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Core Java - Interview Questions and Answers for 'String' - 83 question(s) found - Order By Newest
Very frequently asked. Among first few questions in almost all interviews. Among Top 5 frequently asked questions. Frequently asked in Indian service companies (HCL,TCS,Infosys,Capgemini etc based on multiple feedback ) and Epam Systems
Ans. "equals" is the method of object class which is supposed to be overridden to check object equality, whereas "==" operator evaluate to see if the object handlers on the left and right are pointing to the same object in memory.
x.equals(y) means the references x and y are holding objects that are equal. x==y means that the references x and y have same object.
Sample code:
String x = new String("str");
String y = new String("str");
System.out.println(x == y); // prints false
System.out.println(x.equals(y)); // prints true
Ans. 1. String Pool - When a string is created and if it exists in the pool, the reference of the existing string will be returned instead of creating a new object. If string is not immutable, changing the string with one reference will lead to the wrong value for the other references.
Example -
String str1 = "String1";
String str2 = "String1"; // It doesn't create a new String and rather reuses the string literal from pool
// Now both str1 and str2 pointing to same string object in pool, changing str1 will change it for str2 too
2. To Cache its Hashcode - If string is not immutable, One can change its hashcode and hence it's not fit to be cached.
3. Security - String is widely used as parameter for many java classes, e.g. network connection, opening files, etc. Making it mutable might possess threats due to interception by the other code segment.
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Ans. If the Object value will not change, use String Class because a String object is immutable.
If the Object value can change and will only be modified from a single thread, use StringBuilder because StringBuilder is unsynchronized(means faster).
If the Object value may change, and can be modified by multiple threads, use a StringBuffer because StringBuffer is thread safe(synchronized).
When we create a String using double quotes, JVM looks in the String pool to find if any other String is stored with same value. If found, it just returns the reference to that String object else it creates a new String object with given value and stores it in the String pool.
2. new keyword
When we use new operator, JVM creates the String object but dont store it into the String Pool. We can use intern() method to store the String object into String pool or return the reference if there is already a String with equal value present in the pool.
Ans. String is immutable in java and stored in String pool. Once it's created it stays in the pool until unless garbage collected, so even though we are done with password it's available in memory for longer duration and there is no way to avoid it. It's a security risk because anyone having access to memory dump can find the password as clear text.
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Ans. String pool (String intern pool) is a special storage area in Java heap. When a string is created and if the string already exists in the pool, the reference of the existing string will be returned, instead of creating a new object and returning its reference.
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Ans. String is widely used as parameter for many java classes, e.g. network connection, opening files, etc. Making it mutable might possess threats due to interception by the other code segment or hacker over internet.
Once a String constant is created in Java , it stays in string constant pool until garbage collected and hence stays there much longer than what's needed. Any unauthorized access to string Pool pose a threat of exposing these values.
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Ans. Because it doesn't make the change in the existing string but would create a new string by concatenating the new string to previous string. So Original string won't get changed but a new string will be created. That is why when we say
It means nothing because we haven't specified the reference to the new string and we have no way to access the new concatenated string. Accessing str1 with the above code will still give the original string.
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Ans. FALSE. == operator compares object references, a and b are references to two different objects, hence the FALSE. .equals method is used to compare string object content.
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Very frequently asked. Usually asked in different variants like Diff between StringBuffer , String Builder ; Difference between StringBuilder and String class; Choice between these classes etc.
Q12. What is the difference between StringBuffer and String class ?
Ans. A string buffer implements a mutable sequence of characters. A string buffer is like a String, but can be modified. At any point in time it contains some particular sequence of characters, but the length and content of the sequence can be changed through certain method calls.
The String class represents character strings. All string literals in Java programs, such as "abc" are constant and implemented as instances of this class; their values cannot be changed after they are created.
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Ans. Since String is immutable, its hashcode is cached at the time of creation and it doesnt need to be calculated again. This makes it a great candidate for key in a Map and its processing is fast than other HashMap key objects. This is why String is mostly used Object as HashMap keys.
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Ans. substring method would build a new String object keeping a reference to the whole char array, to avoid copying it. Hence you can inadvertently keep a reference to a very big character array with just a one character string.
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Ans. We can use String getBytes() method to convert String to byte array and we can use String constructor new String(byte[] arr) to convert byte array to String.
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Q30. public class a {
public static void main(String args[]){
final String s1=""job"";
final String s2=""seeker"";
String s3=s1.concat(s2);
String s4=""jobseeker"";
System.out.println(s3==s4); // Output 1
System.out.println(s3.hashCode()==s4.hashCode()); Output 2
Ans. S3 and S4 are pointing to different memory location and hence Output 1 will be false.
Hash code is generated to be used as hash key in some of the collections in Java and is calculated using string characters and its length. As they both are same string literals, and hence their hashcode is same.Output 2 will be true.
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