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Spring - Interview Questions and Answers for 'Infor' - 2 question(s) found - Order By Newest

Very frequently asked. Among first few questions in almost all interviews. Among Top 5 frequently asked questions. Frequently asked in Indian service companies (HCL,TCS,Infosys,Capgemini etc based on multiple feedback ) and Epam Systems
  Q1. Difference between == and .equals() ?Core Java
Ans. "equals" is the method of object class which is supposed to be overridden to check object equality, whereas "==" operator evaluate to see if the object handlers on the left and right are pointing to the same object in memory.

x.equals(y) means the references x and y are holding objects that are equal. x==y means that the references x and y have same object.

Sample code:

String x = new String("str");
String y = new String("str");

System.out.println(x == y); // prints false
System.out.println(x.equals(y)); // prints true

  Sample Code for equals

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   string comparison   string   object class   ==    equals   object equality  operator   == vs equals   equals vs ==     Asked in 294 Companies      basic        frequent

Try 6 Question(s) Test

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 What is the difference between = and == in Java ?
 How is == operator different for objects and primitive types ?
 What will be the output of following code

Integer x = 1;
Integer y = 2;
System.out.println(x == y);

What if you change 1 to "1" and Integer to String?

 Q2. Is there any relationship between Web.xml and Spring.xml ?Spring
Ans. No, there is no relationship between web.xml and spring.xml but you have to configure spring.xml in web.xml in order initialize beans when application starts up

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     spring  web.xml  spring.xml  deployment descriptor     Asked in 1 Companies

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 What is the difference between Singleton and Prototype Bean scope in Spring ?
  How can we manage Error Messages in the web application ?
  Difference between Java beans and Spring Beans ?
  What bean scopes does Spring support? Explain them.
  What are some differences between Spring caching and Hibernate caching?
 Can we have two beans with same class with different bean id in spring ?

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