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 Q31. How can we specify that a particular variable may have either of the two data types in Typescript ? Typescript
Ans. Yes

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 Q32. How can we specify that a particular variable may have either of the two data types in Typescript ? Typescript
Ans. let result: string | boolean;

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 Q33. What does the following declaration mean

let result: string | number;
Ans. It means we can assign either a string or a number to result.

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 Q34. Will the following code give any error

let result: string | number;
result = true;
Ans. Yes, result can either be string or a number but not boolean.

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 Q35. Will the following code give any error

let result: string | number;
result = 'true';
Ans. No

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 Q36. Will the following code give any error

let result: string | number;
result = 'true';
Ans. No

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 Q37. Will the following code give any error

let result: boolean;
result = false | true;
Ans. Yes, | is a bitwise operator and not boolean or. Use || instead

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 Q38. Will this code give any error ?

let result: boolean;
result = false || true;
Ans. No

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 Q39. Will this code give any error ?

let result: boolean | string;
result = false || 'true';
Ans. No

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 Q40. Will this code give any error ?

let result: string;
result = false || 'true';
Ans. No

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