DefaultWebSessionManager W e b - a p p l i c a t i o n c a p a b l e S e s s i o n M a n a g e r i m p l e m e n t a t i o n . Classorg.apache.shiro.web.session.mgtApache Shiro
DefaultWebSessionStorageEvaluator A w e b - s p e c i f i c S e s s i o n S t o r a g e E v a l u a t o r t h a t p e r f o r m s t h e s a m e l o g i c a s t h e p a r e n t c l a s s D e f a u l t S e s s i o n S t o r a g e E v a l u a t o r b u t a d d i t i o n a l l y c h e c k s f o r a r e q u e s t - s p e c i f i c f l a g t h a t m a y e n a b l e o r Classorg.apache.shiro.web.mgtApache Shiro
DefaultWebSubjectContext D e f a u l t W e b S u b j e c t C o n t e x t i m p l e m e n t a t i o n t h a t p r o v i d e s f o r a d d i t i o n a l s t o r a g e a n d r e t r i e v a l o f a S e r v l e t R e q u e s t a n d S e r v l e t R e s p o n s e . Classorg.apache.shiro.web.subject.supportApache Shiro
DefaultWebSubjectFactory A S u b j e c t F a c t o r y i m p l e m e n t a t i o n t h a t c r e a t e s W e b D e l e g a t i n g S u b j e c t i n s t a n c e s . Classorg.apache.shiro.web.mgtApache Shiro
IniWebEnvironment W e b E n v i r o n m e n t i m p l e m e n t a t i o n c o n f i g u r e d b y a n I n i i n s t a n c e o r I n i r e s o u r c e l o c a t i o n s . Classorg.apache.shiro.web.envApache Shiro
MutableWebEnvironment A W e b E n v i r o n m e n t t h a t s u p p o r t s ' w r i t e ' o p e r a t i o n s o p e r a t i o n s . Interfaceorg.apache.shiro.web.envApache Shiro
ResourceBasedWebEnvironment A b s t r a c t i m p l e m e n t a t i o n f o r W e b E n v i r o n m e n t s t h a t c a n b e i n i t i a l i z e d v i a r e s o u r c e p a t h s ( c o n f i g f i l e s ) . Classorg.apache.shiro.web.envApache Shiro
ShiroWebModule S e t s u p S h i r o l i f e c y c l e s w i t h i n G u i c e , e n a b l e s t h e i n j e c t i n g o f S h i r o o b j e c t s , a n d b i n d s a d e f a u l t W e b S e c u r i t y M a n a g e r , S e c u r i t y M a n a g e r a n d S e s s i o n M a n a g e r . Classorg.apache.shiro.guice.webApache Shiro
WebDelegatingSubject D e f a u l t W e b S u b j e c t i m p l e m e n t a t i o n t h a t a d d i t i o n a l e n s u r e s t h e a b i l i t y t o r e t a i n a s e r v l e t r e q u e s t / r e s p o n s e p a i r t o b e u s e d b y i n t e r n a l s h i r o c o m p o n e n t s a s n e c e s s a r y d u r i n g t h e r e q u e s t e x e c u t i o n . Classorg.apache.shiro.web.subject.supportApache Shiro
WebEnvironment A w e b - s p e c i f i c E n v i r o n m e n t i n s t a n c e , u s e d i n w e b a p p l i c a t i o n s . Interfaceorg.apache.shiro.web.envApache Shiro
WebIniSecurityManagerFactory D i f f e r s f r o m t h e p a r e n t c l a s s o n l y i n t h e c r e a t e D e f a u l t I n s t a n c e ( ) m e t h o d , t o e n s u r e a w e b - c a p a b l e S e c u r i t y M a n a g e r i n s t a n c e i s c r e a t e d b y d e f a u l t . Classorg.apache.shiro.web.configApache Shiro
WebSecurityManager T h i s i n t e r f a c e r e p r e s e n t s a S e c u r i t y M a n a g e r i m p l e m e n t a t i o n t h a t c a n u s e d i n w e b - e n a b l e d a p p l i c a t i o n s . Interfaceorg.apache.shiro.web.mgtApache Shiro
WebSessionContext A W e b S u b j e c t C o n t e x t i s a S e s s i o n C o n t e x t t h a t a d d i t i o n a l l y p r o v i d e s f o r t y p e - s a f e m e t h o d s t o s e t a n d r e t r i e v e a S e r v l e t R e q u e s t a n d S e r v l e t R e s p o n s e , a s t h e r e q u e s t / r e s p o n s e p a i r w i l l Interfaceorg.apache.shiro.web.session.mgtApache Shiro
WebSessionKey A S e s s i o n K e y i m p l e m e n t a t i o n t h a t a l s o r e t a i n s t h e S e r v l e t R e q u e s t a n d S e r v l e t R e s p o n s e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e w e b r e q u e s t t h a t i s p e r f o r m i n g t h e Classorg.apache.shiro.web.session.mgtApache Shiro
WebSessionManager S e s s i o n M a n a g e r s p e c i f i c t o w e b - e n a b l e d a p p l i c a t i o n s . Interfaceorg.apache.shiro.web.session.mgtApache Shiro
WebSubject A W e b S u b j e c t r e p r e s e n t s a S u b j e c t i n s t a n c e t h a t w a s a c q u i r e d a s a r e s u l t o f a n i n c o m i n g N e s t e d C l a s s S u m m a r y Interfaceorg.apache.shiro.web.subjectApache Shiro
WebSubject .Builder A W e b S u b j e c t . Classorg.apache.shiro.web.subject.WebSubjectApache Shiro
WebSubjectContext A W e b S u b j e c t C o n t e x t i s a S u b j e c t C o n t e x t t h a t a d d i t i o n a l l y p r o v i d e s f o r t y p e - s a f e m e t h o d s t o s e t a n d r e t r i e v e a S e r v l e t R e q u e s t a n d S e r v l e t R e s p o n s e . Interfaceorg.apache.shiro.web.subjectApache Shiro
WebUtils S i m p l e u t i l i t y c l a s s f o r o p e r a t i o n s u s e d a c r o s s m u l t i p l e c l a s s h i e r a r c h i e s i n t h e w e b f r a m e w o r k c o d e . Classorg.apache.shiro.web.utilApache Shiro
BaseWebDAVStorageImplClasscom.liferay.portal.kernel.webdavLiferay Portal
CompanyWebIdException S e e A l s o : S e r i a l i z e d F o r m C o n s t r u c t o r S u m m a r y C o m p a n y W e b I d E x c e p t i o n ( ) Classcom.liferay.portalLiferay Portal
JSONWebServiceClasscom.liferay.portal.kernel.jsonwebserviceLiferay Portal
JSONWebServiceActionInterfacecom.liferay.portal.kernel.jsonwebserviceLiferay Portal
JSONWebServiceActionMappingInterfacecom.liferay.portal.kernel.jsonwebserviceLiferay Portal
JSONWebServiceActionsManagerInterfacecom.liferay.portal.kernel.jsonwebserviceLiferay Portal
JSONWebServiceActionsManagerUtilClasscom.liferay.portal.kernel.jsonwebserviceLiferay Portal
JSONWebServiceClassVisitorInterfacecom.liferay.portal.kernel.jsonwebserviceLiferay Portal
JSONWebServiceClassVisitorFactoryInterfacecom.liferay.portal.kernel.jsonwebserviceLiferay Portal
JSONWebServiceClassVisitorFactoryUtilClasscom.liferay.portal.kernel.jsonwebserviceLiferay Portal
JSONWebServiceMappingResolverClasscom.liferay.portal.kernel.jsonwebserviceLiferay Portal
JSONWebServiceMode e n u m J S O N W e b S e r v i c e M o d e e x t e n d s E n u m < J S O N W e b S e r v i c e M o d e > E n u m C o n s t a n t S u m m a r y A U T O Classcom.liferay.portal.kernel.jsonwebserviceLiferay Portal
JSONWebServiceNamingClasscom.liferay.portal.kernel.jsonwebserviceLiferay Portal
NoSuchWebDAVPropsException S e e A l s o : S e r i a l i z e d F o r m C o n s t r u c t o r S u m m a r y N o S u c h W e b D A V P r o p s E x c e p t i o n ( ) Classcom.liferay.portalLiferay Portal
NoSuchWebsiteException S e e A l s o : S e r i a l i z e d F o r m C o n s t r u c t o r S u m m a r y N o S u c h W e b s i t e E x c e p t i o n ( ) Classcom.liferay.portalLiferay Portal
WebCacheException S e e A l s o : S e r i a l i z e d F o r m C o n s t r u c t o r S u m m a r y W e b C a c h e E x c e p t i o n ( ) Classcom.liferay.portal.kernel.webcacheLiferay Portal
WebCacheItemInterfacecom.liferay.portal.kernel.webcacheLiferay Portal
WebCachePoolInterfacecom.liferay.portal.kernel.webcacheLiferay Portal
WebCachePoolUtilClasscom.liferay.portal.kernel.webcacheLiferay Portal
WebContextListenerClasscom.liferay.portal.kernel.servletLiferay Portal
WebDAVException S e e A l s o : S e r i a l i z e d F o r m C o n s t r u c t o r S u m m a r y W e b D A V E x c e p t i o n ( ) Classcom.liferay.portal.kernel.webdavLiferay Portal
WebDAVProps T h e e x t e n d e d m o d e l i n t e r f a c e f o r t h e W e b D A V P r o p s s e r v i c e . Interfacecom.liferay.portal.modelLiferay Portal
WebDAVPropsActionableDynamicQuery C o n s t r u c t o r S u m m a r y W e b D A V P r o p s A c t i o n a b l e D y n a m i c Q u e r y ( ) M e t h o d s i n h e r i t e d f r o m c l a s s c o m . Classcom.liferay.portal.service.persistenceLiferay Portal
WebDAVPropsLocalService P r o v i d e s t h e l o c a l s e r v i c e i n t e r f a c e f o r W e b D A V P r o p s . Interfacecom.liferay.portal.serviceLiferay Portal
WebDAVPropsLocalServiceUtil P r o v i d e s t h e l o c a l s e r v i c e u t i l i t y f o r W e b D A V P r o p s . Classcom.liferay.portal.serviceLiferay Portal
WebDAVPropsLocalServiceWrapper P r o v i d e s a w r a p p e r f o r W e b D A V P r o p s L o c a l S e r v i c e . Classcom.liferay.portal.serviceLiferay Portal
WebDAVPropsModel T h e b a s e m o d e l i n t e r f a c e f o r t h e W e b D A V P r o p s s e r v i c e . Interfacecom.liferay.portal.modelLiferay Portal
WebDAVPropsPersistence T h e p e r s i s t e n c e i n t e r f a c e f o r t h e w e b d a v p r o p s s e r v i c e . Interfacecom.liferay.portal.service.persistenceLiferay Portal
WebDAVPropsSoap T h i s c l a s s i s u s e d b y S O A P r e m o t e s e r v i c e s . Classcom.liferay.portal.modelLiferay Portal
WebDAVPropsUtil T h e p e r s i s t e n c e u t i l i t y f o r t h e w e b d a v p r o p s s e r v i c e . Classcom.liferay.portal.service.persistenceLiferay Portal
WebDAVPropsWrapper T h i s c l a s s i s a w r a p p e r f o r W e b D A V P r o p s . Classcom.liferay.portal.modelLiferay Portal
WebDAVRequestInterfacecom.liferay.portal.kernel.webdavLiferay Portal
WebDAVStorageInterfacecom.liferay.portal.kernel.webdavLiferay Portal
WebDAVStorageWrapperClasscom.liferay.portal.kernel.webdavLiferay Portal
WebDAVUtilClasscom.liferay.portal.kernel.webdavLiferay Portal
WebDirDetectorClasscom.liferay.portal.kernel.servletLiferay Portal
WebKeysInterfacecom.liferay.portal.kernel.utilLiferay Portal
WebServerServletToken S i n c e : 6 . Interfacecom.liferay.portal.webserverLiferay Portal
WebServerServletTokenUtil S i n c e : 6 . Classcom.liferay.portal.webserverLiferay Portal
Website T h e e x t e n d e d m o d e l i n t e r f a c e f o r t h e W e b s i t e s e r v i c e . Interfacecom.liferay.portal.modelLiferay Portal
WebsiteActionableDynamicQuery C o n s t r u c t o r S u m m a r y W e b s i t e A c t i o n a b l e D y n a m i c Q u e r y ( ) M e t h o d s i n h e r i t e d f r o m c l a s s c o m . Classcom.liferay.portal.service.persistenceLiferay Portal
WebsiteExportActionableDynamicQueryClasscom.liferay.portal.service.persistenceLiferay Portal
WebsiteLocalService P r o v i d e s t h e l o c a l s e r v i c e i n t e r f a c e f o r W e b s i t e . Interfacecom.liferay.portal.serviceLiferay Portal
WebsiteLocalServiceUtil P r o v i d e s t h e l o c a l s e r v i c e u t i l i t y f o r W e b s i t e . Classcom.liferay.portal.serviceLiferay Portal
WebsiteLocalServiceWrapper P r o v i d e s a w r a p p e r f o r W e b s i t e L o c a l S e r v i c e . Classcom.liferay.portal.serviceLiferay Portal
WebsiteModel T h e b a s e m o d e l i n t e r f a c e f o r t h e W e b s i t e s e r v i c e . Interfacecom.liferay.portal.modelLiferay Portal
WebsitePersistence T h e p e r s i s t e n c e i n t e r f a c e f o r t h e w e b s i t e s e r v i c e . Interfacecom.liferay.portal.service.persistenceLiferay Portal
WebsiteService P r o v i d e s t h e r e m o t e s e r v i c e i n t e r f a c e f o r W e b s i t e . Interfacecom.liferay.portal.serviceLiferay Portal
WebsiteServiceUtil P r o v i d e s t h e r e m o t e s e r v i c e u t i l i t y f o r W e b s i t e . Classcom.liferay.portal.serviceLiferay Portal
WebsiteServiceWrapper P r o v i d e s a w r a p p e r f o r W e b s i t e S e r v i c e . Classcom.liferay.portal.serviceLiferay Portal
WebsiteSoap T h i s c l a s s i s u s e d b y S O A P r e m o t e s e r v i c e s , s p e c i f i c a l l y c o m . Classcom.liferay.portal.modelLiferay Portal
WebsiteURLException S e e A l s o : S e r i a l i z e d F o r m C o n s t r u c t o r S u m m a r y W e b s i t e U R L E x c e p t i o n ( ) Classcom.liferay.portalLiferay Portal
WebsiteUtil T h e p e r s i s t e n c e u t i l i t y f o r t h e w e b s i t e s e r v i c e . Classcom.liferay.portal.service.persistenceLiferay Portal
WebsiteWrapper T h i s c l a s s i s a w r a p p e r f o r W e b s i t e . Classcom.liferay.portal.modelLiferay Portal
WebXML23DescriptorClasscom.liferay.util.xml.descriptorLiferay Portal
WebXML24DescriptorClasscom.liferay.util.xml.descriptorLiferay Portal
AbstractWebConsolePluginThe Web Console can be extended by registering an OSGi service for the interface Servlet with the service propertyClassorg.apache.felix.webconsoleApache Felix
SimpleWebConsolePluginSimpleWebConsolePlugin is an utility class that provides default implementation of the AbstractWebConsolePlugin and supports theClassorg.apache.felix.webconsoleApache Felix
WebConsoleConstantsInterfaceorg.apache.felix.webconsoleApache Felix
WebConsoleSecurityProviderThe WebConsoleSecurityProvider is a service interface allowing to use an external system to authenticate users before granting access to theInterfaceorg.apache.felix.webconsoleApache Felix
WebConsoleSecurityProvider2The WebConsoleSecurityProvider2 extends the WebConsoleSecurityProvider interface allowing for full control ofInterfaceorg.apache.felix.webconsoleApache Felix
WebConsoleUtilThe WebConsoleUtil provides various utility methods for use by Web Console plugins.Classorg.apache.felix.webconsoleApache Felix
ContainerTweaks .WebLogicTweaksContainer tweaks specific to WebLogic.Classorg.sitemesh.webapp.contentfilter.ContainerTweaksSiteMesh
WebAppContextSiteMesh SiteMeshContext implementation specifically for webapps running in a Servlet container.Classorg.sitemesh.webappSiteMesh Micro Web
WebResourceProviderLoads resources using ServletContext.Classorg.apache.deltaspike.servlet.apiDelta Spike
AbstractWebBasedSingleSignOnAbstract class providing an HTTP request and response interface pair to allow for persistence and management of state information related to OODT
OPSUIWebPageExtension of WebPage for customized featuresVersion:$Revision$Author:rivermaSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.apache.oodt.pcs.opsuiApache OODT
SecureWebServerAn XML-RPC Web Server that requires authentication and authorization.Classorg.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.system.authApache OODT
AhcWebSocketConduitClassorg.apache.cxf.transport.websocket.ahcApache CXF
AtmosphereWebSocketJettyDestinationClassorg.apache.cxf.transport.websocket.atmosphereApache CXF
AtmosphereWebSocketServletDestinationClassorg.apache.cxf.transport.websocket.atmosphereApache CXF
JaxWsWebServicePublisherBeanPostProcessorBean to scan context for potential web services.Classorg.apache.cxf.jaxws.springApache CXF
JaxWsWebServicePublisherBeanPostProcessor .ServletAdapterClassorg.apache.cxf.jaxws.springApache CXF
Jetty9WebSocketDestinationClassorg.apache.cxf.transport.websocket.jetty9Apache CXF
JettyWebSocketDestinationClassorg.apache.cxf.transport.websocket.jettyApache CXF CXF CXF CXF
WebApplicationExceptionMapperDefault exception mapper for WebApplicationException.Classorg.apache.cxf.jaxrs.implApache CXF
WebClientClassorg.apache.cxf.jaxrs.clientApache CXF
WebFaultInInterceptorClassorg.apache.cxf.binding.colocApache CXF
WebFaultOutInterceptorClassorg.apache.cxf.jaxws.interceptorsApache CXF CXF CXF CXF CXF
WebServiceContextImplClassorg.apache.cxf.jaxws.contextApache CXF
WebServiceContextResourceResolverClassorg.apache.cxf.jaxws.contextApache CXF
WebServiceProviderConfigurationClassorg.apache.cxf.jaxws.supportApache CXF
WebSocketConstantsClassorg.apache.cxf.transport.websocketApache CXF
WebSocketDestinationFactoryClassorg.apache.cxf.transport.websocketApache CXF
WebSocketDestinationServiceInterfaceorg.apache.cxf.transport.websocketApache CXF
WebSocketServletHolderInterfaceorg.apache.cxf.transport.websocket.jettyApache CXF
WebSocketTransportFactoryClassorg.apache.cxf.transport.websocketApache CXF
WebSocketUtilsClassorg.apache.cxf.transport.websocketApache CXF
WebSocketVirtualServletRequestClassorg.apache.cxf.transport.websocket.jettyApache CXF
WebSocketVirtualServletResponseClassorg.apache.cxf.transport.websocket.jettyApache CXF
AbstractWebdavServletAbstractWebdavServletSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.serverApache JackRabbit
JCRWebdavServerClassorg.apache.jackrabbit.server.jcrApache JackRabbit
JCRWebdavServerServletJCRWebdavServerServlet provides request/response handling for theSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.apache.jackrabbit.j2eeApache JackRabbit
JCRWebdavServerServletJCRWebdavServerServlet provides request/response handling for the Implementations of this abstract class must implement theClassorg.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcrApache JackRabbit
SimpleWebdavServletWebdavServlet provides webdav support (level 1 and 2 complient) for repositorySee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.apache.jackrabbit.j2eeApache JackRabbit
SimpleWebdavServletWebdavServlet provides WebDAV support (level bind compliant) forClassorg.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.simpleApache JackRabbit
WebdavRequestThe empty WebdavRequest interface collects the functionality defined by DavServletRequest encapsulatingInterfaceorg.apache.jackrabbit.webdavApache JackRabbit
WebdavRequestImplWebdavRequestImpl.Classorg.apache.jackrabbit.webdavApache JackRabbit
WebdavResponseThe empty WebdavResponse interface collects the functionality defined by DavServletResponse encapsulatingInterfaceorg.apache.jackrabbit.webdavApache JackRabbit
WebdavResponseImplWebdavResponseImpl implements the WebdavResponse interface.Classorg.apache.jackrabbit.webdavApache JackRabbit
WebApplicationContextFilterA Servlet Filter that binds session DataContext to the current request thread.Classorg.apache.cayenne.confApache Cayenne
WebApplicationResourceLocatorA ResourceLocator that can find resources relative to web application context.Classorg.apache.cayenne.utilApache Cayenne
WebstartMuffinA muffin load/save implementation based on using Webstart Muffins (a bit like cookies only Constructor SummaryWebstartMuffin()Classorg.newdawn.slick.muffinSlick
WebDriverProvider Interface for using custom WebDriver in your tests To customize WebDriver creation one can use any of the alternatives:Interfacecom.codeborne.selenideSelenide
WebElementSelectorThanks to http://selenium.Classcom.codeborne.selenide.implSelenide
OJsonWebTokenCreated by emrul on 28/09/
CoreAnnotations .WebAnnotationClassedu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotationsJavaNlp
WebBrowserA simple browser view that encapsulates a usable version of HTMLComponent or BrowserComponent and automatically picks the right component for the platform preferring BrowserComponent whenever itClasscom.codename1.componentsCodeName One
WebServiceProxyCallClasscom.codename1.ioCodeName One
WebServiceProxyCall One
AbstractOpenWebServiceThis abstract class provides a building block for one to implement an Open Web Service (OWS)
WebCRSFactoryThe factory for coordinate reference systemsSince:2.Classorg.geotools.referencing.factory.wmsGeoTools
WebMapServerWebMapServer is a class representing a
WebDAVLiteServlet to the HTTP protocol.Classorg.jivesoftware.openfire.webdavOpenFire
WebManagerA utility bean for Openfire admin console pages.Classorg.jivesoftware.utilOpenFire
WeblogicSelectorA Selector for the Weblogic Server's JTA transaction managerAuthor:Ludovic OrbanClassnet.sf.ehcache.transaction.manager.selectorEHCache
WebViewDetectorNested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class Lint
UAWebViewClasscom.urbanairship.widgetAirship Android
UAWebViewClientClasscom.urbanairship.widgetAirship Android
DefaultWebTemplateDefault WebTemplate implementation.Classorg.knime.core.node.webKNIME
WebResourceLocator .WebResourceTypeClassorg.knime.core.node.webKNIME
WebTemplateUse DefaultWebTemplate.Interfaceorg.knime.core.node.webKNIME
WebViewContentContainer for all of the information transported in between a WizardNode and an interactive view running in the wizard or WebPortal.Interfaceorg.knime.core.node.webKNIME
CmsWebdavRangeHelper class for the WebDAV servlet.Classorg.opencms.webdavOpenCMS
CmsWebdavServletServlet which adds support for WebDAV level 2.Classorg.opencms.webdavOpenCMS
CmsWebdavStatusContains all possible return values for the WebDAV/HTTP protocol.Classorg.opencms.webdavOpenCMS
CmsSitesToolHandlerWebserverSites management tool handler that hides the tool if the current user has not the needed
CmsSitesWebserverDialogA dialog that allows to write the sites configured in OpenCms into a web server configuration file, using a
CmsSitesWebserverReportThe write to web server
CmsSitesWebserverThreadExecutes a script
WebUISee Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryWebUI(org.Classcom.eclipsesource.tabris.internal.ui.webTabris
AbstractWebjectDelegateProvides the general notion of a webject delegate for the Windchill adapter.Classcom.ptc.core.adapter.server.implWindChill
WebActionwebAction provides a web implementation of an action
WebActionListSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from interface
WebAddressOfFrameWebAddressOfFrame class represents an address of the frame conceptual element in
WebApplyActionHandlerThe action handler for the Apply action from the wizard action
WebBinaryPropertyHandlerThis class defines property handler for the
WebCancelActionHandlerThe action handler to be used by the action handler for Cancel action from the wizard action
WebCheckBoxRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer to present binary property Supported API:
WebClipboardActionHandlerMethods inherited from class
WebComplexContentUploadModelDoerThis class implements a model doer to configure Plugin element to create an applet capable of uploading windchill content
WebCompositeColumnRenderHandlerThis class implements java based layout
WebCompositeFrameComposite frame differs from a simple frame in its ability to act like a composite
WebCompositeFrameRenderHandlerThis class implements the java based renderer for the composite frame Supported API:
WebCompositeLayoutWeb composite layout
WebCompositeNavBarThe composite navigation bar element extends composite layout element to be able to position actions in multiple
WebCompositeNavBarForFooterRenderHandlerThis class implements java based layout renderer suitable for horizontal navigation bar
WebCompositeNavBarRenderHandlerThis class implements java based layout
WebCompositePropertyPanelThe composite property
WebCompositePropertyPanelRenderHandlerThis class implements java based property panel
WebCompositeTableThe class implementing a composite
WebCompositeTableRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer for the composite
WebCompositeTreeThe class implements a composite
WebCompositeTreeRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer for the composite
WebConfirmationWizardOkActionHandlerThe action handler for the Ok action from the wizard action
WebConnectorSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from interface
WebConnectorRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the connector
WebContentDownloadModelDoerThis class implements a model doer to configure Plugin element to create an applet capable of downloading windchill content
WebContentUploadModelDoerThis class implements a model doer to configure Plugin element to create an applet capable of uploading windchill content
WebContentUploadPathPropertyHandlerFields inherited from class
WebContentUrlRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer to present hypelink property as a link to content
WebCssLinkRenderHandlerThis class implements the java based renderer for the link to a css file in the frame
WebDataDrivenEnumeratorSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from interface
WebDateTimePropertyHandlerThis class defines property handler for the
WebDefaultHyperLinkModelSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from interface
WebDrawHandlerThe class all web specific draw handlers
WebDropDownListRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer to present binary property as a drop down
WebDropdownRenderHandlerThis class implements java based renderer for the
WebDynamicElementAddressWebDynamicElementAddress class represents an address of the dynamic conceptual element in the context of its parent
WebElementAll web implementations of conceptual elements implement this
WebElementFactoryResponsible for the construction of elements of the right type Supported API:
WebEmbeddedURLContentSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from interface
WebEmptyNavBarRowRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the row of the navigation bar that need not Supported API:
WebEmptyPropertyHandlerThis class defines property handler for the
WebEmptyRenderHandlerThe java based renderer that does not produce HTML code Supported API:
WebEnumeratedDropDownList2RenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer to present enumerated property as a drop down list with additional "--No Selection--"
WebEnumeratedDropDownListRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer to present enumerated property as a drop down
WebEnumeratedPropertyHandlerThis class defines property handler for the
WebEnumeratedRadioButtonsRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer to present enumerated property as a set of radio
WebEnumeratorThe class defining conceptual
WebEnumeratorRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the enumerator
WebEnvDataCoEnvData represents conceptual environment in
WebErrorInfoThe class describing the conditions of an
WebFakeButtonRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the hyperlink element presented with anchor tags around both image and
WebFakeImageButtonRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the hyperlink element presented with anchor tags around both image and
WebFrameThe interface web frame elements
WebFrameHeaderRenderHandlerThis class implements the java based frame header renderer for the composite Supported API:
WebFrameLayoutRowRenderHandlerThis class implements the java based frame layout row renderer for the layout row element of the frame header of the composite
WebFrameTitleRenderHandlerThis class implements the java based frame title renderer for the property element located in the frame header of the composite
WebFunction_Action_Result_RequestParamToAttributeMethods inherited from class
WebGatewayThe class that effectively acts as a gateway class to DCA Web
WebGlobalDataMethods inherited from class
WebGoToActionHandlerWebGoToActionHandler class is the web action handler to be used to configure "go to"
WebHorizontalSeparatorRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the horizontal
WebHorizontalSpacerRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the horizontal
WebHttpDataThe class describing HTTP request Supported API:
WebHyperLinkThe hyperlink element Supported API:
WebHyperLinkActionRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the hyperlink element presented with anchor tags around both image and
WebHyperLinkImageRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the hyperlink element presented with anchor tags around both
WebHyperLinkLabelRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the hyperlink element presented with anchor Supported API:
WebHyperLinkModelThe interface every model of the hyperlink must
WebHyperLinkRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the hyperlink element presented with anchor tags around both image and
WebHyperlinkPropertyHandlerThis class defines property handler for the
WebHyperlinkRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer to present hypelink property Supported API:
WebHyperlinkWithLabelRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer to present Label contain hypelink property Supported API:
WebIFrameRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the embedded URL content element displayed Supported API:
WebImageBinaryRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer to present binary property Supported API:
WebImageLabelRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the label element displayed with label after Supported API:
WebImageRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the label element displayed with just an Supported API:
WebInPlaceActionHandlerWebInPlaceActionHandler class is the web action handler to be used to configure "in place"
WebInstanceCacheSee Also:Serialized FormMethods inherited from class
WebIntegerPropertyHandlerThis class defines property handler for the
WebIntegerRenderHandlerThis class implements java based renderer for the
WebJspDataThe class describing jsp
WebLabel Supported API: trueSee Also:Serialized
WebLabelImageRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the label element displayed with image after Supported API:
WebLabelRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the label element displayed with just a
WebLayoutFooterRenderHandlerThis class implements java based layout renderer suitable for horizontal navigation bar
WebLayoutHeaderRenderHandlerThis class implements java based layout renderer suitable for horizontal navigation bar
WebLayoutRowRepresents a row of the elements in the layout
WebLayoutRowRenderHandlerThis class implements java based layout row
WebLayoutVerticalHeaderRenderHandlerThis class implements java based layout renderer suitable for vertical navigation bar
WebLegalRowRenderHandlerThis class implements a renderer that lawers want us to
WebLevel1NavBarRowRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the first row of the navigation
WebLevel2NavBarRowRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the second row of the navigation
WebListThe web implementation of thel list
WebListRenderHandlerThis class implements java based list
WebModelHandlerThe class all web specific model handlers
WebNavBarActionHandlerThe action handler for the go-to action in the navigation
WebNavBarRowThe navigation bar row element extends layout row element to be able to position actions and other elements in a
WebNewFrameActionHandlerWebNewFrameActionHandler class is the web action handler to be used to configure "new frame"
WebNewFrameActionModelAn action model for "new frame" web action
WebNewTemporaryFrameActionHandlerWebNewTemporaryFrameActionHandler class is the web action handler to be used to configure "new temporary frame"
WebNewTemporaryFrameActionHandlerSettingUrlWebNewTemporaryFrameActionHandler class is the web action handler to be used to configure "new temporary frame" action.Classcom.ptc.core.client.web.actionWindChill
WebNewTemporaryFrameActionModelAn action model for "new temporary frame" web action
WebNextStepActionHandlerThe action handler for the Next action from the wizard action
WebOkActionHandlerThe action handler for the Ok action from the wizard action
WebPickerActionHandlerCoPickerActionHandler class is the base class for an action handler of an action that launches a
WebPickerActionModelThe model of the action that uses WebPickerActionHandler Supported API:
WebPickerPropertyHandlerThis class defines string property handler for the java.Classcom.ptc.windchill.enterprise.patternForPicker.clientWindChill
WebPickerRenderHandlerThis class implements java based renderer for the java.Classcom.ptc.windchill.enterprise.patternForPicker.clientWindChill
WebPluginConceptual plugin
WebPreviousStepActionHandlerThe action handler for the Previous action from the wizard action
WebPropertyThis class implements property
WebPropertyAsDomainRenderHandlerThis class implements java based renderer for the
WebPropertyAsHiddenRenderHandlerThis class implements java based renderer for the
WebPropertyAsHyperlinkRenderHandlerThis class implements java based renderer for the
WebPropertyHandlerEvery property handler implements this
WebQueuePropRenderHandlerThis class implements java based renderer for the
WebRadioButtonRenderHandlerThis class implements java based renderer for the
WebRadioButtonsRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer to present binary property as a list of radio
WebRealPropertyHandlerThis class defines property handler for the
WebRealRenderHandlerThis class implements java based renderer for the
WebRealWithUnitsRenderHandlerThis class implements java based renderer for the
WebRenderHandlerThe class defining the concept of a java based
WebRequestDataThis class is a web specific implementation of the request
WebRoleDeterminatorThe purpose of the role determinator is to return the role the current principal plays in the given
WebRowThe row
WebRowRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer for the table or tree
WebScriptRenderHandlerThis class implements the java based renderer for the link to a script file in the frame
WebSearchTableRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer for a composite
WebSearchTypeActionClientDoerMethods inherited from class
WebSecondaryContentUploadPathPropertyHandlerFields inherited from class
WebSeparatedPropertySee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from interface
WebSeparatorThe separator
WebSessionDataThis class is a web specific implementation of the session
WebShadowSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from interface
WebSimpleCloseFrameAndRefreshActionHandlerWebSimpleCloseFrameActionHandler class is the "simple" web action handler to be used to configure "Closing"
WebSimpleColumnThe simple column
WebSimpleColumnRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer for the simple
WebSimpleContentUploadModelDoerThis class implements a model doer to configure Plugin element to create an applet capable of uploading windchill content
WebSimpleFrameThis class represents a "simple"
WebSimpleFrameRenderHandlerThis class implements the java based renderer for the simple frame
WebSimpleGoToActionHandlerWebSimpleGoToActionHandler class is the web "simple" action handler to be used to configure "go to"
WebSimpleInPlaceActionHandlerWebSimpleInPlaceActionHandler class is the "simple" web action handler to be used to configure "in place"
WebSimpleLayoutWeb simple layout
WebSimpleLayoutRenderHandlerThis class implements java based layout
WebSimpleNavBarThe simple navigation bar element extends simple layout element to be able to position actions in multiple
WebSimpleNavBarActionHandlerThe action handler using "simple" approach for the go-to action in the navigation
WebSimpleNavBarRenderHandlerThis class implements java based layout
WebSimpleNewFrameActionHandlerWebSimpleNewFrameActionHandler class is the web "simple" action handler to be used to configure "new frame"
WebSimpleNewTemporaryFrameActionHandlerWebSimpleNewTemporaryFrameActionHandler class is the web "simple" action handler to be used to configure "new temporary frame"
WebSimplePropertyPanelThe simple property
WebSimplePropertyPanelRenderHandlerThis class implements java based property panel
WebSimpleTableThe class implementing a simple
WebSimpleTableRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer for the simple
WebSpacerSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from interface
WebStaticElementAddressWebStaticElementAddress class represents an address of the static conceptual element in the context of its parent
WebStringPropertyHandlerThis class defines property handler for the
WebStringPropertyHandlerThis class defines property handler for the
WebStringRenderHandlerThis class implements java based renderer for the
WebTableFooterRowRenderHandlerThis class implements a renderer for a title row area of a
WebTextAreaPropertyHandlerThis class defines property handler for the
WebTextAreaRenderHandlerThis class implements java based renderer for the
WebTitleRowRenderHandlerThis class implements a renderer for a title row area of a
WebTreeNodeThis class implements a tree
WebTreeNodeActionHandlerThis class implements an action handler for the tree action such as contact Supported API:
WebTreeNodeActionModelThe class implementing tree node
WebTreeNodeActionRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer for the tree node action like expand or
WebTreeNodeRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer for the tree
WebUrlFactoryThe factory to generate HREFs to DCA
WebVerticalNavBarRowRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the row of the navigation bar presented
WebVerticalSeparatorRenderHandlerThe java based renderer for the vertical
WebWindchillPluginRenderHandlerThis class defines java based renderer for the plag in
WebWizardThis class implements a wizard
WebWizardCancelRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer for the cancel action in the list of wizard
WebWizardNextPrevRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer for the next or previous actions in the list of wizard
WebWizardOkApplyRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer for the ok or apply action in the list of wizard
WebWizardRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer for the
WebWizardStepActionHandlerThe class implementing an action handler for the actions in the list of wizard step
WebWizardStepActionModelSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from interface
WebWizardStepListSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from interface
WebWizardStepListRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer for the wizard step
WebWizardTabRenderHandlerThis class implements a java based renderer for the wizard step actions Supported API:
WebexUserInfoDelegate The purpose of this delegate is to allow customization of the way Webex account names and passwords are created and stored.Interfacewt.meetingWindChill
WebjectDelegateFactoryThis is the factory for createing WebjectDelegates.Classwt.adapterWindChill
GOMWebUtilA simple utility class that can be initialized with a ServletRequest and used to simplify dynamic web pages.Classcom.bigdata.gom.webBlazeGraph
Bing3WebDocumentSourceWeb search specific document source.Classorg.carrot2.source.microsoftCarrot
Bing3WebDocumentSourceDescriptorMetadata and attributes of the Bing3WebDocumentSource component.Classorg.carrot2.source.microsoftCarrot
Bing3WebDocumentSourceDescriptor .AttributeBuilderAttribute map builder for the Bing3WebDocumentSource component.Classorg.carrot2.source.microsoftCarrot
Bing3WebDocumentSourceDescriptor .AttributesAll attributes of the Bing3WebDocumentSource component.Classorg.carrot2.source.microsoftCarrot
Bing3WebDocumentSourceDescriptor .KeysConstants for all attribute keys of the Bing3WebDocumentSource component.Classorg.carrot2.source.microsoftCarrot
EXistWebdavExceptionClass that represents a situation that a file cannot be created because the collectionAuthor:wesselsSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.exist.webdav.exceptionsExistDB
MiltonWebDAVServletWrapper around the MiltonServlet for post-configuring the framework.Classorg.exist.webdavExistDB
GetMethodWebRequestAn HTTP request using the GET method.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HeadMethodWebRequestA web request using the HEAD method.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
HeaderOnlyWebRequestA web request which has no information in its message body.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
MessageBodyWebRequestA web request which contains a non-empty message body.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
MessageBodyWebRequest .InputStreamMessageBodyA method request message body read directly from an input stream.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
PostMethodWebRequestAn HTTP request using the POST method.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
PutMethodWebRequestA web request using the PUT protocol.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebAppletThis class represents the embedding of an applet in a web page.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebClientThe context for a series of web requests.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebClient .HeaderDictionarySee Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryWebClient.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebClientListenerA listener for messages sent and received by a web client.Interfacecom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebConversationThe context for a series of HTTP requests.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebFormThis class represents a form in an HTML page.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebImageRepresents an image in an HTML document.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebLinkThis class represents a link in an HTML page.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebListRepresents an HTML list.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebRequestA request sent to a web server.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebRequestSourceBase class for objects which can be clicked to generate new web requests.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebResourceA resource to be returned from the simulated server.Classcom.meterware.pseudoserverHttpUnit
WebResponseA response to a web request from a web server.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebTableThis class represents a table in an HTML page.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebWindowA window managed by a WebClient.Classcom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebWindowListenerA listener for web window openings and closings.Interfacecom.meterware.httpunitHttpUnit
WebHijackPreventionStrategyDefines base implementations for preventing WebHijack in AJAX applications.Classnet.sf.json.utilJsonLib
WebUtilsProvides useful methods for working with JSON and web.Classnet.sf.json.utilJsonLib
WebServiceExceptionException that encapsulates exceptions thrown by controller's methods.Classnet.sf.serfj.clientSerfJ
WebstartThe Webstart class allows encapsulated access to the javax.Classcom.sibvisions.rad.uiJVX
MBeanWebLogicRuntimeServices Purpose: Provide a dynamic interface into the EclipseLink
MBeanWebLogicRuntimeServicesMBean Purpose: Provide a dynamic interface into the EclipseLink
MBeanWebSphereRuntimeServices Purpose: Provide a dynamic interface into the EclipseLink
MBeanWebSphereRuntimeServicesMBean Purpose: Provide a dynamic interface into the EclipseLink
WebLogic_10_Platform This is the concrete subclass responsible for representing WebLogic 10 specific behavior.Classorg.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.wlsEclipseLink
WebLogic_9_Platform This is the concrete subclass responsible for representing WebLogic9 specific behavior.Classorg.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.wlsEclipseLink
WebLogicPlatform This is the concrete subclass responsible for representing WebLogic-specific This platform overrides:Classorg.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.wlsEclipseLink
WebLogicRuntimeServices Purpose: Provide a dynamic interface into the EclipseLink
WebLogicTransactionController Purpose: TransactionController implementation for WLS JTA Description: Implements the required behavior for controlling JTA 1.Classorg.eclipse.persistence.transaction.wlsEclipseLink
WebSphere_6_1_Platform This is the concrete subclass responsible for representing WebSphere 6.Classorg.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.wasEclipseLink
WebSphere_7_Platform This is the concrete subclass responsible for representing WebSphere 7 -specific server behavior.Classorg.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.wasEclipseLink
WebSphere_Liberty_Platform This is the concrete subclass responsible for representing WebSphere-specific server behavior.Classorg.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.wasEclipseLink
WebSpherePlatform This is the concrete subclass responsible for representing WebSphere-specific server behavior.Classorg.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.wasEclipseLink
WebSphereRuntimeServices Purpose: Provide a dynamic interface into the EclipseLink
WebSphereTransactionController Purpose: TransactionController implementation for WebSphere Description: Implements the required behavior for controlling transactionsClassorg.eclipse.persistence.transaction.wasEclipseLink
IWDCachedWebResourceCreated on NetWeaver NetWeaver
IWDWebContextAdapterFactoryThe interface defines the public API of the web context adapter NetWeaver
IWDWebDynproIViewAreaWeb Dynpro WebDynproIViewArea NetWeaver
IWDWebResourceThe interface IWDWebResource represents a web resource used by a Web Dynpro NetWeaver
WDWebContextAdapterThis class allows the access to the origin NetWeaver
WDWebResourceThe class WDWebResource is used to access instances of type NetWeaver
WDWebResourceTypeDefines all needed constants for web resource NetWeaver
WebCallbackJAAS Callback for NetWeaver
IPortalWebServiceInterfacecom.sapportals.portal.prt.service.soap.webserviceconfig.descriptionSAP NetWeaver
IPortalWebServiceMappingInterfaceInterfacecom.sapportals.portal.prt.service.soap.webserviceconfig.descriptionSAP NetWeaver
IPortalWebServiceMethodInterfacecom.sapportals.portal.prt.service.soap.webserviceconfig.descriptionSAP NetWeaver
IPortalWebServiceParameterInterfacecom.sapportals.portal.prt.service.soap.webserviceconfig.descriptionSAP NetWeaver
IPortalWebServiceSerializerInterfacecom.sapportals.portal.prt.service.soap.webserviceconfig.descriptionSAP NetWeaver
IPortalWebServiceTypeInterfacecom.sapportals.portal.prt.service.soap.webserviceconfig.descriptionSAP NetWeaver
IWebflowConfigurationAdminThis interface defined methods for maintaining Webflow NetWeaver
IWebflowConfigurationAdmin .R3SystemConstructor NetWeaver
IWebflowConfigurationAdmin NetWeaver
IWebflowConfigurationAdmin NetWeaver NetWeaver NetWeaver
AbstractAdminWebScriptAbstract implementation for scripts that access the RepoAdminService.Classorg.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.adminAlFresco
AbstractArchivedNodeWebScriptThis class is an abstract base class for the various webscript controllers in the NodeArchiveService.Classorg.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.archiveAlFresco
AbstractAuditWebScriptAbstract implementation for scripts that access the AuditService.Classorg.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.auditAlFresco
AbstractBulkFileSystemImportWebScriptcontains common fields and methods for the import web scripts.Classorg.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.bulkimportAlFresco
AbstractCalendarListingWebScriptThis class provides functionality common across the webscripts which list events.Classorg.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.calendarAlFresco
AbstractRatingWebScriptThis class is an abstract base class for the various webscript controllers in theSince:3.Classorg.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.ratingAlFresco
AbstractResourceWebScriptWebscript that handles the request for and execution of a Resource 1) Finds a
AbstractSolrFacetConfigAdminWebScriptThis class is an abstract base class for the various web script controllers in the SolrFacetService.Classorg.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.facetAlFresco
AbstractWorkflowWebscriptBase class for all workflow REST API implementations.Classorg.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.workflowAlFresco
ApiWebScriptEntry point for API
BulkFilesystemImportStatusWebScriptWeb Script class that provides status information on the bulk filesystem import process.Classorg.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.bulkimportAlFresco
BulkFilesystemImportWebScriptWeb Script class that invokes a BulkFilesystemImporter implementation.Classorg.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.bulkimport.copyAlFresco
CMISWebScriptAn Alfresco web script that handles dispatch of OpenCMIS requests.Classorg.alfresco.opencmisAlFresco
DeclarativeSpreadsheetWebScriptParent of Declarative Webscripts that generate Excel files, usually based on some sort of dictionary model.Classorg.alfresco.repo.web.scriptsAlFresco
DeclarativeSpreadsheetWebScript .WriteExcelClassorg.alfresco.repo.web.scriptsAlFresco
DictionaryWebServiceBaseBase class for Dictionary web scriptsAuthor:Saravanan SellathuraiClassorg.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.dictionaryAlFresco
EditDocOnlineWebDavEvaluatorUI Action Evaluator - Edit document online via WebDav.Classorg.alfresco.web.action.evaluatorAlFresco
EditDocWebDavEvaluatorUI Action Evaluator - Edit document via Webdav.Classorg.alfresco.web.action.evaluatorAlFresco
InfoWebScriptGetProvides general information about the Api calls and
NetworksWebScriptGetA webscript that returns the authenticated user's network
ServerStatusWebScriptShows the availability of the IMAP server via web script request.Classorg.alfresco.repo.imap.scriptsAlFresco
TenantWebScriptServletEntry point for web scripts which can accept a tenant id in their servlet pathAuthor:davidcSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.alfresco.repo.web.scriptsAlFresco
AbstractWebComponentThis class provides a skeletal implementation of the WebComponent interface to minimize the effort required toClasscom.microstrategy.web.beansMicroStrategy
AbstractWebFeaturesThis acts as the base for all classes implementing feature support resolution.Classcom.microstrategy.web.beansMicroStrategy
AggregatedWebFeaturesMicroStrategy Web provides out of the box just a finite number of features based on its own requirements.Classcom.microstrategy.web.beansMicroStrategy
CartElementWebElementThis class represents an instance of WebElement as part of the
EnumAppWebFeaturesA WebFeature is a generic term for a variety of preferences, privileges, settings,
EnumWebAppDebugFlagsThis is the enumeration of all the error codes generated by objects in the application layer.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.appMicroStrategy
EnumWebAppErrorCodesThis is the enumeration of all the error codes generated by objects in the application layer.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.appMicroStrategy
EnumWebAttributeFormNamesDisplayThis enumeration interface can be used to set the value of the showAttributeFormNames property of WebPDFSettingsSince:MicroStrategy Web 7.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebBrowserSettingsThis is an enumeration of browser setting names used by Microstrategy Web.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.appMicroStrategy
EnumWebControlDataFilterModesThis enumeration is used by a RWControlGroupBy object to specify what filter mode it is inInterfacecom.microstrategy.web.objects.rwMicroStrategy
EnumWebControlSubTypeenum EnumWebControlSubTypeextends java.Classcom.microstrategy.web.objects.rwMicroStrategy
EnumWebCustomGroupDisplayOptionsThis enumeration is used for the different display options that can be set on a customSince:MicroStrategy Web 8.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebCustomGroupReportFilterInteractionThis enumeration is used for the different options that can be set on a custom group for the Report Filter Interaction.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebDependentObjectTypeThis Enumeration lists the object type for a display unit which is not a first class objectInterfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebDimensionDisplayStyleThis Enumeration specifies the style which should be used for a dimension object's display XML.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebDisplayedFormsPossible values for displayed attribute formsSince:MicroStrategy Web 8.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebDocumentViewModeThis Enumeration lists the possible view modes for a document.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebDrillPropertiesTo change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and CommentsInterfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebElementSourceTypeThis Enumeration specifies the different types of WebElementSource objects that exist in the Web Objects.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebFeaturesThis is the enumeration of all the features that are available for the web application at the SDK level.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.beansMicroStrategy
EnumWebFolderDisplayStyleThis Enumeration specifies the style which should be used for a folder object's display XML.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebFormatTypeEnumeration which can be used to specify the different types of formats.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebFunctionTypeThis Enumeration lists the different types of functions which are available for an operator node of an expression.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebHeaderTypeThis Enumeration reflects the specialization (if any) of a class that implements the WebHeaderInterfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebLimitSummaryFlagsThis enumeration is the different types of limit summary information that can be returned from the WebWorkingSet.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebMessageSortByFieldThis Enumeration is used to specify the criterion for sorting WebMessagesSince:MicroStrategy Web 7.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebMonitorStatisticsDefines statistical operations for performance monitors.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objects.admin.monitorsMicroStrategy
EnumWebMonitorTypeThe interface EnumWebMonitorType enumerates the different types of monitors.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objects.admin.monitorsMicroStrategy
EnumWebMRPFunctionThis Enumeration contains constants which are used in Metric, Rank, and Percent-related functionality.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebNamedUsersThis enumeration contains a list of named users which can be used with the WebUserServicesSource's getNamedUser method.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objects.admin.usersMicroStrategy
EnumWebObjectsFeaturesThis interface defines constants that can be used to check whether the features (that these constants identify) are available for the current session.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebObjectSortThis Enumeration specifies different options for sorting a WebFolder.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebODBCVersionThis enumeration specifies the version of the ODBC commands to be used in making Since:MicroStrategy Web 9.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebPagesThis is the enumeration of all the pages that the mstrWeb servlet expect to exist.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.appMicroStrategy
EnumWebParametersThis is the enumeration that holds the name of the parameters that JSP pages generate for some classes to use.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.appMicroStrategy
EnumWebPersistableStateThis interface defines constants that can be used to define what type (how much) state information of a given Interfacecom.microstrategy.utils.serializationMicroStrategy
EnumWebPreferencesThis is the enumeration of all the preferences that the mstrWeb servlet expect to exist.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebPromptAnswerModeThis interface represents the available values for the PromptAnswerMode parameter in the prompt answer events.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.beansMicroStrategy
EnumWebPromptTypeThis Enumeration lists the WebPrompt types.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebPropertySourceThis class defines the enumeration constants used to specify the MSTR Object to be returned from the MstrObjects class.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.appMicroStrategy
EnumWebReportExecutionModesThis interface lists constants that should be used to define how a report instance should be executedInterfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebReportViewModeThis Enumeration lists the possible view modes for a report.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebRowValueTypeThis Enumeration contains the type for a row value on a report.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebScheduleSortThis Enumeration specifies different fields for sorting WebSchedules.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebSessionTypeThis Enumeration specifies the different session types.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebStateFlagsBit wise flags used for state generation.Interfacecom.microstrategy.utils.serializationMicroStrategy
EnumWebStatementTypeThis Enumeration is used to specify the type of a WebStatement.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebSubscriptionContentFormatModesThis interface specifies constants that define how much of the Report services document, which has group by units, should be delivered.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebSubscriptionContentTypesThis Enumeration specifies the content type for a subscription.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebSubscriptionObjectTypesEnumeration of the all the types of objects that are used in providing subscription functionality.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebToggleFunctionThis Enumeration specifies the different functions to which the current function between two nodes can be toggled to using toggleFunction in WebExpressionHelper.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
EnumWebTransformableTypeThis interface defines constants for the various types of Transformable objects that are availableInterfacecom.microstrategy.web.beansMicroStrategy
EnumWebVisualizationViewModesThe values on this enumeration "extend" the values from EnumWebReportViewMode.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.appMicroStrategy
EnumWebWorkingSetSortByFieldThis Enumeration specifies the sort by field when sorting the working set objects.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
GenericWebAppControllerThis class provides a generic implementation of AppController that suits many MicroStrategy web applications.Classcom.microstrategy.web.controllerMicroStrategy
GenericWebEventThis class provides a skeletal implemenation of the interface WebEvent, to minimize any effort to implement this interface.Classcom.microstrategy.web.beansMicroStrategy
GridWebFormatHelperThis class provides a series of methods that aid on the manipulation of grid formatting properties.Classcom.microstrategy.web.beansMicroStrategy
LaunchWebBrowserCheatSheetActionCreates a cheat sheet action
MSTRWebAPIExceptionException class for all errors thrown from the WebAPI.Classcom.microstrategy.webapiMicroStrategy
MSTRWebControllerThis is the AppController class for the main MicroStrategy Web application.Classcom.microstrategy.web.appMicroStrategy
MWSWebAdminProvides access to Cluster/IServer configuration methods.Classcom.microstrategy.webservicesMicroStrategy
NewWebBeanBasicPropertiesPageFields inherited from class
NewWebBeanEventHandlerPageFields inherited from class
NewWebBeanFeaturesPageFields inherited from class
NewWebBeanInitPropertiesPageFields inherited from class
NewWebBeanRequestPropertiesPageFields inherited from class
NewWebBeanResultsPageFields inherited from class
NewWebBeanWizardFields inherited from class
ServletWebComponentThis class implements the WebComponent interface for having its methods available to the application
WebAccessControlListThe WebAccessControlList interface represents an access control list of an object.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
WebACLParserThis class is used to parse the xml returned by ACL editor and populate the ACL of a WebObjectInfo instance.Classcom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
WebAnnotatableThis interface represents any first class object in the metadata that can contain an annotation or some comments.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.objectsMicroStrategy
WebAppConfigurationRuntimeExceptionWebAppConfigurationRuntimeException is an exception that extends the WebAppRuntimeException.Classcom.microstrategy.web.appMicroStrategy
WebAppExceptionException class for all errors thrown from the Web app objects.Classcom.microstrategy.web.appMicroStrategy
WebAppRuntimeExceptionException class for all errors thrown from the Web app objects for unrecoverable error.Classcom.microstrategy.web.appMicroStrategy
WebAppSessionManagerThis is the interface for the MicroStrategy Web session manager.Interfacecom.microstrategy.web.appMicroStrategy
DefaultWebRequestorDefault implementation of a service that sends HTTP requests to the Facebook API endpoint.Classcom.restfbRestFB
ETagWebRequestorWebRequestor with ETag-support.Classcom.restfbRestFB
WebRequestorSpecifies how a class that sends HTTP requests to the Facebook API endpoint must operate.Interfacecom.restfbRestFB
WebRequestor .ResponseEncapsulates an HTTP response body and status code.Classcom.restfbRestFB
CobwebClass implementing the Cobweb and Classit clustering algorithms.Classnet.sf.javaml.clusteringJavaML
ControlledDynamicWebAppClusterThis entity contains the sub-groups and entities that go in to a single location (e.Interfacebrooklyn.entity.webappBrooklyn
DynamicWebAppClusterDynamicWebAppClusters provide cluster-wide aggregates of entity attributes.Interfacebrooklyn.entity.webappBrooklyn
DynamicWebAppCluster .ApplyDisplayHintsClassbrooklyn.entity.webappBrooklyn
DynamicWebAppClusterImplDynamicWebAppClusters provide cluster-wide aggregates of entity attributes.Classbrooklyn.entity.webappBrooklyn
DynamicWebAppFabricDynamicWebAppFabric provide a fabric of clusters, aggregating the entity attributes.Interfacebrooklyn.entity.webappBrooklyn
ElasticJavaWebAppService .ElasticJavaWebAppServiceAwareLocationInterfacebrooklyn.entity.webappBrooklyn
ElasticJavaWebAppService .FactoryClassbrooklyn.entity.webappBrooklyn
FilenameToWebContextMapperutilities for translating consistently between a filename (http://acme.Classbrooklyn.entity.webappBrooklyn
GeoscalingWebClientFor interacting with the www.Classbrooklyn.entity.dns.geoscalingBrooklyn
JavaWebAppService .CanDeployAndUndeployInterfacebrooklyn.entity.webappBrooklyn
JavaWebAppService .CanRedeployAllInterfacebrooklyn.entity.webappBrooklyn
SingleWebServerExampleThis example starts one web app on 8080, waits for a keypress, then stops it.Classbrooklyn.demoBrooklyn
WebAppMonitorRepeatedly polls a given URL, to check if it is always available.Classbrooklyn.testBrooklyn
WebAppServiceMetrics .InitializerClassbrooklyn.entity.webappBrooklyn
WebClusterDatabaseExampleLaunches a 3-tier app with nginx, clustered jboss, and mysql.Classbrooklyn.demoBrooklyn
WebClusterDatabaseExampleAppLaunches a 3-tier app with nginx, clustered jboss, and mysql.Classbrooklyn.demoBrooklyn
WebClusterExampleLaunches a clustered and load-balanced set of web servers.Classbrooklyn.demoBrooklyn
WebEntitlementContextIndicates an authenticated web request as the entitlements context; note user may still be null if no authentication was
WebSessionFilterFilter for web sessions caching.Classorg.apache.ignite.cache.websessionIgnite
FacebookWebArgumentResolverWeb argument resolver that resolves arguments annotated with Social
WebLinkingResponseWeb Linking response.Classcom.jcabi.http.responseJCabi
WebLinkingResponse .LinkInterfacecom.jcabi.http.responseJCabi
WebGLComponent Multimediales Lernnetz Bauphysik (lnb) Copyright (C) 2002-2013 fbta.Classlnb.compLNB
WebBrowserClassorg.uacalc.ui.utilUACalc ( Universal Algebra Calculator )
BiblioWebResourceRepresents a WWW resource.Classorg.jscience.bibliographyJScience
JWebBrowserA very plain Web Browser with minimal functionality; but still cool.Classorg.jscience.netJScience
LocalWebLocalWeb represents a website based on the local file system.Classorg.jscience.netJScience
WebStructureGraph .HostReferenceClassnet.yacy.peers.graphicsYacy
WebStructureGraph .HostReferenceFactoryClassnet.yacy.peers.graphicsYacy
WebStructureGraph .LearnObjectClassnet.yacy.peers.graphicsYacy
WebStructureGraph .StructureEntryClassnet.yacy.peers.graphicsYacy
WebServerAccess information about he web-server component of ACR.Interfaceorg.astrogrid.acr.systemAstroGrid
CyWebServiceEventEvent object used by Web Service Clients and the
CyWebServiceEvent .WSResponseTypeWill be used to catch the signal from
CyWebServiceEventListenerListener for Web Service Event
WebServiceClientWeb service client wrapper for
WebServiceClientGUIWeb service client which has custom component should implements this
WebServiceClientImplAbstract class for all web service
WebServiceClientManagerWeb Service Client Manager manages available web service clients in
WebServiceClientManager .ClientTypeClientType defines types/characteristics of the web service
WebServiceContextMenuContext menu for web service
WebServiceNetworkImportActionSee Also:Serialized FormFields inherited from class cytoscape.Classcytoscape.actionsCytoScape
WebstartExceptionThis exception is used when methods that can't be used from the PluginManager if webstart is running are called.Classcytoscape.pluginCytoScape
LoadWebPageCalled to actually load a web
WebPageHolds a web page that was loaded by the Browse
WeblogicConnectionProvider Provides connections via Weblogic's JTS driver.Classorg.quartz.utils.weblogicQuartz
WebLogicDelegate This is a driver delegate for the WebLogic JDBC driver.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
WebLogicOracleDelegateHandle Blobs correctly when Oracle is being used inside of Weblogic
WebSpherePackageScanClassResolverWebSphere specific resolver to handle loading annotated resources in JAR files.Classliquibase.servicelocatorLiquiBase
WebMapServiceCachedImageGlobeOverlayA CustomImageGlobeOverlay that uses data from a WMS-C ( Analytical Graphics )
ServletContextRegistry .WebAppTypeReturns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.Classorg.onehippo.cms7.servicesHippo
WebFileA WebFile contains binary data that can be
WebFileBundleA collection of WebFiles,
NativeWebSocketA web socket upgrade created from NativeRequest.Interfaceorg.jooby.spiJooby
WebSocketWebSockets Creating web sockets is pretty straightforward: ws("/", (ws) -> {Interfaceorg.joobyJooby
WebSocket .CallbackWeb socket callback.Interfaceorg.joobyJooby
WebSocket .CloseStatusHold a status code and optionally a reason message for WebSocket.Classorg.joobyJooby
WebSocket .DefinitionConfigure a web socket.Classorg.joobyJooby
WebSocket .ErrCallbackWeb socket err callback.Interfaceorg.joobyJooby
WebSocket .HandlerA web socket connect handler.Interfaceorg.joobyJooby
WebSocket .SuccessCallbackWeb socket success callback.Interfaceorg.joobyJooby
WebStartDBSearchA Web Start wrapper for a FarmJobRunnable.Classorg.biojava.nbio.structure.align.webstartBioJava
WebServiceServletIt's a quick way to deploy json/xml web service by Hello web serviceClasscom.landawn.abacus.httpAbacusUtils
WebColorsThis class is a HashMap that contains the names of colors as a key and the corresponding BaseColor as value.Classcom.itextpdfIText
DicomAndWebStorageServerThe DicomAndWebStorageServer implements a DICOM storage server with query and retrieval as well as an HTTP server that respondsClasscom.pixelmed.serverPixelMed
WebRequestThe WebRequest class parses a URL that contains a requestType parameter and additional query parameters.Classcom.pixelmed.webPixelMed
WebServerApplicationPropertiesThis class provides common support to applications requiring properties related to web services.Classcom.pixelmed.webPixelMed
Cobweb Class implementing the Cobweb and Classit clustering algorithms.Classweka.clusterersWeka