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Ans. Final variable means a variable that has been declared final and hence cannot be de referenced after initialization. Effective final means a variable that has not been declared final but haven't been reassigned the value after initialization.
First is the regulation that restricts the reassignment and will raise a compilation error if we try to do so. Second is the outcome without the restriction.
Effective Final is the eventual treatment of the variable that is required for many features. For eq - Java 8 requires that local variables referenced from a lambda expression must be final or effectively final.It means all local referenced from lambda expressions must be such that their value shouldn't be changed after initialization whether declared final or not.
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Ans. In AWS Lambda we can run a function in synchronous or asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode, if AWS Lambda function fails, then it will just give an exception to the calling application. In asynchronous mode, if AWS Lambda function fails then it will retry the same function at least 3 times.If AWS Lambda is running in response to an event in Amazon DynamoDB or Amazon Kinesis, then the event will be retried till the Lambda function succeeds or the data expires. In DynamoDB or Kinesis, AWS maintains data for at least 24 hours.
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Ans. We can create API gateway and give the name of lambda function in order to be linked with lambda function, deploy the API and whenever request will be made from API it will directly be linked to lambda function to perform further process.
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Ans. Just like people , AWS resources too have execution roles or permissions. Seems like in such a situation Lambda function may not have sufficient privileges to perform operations on S3. For example - The execution role of Lambda may just have read permissions on S3 and we may be trying to perform PutObject operation.
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Ans. They all does the same task i.e to compute statistical information on the stream of data. They differ by the way they store the statistical information as they expect a different data type of the values being used.
IntSummaryStatistics and LongSummaryStatistics expect non floating point values and hence stores the statistical information like min,max and sum as non floating values ( int or long ) whereas DoubleSummaryStatistics stores these information as floating value.
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Q15. Lets say we have a set "set1" with objects of Class A, Class has a non static string called element1, Write a code ( using lambda expression ) to see if there is any object in the set with element1 = "Hello".
Ans. AWS Lambda is an event-driven, serverless computing platform provided by Amazon as a part of Amazon Web Services. It is a computing service that runs code in response to events and automatically manages the computing resources required by that code. It was introduced in November 2014.
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