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Ans. HBM Files ( Mapping )
DB Connection ( DB Connection String , User Name , Password , Pool Size )
SQL Dialect ( SQL variant to be generated )
Show SQL ( Show / No show SQL on Console )
Auto Commit ( True / False )
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Ans. The config object is an instantiation of javax.servlet.ServletConfig and is a direct wrapper around the ServletConfig object for the generated servlet. This object allows the JSP programmer access to the Servlet or JSP engine initialization parameters such as the paths or file location.
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Ans. Spring configuration file is an XML file. This file contains the classes information and describes how these classes are configured and introduced to each other.
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1) Local Revert: It will delete all changes from files which you made after updates and before commit.
2) Repo Revert: Upload the changes to previous Repo.
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Ans. Convention over configuration is a way of software design used by frameworks that attempt to decrease the number of decisions that a developer is required to make without necessarily losing flexibility. The objective is to reduce the unnecessary configurations and follow conventions to accomplish that. For example - DB Entity and DB Table name conventionally should be same and hence shouldn't require configuring mapping between the two.
"Spring Boot" and "Ruby on Rails" have adopted this design principle.
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Ans. Yes, It may result in some loss of flexibility as the application has to follow all conventions. Moreover it can contradict with other design paradigms or principles used in the application or framework.
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Ans. Hibernate mapping configurations are used for mapping hibernate entities and corresponding DB Tables. Conventionally Entities and Table can share the same name and hence framework can provide implicit mapping instead of explicit mapping through configurations. Though it may result in little loss of flexibility in extreme cases but will work with all applications following the convention.
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With Spring, we use the @ComponentScan annotation along with the @Configuration annotation to specify the packages that we want to be scanned. @ComponentScan without arguments tells Spring to scan the current package and all of its sub-packages.
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