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Core Java - Interview Questions and Answers for 'Object instantiation' - 2 question(s) found - Order By Newest | ||||
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Ans. Though It's often confused with each other, Object Creation ( Instantiation ) and Initialization ( Construction ) are different things in Java. Construction follows object creation. Object Creation is the process to create the object in memory and returning its handler. Java provides New keyword for object creation. Initialization is the process of setting the initial / default values to the members. Constructor is used for this purpose. If we don't provide any constructor, Java provides one default implementation to set the default values according to the member data types. | ||||
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Like Discuss Correct / Improve  java   oops   constructor   object instantiation | ||||
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Ans. new operator is used to statically create an instance of object. newInstance() is used to create an object dynamically ( like if the class name needs to be picked from configuration file ). If you know what class needs to be initialized , new is the optimized way of instantiating Class. | ||||
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Like Discuss Correct / Improve  java   oops   object instantiation   object creation   class.forname   newinstance   new operator   difference between   advanced intermediate | ||||
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