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Core Java - Interview Questions and Answers for 'Object equality' - 7 question(s) found - Order By Newest
Very frequently asked. Among first few questions in almost all interviews. Among Top 5 frequently asked questions. Frequently asked in Indian service companies (HCL,TCS,Infosys,Capgemini etc based on multiple feedback ) and Epam Systems
Ans. "equals" is the method of object class which is supposed to be overridden to check object equality, whereas "==" operator evaluate to see if the object handlers on the left and right are pointing to the same object in memory.
x.equals(y) means the references x and y are holding objects that are equal. x==y means that the references x and y have same object.
Sample code:
String x = new String("str");
String y = new String("str");
System.out.println(x == y); // prints false
System.out.println(x.equals(y)); // prints true
Ans. = is the assignment operator that assigns the result of the expression on the right to the variable on the left, whereas
== is the operator to check object equality to see if the reference on left and right are pointing to the same object. For primitive types, its used to check if both variables holds the same value.
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Ans. It will print "true" with integers as well as strings. The reason is "Integer constant pool" and "String pool"
String pool maintains pool of string literals. When a string literal is used for the first time, a new string object is created and is added to the pool. Upon it's subsequent usage , the reference for the same object is returned. Similarly java uses integer constant pool.
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