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Java EE - Interview Questions and Answers for 'Web applications' - 25 question(s) found - Order By Newest

Recently asked in TCS , Tech Mahindra, HCL , Accenture and Fidelity.
  Q1. Explain Flow of Spring MVC ?Spring
Ans. The DispatcherServlet configured in web.xml file receives the request.

The DispatcherServlet finds the appropriate Controller with the help of HandlerMapping and then invokes associated Controller.

Then the Controller executes the logic business logic and then returns ModeAndView object to the DispatcherServlet.

The DispatcherServlet determines the view from the ModelAndView object.

Then the DispatcherServlet passes the model object to the View.

The View is rendered and the Dispatcher Servlet sends the output to the Servlet container.

Finally Servlet Container sends the result back to the user.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   spring   mvc   frameworks   web applications   architecture     Asked in 11 Companies      Basic        frequent

 Q2. What is session tracking and how do you track a user session in servlets?Java EE
Ans. Session tracking is a mechanism that servlets use to maintain state about a series requests from the same user across some period of time. The methods used for session tracking are:

User Authentication - occurs when a web server restricts access to some of its resources to only those clients that log in using a recognized username and password

Hidden form fields - fields are added to an HTML form that are not displayed in the client's browser. When the form containing the fields is submitted, the fields are sent back to the server

URL rewriting - every URL that the user clicks on is dynamically modified or rewritten to include extra information. The extra information can be in the form of extra path information, added parameters or some custom, server-specific URL change.

Cookies - a bit of information that is sent by a web server to a browser and which can later be read back from that browser.

HttpSession- places a limit on the number of sessions that can exist in memory.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   servlets   session   session management   web applications   cookies   httpsession   url rewriting   architecture     Asked in 1 Companies

Very frequently asked.Usually among first few questions.
  Q3. What is MVC ? Design
Ans. MVC is a Design Pattern that facilititates loose coupling by segregating responsibilities in a Web application

1. Controller receives the requests and handles overall control of the request
2. Model holds majority of the Business logic, and
3. View comprise of the view objects and GUI component

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   mvc   mvc design pattern   design pattern   struts   spring   web application   web frameworks   ebay     Asked in 60 Companies      basic        frequent

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 Q4. what is the use of cookie and session ? and What is the difference between them ?Java EE
Ans. Cookie and Session are used to store the user information. Cookie stores user information on client side and Session does it on server side. Primarily, Cookies and Session are used for authentication, user preferences, and carrying information across multiple requests. Session is meant for the same purpose as the cookie does. Session does it on server side and Cookie does it on client side. One more thing that quite differentiates between Cookie and Session. Cookie is used only for storing the textual information. Session can be used to store both textual information and objects.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     session   session management   java   cookies   authentication   web application   ebay      intermediate

 Q5. Difference between the jsp scriptlet tag and jsp declaration tag?Java EE
Ans. The jsp scriptlet tag can only declare variables not methods whereas jsp declaration tag can declare variables as well as methods.

The declaration of scriptlet tag is placed inside the _jspService() method whereas The declaration of jsp declaration tag is placed outside the _jspService() method.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   jsp   scriptlet tag   declaraation tag   web application

 Q6. What is meant by an "asynchronous event." Give some examples ?Operating System
Ans. An asynchronous event is one that occurs at an unpredictable time outside the control of the program that the CPU is running. It is not "synchronized" with the program.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   internet   web application   asynchronus   asynchronus communication   architecture     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q7. Can we have multiple servlets in a web application and How can we do that ?Java EE
Ans. Yes by making entries in web.xml

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   servlets   servelets   web application   java   web.xml   yes-no   architecture

 Q8. How can we manage Error Messages in the web application ?Solution
Ans. Within file.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   web application   struts   spring     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q9. What bean scopes does Spring support? Explain them.Spring
Ans. The Spring Framework supports following five scopes -


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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   spring   mvc   frameworks   web applications   beans   beans scope   at&t  fidelity

 Q10. What are different types of cookies ?Java EE
Ans. Session cookies , which are deleted once the session is over.

Permanent cookies , which stays at client PC even if the session is disconnected.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   servlets   session   session management   web applications   cookies   httpsession

 Q11. Describe structure of a Web application.architecture
Ans. WEB APP |WEB-INF - META-INF | | | META-INF.MF | lib - WEB.xml - Classes

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     web application     Asked in 3 Companies      intermediate        frequent

  Q12. What is a cookie ?Java EE
Ans. A cookie is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by the browser for a specific domain. Commonly used for authentication, storing site preferences, and server session identification.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     cookie   javascript   web application   session management   browser   j2ee     Asked in 16 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q13. What is servlet Chaining ?Java EE
Ans. Multiple servlets serving the request in chain.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   web application   servlets     Asked in 1 Companies        rare

 Q14. What are different modules of spring ?
Ans. There are seven core modules in spring

Spring MVC
The Core container
O/R mapping
Application context
Aspect Oriented Programming or AOP
Web module

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   spring   mvc   frameworks   web applications

 Q15. What is Spring configuration file?Spring
Ans. Spring configuration file is an XML file. This file contains the classes information and describes how these classes are configured and introduced to each other.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   spring   mvc   frameworks   web applications   spring configuration file     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q16. Q: What is default scope of bean in Spring framework?Spring
Ans. The default scope of bean is Singleton.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   spring   mvc   frameworks   web applications   bean

Very Frequently asked Spring question.
  Q17. What is bean auto wiring?Spring
Ans. The Spring container is able to autowire relationships between collaborating beans. This means that it is possible to automatically let Spring resolve collaborators (other beans) for your bean by inspecting the contents of the BeanFactory without using and elements.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   spring   mvc   frameworks   web applications   autowiring   beans   at&t   ge     Asked in 9 Companies        frequent

 Q18. What are the phases of the JSP life cycle ?Java EE
Ans. Translation of JSP PageCompilation of JSP PageClassloading (class file is loaded by the classloader)Instantiation (Object of the Generated Servlet is created).Initialization ( jspInit() method is invoked by the container).Reqeust processing ( _jspService() method is invoked by the container).Destroy ( jspDestroy() method is invoked by the container).

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   servlets   servelets   web application   jsp   jsp life cycle   mindtree     Asked in 9 Companies

 Q19. What are JSP directives ? What are different types of directives ?Java EE
Ans. The jsp directives are messages that tells the web container how to translate a JSP page into the corresponding servlet.

There are three types of directives -

page directive
include directive
taglib directive

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   servlets   servelets   web application   jsp   jsp ldirectives

 Q20. What is the use of HTTPSession in relation to http protocol ?Java EE
Ans. http protocol on its own is stateless. So it helps in identifying the relationship between multiple stateless request as they come from a single source.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   servlets   web application   session   httpsession   architecture     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q21. Why using cookie to store session info is a better idea than just using session info in the request ?Java EE
Ans. Session info in the request can be intercepted and hence a vulnerability. Cookie can be read and write by respective domain only and make sure that right session information is being passed by the client.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   servlets   session   session management   web applications   cookies   httpsession   architecture

 Q22. http protocol is by default ... ?Java EE
Ans. stateless

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   servlets   session   session management   web applications   cookies   httpsession   architecture

 Q23. Have you ever faced any problem due to caching?
Ans. Yes , sometime we receive issues related to outdated pages being rendered to the user. In those cases we clear the cache and then try to investigate the reason for that. Sometime the issue is due to comparatively high refresh interval. In those cases we reduce the cache refresh interval.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     caching   cache   java   web applications   production support   application support

 Q24. How Bitly shortens the URL ?Web
 This question was recently asked at 'Symantec'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     web application   url     Asked in 1 Companies        rare

 Q25. What is the use of load-on-startup ?Design
Ans. The load-on-startup element of web-app loads the servlet at the time of deployment or server start if value is positive. It is also known as pre initialization of servlet.You can pass positive and negative value for the servlet.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     load on startup   web application     Asked in 1 Companies

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