Interview Questions and Answers for 'Bharti airtel' - 3 question(s) found - Order By Rating Q1. How can be restrict creation of more than n objects in Java ? Core Java
Ans. We can follow the same design which we follow in singleton Classes. We can have a static counter that will keep the count of number of objects already created, We can keep the constructor private and being called through the static method. We can keep incrementing the counter before calling the constructor and put a check to call only if it's lesser than n. Help us improve. Please let us know the company, where you were asked this question : Like Discuss Correct / Improve   Asked in 1 Companies Related Questions Difference between == and .equals() ? Why is String immutable in Java ? Explain the scenerios to choose between String , StringBuilder and StringBuffer ?
What is the difference between String , StringBuilder and StringBuffer ? What are the difference between composition and inheritance in Java? Explain OOPs
Explain OOPs Principles
Explain OOPs Concepts
Explain OOPs features
Tell me something about OOPs What is a Lambda Expression ? What's its use ? What are different ways to create String Object? Explain. Why Char array is preferred over String for storing password? Does garbage collection guarantee that a program will not run out of memory? What is the difference between final, finally and finalize() ? Basic and Very Frequently asked. Ans. Polymorphism means the condition of occurring in several different forms.
Polymorphism in Java is achieved in two manners
1. Static polymorphism is the polymorphic resolution identified at compile time and is achieved through function overloading whereas
2. Dynamic polymorphism is the polymorphic resolution identified at runtime and is achieved through method overriding. Sample Code for overloading Sample Code for overriding Help us improve. Please let us know the company, where you were asked this question : Like Discuss Correct / Improve  polymorphism  object oriented programming (oops)  oops concepts  oops concepts Asked in 108 Companies Basic   frequent Try 2 Question(s) TestRelated Questions What are points to consider in terms of access modifier when we are overriding any method? If everything is an object , Cant we declare every object as
Object obj = new String(); Why do we need polymorphism in Java ? How does java identifies which method to be called in method overriding or runtime polymorphism, when both methods share the same name and signature ? Shouldn't we make a class with all static members is its just expected to be executed as a standalone program with just one thread. Moreover Lets assume that there is no runtime Polymorphism required and there is no need for serialization ? Is this Polymorphism ?
Map<String, List<String>> inventoryManagerCountMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); When are static and instance methods resolved ? During compile time or Runtime ? Which of the following is not the difference between Singleton and Static class ( Class with static members only ) ? Which of the following do you think is the primary reason you would never use a static class even the application doesn't need multiple requests or threads ?
a. Serialization
b. Runtime Polymorphism
c. Lazy Loading
d. Memory Frequently asked at Manhattan Associates ( Based on 2 feedback ) Q3. What is a Lambda Expression ? What's its use ? Core Java
Ans. Its an anonymous method without any declaration.
Lambda Expression are useful to write shorthand Code and hence saves the effort of writing lengthy Code.
It promotes Developer productivity, Better Readable and Reliable code. Sample Code for lambda Help us improve. Please let us know the company, where you were asked this question : Like Discuss Correct / Improve  java   java8   lambda expression   architecture Asked in 58 Companies expert   frequent Try 1 Question(s) TestRelated Questions Difference between final and effectively final ? Why is effectively final even required ? Difference between Predicate, Supplier and Consumer ? What are the problems one could face while working with serverless technologies like AWS Lambda ? How does AWS Lambda handle failure during event processing? Can you explain the integration between API Gateway and Lambda if we wish to develop services using these tools. What would you do if you see an error thrown by a lambda function as "Access Denied" while doing something with S3 ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Lambda over EC2 ? What are the different trigger types in AWS Lambda ? What does the following lambda expression means ?