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Interview Question and Answers - 3435 question(s) found - Order By Rating

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 Q1. What would you use the span element for ?HTML
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 Q2. What is Array.Map function ? What will be output of following ?

const myArray = [1, 4, 9, 16];
const result = => x * 2);
Ans. It will create an array with each value as x*2

[2, 8, 18, 32]

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 Q3. What is systemd in Unix ?Unix
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 Q4. Why cannot we initialize a final field within the constructor if the initialization is within try block ?Core Java
Ans. What if the initialization throws an exception. In that case , it will let it move forward without initializing the final field. So it's a way to enforce that either the field is initialized or it fails completely.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     oops

 Q5. Can we initialize final fields within the constructor ? Why ?Core Java
Ans. Yes, Because final fields needs to be initialized before the construction of the object completes. Not necessarily at the time of class loading.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     oops

 Q6. What is cyclic instantiation ? Have you ever faced any problem due to this ?OOP
Ans. Cyclic instantiation in OOPs may happen if Class A loading results in Class B Loading , and then Class B Loading results in Class C loading and then Class C has a static reference to Class A and hence results in cyclic instantiation or loading.

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 Q7. Can we have a directive that get's applied based on an attribute on a field ?Angular
Ans. Yes

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 Q8. How can we add a particular styling to a field based on a condition ? Angular
Ans. We can create a directive to do that.

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 Q9. What is the use of ElementRef in angular ?Angular
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 Q10. What is the use of Renderer class in angular ?Angular
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 Q11. What is the use of NgControl ?Angular
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 Q12. Can we have multiple selectors for a directive in Angular ?Angular
Ans. Yes

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 Q13. How can we add a text in front of all input fields in an application ?Angular
Ans. We can create a directive with selector as 'input' and then onInit of the directive , we can append the text to the input control html.

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 Q14. Can we get the validators for a control in angular ? How ?Angular
Ans. No -

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 Q15. Will this code give any error ?

let result: string;
result = false || 'true';
Ans. No

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 Q16. Will this code give any error ?

let result: boolean | string;
result = false || 'true';
Ans. No

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 Q17. Will this code give any error ?

let result: boolean;
result = false || true;
Ans. No

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 Q18. Will the following code give any error

let result: boolean;
result = false | true;
Ans. Yes, | is a bitwise operator and not boolean or. Use || instead

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 Q19. Will the following code give any error

let result: string | number;
result = 'true';
Ans. No

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 Q20. Will the following code give any error

let result: string | number;
result = 'true';
Ans. No

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 Q21. Will the following code give any error

let result: string | number;
result = true;
Ans. Yes, result can either be string or a number but not boolean.

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 Q22. What does the following declaration mean

let result: string | number;
Ans. It means we can assign either a string or a number to result.

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 Q23. How can we specify that a particular variable may have either of the two data types in Typescript ? Typescript
Ans. Yes

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 Q24. How can we specify that a particular variable may have either of the two data types in Typescript ? Typescript
Ans. let result: string | boolean;

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 Q25. Can we specify that a particular variable may have either of the two data types in Typescript ? Typescript
Ans. let result: string | boolean;

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 Q26. Is it safe to use session storage ?Javascript
Ans. Session storage can be accessed from XSS (Cross site Scripting) attacks but cookies (if set with "HttpOnly" and "Secure" flags) are more safer against these attacks.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     session storage  security

 Q27. How can you trim all strings in an array ?
Ans. => s.trim())

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   angular   typescript   javascript

 Q28. What is GIT Stash ?Git
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 Q29. What is conflict in GIT ?Git
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 Q30. What is staging in GIT ?Git
Ans. Before completing the commits, it can be formatted and reviewed in an intermediate area known as staging.

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