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Core Java - Interview Questions and Answers for 'Derived class' - 2 question(s) found - Order By Newest

 Q1. Difference between Base Class, Derived Class , Abstract Class and Concrete Class ?Core Java
Ans. Base Class is a relative term used to signify the Parent class in Parent - Child or Base - derived relationship.

Derived Class is a relative term used to signify the Child class in Parent - Child or Base - derived relationship.

Abstract Class is a class that is not allowed to be instantiated and hence can serve only a base class for it's usage.

Concrete Class is the class which is supposed to be instantiated and hence provide definition for all implementing interface methods and extending abstract methods.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     Base Class   Derived Class    Abstract Class   Concrete Class

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  Q2. What is Inheritance ?Core Java
Ans. Its a facility for code reuse and independent extension wherein a derived class inherits the properties of parent class.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     inheritance  object oriented programming (oops)  oops concepts  oops concepts  java concepts  code reuse  code re-use   classes  derived classes     Asked in 14 Companies      basic        frequent

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a. Methods , Variables and Initialization Blocks.
b. Methods , Variables , Initialization Blocks and Outer Classes and nested Classes.
c. Methods , Variables , Initialization Blocks and Outer Classes.
d. Methods , Variables , Initialization Blocks and nested Classes
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1. new OuterClass().new InnerClass();

2. new OuterClass.InnerClass();
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