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Ans. In preemptive scheduling, highest priority task continues execution till it enters a not running state or a higher priority task comes into existence. In time slicing, the task continues its execution for a predefined period of time and reenters the pool of ready tasks.
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Ans. A source of possible errors in parallel programming, where one thread can cause an error in another thread by changing some aspect of the state of the program that the second thread is depending on (such as the value of variable).
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Ans. An asynchronous event is one that occurs at an unpredictable time outside the control of the program that the CPU is running. It is not "synchronized" with the program.
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Ans. 1. when an OS wants to start running program it creates new process means a process is a program that is currently executing and every process has at least one thread running within it. 2). A thread is a path of code execution in the program, which has its own local variables, program counter(pointer to current execution being executed) and lifetime. 3. When the JavaVirtual Machine (JavaVM, or just VM) is started by the operating system, a new process is created. Within that process, many threads can be created. 4. Consider an example : when you open Microsoft word in your OS and you check your task manger then you can see this running program as a process. now when you write something in opened word document, then it performs more than one work at same time like it checks for the correct spelling, it formats the word you enter , so within that process ( word) , due to different path execution(thread) all different works are done at same time. 5. Within a process , every thread has independent path of execution but there may be situation where two threads can interfere with each other then concurrency and deadlock come is picture. 6. like two process can communicate ( ex:u open an word document and file explorer and on word document you drag and drop another another file from file explorer), same way two threads can also communicate with each other and communication with two threads is relatively low. 7. Every thread in java is created and controlled by unique object of java.lang.Thread class. 8. prior to jdk 1.5, there were lack in support of asynchronous programming in java, so in that case it was considered that thread makes the runtime environment asynchronous and allow different task to perform concurrently.
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Ans. Suspend method is used to suspend thread which can be restarted by using resume() method. stop() is used to stop the thread, it cannot be restarted again.
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LikeDiscussCorrect / Improve  java   threads   multi threading   operating system   synchronization   suspend   stop basic  rare
Usually asked only to fresh graduates and less experienced developers.
Q14. What is a daemon thread? Give an Example ?
Ans. These are threads that normally run at a low priority and provide a basic service to a program or programs when activity on a machine is reduced. garbage collector thread is daemon thread.
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Ans. PATH is the variable that holds the directories for the OS to look for executables. CLASSPATH is the variable that holds the directories for JVM to look for .class files ( Byte Code ).
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Ans. No, Java runs on a virtual machine called JVM and hence doesn't embed well with the underlying hardware. Though we can create a platform independent system software but that would be really slow and that's what we would never need.
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LikeDiscussCorrect / Improve  java   system software java   jvm   yes-no   yes no   java operating system   architecture
Ans. Fail Safe systems are tolerant systems that continue processing even if they sense any problem. the objective here is to continue with the processing even if there are some problems instead of completely shutting it down. Example could be to catch an exception and still letting it complete with partial results.
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Ans. Performance of a system doesn't solely rely on size of processor or it's communication size. It should also be compatible with other resources like memory, storage etc. Moreover it makes no sense to have 64 bit systems when there is hardly any software than can run on 64 bit system.
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Ans. Priority inversion is a problematic scenario in scheduling in which a high priority task is indirectly preempted by a lower priority task effectively inverting the relative priorities of the two tasks.
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Ans. mutual exclusion i.e the resource is not shareable and hence a process should have exclusive access to it at a particular time
Hold and Wait i.e the process doesn't release all existing resources held by it before requesting for another one.
No preemption i.e noone can forcefully release a resource held by another process and the process should voluntarily release the resource held by it.
Circular Wait - For ex, P1 is waiting on resource to be released by P2, P2 is waiting on resource to be released by P3 and P3 is waiting on the resource to be released by P1
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Ans. It's an operating system file that maps IP address to host names. The hosts file assists the OS in addressing networked components and serves the function of translating human friendly hostnames into numeric protocol addresses, called IP addresses, that identify and locate a host in an IP network.
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