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Interview Questions and Answers for 'Raybiz' - 2 question(s) found - Order By Newest

 Q1. Explain about anonymous inner classes ?Core Java
Ans. Anonymous classes are defined in the new expression itself, so you cannot create multiple objects of an anonymous class.

You cannot explicitly extend a class or explicitly implement interfaces when defining an anonymous class.

An anonymous inner class is always created as part of a statement; don't forget to close the statement after the class definition with a curly brace. This is a rare case in Java, a curly brace followed by a semicolon.

Anonymous inner classes have no name, and their type must be either a subclass of the named type or an implementer of the named interface

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   inner classes   anonymous inner classes   classes     Asked in 1 Companies

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Very frequently asked. Usually followed by questions related to private constructor and synchronized access. Frequently asked in JPMorgan and TCS (Based on 2 feedback)
  Q2. Explain Singleton Design Pattern ?Design

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   design pattern   singleton   at&t   ebay  fidelity india  united healthcare india     Asked in 46 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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//Double Checked Locking Code
public static Singleton createInstance() {
   if(singleton == null){
      synchronized(Singleton.class) {
         if(singleton == null) {
            singleton = new Singleton();
   return singleton;

//Single checked locking code
public static Singleton createInstance() {
   synchronized(Singleton.class) {
      if(singleton == null) {
         singleton = new Singleton();
   return singleton;
 What are design situations to use Singleton and Prototype Design Pattern ?
 How to avoid cloning, serialization in the singleton class ?
 When singleton can break and how to resolve it
 If you are given choice to either load object eagerly or lazily , which one would you use in case of singleton pattern ?
  When should we use prototype scope and singleton scope for beans ?

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