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Ans. HashTable has been deprecated. As an alternative, ConcurrentHashMap has been provided. It uses multiple buckets to store data and hence much better performance than HashTable. Moreover, there is already a raw type HashMap. The only difference between the HashTable and HashMap is that Hashtable is synchronized whereas HashMap is not. Most of the synchronized collections have been deprecated and their raw alternative have been presented as preferred.Synchronization has a cost. Using synchronized collection in places where there is no need of it leads to useless utilization of resources. As these collections are rarely used in a static context or shared among threads, Java might have thought it better to just provide the raw collection and let developers implement synchronization if he feels the need to do so. HashMap is now presented as the default and the preferred way of using Map with read optimized hashing, and ConcurrentHashMap has been provided for synchronized access which provides better performance than HashTable. Because of this, Java thought it right to deprecate the use of HashTable.'
Synchronization has a cost. Using synchronized collection at a place where there is hardly any need of it would means useless utilization of resources. As these collections are rarely used in static context or shared among threads, Java might have thought it better to just provide the raw collection and let developer implement synchronization if he feels the need to do so.
As HashMap has been presented as default and preferred way of using Map with read optimized hashing, and ConcurrentHashMap has been provided for synchronized access which provides better performance than HashTable, Java thought it right to deprecate the use of HashTable.
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Ans. It means that only 1 thread can access have access to Vector at a time and no parallel access is allowed whereas Array List allows parallel access by multiple threads.
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Ans. The goal of a synchronised block is to achieve mutual exclusion i.e at one time, the segment of the code should be executed by single thread only and hence the lock needs to be retrieved before executing the segment and then released.
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Ans. Synchronize is used to achieve mutual exclusion i.e at one time, the segment of the code, method that has been declared synchronized should be executed by single thread only and hence the lock needs to be retrieved before executing the segment and then released.
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Ans. synchronized is a keyword and a modifier. The synchronized keyword is used to indicate that a method can be accessed exclusively by one thread at a time.
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Ans. Synchronized List locks the whole list to provide synchronization and thread safety during the read or write operation, while, CopyOnWriteArrayList doesn’t lock the whole list during these operations.
The CopyOnWriteArrayList class works according to its name i.e. copy-on-write which performs different actions for reading and write operations. For every write operation (add, set, remove, etc), it makes a new copy of the elements in the list. and for the read operations (get, iterator, listIterator, etc), it works on a different copy. So there is no additional overhead during a read operation and its read operation is faster than Collections.SynchronizedList(). Thus, COWAL is better for reading operation than Synchronized List.
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Ans. Both provide the thread safety but the actual difference come when talk about performance. CHM gives best performance when no of writer threads are less in number.
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